コード例 #1
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void levinson_durbin(
  scalar R[],		/* order+1 autocorrelation coeff */
  scalar lpcs[],		/* order+1 LPC's */
  int order		/* order of the LPC analysis */
  scalar a[order+1][order+1];
  scalar sum, e, k;
  int i,j;				/* loop variables */

  scalar ZERO = fl_to_numb(0.0);

  e = R[0];				/* Equation 38a, Makhoul */

  for(i=1; i<=order; i++) {
    sum = ZERO;
    for(j=1; j<=i-1; j++)
      sum = s_add(sum, s_mul(a[i-1][j],R[i-j])); 
    k = s_mul(-1.0, s_div(s_add(R[i], sum),e));		/* Equation 38b, Makhoul */
    if (s_abs(k) > fl_to_numb(1.0))
      k = ZERO;

    a[i][i] = k;

    for(j=1; j<=i-1; j++)
      a[i][j] = s_add(a[i-1][j] , s_mul(k,a[i-1][i-j]));	/* Equation 38c, Makhoul */

    e = s_mul(e, s_sub(fl_to_numb(1.0),s_mul(k,k)));				/* Equation 38d, Makhoul */

  for(i=1; i<=order; i++)
    lpcs[i] = a[order][i];
  lpcs[0] = fl_to_numb(1.0);  
コード例 #2
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void find_aks(
  scalar Sn[],	/* Nsam samples with order sample memory */
  scalar a[],	/* order+1 LPCs with first coeff 1.0 */
  int Nsam,	/* number of input speech samples */
  int order,	/* order of the LPC analysis */
  scalar *E	/* residual energy */
  scalar Wn[LPC_MAX_N];	/* windowed frame of Nsam speech samples */
  scalar R[order+1];	/* order+1 autocorrelation values of Sn[] */
  int i;

  assert(Nsam < LPC_MAX_N);


  *E = fl_to_numb(0.0);
  for(i=0; i<=order; i++)
    *E = s_add(*E , s_mul(a[i],R[i]));
  if (*E < fl_to_numb(0.0)) {
	#ifdef MATH_Q16_16   
	 *E = 1;
	 *E = powf(2, -16);//fl_to_numb(1E-12); For debuging purposes. 
コード例 #3
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void synthesis_filter(
  scalar res[],	/* Nsam input residual (excitation) samples */
  scalar a[],	/* LPCs for this frame of speech samples */
  int Nsam,	/* number of speech samples */
  int order,	/* LPC order */
  scalar Sn_[]	/* Nsam output synthesised speech samples */
  int i,j;	/* loop variables */

  /* Filter Nsam samples */

  for(i=0; i<Nsam; i++) {
    Sn_[i] = s_mul(res[i],a[0]);
    for(j=1; j<=order; j++)
      Sn_[i] = s_sub(Sn_[i],  s_mul(Sn_[i-j],a[j]));
コード例 #4
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void hanning_window(
  scalar Sn[],	/* input frame of speech samples */
  scalar Wn[],	/* output frame of windowed samples */
  int Nsam	/* number of samples */
  int i;	/* loop variable */
  scalar HALF = fl_to_numb(0.5);
  scalar PI2_ = fl_to_numb(2*PI);
  scalar Nsam_ = int_to_numb(Nsam-1);

  for(i=0; i<Nsam; i++){

	scalar sc_cos = s_mul(HALF,s_cos(s_mul( PI2_, s_div(fl_to_numb((float)i),Nsam_))));
	scalar sc_a  = s_sub(HALF, sc_cos);
    Wn[i] = s_mul(Sn[i], sc_a);
コード例 #5
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void weight(
  scalar ak[],	/* vector of order+1 LPCs */
  scalar gamma,	/* weighting factor */
  int order,	/* num LPCs (excluding leading 1.0) */
  scalar akw[]	/* weighted vector of order+1 LPCs */
  int i;
  for(i=1; i<=order; i++)
    akw[i] = s_mul(ak[i],s_powf(gamma,fl_to_numb((float)i)));
コード例 #6
ファイル: nlp.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void *nlp_create(
int    m			/* analysis window size */
    NLP *nlp;
    int  i;

    assert(m <= PMAX_M);

    nlp = (NLP*)malloc(sizeof(NLP));
    if (nlp == NULL)
	return NULL;

    nlp->m = m;
    scalar PI2_ = fl_to_numb(2*PI);
    scalar DEC_ = int_to_numb(m/DEC - 1); 
    scalar HALF = fl_to_numb(.5);
    scalar ZERO = fl_to_numb(0.0);
    scalar a, b, c;
    for(i=0; i<m/DEC; i++) {
	a = s_div(s_mul(PI2_, int_to_numb(i) ) ,  DEC_);
	b = s_mul(HALF,s_cos(a));
	nlp->w[i] = s_sub(HALF, b);
	//nlp->w[i] = 0.5 - 0.5*cosf(2*PI*i/(m/DEC-1));

    for(i=0; i<PMAX_M; i++)
	nlp->sq[i] = ZERO;
    nlp->mem_x = ZERO;
    nlp->mem_y = ZERO;
    for(i=0; i<NLP_NTAP; i++)
	nlp->mem_fir[i] = ZERO;

    nlp->fft_cfg = kiss_fft_alloc (PE_FFT_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL);
    assert(nlp->fft_cfg != NULL);

    return (void*)nlp;
コード例 #7
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void de_emp(
  scalar  Sn_de[],  /* output frame of speech samples                     */
  scalar  Sn[],	   /* input frame of speech samples                      */
  scalar *mem,      /* Sn[-1]single sample memory                         */
  int    Nsam	   /* number of speech samples to use                    */
    int   i;
    scalar BETA_ = fl_to_numb(BETA);
    for(i=0; i<Nsam; i++) {
	Sn_de[i] = s_add(Sn[i] , s_mul(BETA_, mem[0]));
	mem[0] = Sn_de[i];

コード例 #8
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void inverse_filter(
  scalar Sn[],	/* Nsam input samples */
  scalar a[],	/* LPCs for this frame of samples */
  int Nsam,	/* number of samples */
  scalar res[],	/* Nsam residual samples */
  int order	/* order of LPC */
  int i,j;	/* loop variables */

  for(i=0; i<Nsam; i++) {
    res[i] = fl_to_numb(0.0);
    for(j=0; j<=order; j++)
      res[i] = s_add(res[i] , s_mul(Sn[i-j],a[j]));
コード例 #9
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: synkarae/codec2
void autocorrelate(
  scalar Sn[],	/* frame of Nsam windowed speech samples */
  scalar Rn[],	/* array of P+1 autocorrelation coefficients */
  int Nsam,	/* number of windowed samples to use */
  int order	/* order of LPC analysis */
  int i,j;	/* loop variables */

  scalar Zero = fl_to_numb(0.0);
  for(j=0; j<order+1; j++) {
    Rn[j] = Zero;
    for(i=0; i<Nsam-j; i++)
      Rn[j] = s_add(Rn[j] , s_mul(Sn[i],Sn[i+j]));
コード例 #10
/* Add a weak learner h to the strong classifier H */
void addWeak( int posCount, int negCount, int blockCount, int selectTable[],
	float ***POS, float ***NEG, Matrix *posWeight, Matrix *negWeight, Ada *strong, int *hUsed ) {
	/* For all possible features (Bid, Fid) */
	int Iid, Bid, Fid;
	Matrix posCorrect, negCorrect, ONES; /* classification correctness matrices */
	Matrix bestPosCorrect, bestNegCorrect;
	float bestError = 1.f;
	int bestBid, bestFid;
	short bestParity;
	float bestDecision;
	float alpha;
	float normalize;
	float avgError = 1.f;
	int round = 0;
	ones( &posCorrect, 1, posCount, 1 );
	ones( &negCorrect, 1, posCount, 1 );
	ones( &ONES, 1, posCount, 1 );

#if 0
	/* Show the data weight */
	full_dump( posWeight, "posWeight", ALL, FLOAT );
	full_dump( negWeight, "negWeight", ALL, FLOAT );
	printf( "Add a weak classifier\n" );
	for ( Bid = 0; Bid < blockCount; Bid++ ) {
		for ( Fid = 0; Fid < FEATURE_COUNT; Fid++ ) {

			float POS_mean = 0.f, NEG_mean = 0.f;
			float decision;
			float error = 0.f;
			short parity = +1; /* default: ... NEG_mean ... | ... POS_mean ... */

			/* [0] Initilize the matrices: Restore to all 1's */
			full_assign( &ONES, &posCorrect, ALL, ALL );
			full_assign( &ONES, &negCorrect, ALL, ALL );

			/* [1] Compute the POS & NEG mean feature value */
			for ( Iid = 0; Iid < posCount; Iid++ ) {
				POS_mean += POS[ Iid ][ Bid ][ Fid ];
				NEG_mean += NEG[ selectTable[ Iid ] ][ Bid ][ Fid ];
			POS_mean /= posCount;
			NEG_mean /= posCount;

			/* default decision threshold: avg of POS_mean and NEG_mean */
			decision = ( POS_mean + NEG_mean ) / 2.f;
			if ( POS_mean < NEG_mean ) {
				parity = -1; /* toggle: ... POS_mean ... | ... NEG_mean ... */
#if 0
			printf( "Bid: %d, Fid: %d, POS_mean: %f, NEG_mean: %f\n", Bid, Fid, POS_mean, NEG_mean );

			/* [2] Classification and compute the WEIGHTED error rate */
			for ( Iid = 0; Iid < posCount; Iid++ ) {
				/* positive & wrong */
				if ( parity * POS[ Iid ][ Bid ][ Fid ] < parity * decision ) {
					error += posWeight->data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ];
					posCorrect.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] = -1.f;
				/* negative & wrong */
				if ( parity * NEG[ selectTable[ Iid ] ][ Bid ][ Fid ] > parity * decision ) {
					error += negWeight->data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ];
					negCorrect.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] = -1.f;
			printf( "Weighted error rate: %f\n", error );
			/* record the best h */
			if ( error < bestError ) {
				copy( &posCorrect, &bestPosCorrect );
				copy( &negCorrect, &bestNegCorrect );
				bestError = error;
				bestBid = Bid;
				bestFid = Fid;
				bestParity = parity;
				bestDecision = decision;
			avgError += error;

		} /* end of loop Fid */
	} /* end of loop Bid */

	avgError /= round;
	printf( "Avg. weighted error rate: %f\n", avgError );
	printf( "\nBest weighted error rate: %f, Bid: %d, Fid: %d\n", bestError, bestBid, bestFid );
	/* make sure that best error rate < 0.5 (random guessing) */
	if ( bestError >= 0.5 ) {
		error( "addWeak(): Best error rate is above 0.5!" );
#if 0
	full_dump( &bestPosCorrect, "bestPosCorrect", ALL, INT );
	full_dump( &bestNegCorrect, "bestNegCorrect", ALL, INT );

	/* [3] Record the best parameters, then determine the alpha weight for this weak classifier. */
	strong[ *hUsed ].Bid = bestBid;
	strong[ *hUsed ].Fid = bestFid;
	strong[ *hUsed ].parity = bestParity;
	strong[ *hUsed ].decision = bestDecision;
	alpha = logf( ( 1.f - bestError ) / bestError ) / 2.f;
	strong[ *hUsed ].alpha = alpha;
	printf( "alpha%d: %f\n", *hUsed, alpha );

	/* [4] Update the data weight */
	s_mul( &bestPosCorrect, -alpha );
	s_mul( &bestNegCorrect, -alpha );
	s_expRaise( &bestPosCorrect );
	s_expRaise( &bestNegCorrect );
	e_mul( &bestPosCorrect, posWeight, posWeight );
	e_mul( &bestNegCorrect, negWeight, negWeight );
	normalize = m_sum( posWeight ) + m_sum( negWeight );
	s_mul( posWeight, 1.f / normalize );
	s_mul( negWeight, 1.f / normalize );


	/* free memory space */
	freeMatrix( &posCorrect ); freeMatrix( &negCorrect );
	freeMatrix( &bestPosCorrect ); freeMatrix( &bestNegCorrect );
コード例 #11
/* learn AdaBoost stage A[i,j] */
void learnA( int posCount, int negCount, int blockCount, int *rejectCount, bool rejected[], 
	float ***POS, float ***NEG, Ada *H, float *F_current, float d_minA, float f_maxA, FILE *fout ) {

	int selectTable[ posCount ]; /* image selection table */
	int imgCount = posCount * 2;
	float initialW = 1.f / (float)imgCount;
	Matrix posWeight, negWeight; /* data weight in AdaBoost */
	int hAllocated = 10;
	int hUsed = 0;
	int Iid, t;
    float f_local = 1.f;
	float threshold = 0.f; /* threshold of the strong classifier A[i,j], should be recorded */
	Matrix posResult, negResult;

	ones( &posWeight, 1, posCount, 1 );
	ones( &negWeight, 1, posCount, 1 );
	H = (Ada *)malloc( hAllocated * sizeof( Ada ) );
	zeros( &posResult, 1, posCount, 1 );
	zeros( &negResult, 1, posCount, 1 );

	/* Initialize the data weight */
	s_mul( &posWeight, initialW );
	s_mul( &negWeight, initialW );
    /* [0] Randomly select NEG examples from the bootstrap set 
	 * Report an error if NEG images are not enough
	if ( posCount + (*rejectCount) > negCount ) {
		fprintf( fout, "Warning: Not enough NEG images.\n" );
		error( "learnA(): Not enough NEG images." );
    select_neg( posCount, negCount, rejected, selectTable );

    while ( f_local > f_maxA ) {
		int fpCount; /* false positive count */
		float d_local = 0.f;

        /* [1] Add a weak learner h to the strong classifier A[i,j] */
		/* Use realloc() if H is full */
		if ( hUsed == hAllocated ) {
			hAllocated *= 2;
			printf( "call realloc()\n" );
			H = (Ada*)realloc( H, hAllocated * sizeof( Ada ) );
        addWeak( posCount, negCount, blockCount, selectTable, 
			POS, NEG, &posWeight, &negWeight, H, &hUsed );

		threshold = 0.f; /*** Adjust by the threshold ONLY WHEN NECESSARY ***/

		float minPosResult = 0.f; /* minimum value of the positive result */
		int detect = 0; /* detection count */
		fpCount = 0;

		/* [2.1] Use the H(x) so far to trial-classify 
		 * H(x) = sign( sum[alpha_t * h_t(x)] )
		 * Process the POS and NEG together in one loop
		for ( Iid = 0; Iid < posCount; Iid++ ) {
			float posTemp = 0.f;
			float negTemp = 0.f;
			for ( t = 0; t < hUsed; t++ ) {
				int Bid = H[ t ].Bid;
				int Fid = H[ t ].Fid;
				short parity = H[ t ].parity;
				float decision = H[ t ].decision;
				float alpha = H[ t ].alpha;
				/* determine that positive is positive */
				if ( parity * POS[ Iid ][ Bid ][ Fid ] >= parity * decision ) {
					posTemp += alpha;	
				/* determine that positive is negative */
				else {
					posTemp -= alpha;
				/* determine that negative is positive */
				if ( parity * NEG[ selectTable[ Iid ] ][ Bid ][ Fid ] >= parity * decision ) {
					negTemp += alpha;	
				/* determine that negative is negative */
				else {
					negTemp -= alpha;
			} /* end of loop "t" */
			/* Record into posResult or negResult, and collect min( posResult ) */
			posResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] = posTemp;
			negResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] = negTemp;
			if ( posTemp < minPosResult ) {
				minPosResult = posTemp;

		} /* end of loop "Iid" */

#if 0
		full_dump( &posResult, "posResult", ALL, FLOAT );
		full_dump( &negResult, "negResult", ALL, FLOAT );

#if 1
		/* count for detections and false positives */
		for ( Iid = 0; Iid < posCount; Iid++ ) {
			if ( posResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] >= 0.f ) {
			if ( negResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] >= 0.f ) {
		d_local = (float)detect / (float)posCount;
		printf( "Before modify threshold:\n  Detection rate: %f ( %d / %d )\n", d_local, detect, posCount );
        /* [3] Calculate f_local of H(x) */
		f_local = (float)fpCount / (float)posCount;
		printf( "  False positive rate: %f ( %d / %d )\n", f_local, fpCount, posCount );
        /* [2.2] Modify the threshold of H(x) to fulfill d_minA 
		 * If min( posResult ) < 0, then let
		 * result = result - min( posResult ) so that all POS data are
		 * determined as positive, i.e., detection rate = 100% 
		if ( minPosResult < 0.f ) {
			threshold = minPosResult;
			s_add( &posResult, -threshold );
			s_add( &negResult, -threshold );
		printf( "threshold: %f\n", threshold );
#if 0
		full_dump( &posResult, "posResult", ALL, FLOAT );
		full_dump( &negResult, "negResult", ALL, FLOAT );

		/* count for detections and false positives */
		detect = 0;
		fpCount = 0;
		for ( Iid = 0; Iid < posCount; Iid++ ) {
			if ( posResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] >= 0.f ) {
			if ( negResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] >= 0.f ) {
		d_local = (float)detect / (float)posCount;
		printf( "  After modify threshold:\n  Detection rate: %f ( %d / %d )\n", d_local, detect, posCount );
		//assert( d_local >= d_minA );

        /* [3] Calculate f_local of H(x) */
		f_local = (float)fpCount / (float)posCount;
		printf( "False positive rate: %f ( %d / %d )\n", f_local, fpCount, posCount );

    } /* end of loop "f_local > f_maxA" */

    *F_current *= f_local;
	printf( "\nWeak learners used: %d\n", hUsed );
    printf( "Overall false positive rate: %f\n", *F_current );

	/* [4] Put in the "rejection list" the negative images rejected by H(x) */
	for ( Iid = 0; Iid < posCount; Iid++ ) {
		if ( negResult.data[ 0 ][ 0 ][ Iid ] < 0.f ) {
			rejected[ selectTable[ Iid ] ] = true;
	printf( "Rejected %d negative images in total.\n", *rejectCount );

	/* [5] Output H(x) information to file */
	fprintf( fout, "%d %f\n", hUsed, threshold );
	for ( t = 0; t < hUsed; t++ ) {
		fprintf( fout, "%d %d %d %f %f\n", 
			H[ t ].Bid, H[ t ].Fid, H[ t ].parity, H[ t ].decision, H[ t ].alpha );

	/* Free memory space */
	freeMatrix( &posWeight );
	freeMatrix( &negWeight );
	free( H );
	freeMatrix( &posResult );
	freeMatrix( &negResult );