BOOL CRuntimeDlg::AddRCControl(LPCTSTR szRCType, LPCTSTR szClass, LPCTSTR szCaption, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT nID, UINT nIconID) { CString sClass(szClass); // get the win32 class name if (sClass.IsEmpty() || _tcsicmp(szRCType, _T("CONTROL")) != 0) { if (!CRCCtrlParser::GetClassName(szRCType, sClass) || sClass.IsEmpty()) return FALSE; } if (!dwStyle) dwStyle = CRCCtrlParser::GetDefaultStyles(sClass); if (!(dwStyle & WS_NOTVISIBLE)) dwStyle |= WS_VISIBLE; else dwStyle &= ~WS_NOTVISIBLE; if (CRCCtrlParser::CtrlWantsClientEdge(sClass)) dwExStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; if (GetSafeHwnd()) return (NULL != CreateControl(sClass, szCaption, dwStyle, dwExStyle, x, y, cx, cy, nID, TRUE, nIconID)); else { RTCONTROL rtc(NULL, sClass, szCaption, dwStyle, dwExStyle, CRect(x, y, x + cx, y + cy), nID, TRUE, nIconID); m_lstControls.AddTail(rtc); } return TRUE; }
HAudioBook::HAudioBook( const QString& title, const QString& parentId, const QString& id) : HAudioItem(*new HAudioBookPrivate(sClass(), sType())) { init(title, parentId, id); }
HWND Executor::findTables(const QString & tClass, HWND BeginHandle) { //найти окно HWND CurrWnd = NULL; CurrWnd = GetWindow(BeginHandle, GW_HWNDFIRST); while (CurrWnd) { char clName[MAX_WND_TEXT]; GetClassNameA(CurrWnd, clName, MAX_WND_TEXT); QString sClass(clName); if (sClass == tClass) { //вернуть первое //оно первое в z порядке return CurrWnd; } CurrWnd = GetWindow(CurrWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } return NULL; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetFormatClass() - tests a file to see if it is a recognized format and, if // so, returns the format class; throws an exception if not // filepath - file to test // AnsiString TRtfConverter::GetFormatClass(AnsiString filepath) { // allocate global storage for filepath and format class HGLOBAL hgszFile, hgszClass; hgszFile = GlobalAllocString(filepath); if (!hgszFile) throw ERtfConverter(fceNoMemory, "Insufficient memory"); hgszClass = ::GlobalAllocString(""); if (!hgszClass) { ::GlobalFree(hgszFile); throw ERtfConverter(fceNoMemory, "Insufficient memory"); } // test the file FCE fce = pIsFormatCorrect32(hgszFile, hgszClass); // on failure, free global storage and throw exception if (fce != fceTrue) { ::GlobalFree(hgszFile); ::GlobalFree(hgszClass); AnsiString msg("Format invalid"); if (pCchFetchLpszError) { char buf[256]; // arbitrary -- if not long enough, empty string returned if (pCchFetchLpszError(fce, buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]))) msg = AnsiString(buf); } throw ERtfConverter(fce, msg); } // copy the class name into local storage and free global storage char* p = (char*) ::GlobalLock(hgszClass); AnsiString sClass(p); ::GlobalUnlock(hgszClass); ::GlobalFree(hgszFile); ::GlobalFree(hgszClass); // return format class name return sClass; }
HICON CSkinBase::GetWindowIcon(CWnd* pWnd) { ASSERT (pWnd); if (!pWnd) return NULL; HICON hIcon = pWnd->GetIcon(FALSE); // small icon if (!hIcon) hIcon = pWnd->GetIcon(TRUE); // large icon if (!hIcon) { WNDCLASS wndcls; CString sClass(CWinClasses::GetClass(*pWnd)); if (GetClassInfo(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), sClass, &wndcls)) hIcon = wndcls.hIcon; } return hIcon; }
HAudioBroadcast::HAudioBroadcast( const QString& title, const QString& parentId, const QString& id) : HAudioItem(*new HAudioBroadcastPrivate(sClass(), sType())) { init(title, parentId, id); }
void Executor::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { TimerKiller killer(this, timer_id_, interval_); //ищем топовое окно заданного класса static const QString psClass = "TfrmTable"; static const int minFoldHue = 15; static const int maxFoldHue = 30; static const int minCallHue = 60; static const int maxCallHue = 70; static const int minCheckHue = 42; static const int maxCheckHue = 58; //смотрим топовое окно WId FgWnd = GetForegroundWindow(); char clName[MAX_WND_TEXT]; GetClassNameA(FgWnd, clName, MAX_WND_TEXT); QString sClass(clName); if (!sClass.contains(psClass)) { return; } //область кнопок QRect checkRect; QRect foldRect; bool hasCheck = false; bool hasFold = false; bool hasCall = false; int btnHeight = 110; int btnWidth = 0; WId BtnWnd = FindWindowEx(FgWnd, NULL, L"TAniLayer", NULL); if (BtnWnd) { RECT btnRect; //GetClientRect(BtnWnd, &btnRect); GetWindowRect(BtnWnd, &btnRect); btnHeight = btnRect.bottom -; btnWidth = btnRect.right - btnRect.left; btnWidth = btnWidth >> 1; HwndToTop(FgWnd); //делаем скрин области кнопок QPixmap pixBtn = QPixmap::grabWindow(BtnWnd, btnWidth, 0, btnWidth, btnHeight); QImage imgBtn = pixBtn.toImage(); //"btn.bmp"); QPoint ptFold, ptCall, ptCheck; //здесь нужна обработка нашего хода static const int rectMin = 10; //Начинаем поиск с кнопки Чек //если она есть то однозначно наш ход hasCheck = Proc770::checkHueButton(imgBtn, minCheckHue, maxCheckHue, rectMin, checkRect); if (!hasCheck) { //ищем кнопку Fold и Call hasFold = Proc770::checkHueButton(imgBtn, minFoldHue, maxFoldHue, rectMin, foldRect); hasCall = Proc770::checkHueButton(imgBtn, minCallHue, maxCallHue, rectMin); if (hasFold && hasCall) { //qDebug() << "FOLD is avail"; } else { return; } } else { //qDebug() << "CHECK is avail"; } } //здесь наш ход QPixmap pixRoom = QPixmap::grabWindow(FgWnd); QRect rectRoom = pixRoom.rect(); rectRoom.setHeight(rectRoom.height() - btnHeight); QImage imgRoom = pixRoom.copy(rectRoom).toImage(); // устанавливаем изображение для обработки cardProc_->setImage(imgRoom); // если стадия префлопа if (cardProc_->isPreflop()) { //qDebug() << "Preflop!"; // получить карманные карты bool ok = false; QPair<QRect, QRect> holeCards = cardProc_->getHoleCards(&ok); if (!ok) return; /// Debugging { //uint num = 0; //num = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); //"test/table_%1.bmp").arg(num)); //"test/btns_%1.bmp").arg(num)); //imgRoom.copy(holeCards.first).save(QString("test/first_%1.bmp").arg(num)); //imgRoom.copy(holeCards.second).save(QString("test/second_%1.bmp").arg(num)); /// } Debugging if (holeCards.first.isEmpty() || holeCards.second.isEmpty() || holeCards.first.isNull() || holeCards.second.isNull()) return; QImage firstImg = imgRoom.copy(holeCards.first); QImage secondImg = imgRoom.copy(holeCards.second); QString card1 = cardFromImage(firstImg); QString card2 = cardFromImage(secondImg); if (card1.length() != 2 || card2.length() != 2) return; //qDebug() << card1 << card2; //сохранить карты в кэш QString joined = card1 + card2; if (joined == cache_ && !lastIsFold_) { //хорошие карты - человек думает, не мешать return; } else { cache_ = joined; } QString range = cardRangeFromHoles(card1, card2); //qDebug() << range; if (playingCard_.contains(range)) { //panic! lastIsFold_ = false; if (data_.visualAlert) { alarm_->highlight(joined, FgWnd); } if (data_.turnBeep) { QString appExe = qApp->applicationDirPath(); QSound::play(appExe + "/sounds/turn.wav"); } } else { if (data_.advisorMode) { QString advice = tr("Fold/Check this hand: %1") .arg(card1 + " " + card2); cbFun(advice.toStdString().c_str()); return; } //foldOrCheck(FgWnd); //qDebug() << "Check Rect" << checkRect; int w = checkRect.width(); int h = checkRect.height(); checkRect.setX(btnWidth + checkRect.x()); checkRect.setY(imgRoom.height() + checkRect.y()); checkRect.setWidth(w); checkRect.setHeight(h); //qDebug() << "New Check Rect" << checkRect; //qDebug() << "Fold Rect" << foldRect; w = foldRect.width(); h = foldRect.height(); foldRect.setX(btnWidth + foldRect.x()); foldRect.setY(imgRoom.height() + foldRect.y()); foldRect.setWidth(w); foldRect.setHeight(h); //qDebug() << "New Fold Rect" << foldRect; if (hasCheck) { if (data_.checkBeep) { QString appExe = qApp->applicationDirPath(); QSound::play(appExe + "/sounds/check.wav"); } clickTo(FgWnd, checkRect); if (data_.showFolded) { QString sAction = tr("This hand has been checked: "); cbFun(QString(sAction + card1 + " " + card2).toStdString().c_str()); } //обнулить кэш cache_.clear(); lastIsFold_ = false; } else if (hasFold) { lastIsFold_ = true; if (data_.foldBeep) { QString appExe = qApp->applicationDirPath(); QSound::play(appExe + "/sounds/fold.wav"); } clickTo(FgWnd, foldRect); if (data_.showFolded) { QString sAction = tr("This hand has been folded: "); cbFun(QString(sAction + card1 + " " + card2).toStdString().c_str()); } } } } //код для набивки базы карт /* qDebug() << "Check Rect" << checkRect; int w = checkRect.width(); int h = checkRect.height(); checkRect.setX(btnWidth + checkRect.x()); checkRect.setY(imgRoom.height() + checkRect.y()); checkRect.setWidth(w); checkRect.setHeight(h); qDebug() << "New Check Rect" << checkRect; qDebug() << "Fold Rect" << foldRect; w = foldRect.width(); h = foldRect.height(); foldRect.setX(btnWidth + foldRect.x()); foldRect.setY(imgRoom.height() + foldRect.y()); foldRect.setWidth(w); foldRect.setHeight(h); qDebug() << "New Fold Rect" << foldRect; if (cardProc_->isPreflop()) { if (hasCheck) { clickTo(FgWnd, checkRect); } else if (hasFold && hasCall) { clickTo(FgWnd, foldRect); } } else { clickTo(FgWnd, foldRect); clickTo(FgWnd, checkRect); qDebug() << "Flop at least!"; return; } */ }
HVideoProgram::HVideoProgram( const QString& title, const QString& parentId, const QString& id) : HEpgItem(*new HVideoProgramPrivate(sClass(), sType())) { init(title, parentId, id); }
HPerson::HPerson( const QString& title, const QString& parentId, const QString& id) : HContainer(*new HPersonPrivate(sClass(), sType())) { init(title, parentId, id); }
HBookmarkFolder::HBookmarkFolder( const QString& title, const QString& parentId, const QString& id) : HContainer(*new HBookmarkFolderPrivate(sClass(), sType())) { init(title, parentId, id); }
HAudioChannelGroup::HAudioChannelGroup( const QString& title, const QString& parentId, const QString& id) : HChannelGroup(*new HAudioChannelGroupPrivate(sClass(), sType())) { init(title, parentId, id); }