コード例 #1
ファイル: dialogs.cpp プロジェクト: AsamQi/vlc
/// Callback called when a new skin is chosen
void Dialogs::showChangeSkinCB( intf_dialog_args_t *pArg )
    intf_thread_t *pIntf = (intf_thread_t *)pArg->p_arg;

    if( pArg->i_results )
        if( pArg->psz_results[0] )
            // Create a change skin command
            CmdChangeSkin *pCmd =
                new CmdChangeSkin( pIntf, sFromLocale( pArg->psz_results[0] ) );

            // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
            AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pIntf );
            pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );
    else if( !pIntf->p_sys->p_theme )
        // If no theme is already loaded, it's time to quit!
        CmdQuit *pCmd = new CmdQuit( pIntf );
        AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pIntf );
        pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );
コード例 #2
ファイル: theme_loader.cpp プロジェクト: Gonsaave/vlc
// FIXME: could become a skins2 OS factory function or a vlc core function
std::string ThemeLoader::getTmpDir( )
#if defined( _WIN32 )
    wchar_t *tmpdir = _wtempnam( NULL, L"vlt" );
    if( tmpdir == NULL )
        return "";
    char* utf8 = FromWide( tmpdir );
    free( tmpdir );
    std::string tempPath( utf8 ? utf8 : "" );
    free( utf8 );
    return tempPath;

#elif defined( __OS2__ )
    char *tmpdir = tempnam( NULL, "vlt" );
    if( tmpdir == NULL )
        return "";
    std::string tempPath( sFromLocale( tmpdir ));
    free( tmpdir );
    return tempPath;

    char templ[] = "/tmp/vltXXXXXX";
    char *tmpdir = mkdtemp( templ );
    return std::string( tmpdir ? tmpdir : "");
コード例 #3
ファイル: theme_repository.cpp プロジェクト: Kafay/vlc
void ThemeRepository::parseDirectory( const string &rDir_locale )
    DIR *pDir;
    char *pszDirContent;
    vlc_value_t val, text;
    // Path separator
    const string &sep = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() )->getDirSeparator();

    // Open the dir
    // FIXME: parseDirectory should be invoked with UTF-8 input instead!!
    string rDir = sFromLocale( rDir_locale );
    pDir = utf8_opendir( rDir.c_str() );

    if( pDir == NULL )
        // An error occurred
        msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "cannot open directory %s", rDir.c_str() );

    // While we still have entries in the directory
    while( ( pszDirContent = utf8_readdir( pDir ) ) != NULL )
        string name = pszDirContent;
        string extension;
        if( name.size() > 4 )
            extension = name.substr( name.size() - 4, 4 );
        if( extension == ".vlt" || extension == ".wsz" )
            string path = rDir + sep + name;
            msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "found skin %s", path.c_str() );

            // Add the theme in the popup menu
            string shortname = name.substr( 0, name.size() - 4 );
            val.psz_string = strdup( path.c_str() );
            text.psz_string = strdup( shortname.c_str() );
            var_Change( getIntf(), "intf-skins", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val,
                        &text );
            free( val.psz_string );
            free( text.psz_string );

        free( pszDirContent );

    closedir( pDir );
コード例 #4
ファイル: dialogs.cpp プロジェクト: AsamQi/vlc
void Dialogs::showPlaylistLoadCB( intf_dialog_args_t *pArg )
    intf_thread_t *pIntf = (intf_thread_t *)pArg->p_arg;

    if( pArg->i_results && pArg->psz_results[0] )
        // Create a Playlist Load command
        CmdPlaylistLoad *pCmd =
            new CmdPlaylistLoad( pIntf, sFromLocale( pArg->psz_results[0] ) );

        // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
        AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pIntf );
        pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );
コード例 #5
void ThemeRepository::parseDirectory( const string &rDir_locale )
    DIR *pDir;
    char *pszDirContent;
    // Path separator
    const string &sep = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() )->getDirSeparator();

    // Open the dir
    // FIXME: parseDirectory should be invoked with UTF-8 input instead!!
    string rDir = sFromLocale( rDir_locale );
    pDir = vlc_opendir( rDir.c_str() );

    if( pDir == NULL )
        // An error occurred
        msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "cannot open directory %s", rDir.c_str() );

    // While we still have entries in the directory
    while( ( pszDirContent = vlc_readdir( pDir ) ) != NULL )
        string name = pszDirContent;
        string extension;
        if( name.size() > 4 )
            extension = name.substr( name.size() - 4, 4 );
        if( extension == ".vlt" || extension == ".wsz" )
            string path = rDir + sep + name;
            string shortname = name.substr( 0, name.size() - 4 );
            for( string::size_type i = 0; i < shortname.size(); i++ )
                shortname[i] = ( i == 0 ) ?
                               toupper( shortname[i] ) :
                               tolower( shortname[i] );
            m_skinsMap[shortname] = path;

            msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "found skin %s", path.c_str() );

        free( pszDirContent );

    closedir( pDir );
コード例 #6
ファイル: theme_loader.cpp プロジェクト: paa/vlc
bool ThemeLoader::extract( const string &fileName )
    bool result = true;
    char *tmpdir = tempnam( NULL, "vlt" );
    string tempPath = sFromLocale( tmpdir );
    free( tmpdir );

    // Extract the file in a temporary directory
    if( ! extractTarGz( fileName, tempPath ) &&
        ! extractZip( fileName, tempPath ) )
        deleteTempFiles( tempPath );
        return false;

    string path;
    string xmlFile;
    OSFactory *pOsFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
    // Find the XML file in the theme
    if( findFile( tempPath, DEFAULT_XML_FILE, xmlFile ) )
        path = getFilePath( xmlFile );
        // No XML file, check if it is a winamp2 skin
        string mainBmp;
        if( findFile( tempPath, "main.bmp", mainBmp ) )
            msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "trying to load a winamp2 skin" );
            path = getFilePath( mainBmp );

            // Look for winamp2.xml in the resource path
            list<string> resPath = pOsFactory->getResourcePath();
            list<string>::const_iterator it;
            for( it = resPath.begin(); it != resPath.end(); it++ )
                if( findFile( *it, WINAMP2_XML_FILE, xmlFile ) )

    if( !xmlFile.empty() )
        // Parse the XML file
        if (! parse( path, xmlFile ) )
            msg_Err( getIntf(), "error while parsing %s", xmlFile.c_str() );
            result = false;
        msg_Err( getIntf(), "no XML found in theme %s", fileName.c_str() );
        result = false;

    // Clean-up
    deleteTempFiles( tempPath );
    return result;
コード例 #7
bool ThemeLoader::findFile( const string &rootDir, const string &rFileName,
                            string &themeFilePath )
    // Path separator
    const string &sep = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() )->getDirSeparator();

    DIR *pCurrDir;
    struct dirent *pDirContent;

    // Open the dir
    pCurrDir = opendir( rootDir.c_str() );

    if( pCurrDir == NULL )
        // An error occurred
        msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "cannot open directory %s", rootDir.c_str() );
        return false;

    // Get the first directory entry
    pDirContent = (dirent*)readdir( pCurrDir );

    // While we still have entries in the directory
    while( pDirContent != NULL )
        string newURI = rootDir + sep + pDirContent->d_name;

        // Skip . and ..
        if( string( pDirContent->d_name ) != "." &&
            string( pDirContent->d_name ) != ".." )
#if defined( S_ISDIR )
            struct stat stat_data;
            stat( newURI.c_str(), &stat_data );
            if( S_ISDIR(stat_data.st_mode) )
#elif defined( DT_DIR )
            if( pDirContent->d_type & DT_DIR )
            if( 0 )
                // Can we find the file in this subdirectory?
                if( findFile( newURI, rFileName, themeFilePath ) )
                    closedir( pCurrDir );
                    return true;
                // Found the theme file?
                if( rFileName == string( pDirContent->d_name ) )
                    themeFilePath = sFromLocale( newURI );
                    closedir( pCurrDir );
                    return true;

        pDirContent = (dirent*)readdir( pCurrDir );

    closedir( pCurrDir );
    return false;