コード例 #1
ファイル: exefs_code.cpp プロジェクト: jakcron/3dstools
// internally generate code blob
// code blobs are normally page aligned, except in builtin sysmodules
int ExefsCode::CreateCodeBlob(const u8* elf, bool is_page_aligned)
	u8* text, *rodata, *data;


	if (is_page_aligned)
		safe_call(code_blob_.alloc(PageToSize(text_.page_num + rodata_.page_num + data_.page_num)));

		text = (code_blob_.data() + 0);
		rodata = (code_blob_.data() + PageToSize(text_.page_num));
		data = (code_blob_.data() + PageToSize(text_.page_num + rodata_.page_num));
		safe_call(code_blob_.alloc(text_.file_size + rodata_.file_size + data_.file_size));

		text = (code_blob_.data() + 0);
		rodata = (code_blob_.data() + text_.file_size);
		data = (code_blob_.data() + text_.file_size + rodata_.file_size);
	memcpy(text, text_.data, text_.file_size);
	memcpy(rodata, rodata_.data, rodata_.file_size);
	memcpy(data, data_.data, data_.file_size);

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: graph_traversal.c プロジェクト: sbriais/sceda
SCEDA_Vertex *SCEDA_dfs_iterator_next(SCEDA_DFSIterator *iter) {
  SCEDA_Vertex *v;
  safe_call(SCEDA_stack_pop(iter->to_visit, (void **)&v));
  SCEDA_VertexSuccIterator succ;
  SCEDA_vertex_succ_iterator_init(v, &succ);
  while(SCEDA_vertex_succ_iterator_has_next(&succ)) {
    SCEDA_Vertex *w = SCEDA_vertex_succ_iterator_next(&succ);
    if(!SCEDA_hashset_contains(iter->visited, w)) {
      safe_call(SCEDA_stack_push(iter->to_visit, w));
      safe_call(SCEDA_hashset_add(iter->visited, w));
  return v;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lua_loader.cpp プロジェクト: hjhong/YDWE
	void __cdecl FakeCheat(jass::jstring_t cheat_str)
		const char* cheat = jass::from_string(cheat_str);

		if (!cheat)
			c_call<uint32_t>(RealCheat, cheat_str);
			return ;

		std::string cheat_s = cheat;
		if (cheat_s.compare(0, 9, "exec-lua:") == 0)
			cheat_s = cheat_s.substr(9);
			if (cheat_s.size() >= 2 && cheat_s[0] == '"' && cheat_s[cheat_s.size() - 1] == '"')
				cheat_s = cheat_s.substr(1, cheat_s.size() - 2);
			lua_State* L = jass_state_s::instance().get();
			lua_getglobal(L, "require");
			lua_pushlstring(L, cheat_s.c_str(), cheat_s.size());
			safe_call(L, 1, 1, true);

		c_call<uint32_t>(RealCheat, cheat_str);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lua_loader.cpp プロジェクト: hjhong/YDWE
	jass::jstring_t __cdecl EXExecuteScript(jass::jstring_t script)
		lua_State* L = jass_state_s::instance().get();

		std::string str_script = format("return (%s)", jass::from_trigstring(jass::from_string(script)));
		if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, str_script.c_str(), str_script.size(), str_script.c_str()) != LUA_OK)
			printf("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			return 0;

		if (LUA_OK != safe_call(L, 0, 1, true))
			return 0;

		jass::jstring_t result = 0;
		if (lua_isstring(L, -1))
			result = jass::create_string(lua_tostring(L, -1));
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: CCJY/coliru
int main() try
    // wrap the possibly throwing function in the safe_call()
    auto result = safe_call(throwing, "Life is good");
    std::cerr << "It didn't throw: " << result.get() << "\n";

    auto bad_result = safe_call(throwing, "Puke!\n");

        std::cerr << "result has no value, and if you try to access it ... \n";
        // It's going to throw now!
        std::cerr << bad_result.get();
catch(std::exception& s)
    std::cerr << "\nCaught exception: " << s.what() << "\n";
コード例 #6
ファイル: lua.cpp プロジェクト: Stary2001/BakaBot
void LuaCommand::run(Bot *b, CommandInfo *i)
	/*if(b != _plugin->_bot)
		throw CommandErrorException(_name, "NO");

	lua_rawgeti(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cmd_ref);
	push_bot(state, b);
	push_command_info(state, i);
	safe_call(state, _name, 2, 0, 0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: lua.cpp プロジェクト: Stary2001/BakaBot
void LuaPlugin::init(PluginHost *h)
	Bot *b = (Bot*)h;

	lua_rawgeti(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin_ref);
	get_table(state, "init");

	push_bot(state, b);

	if(lua_isnil(state, -1))
		lua_pop(state, -1);
		throw CommandErrorException(_name, "did not provide plugin.init");

	safe_call(state, _name, 1, 0, 0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: lua_loader.cpp プロジェクト: actboy168/YDWE
	static void initialize_lua()
		const char* buf = 0;
		size_t      len = 0;
		if (storm_s::instance().load_file("script\\war3map.lua", (const void**)&buf, &len))
			lua_State* L = getMainL();
			if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, buf, len, "@script\\war3map.lua") != LUA_OK) {
				printf("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
				lua_pop(L, 1);
			safe_call(L, 0, 0, true);
			jass::table_hook("Cheat", (uintptr_t*)&RealCheat, (uintptr_t)FakeCheat);
			jass::japi_table_add((uintptr_t)EXExecuteScript, "EXExecuteScript", "(S)S");
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: fincs/FeOS
int PrerelocateSection(elf2fx2_cnvstruct_t* cs, word_t vsect, byte_t* sect, Elf32_Sym* symtab, Elf32_Rel* rels, int nrels)
	int i;

	for(i = 0; i < nrels; i ++)
		Elf32_Rel* rel = rels + i;
		word_t rinfo = eswap_word(rel->r_info);
		int rtype = ELF32_R_TYPE(rinfo);
		Elf32_Sym* rsym = symtab + ELF32_R_SYM(rinfo);
		hword_t rsymsect = eswap_hword(rsym->st_shndx);
		Elf32_Shdr* symsect = NULL;
		if ( !(rsymsect >= SHN_LORESERVE && rsymsect <= SHN_HIRESERVE) )
			symsect = cs->sects + rsymsect;
		word_t rsymv = eswap_word(rsym->st_value);
		// The following is only valid for ET_REL ELF files
		//if(rsymsect < SHN_LORESERVE)
		//	rsymv += eswap_word(symsect->sh_addr);
		word_t vtarget = /*vsect +*/ eswap_word(rel->r_offset);
		word_t* rtarget = (word_t*)(cs->loaddata + vtarget);
		word_t* rsymp = (word_t*)(cs->loaddata + rsymv);

		const char* symname = cs->symnames + rsym->st_name;

		if (symsect && strncmp(cs->sectnames + symsect->sh_name, ".imp.", 5) == 0 // It's in an import section
		  && *symname && strncmp(symname, "__imp_", 6) != 0 // ...and it's *not* a direct import
		  && *rsymp == 0) // ...and it's a dummy import pointer
			// Add an import copy entry
			word_t v_rtarget = *rtarget;
			word_t offFromTrg = 0;

			if (rtype == R_ARM_ABS32 || rtype == R_ARM_TARGET1)
				*rtarget = 0;
				offFromTrg = (word_t)((int)v_rtarget - (int)rsymv);
			}else if (rtype == R_ARM_TARGET2 || rtype == R_ARM_REL32)
				*rtarget = 1;
				offFromTrg = (word_t)((int)v_rtarget - ((int)rsymv - (int)vtarget));
				printf("%d %s\n", rtype, symname);
				die("Non-supported type non-function imports are not supported!");

			word_t offTopBits = offFromTrg >> 28;
			if (offTopBits != 0x0 && offTopBits != 0xF)
				die("Offset from non-function import target too big!");

			*rtarget |= offFromTrg << 4;

			AddImpCopy(rsymv, vtarget);

		printf("....REL type=%d, target=%08X, syma=%08X [%d]", rtype, vtarget, rsymv, rsym->st_other);
			printf(", symn=%s\n", symname);

			// Notes:
			// R_ARM_TARGET2 is equivalent to R_ARM_REL32
			// R_ARM_PREL32 is an address-relative signed 31-bit offset

			case R_ARM_ABS32:
			case R_ARM_TARGET1:
				// This relocation is the only one FXE2 supports
				if(vtarget & 3)
					die("Unaligned relocation!");

				// Ignore undefined weak target symbols (keep them 0)
				if (ELF32_ST_BIND(rsym->st_info) == STB_WEAK && rsymv == 0) break;

				if(sect != cs->metadata)
					safe_call(AddRelocation(cs, vtarget));
コード例 #10
ファイル: graph_traversal.c プロジェクト: sbriais/sceda
/** Depth First Search */
void SCEDA_dfs_iterator_init(SCEDA_Vertex *v, SCEDA_DFSIterator *iter) {
  iter->to_visit = SCEDA_stack_create(NULL);
  iter->visited = SCEDA_vertex_set_create();
  safe_call(SCEDA_stack_push(iter->to_visit, v));
  safe_call(SCEDA_hashset_add(iter->visited, v));
コード例 #11
ファイル: graph_traversal.c プロジェクト: sbriais/sceda
/** Breadth First Search */
void SCEDA_bfs_iterator_init(SCEDA_Vertex *v, SCEDA_BFSIterator *iter) {
  iter->to_visit = SCEDA_queue_create(NULL);
  iter->visited = SCEDA_vertex_set_create();
  safe_call(SCEDA_queue_enqueue(iter->to_visit, v));
  safe_call(SCEDA_hashset_add(iter->visited, v));
コード例 #12
int AssembleString(char* str, const char* initialFilename)
	curFile = initialFilename;
	curLine = 1;


	int nextLineIncr = 0;
	char* nextStr = NULL;
	for (; str; str = nextStr, curLine += nextLineIncr)
		size_t len = strcspn(str, "\n");
		int linedelim = str[len];
		str[len] = 0;
		nextStr = linedelim ? (str + len + 1) : NULL;
		nextLineIncr = linedelim == '\n' ? 1 : 0;

		char* line = trim_whitespace(remove_comment(str));

		char* colonPos = NULL;
		for (;;)
			colonPos = strchr(line, ':');
			if (!colonPos)
			*colonPos = 0;
			char* labelName = line;
			line = trim_whitespace(colonPos + 1);

			if (!validateIdentifier(labelName))
				return throwError("invalid label name: %s\n", labelName);

			std::pair<labelTableIter,bool> ret = g_labels.insert( std::pair<std::string,size_t>(labelName, BUF.size()) );
			if (!ret.second)
				return throwError("duplicate label: %s\n", labelName);

			//printf("Label: %s\n", labelName);

		if (!*line)

		if (*line == '#')
			line = trim_whitespace(line + 1);
			nextLineIncr = 0;
			size_t pos = strcspn(line, " \t");
			line[pos] = 0;
			curLine = atoi(line);
			line = trim_whitespace(line + pos + 1);
			if (*line == '"')
				line ++;
				line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;
			curFile = line;

		char* tok = mystrtok_spc(line);

	if (g_stackPos)
		return throwError("unclosed block(s)\n");

	return 0;