コード例 #1
ファイル: nwxString.cpp プロジェクト: HelloWilliam/osiris
void nwxString::Join(const set<wxString> &ss, wxString *ps, const char *psSep)
  wxString sSep(wxEmptyString);
  size_t nReserve = 256;
  size_t nLen = 0;
  size_t nSepLen = 0;
  bool bFirst = true;
  for(set<wxString>::const_iterator itr = ss.begin();
    itr != ss.end();
    nLen += (*itr).Len();
    nLen += nSepLen;
    if(nLen >= nReserve)
      while(nLen >= nReserve)
        nReserve <<= 1;
    (*ps) += sSep;
    (*ps) += (*itr);
      bFirst = false;
      if(psSep != NULL)
        sSep = psSep;
        nSepLen = sSep.Len();
コード例 #2
String RobotCmd::processMessage(String incomingMessage, long currTime)

 char* msg = const_cast<char*>( incomingMessage.c_str());

    return String(DANGER);
   accel.collision = false;
   return "";
 if( processDanger(currTime))
	return "";
  if(motor.motorState == STATE_COLLISION)
		//when encountering a collision get us out of a jam before resuming all activities
		return "";

  if(currState != RBT_DANCE && msg[0]==MARCO) //received marco
    //Serial.println("process MARCO");
    currState = RBT_WAIT_DANCE;
    return  String(POLO); //send back polo;
  if(currState == RBT_WAIT_POLO && msg[0]==POLO) //recived polo
    //Serial.println("process POLO");
    currState = RBT_DANCE;
    String newSong = singer.createSong(safeFeeling,safeFeeling+10);
    String newDance = "";//dancer.createDance(); //disbaled dance cause we can't hear RF signals with it
    return String(SONG+newSong+DANCE+newDance);
  if(currState == RBT_WAIT_DANCE && msg[0]==SONG)
    String sSep(SONG);
    String dSep(DANCE);
    //split message into song and dance
    char * song = new char[255* sizeof(char)];
    char * dance = new char[255* sizeof(char)];
    dance = strwrd ( msg,song,255* sizeof(char),dSep.c_str());
    //strip first char off of theDance and song and everything is correct; or handle it within the routine
    currState = RBT_DANCE;
    return "";

  //we just finished dancing
  if(currState == RBT_DANCE)

	if( !dancer.dancing && !singer.singing)
		currState = RBT_IDLE;
		freeTime = rand() *1000;//set the time before we connect to other robot
		freeTime = freeTime<0?-1*freeTime:freeTime;
	return "";

 if(currState == RBT_IDLE)
    if((currTime - freeTime )>  commandTimeout)
    { //see if robot is responding
      currState = RBT_WAIT_POLO;
      lastCommandSent = currTime;
	  //determines the song we sing
	  safeFeeling = safeFeeling< (singer.maxSafeFeeling-10)?safeFeeling+10:safeFeeling;
      return String(MARCO);

  if((currTime - lastCommandSent) >commandTimeout)
      currState = RBT_IDLE;
      lastCommandSent = currTime;
      freeTime = abs(rand() *500+currTime);
	  freeTime = freeTime<0?-1*freeTime:freeTime;

  return "";