コード例 #1
ファイル: number.c プロジェクト: MickaelBlet/42_Fractol
static void		s_not_left(void)
	sgt_printf()->flags.width -= ft_strlen(sgt_printf()->work_buffer)
		+ sgt_printf()->flags.prec;
	if (sgt_printf()->flags.pad == ' ')
		fill_character(' ');
		sgt_printf()->flags.width = 0;
	sgt_printf()->flags.width += sgt_printf()->flags.prec;
コード例 #2
ファイル: number_left.c プロジェクト: MickaelBlet/42_Libft
void			printf_number_left(t_printf *t, unsigned int len)
	int		temp;

	t->flags.width -= len + t->flags.prec;
	if (t->flags.prec > 0)
		temp = t->flags.width;
		t->flags.width = t->flags.prec;
		if (t->flags.alt && t->flags.base == 8 && t->flags.number.word != 0)
			t->flags.width -= 1;
			temp += 1;
		printf_fill_character(t, '0');
		t->flags.width = temp;
	printf_add_string(t, t->work_buffer, len);
	printf_fill_character(t, ' ');
コード例 #3
ファイル: doGRAS.cpp プロジェクト: zauster/riot
//' Do the GRAS algorithm for updating matrizes
//' This function calculates an updated matrix X, based on a matrix A,
//' which meets the given row and columns totals. Note: A can contain
//' negative elements.
//' @param A the "base" matrix
//' @param u column vector with the row totals
//' @param v row vector with the column totals
//' @param epsilon the error tolerance level, default is 1e-10.
//' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations, default is 10000.
//' @param verbose should some information of the iterations be
//'     displayed? Default is FALSE
//' @return the updated matrix X
//' @author Oliver Reiter
//' @references Junius T. and J. Oosterhaven (2003), The solution of
//'     updating or regionalizing a matrix with both positive and
//'     negative entries, Economic Systems Research, 15, pp. 87-96.
//'     Lenzen M., R. Wood and B. Gallego (2007), Some comments on the
//'     GRAS method, Economic Systems Research, 19, pp. 461-465.
//'     Temurshoev, U., R.E. Miller and M.C. Bouwmeester (2013), A note
//'     on the GRAS method, Economic Systems Research, 25, pp. 361-367.
//' @keywords gras, matrix updating
//' @examples
//' ## example from the papers
//' A <- matrix(c(7, 3, 5, -3, 2, 9, 8, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0),
//'             ncol = 4, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
//' u <- c(15, 26, -1)
//' v <- c(9, 16, 17, -2)
//' doGRAS(A, u, v)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat doGRAS(arma::mat A,
                      arma::colvec u,
                      arma::rowvec v,
                      double epsilon = 1e-10,
                      int maxiter = 1000,
                      bool verbose = false) {
  int nrowsA = A.n_rows;
  int ncolsA = A.n_cols;
  int nrowsu = u.n_rows;
  int ncolsv = v.n_cols;

  if(nrowsA != nrowsu) {
    // throw std::range_error("Unequal number of rows of A and u!");
    ::Rf_error("Unequal number of rows of A and u!");
  if(ncolsA != ncolsv) {
    // throw std::range_error("Unequal number of cols of A and v!");
    ::Rf_error("Unequal number of cols of A and v!");

  // separate A into a positive (P) and a negative (N) matrix
  arma::mat P = arma::mat(A);
  P.transform( [](double val) { return val >= 0? val : 0; });
  arma::mat N = arma::mat(A);
  N.transform( [](double val) { return val < 0? -val : 0; });

  // initialize the multiplicators
  arma::rowvec s = arma::rowvec(ncolsA).ones();
  arma::rowvec s_old, s_alt, pj_r, nj_r = arma::rowvec(ncolsA);

  arma::colvec r = arma::colvec(nrowsA).ones();
  arma::colvec r_alt, pi_s, ni_s = arma::colvec(nrowsA);

  double error = 1;
  int iter = 1;
  int errorpos = -1;

  do {
    s_old = s;

    // row multiplicator s
    pj_r = r.t() * P;
    nj_r = sinvc(r).t() * N;
    s = sinvr(2 * pj_r) % (v + arma::sqrt(pow(v, 2) + 4 * pj_r % nj_r));
    s_alt = -1 * sinvr(v) % nj_r;
    s(find(s == 0)) = s_alt(find(s == 0));
    // Rcpp::Rcout << "s: " << s; // << std::endl;

    // column multiplicator r
    pi_s = P * s.t();
    ni_s = N * sinvr(s).t();
    r = sinvc(2 * pi_s) % (u + arma::sqrt(pow(u, 2) + 4 * pi_s % ni_s));
    r_alt = -1 * sinvc(u) % ni_s;
    r(find(r == 0)) = r_alt(find(r == 0));
    // Rcpp::Rcout << "r': " << r.t(); // << std::endl;

    error = abs(s_old - s).max();

    if(verbose) {
      errorpos = abs(s_old - s).index_max();
      Rcpp::Rcout << "iter: " << iter << " -> error: " << error
           << " at " << errorpos << std::endl;


  } while((error > epsilon) & (iter <= maxiter));

  if(iter >= maxiter) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << "Warning: Reached maxiter!" << std::endl;

  if(verbose) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << " => Iterations needed: " << iter;
    Rcpp::Rcout << " => Resulting error: " << error << " at " << errorpos
                << std::endl;

  // calculate the updated matrizes:
  // the multiplicators are both applied to all columns and rows
  P.each_row() %= s;
  P.each_col() %= r;
  N.each_row() %= sinvr(s);
  N.each_col() %= sinvc(r);

  return P - N;