コード例 #1
ファイル: parseprotos.c プロジェクト: AbdelghaniDr/mirror
 *  parseForProtos()
 *      Input:  filein (output of cpp)
 *              prestring (<optional> string that prefaces each decl;
 *                        use NULL to omit)
 *      Return: parsestr (string of function prototypes), or NULL on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) We parse the output of cpp:
 *              cpp -ansi <filein> 
 *          Three plans were attempted, with success on the third. 
 *      (2) Plan 1.  A cursory examination of the cpp output indicated that
 *          every function was preceeded by a cpp comment statement.
 *          So we just need to look at statements beginning after comments.
 *          Unfortunately, this is NOT the case.  Some functions start
 *          without cpp comment lines, typically when there are no
 *          comments in the source that immediately precede the function.
 *      (3) Plan 2.  Consider the keywords in the language that start
 *          parts of the cpp file.  Some, like 'typedef', 'enum',
 *          'union' and 'struct', are followed after a while by '{',
 *          and eventually end with '}, plus an optional token and a
 *          final ';'  Others, like 'extern' and 'static', are never
 *          the beginnings of global function definitions.   Function
 *          prototypes have one or more sets of '(' followed eventually
 *          by a ')', and end with ';'.  But function definitions have
 *          tokens, followed by '(', more tokens, ')' and then
 *          immediately a '{'.  We would generate a prototype from this
 *          by adding a ';' to all tokens up to the ')'.  So we use
 *          these special tokens to decide what we are parsing.  And
 *          whenever a function definition is found and the prototype
 *          extracted, we skip through the rest of the function
 *          past the corresponding '}'.  This token ends a line, and
 *          is often on a line of its own.  But as it turns out,
 *          the only keyword we need to consider is 'static'.
 *      (4) Plan 3.  Consider the parentheses and braces for various
 *          declarations.  A struct, enum, or union has a pair of
 *          braces followed by a semicolon.  They cannot have parentheses
 *          before the left brace, but a struct can have lots of parentheses
 *          within the brace set.  A function prototype has no braces.
 *          A function declaration can have sets of left and right
 *          parentheses, but these are followed by a left brace.
 *          So plan 3 looks at the way parentheses and braces are
 *          organized.  Once the beginning of a function definition
 *          is found, the prototype is extracted and we search for
 *          the ending right brace.
 *      (5) To find the ending right brace, it is necessary to do some
 *          careful parsing.  For example, in this file, we have
 *          left and right braces as characters, and these must not
 *          be counted.  Somewhat more tricky, the file fhmtauto.c
 *          generates code, and includes a right brace in a string.
 *          So we must not include braces that are in strings.  But how
 *          do we know if something is inside a string?  Keep state,
 *          starting with not-inside, and every time you hit a double quote
 *          that is not escaped, toggle the condition.  Any brace
 *          found in the state of being within a string is ignored.
 *      (6) When a prototype is extracted, it is put in a canonical
 *          form (i.e., cleaned up).  Finally, we check that it is
 *          not static and save it.  (If static, it is ignored).
 *      (7) The @prestring for unix is NULL; it is included here so that
 *          you can use Microsoft's declaration for importing or
 *          exporting to a dll.  See environ.h for examples of use.
 *          Here, we set: @prestring = "LEPT_DLL ".  Note in particular
 *          the space character that will separate 'LEPT_DLL' from
 *          the standard unix prototype that follows.
char *
parseForProtos(const char *filein,
               const char *prestring)
char    *strdata, *str, *newstr, *parsestr, *secondword;
l_int32  nbytes, start, next, stop, charindex, found;
SARRAY  *sa, *saout, *satest;


    if (!filein)
        return (char *)ERROR_PTR("filein not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Read in the cpp output into memory, one string for each
         * line in the file, omitting blank lines.  */
    strdata = (char *)arrayRead(filein, &nbytes);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(strdata, 0);

    saout = sarrayCreate(0);
    next = 0;
    while (1) {  /* repeat after each non-static prototype is extracted */
        searchForProtoSignature(sa, next, &start, &stop, &charindex, &found);
        if (!found)
/*        fprintf(stderr, "  start = %d, stop = %d, charindex = %d\n",
                start, stop, charindex); */
        str = captureProtoSignature(sa, start, stop, charindex);

            /* Make sure it is not static.  Note that 'extern' has
             * been prepended to the prototype, so the 'static'
             * keyword, if it exists, would be the second word. */
        satest = sarrayCreateWordsFromString(str);
        secondword = sarrayGetString(satest, 1, 0);
        if (strcmp(secondword, "static")) {  /* not static */
            if (prestring) {  /* prepend it to the prototype */
                newstr = stringJoin(prestring, str);
                sarrayAddString(saout, newstr, L_INSERT);
                sarrayAddString(saout, str, L_INSERT);

        skipToEndOfFunction(sa, stop, charindex, &next);
        if (next == -1) break;

        /* Flatten into a string with newlines between prototypes */
    parsestr = sarrayToString(saout, 1);

    return parsestr;
コード例 #2
 * \brief   strcodeCreateFromFile()
 * \param[in]    filein containing filenames of serialized data
 * \param[in]    fileno integer that labels the two output files
 * \param[in]    outdir [optional] if null, files are made in /tmp/lept/auto
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The %filein has one filename on each line.
 *          Comment lines begin with "#".
 *      (2) The output is 2 files:
 *             autogen.\<fileno\>.c
 *             autogen.\<fileno\>.h
 * </pre>
strcodeCreateFromFile(const char  *filein,
                      l_int32      fileno,
                      const char  *outdir)
char        *fname;
const char  *type;
l_uint8     *data;
size_t       nbytes;
l_int32      i, n, index;
SARRAY      *sa;
L_STRCODE   *strcode;


    if (!filein)
        return ERROR_INT("filein not defined", procName, 1);

    if ((data = l_binaryRead(filein, &nbytes)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("data not read from file", procName, 1);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)data, 0);
    if (!sa)
        return ERROR_INT("sa not made", procName, 1);
    if ((n = sarrayGetCount(sa)) == 0) {
        return ERROR_INT("no filenames in the file", procName, 1);

    strcode = strcodeCreate(fileno);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        fname = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        if (fname[0] == '#') continue;
        if (l_getIndexFromFile(fname, &index)) {
            L_ERROR("File %s has no recognizable type\n", procName, fname);
        } else {
            type = l_assoc[index].type;
            L_INFO("File %s is type %s\n", procName, fname, type);
            strcodeGenerate(strcode, fname, type);
    strcodeFinalize(&strcode, outdir);
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: kernel.c プロジェクト: 0ximDigital/appsScanner
 *  kernelCreateFromFile()
 *      Input:  filename
 *      Return: kernel, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The file contains, in the following order:
 *           - Any number of comment lines starting with '#' are ignored
 *           - The height and width of the kernel
 *           - The y and x values of the kernel origin
 *           - The kernel data, formatted as lines of numbers (integers
 *             or floats) for the kernel values in row-major order,
 *             and with no other punctuation.
 *             (Note: this differs from kernelCreateFromString(),
 *             where each line must begin and end with a double-quote
 *             to tell the compiler it's part of a string.)
 *           - The kernel specification ends when a blank line,
 *             a comment line, or the end of file is reached.
 *      (2) All lines must be left-justified.
 *      (3) See kernelCreateFromString() for a description of the string
 *          format for the kernel data.  As an example, here are the lines
 *          of a valid kernel description file  In the file, all lines
 *          are left-justified:
 *                    # small 3x3 kernel
 *                    3 3
 *                    1 1
 *                    25.5   51    24.3
 *                    70.2  146.3  73.4
 *                    20     50.9  18.4
kernelCreateFromFile(const char  *filename)
char      *filestr, *line;
l_int32    nlines, i, j, first, index, w, h, cx, cy, n;
l_float32  val;
size_t     size;
NUMA      *na, *nat;
SARRAY    *sa;
L_KERNEL  *kel;


    if (!filename)
        return (L_KERNEL *)ERROR_PTR("filename not defined", procName, NULL);

    filestr = (char *)l_binaryRead(filename, &size);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(filestr, 1);
    nlines = sarrayGetCount(sa);

        /* Find the first data line. */
    for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
        line = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        if (line[0] != '#') {
            first = i;

        /* Find the kernel dimensions and origin location. */
    line = sarrayGetString(sa, first, L_NOCOPY);
    if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", &h, &w) != 2)
        return (L_KERNEL *)ERROR_PTR("error reading h,w", procName, NULL);
    line = sarrayGetString(sa, first + 1, L_NOCOPY);
    if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", &cy, &cx) != 2)
        return (L_KERNEL *)ERROR_PTR("error reading cy,cx", procName, NULL);

        /* Extract the data.  This ends when we reach eof, or when we
         * encounter a line of data that is either a null string or
         * contains just a newline. */
    na = numaCreate(0);
    for (i = first + 2; i < nlines; i++) {
        line = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '#')
        nat = parseStringForNumbers(line, " \t\n");
        numaJoin(na, nat, 0, -1);

    n = numaGetCount(na);
    if (n != w * h) {
        fprintf(stderr, "w = %d, h = %d, num ints = %d\n", w, h, n);
        return (L_KERNEL *)ERROR_PTR("invalid integer data", procName, NULL);

    kel = kernelCreate(h, w);
    kernelSetOrigin(kel, cy, cx);
    index = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
            numaGetFValue(na, index, &val);
            kernelSetElement(kel, i, j, val);

    return kel;
コード例 #4
ファイル: string_reg.c プロジェクト: BruceWoR/tess-two-master
int main(int    argc,
         char **argv)
l_int32      ignore;
size_t       nbytesin, nbytesout;
char        *infile, *instring, *outstring;
SARRAY      *sa1, *sa2, *sa3, *sa4, *sa5;
char         buf[256];
static char  mainName[] = "string_reg";

    if (argc != 2)
        return ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  string_reg infile", mainName, 1);

    infile = argv[1];
    instring = (char *)l_binaryRead(infile, &nbytesin);

    if (!instring)
        return ERROR_INT("file not read", mainName, 1);

    sa1 = sarrayCreateWordsFromString(instring);
    sa2 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(instring, 0);
    sa3 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(instring, 1);

    outstring = sarrayToString(sa1, 0);
    nbytesout = strlen(outstring);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junk1.txt", "w", outstring, nbytesout);

    outstring = sarrayToString(sa1, 1);
    nbytesout = strlen(outstring);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junk2.txt", "w", outstring, nbytesout);

    outstring = sarrayToString(sa2, 0);
    nbytesout = strlen(outstring);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junk3.txt", "w", outstring, nbytesout);

    outstring = sarrayToString(sa2, 1);
    nbytesout = strlen(outstring);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junk4.txt", "w", outstring, nbytesout);

    outstring = sarrayToString(sa3, 0);
    nbytesout = strlen(outstring);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junk5.txt", "w", outstring, nbytesout);

    outstring = sarrayToString(sa3, 1);
    nbytesout = strlen(outstring);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/junk6.txt", "w", outstring, nbytesout);
    sprintf(buf, "diff -s /tmp/junk6.txt %s", infile);
    ignore = system(buf);

        /* write/read/write; compare /tmp/junkout5 with /tmp/junkout6 */
    sarrayWrite("/tmp/junk7.txt", sa2);
    sarrayWrite("/tmp/junk8.txt", sa3);
    sa4 = sarrayRead("/tmp/junk8.txt");
    sarrayWrite("/tmp/junk9.txt", sa4);
    sa5 = sarrayRead("/tmp/junk9.txt");
    ignore = system("diff -s /tmp/junk8.txt /tmp/junk9.txt");

    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: parseprotos.c プロジェクト: AAAyag/tess-two
 *  parseForProtos()
 *      Input:  filein (output of cpp)
 *              prestring (<optional> string that prefaces each decl;
 *                        use NULL to omit)
 *      Return: parsestr (string of function prototypes), or NULL on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) We parse the output of cpp:
 *              cpp -ansi <filein>
 *          Three plans were attempted, with success on the third.
 *      (2) Plan 1.  A cursory examination of the cpp output indicated that
 *          every function was preceded by a cpp comment statement.
 *          So we just need to look at statements beginning after comments.
 *          Unfortunately, this is NOT the case.  Some functions start
 *          without cpp comment lines, typically when there are no
 *          comments in the source that immediately precede the function.
 *      (3) Plan 2.  Consider the keywords in the language that start
 *          parts of the cpp file.  Some, like 'typedef', 'enum',
 *          'union' and 'struct', are followed after a while by '{',
 *          and eventually end with '}, plus an optional token and a
 *          final ';'  Others, like 'extern' and 'static', are never
 *          the beginnings of global function definitions.   Function
 *          prototypes have one or more sets of '(' followed eventually
 *          by a ')', and end with ';'.  But function definitions have
 *          tokens, followed by '(', more tokens, ')' and then
 *          immediately a '{'.  We would generate a prototype from this
 *          by adding a ';' to all tokens up to the ')'.  So we use
 *          these special tokens to decide what we are parsing.  And
 *          whenever a function definition is found and the prototype
 *          extracted, we skip through the rest of the function
 *          past the corresponding '}'.  This token ends a line, and
 *          is often on a line of its own.  But as it turns out,
 *          the only keyword we need to consider is 'static'.
 *      (4) Plan 3.  Consider the parentheses and braces for various
 *          declarations.  A struct, enum, or union has a pair of
 *          braces followed by a semicolon.  They cannot have parentheses
 *          before the left brace, but a struct can have lots of parentheses
 *          within the brace set.  A function prototype has no braces.
 *          A function declaration can have sets of left and right
 *          parentheses, but these are followed by a left brace.
 *          So plan 3 looks at the way parentheses and braces are
 *          organized.  Once the beginning of a function definition
 *          is found, the prototype is extracted and we search for
 *          the ending right brace.
 *      (5) To find the ending right brace, it is necessary to do some
 *          careful parsing.  For example, in this file, we have
 *          left and right braces as characters, and these must not
 *          be counted.  Somewhat more tricky, the file fhmtauto.c
 *          generates code, and includes a right brace in a string.
 *          So we must not include braces that are in strings.  But how
 *          do we know if something is inside a string?  Keep state,
 *          starting with not-inside, and every time you hit a double quote
 *          that is not escaped, toggle the condition.  Any brace
 *          found in the state of being within a string is ignored.
 *      (6) When a prototype is extracted, it is put in a canonical
 *          form (i.e., cleaned up).  Finally, we check that it is
 *          not static and save it.  (If static, it is ignored).
 *      (7) The @prestring for unix is NULL; it is included here so that
 *          you can use Microsoft's declaration for importing or
 *          exporting to a dll.  See environ.h for examples of use.
 *          Here, we set: @prestring = "LEPT_DLL ".  Note in particular
 *          the space character that will separate 'LEPT_DLL' from
 *          the standard unix prototype that follows.
char *
parseForProtos(const char *filein,
               const char *prestring)
char    *strdata, *str, *newstr, *parsestr, *secondword;
l_int32  start, next, stop, charindex, found;
size_t   nbytes;
SARRAY  *sa, *saout, *satest;


    if (!filein)
        return (char *)ERROR_PTR("filein not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Read in the cpp output into memory, one string for each
         * line in the file, omitting blank lines.  */
    strdata = (char *)l_binaryRead(filein, &nbytes);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(strdata, 0);

    saout = sarrayCreate(0);
    next = 0;
    while (1) {  /* repeat after each non-static prototype is extracted */
        searchForProtoSignature(sa, next, &start, &stop, &charindex, &found);
        if (!found)
/*        fprintf(stderr, "  start = %d, stop = %d, charindex = %d\n",
                start, stop, charindex); */
        str = captureProtoSignature(sa, start, stop, charindex);

            /* Make sure that the signature found by cpp is neither
             * static nor extern.  We get 'extern' declarations from
             * header files, and with some versions of cpp running on
             * #include <sys/stat.h> we get something of the form:
             *    extern ... (( ... )) ... ( ... ) { ...
             * For this, the 1st '(' is the lp, the 2nd ')' is the rp,
             * and there is a lot of garbage between the rp and the lb.
             * It is easiest to simply reject any signature that starts
             * with 'extern'.  Note also that an 'extern' token has been
             * prepended to each prototype, so the 'static' or
             * 'extern' keywords we are looking for, if they exist,
             * would be the second word. */
        satest = sarrayCreateWordsFromString(str);
        secondword = sarrayGetString(satest, 1, L_NOCOPY);
        if (strcmp(secondword, "static") &&  /* not static */
            strcmp(secondword, "extern")) {  /* not extern */
            if (prestring) {  /* prepend it to the prototype */
                newstr = stringJoin(prestring, str);
                sarrayAddString(saout, newstr, L_INSERT);
            } else {
                sarrayAddString(saout, str, L_INSERT);
        } else {

        skipToEndOfFunction(sa, stop, charindex, &next);
        if (next == -1) break;

        /* Flatten into a string with newlines between prototypes */
    parsestr = sarrayToString(saout, 1);

    return parsestr;
コード例 #6
 * \brief   strcodeFinalize()
 * \param[in,out]  pstrcode destroys after .c and .h files have been generated
 * \param[in]      outdir [optional] if NULL, files are made in /tmp/lept/auto
 * \return  void
strcodeFinalize(L_STRCODE  **pstrcode,
                const char  *outdir)
char        buf[256];
char       *filestr, *casestr, *descr, *datastr, *realoutdir;
l_int32     actstart, end, newstart, fileno, nbytes;
size_t      size;
L_STRCODE  *strcode;
SARRAY     *sa1, *sa2, *sa3;



    if (!pstrcode || *pstrcode == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("No input data", procName, 1);
    strcode = *pstrcode;
    if (!outdir) {
        L_INFO("no outdir specified; writing to /tmp/lept/auto\n", procName);
        realoutdir = stringNew("/tmp/lept/auto");
    } else {
        realoutdir = stringNew(outdir);

    /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*              Make the output autogen.*.c file           */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

       /* Make array of textlines from TEMPLATE1 */
    if ((filestr = (char *)l_binaryRead(TEMPLATE1, &size)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("filestr not made", procName, 1);
    if ((sa1 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(filestr, 1)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("sa1 not made", procName, 1);

    if ((sa3 = sarrayCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("sa3 not made", procName, 1);

        /* Copyright notice */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, 0, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* File name comment */
    fileno = strcode->fileno;
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " *   autogen.%d.c", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* More text */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Description of function types by index */
    descr = sarrayToString(strcode->descr, 1);
    descr[strlen(descr) - 1] = '\0';
    sarrayAddString(sa3, descr, L_INSERT);

        /* Includes */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#include \"autogen.%d.h\"", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Header for auto-generated deserializers */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Function name (as comment) */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " *  l_autodecode_%d()", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Input and return values */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Function name */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "l_autodecode_%d(l_int32 index)", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Stack vars */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Declaration of nfunc on stack */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "l_int32   nfunc = %d;\n", strcode->n);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Declaration of PROCNAME */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "    PROCNAME(\"l_autodecode_%d\");", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Test input variables */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Insert case string */
    casestr = sarrayToString(strcode->function, 0);
    casestr[strlen(casestr) - 1] = '\0';
    sarrayAddString(sa3, casestr, L_INSERT);

        /* End of function */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Flatten to string and output to autogen*.c file */
    if ((filestr = sarrayToString(sa3, 1)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("filestr from sa3 not made", procName, 1);
    nbytes = strlen(filestr);
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/autogen.%d.c", realoutdir, fileno);
    l_binaryWrite(buf, "w", filestr, nbytes);

    /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*              Make the output autogen.*.h file           */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

       /* Make array of textlines from TEMPLATE2 */
    if ((filestr = (char *)l_binaryRead(TEMPLATE2, &size)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("filestr not made", procName, 1);
    if ((sa2 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(filestr, 1)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("sa2 not made", procName, 1);

    if ((sa3 = sarrayCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("sa3 not made", procName, 1);

        /* Copyright notice */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, 0, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* File name comment */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " *   autogen.%d.h", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* More text */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Beginning header protection */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#ifndef  LEPTONICA_AUTOGEN_%d_H\n"
                               "#define  LEPTONICA_AUTOGEN_%d_H",
             fileno, fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Prototype header text */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Prototype declaration */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "void *l_autodecode_%d(l_int32 index);", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Prototype trailer text */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Insert serialized data strings */
    datastr = sarrayToString(strcode->data, 1);
    datastr[strlen(datastr) - 1] = '\0';
    sarrayAddString(sa3, datastr, L_INSERT);

        /* End header protection */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#endif  /* LEPTONICA_AUTOGEN_%d_H */", fileno);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Flatten to string and output to autogen*.h file */
    if ((filestr = sarrayToString(sa3, 1)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("filestr from sa3 not made", procName, 1);
    nbytes = strlen(filestr);
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/autogen.%d.h", realoutdir, fileno);
    l_binaryWrite(buf, "w", filestr, nbytes);

        /* Cleanup */
    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: sudoku.c プロジェクト: ZhangXinNan/leptonica-1
 * \brief   sudokuReadFile()
 * \param[in]    filename of formatted sudoku file
 * \return  array of 81 numbers, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The file format has:
 *          * any number of comment lines beginning with '#'
 *          * a set of 9 lines, each having 9 digits (0-9) separated
 *            by a space
 * </pre>
l_int32 *
sudokuReadFile(const char  *filename)
char     *str, *strj;
l_uint8  *data;
l_int32   i, j, nlines, val, index, error;
l_int32  *array;
size_t    size;
SARRAY   *saline, *sa1, *sa2;


    if (!filename)
        return (l_int32 *)ERROR_PTR("filename not defined", procName, NULL);
    data = l_binaryRead(filename, &size);
    sa1 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)data, 0);
    sa2 = sarrayCreate(9);

        /* Filter out the comment lines; verify that there are 9 data lines */
    nlines = sarrayGetCount(sa1);
    for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
        str = sarrayGetString(sa1, i, L_NOCOPY);
        if (str[0] != '#')
            sarrayAddString(sa2, str, L_COPY);
    nlines = sarrayGetCount(sa2);
    if (nlines != 9) {
        L_ERROR("file has %d lines\n", procName, nlines);
        return (l_int32 *)ERROR_PTR("invalid file", procName, NULL);

        /* Read the data into the array, verifying that each data
         * line has 9 numbers. */
    error = FALSE;
    array = (l_int32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(81, sizeof(l_int32));
    for (i = 0, index = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        str = sarrayGetString(sa2, i, L_NOCOPY);
        saline = sarrayCreateWordsFromString(str);
        if (sarrayGetCount(saline) != 9) {
            error = TRUE;
        for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
            strj = sarrayGetString(saline, j, L_NOCOPY);
            if (sscanf(strj, "%d", &val) != 1)
                error = TRUE;
                array[index++] = val;
        if (error) break;

    if (error) {
        return (l_int32 *)ERROR_PTR("invalid data", procName, NULL);

    return array;
コード例 #8
 *  fmorphautogen2()
 *      Input:  sela
 *              fileindex
 *              filename (<optional>; can be null)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This function uses morphtemplate2.txt to create a
 *          low-level file that contains the low-level functions for
 *          implementing dilation and erosion for every sel
 *          in the input sela.
 *      (2) The fileindex parameter is inserted into the output
 *          filename, as described below.
 *      (3) If filename == NULL, the output file is fmorphgenlow.<n>.c,
 *          where <n> is equal to the 'fileindex' parameter.
 *      (4) If filename != NULL, the output file is <filename>low.<n>.c.
fmorphautogen2(SELA        *sela,
               l_int32      fileindex,
               const char  *filename)
char    *filestr, *linestr, *fname;
char    *str_doc1, *str_doc2, *str_doc3, *str_doc4, *str_def1;
char     bigbuf[L_BUF_SIZE];
char     breakstring[] = "        break;";
char     staticstring[] = "static void";
l_int32  i, nsels, nbytes, actstart, end, newstart;
l_int32  argstart, argend, loopstart, loopend, finalstart, finalend;
size_t   size;
SARRAY  *sa1, *sa2, *sa3, *sa4, *sa5, *sa6;
SEL     *sel;


    if (!sela)
        return ERROR_INT("sela not defined", procName, 1);
    if (fileindex < 0)
        fileindex = 0;
    if ((nsels = selaGetCount(sela)) == 0)
        return ERROR_INT("no sels in sela", procName, 1);

        /* Make the array of textlines from morphtemplate2.txt */
    if ((filestr = (char *)l_binaryRead(TEMPLATE2, &size)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("filestr not made", procName, 1);
    sa1 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(filestr, 1);
    if (!sa1)
        return ERROR_INT("sa1 not made", procName, 1);

        /* Make the array of static function names */
    if ((sa2 = sarrayCreate(2 * nsels)) == NULL) {
        return ERROR_INT("sa2 not made", procName, 1);
    for (i = 0; i < nsels; i++) {
        sprintf(bigbuf, "fdilate_%d_%d", fileindex, i);
        sarrayAddString(sa2, bigbuf, L_COPY);
        sprintf(bigbuf, "ferode_%d_%d", fileindex, i);
        sarrayAddString(sa2, bigbuf, L_COPY);

        /* Make the static prototype strings */
    sa3 = sarrayCreate(2 * nsels);  /* should be ok */
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * nsels; i++) {
        fname = sarrayGetString(sa2, i, L_NOCOPY);
        sprintf(bigbuf, "static void  %s%s", fname, PROTOARGS);
        sarrayAddString(sa3, bigbuf, L_COPY);

        /* Make strings containing function names */
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *             l_int32    fmorphopgen_low_%d()",
    str_doc1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *             void       fdilate_%d_*()", fileindex);
    str_doc2 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *             void       ferode_%d_*()", fileindex);
    str_doc3 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *  fmorphopgen_low_%d()", fileindex);
    str_doc4 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "fmorphopgen_low_%d(l_uint32  *datad,", fileindex);
    str_def1 = stringNew(bigbuf);

        /* Output to this sa */
    sa4 = sarrayCreate(0);

        /* Copyright notice and info header */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, 0, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Insert function names as documentation */
    sarrayAddString(sa4, str_doc1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa4, str_doc2, L_INSERT);
    sarrayAddString(sa4, str_doc3, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Insert static protos */
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * nsels; i++) {
        if ((linestr = sarrayGetString(sa3, i, L_COPY)) == NULL) {
            return ERROR_INT("linestr not retrieved", procName, 1);
        sarrayAddString(sa4, linestr, L_INSERT);

        /* Insert function header */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa4, str_doc4, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa4, str_def1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Generate and insert the dispatcher code */
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * nsels; i++) {
        sprintf(bigbuf, "    case %d:", i);
        sarrayAddString(sa4, bigbuf, L_COPY);
        sprintf(bigbuf, "        %s(datad, w, h, wpld, datas, wpls);",
               sarrayGetString(sa2, i, L_NOCOPY));
        sarrayAddString(sa4, bigbuf, L_COPY);
        sarrayAddString(sa4, breakstring, L_COPY);

        /* Finish the dispatcher and introduce the low-level code */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, actstart, end);

        /* Get the range for the args common to all functions */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &argstart, &argend, &newstart, "--", 0);

        /* Get the range for the loop code common to all functions */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &loopstart, &loopend, &newstart, "--", 0);

        /* Get the range for the ending code common to all functions */
    sarrayParseRange(sa1, newstart, &finalstart, &finalend, &newstart, "--", 0);

        /* Do all the static functions */
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * nsels; i++) {
            /* Generate the function header and add the common args */
        sarrayAddString(sa4, staticstring, L_COPY);
        fname = sarrayGetString(sa2, i, L_NOCOPY);
        sprintf(bigbuf, "%s(l_uint32  *datad,", fname);
        sarrayAddString(sa4, bigbuf, L_COPY);
        sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, argstart, argend);

            /* Declare and define wplsN args, as necessary */
        if ((sel = selaGetSel(sela, i/2)) == NULL) {
            return ERROR_INT("sel not returned", procName, 1);
        sa5 = sarrayMakeWplsCode(sel);
        sarrayJoin(sa4, sa5);

            /* Add the function loop code */
        sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, loopstart, loopend);

            /* Insert barrel-op code for *dptr */
        sa6 = sarrayMakeInnerLoopDWACode(sel, i);
        sarrayJoin(sa4, sa6);

            /* Finish the function code */
        sarrayAppendRange(sa4, sa1, finalstart, finalend);

        /* Output to file */
    filestr = sarrayToString(sa4, 1);
    nbytes = strlen(filestr);
    if (filename)
        snprintf(bigbuf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%slow.%d.c", filename, fileindex);
        sprintf(bigbuf, "%slow.%d.c", OUTROOT, fileindex);
    l_binaryWrite(bigbuf, "w", filestr, nbytes);
    return 0;
コード例 #9
 * \brief   fmorphautogen1()
 * \param[in]    sela
 * \param[in]    fileindex
 * \param[in]    filename [optional]; can be null
 * \return  0 if OK; 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This function uses morphtemplate1.txt to create a
 *          top-level file that contains two functions.  These
 *          functions will carry out dilation, erosion,
 *          opening or closing for any of the sels in the input sela.
 *      (2) The fileindex parameter is inserted into the output
 *          filename, as described below.
 *      (3) If filename == NULL, the output file is fmorphgen.<n>.c,
 *          where <n> is equal to the 'fileindex' parameter.
 *      (4) If filename != NULL, the output file is <filename>.<n>.c.
 * </pre>
fmorphautogen1(SELA        *sela,
               l_int32      fileindex,
               const char  *filename)
char    *filestr;
char    *str_proto1, *str_proto2, *str_proto3;
char    *str_doc1, *str_doc2, *str_doc3, *str_doc4;
char    *str_def1, *str_def2, *str_proc1, *str_proc2;
char    *str_dwa1, *str_low_dt, *str_low_ds, *str_low_ts;
char    *str_low_tsp1, *str_low_dtp1;
char     bigbuf[L_BUF_SIZE];
l_int32  i, nsels, nbytes, actstart, end, newstart;
size_t   size;
SARRAY  *sa1, *sa2, *sa3;


    if (!sela)
        return ERROR_INT("sela not defined", procName, 1);
    if (fileindex < 0)
        fileindex = 0;
    if ((nsels = selaGetCount(sela)) == 0)
        return ERROR_INT("no sels in sela", procName, 1);

        /* Make array of textlines from morphtemplate1.txt */
    if ((filestr = (char *)l_binaryRead(TEMPLATE1, &size)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("filestr not made", procName, 1);
    sa2 = sarrayCreateLinesFromString(filestr, 1);
    if (!sa2)
        return ERROR_INT("sa2 not made", procName, 1);

        /* Make array of sel names */
    sa1 = selaGetSelnames(sela);

        /* Make strings containing function call names */
    sprintf(bigbuf, "PIX *pixMorphDwa_%d(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, "
                    "l_int32 operation, char *selname);", fileindex);
    str_proto1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "PIX *pixFMorphopGen_%d(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, "
                    "l_int32 operation, char *selname);", fileindex);
    str_proto2 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "l_int32 fmorphopgen_low_%d(l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w,\n"
        "                          l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld,\n"
        "                          l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls,\n"
        "                          l_int32 index);", fileindex);
    str_proto3 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *             PIX     *pixMorphDwa_%d()", fileindex);
    str_doc1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *             PIX     *pixFMorphopGen_%d()", fileindex);
    str_doc2 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *  pixMorphDwa_%d()", fileindex);
    str_doc3 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, " *  pixFMorphopGen_%d()", fileindex);
    str_doc4 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "pixMorphDwa_%d(PIX     *pixd,", fileindex);
    str_def1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "pixFMorphopGen_%d(PIX     *pixd,", fileindex);
    str_def2 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "    PROCNAME(\"pixMorphDwa_%d\");", fileindex);
    str_proc1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "    PROCNAME(\"pixFMorphopGen_%d\");", fileindex);
    str_proc2 = stringNew(bigbuf);
            "    pixt2 = pixFMorphopGen_%d(NULL, pixt1, operation, selname);",
    str_dwa1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
      "            fmorphopgen_low_%d(datad, w, h, wpld, datat, wpls, index);",
    str_low_dt = stringNew(bigbuf);
      "            fmorphopgen_low_%d(datad, w, h, wpld, datas, wpls, index);",
    str_low_ds = stringNew(bigbuf);
     "            fmorphopgen_low_%d(datat, w, h, wpls, datas, wpls, index+1);",
    str_low_tsp1 = stringNew(bigbuf);
      "            fmorphopgen_low_%d(datat, w, h, wpls, datas, wpls, index);",
    str_low_ts = stringNew(bigbuf);
     "            fmorphopgen_low_%d(datad, w, h, wpld, datat, wpls, index+1);",
    str_low_dtp1 = stringNew(bigbuf);

        /* Make the output sa */
    sa3 = sarrayCreate(0);

        /* Copyright notice and info header */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, 0, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Insert function names as documentation */
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_doc1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_doc2, L_INSERT);

        /* Add '#include's */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Insert function prototypes */
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_proto1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_proto2, L_INSERT);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_proto3, L_INSERT);

        /* Add static globals */
    sprintf(bigbuf, "\nstatic l_int32   NUM_SELS_GENERATED = %d;", nsels);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, bigbuf, L_COPY);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "static char  SEL_NAMES[][80] = {");
    sarrayAddString(sa3, bigbuf, L_COPY);
    for (i = 0; i < nsels - 1; i++) {
        sprintf(bigbuf, "                             \"%s\",",
                sarrayGetString(sa1, i, L_NOCOPY));
        sarrayAddString(sa3, bigbuf, L_COPY);
    sprintf(bigbuf, "                             \"%s\"};",
            sarrayGetString(sa1, i, L_NOCOPY));
    sarrayAddString(sa3, bigbuf, L_COPY);

        /* Start pixMorphDwa_*() function description */
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_doc3, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Finish pixMorphDwa_*() function definition */
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_def1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_proc1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_dwa1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Start pixFMorphopGen_*() function description */
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_doc4, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Finish pixFMorphopGen_*() function definition */
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_def2, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_proc2, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_low_dt, L_COPY);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_low_ds, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_low_tsp1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_low_dt, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_low_ts, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);
    sarrayAddString(sa3, str_low_dtp1, L_INSERT);
    sarrayParseRange(sa2, newstart, &actstart, &end, &newstart, "--", 0);
    sarrayAppendRange(sa3, sa2, actstart, end);

        /* Output to file */
    filestr = sarrayToString(sa3, 1);
    nbytes = strlen(filestr);
    if (filename)
        snprintf(bigbuf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.%d.c", filename, fileindex);
        sprintf(bigbuf, "%s.%d.c", OUTROOT, fileindex);
    l_binaryWrite(bigbuf, "w", filestr, nbytes);
    return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: byteatest.c プロジェクト: vkbrad/AndroidOCR
int main(int    argc,
         char **argv)
char        *str;
l_uint8     *data1, *data2;
l_int32      i, n, same1, same2;
size_t       size1, size2, slice, total, start, end;
FILE        *fp;
L_DNA       *da;
SARRAY      *sa;
L_BYTEA     *lba1, *lba2, *lba3, *lba4, *lba5;
static char  mainName[] = "byteatest";

    if (argc != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("syntax: byteatest", mainName, 1);


        /* Test basic init, join and split */
    lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif");
    lba2 = l_byteaInitFromFile("test24.jpg");
    size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1);
    size2 = l_byteaGetSize(lba2);
    l_byteaJoin(lba1, &lba2);
    lba3 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data, size1);
    lba4 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data + size1, size2);

        /* Split by hand */
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk1.dat", "w", lba3->data, lba3->size);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk2.dat", "w", lba4->data, lba4->size);
    filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "/tmp/bytea/junk1.dat", &same1);
    filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "/tmp/bytea/junk2.dat", &same2);
    if (same1 && same2)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for join file\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n");

        /* Split by function */
    l_byteaSplit(lba1, size1, &lba5);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk3.dat", "w", lba1->data, lba1->size);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk4.dat", "w", lba5->data, lba5->size);
    filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "/tmp/bytea/junk3.dat", &same1);
    filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "/tmp/bytea/junk4.dat", &same2);
    if (same1 && same2)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for split file\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n");

        /* Test appending with strings */
    data1 = l_binaryRead("kernel_reg.c", &size1);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)data1, 1);
    lba1 = l_byteaCreate(0);
    n = sarrayGetCount(sa);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        str = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        l_byteaAppendString(lba1, str);
        l_byteaAppendString(lba1, (char *)"\n");
    data2 = l_byteaGetData(lba1, &size2);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk5.dat", "w", data2, size2);
    filesAreIdentical("kernel_reg.c", "/tmp/bytea/junk5.dat", &same1);
    if (same1)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for appended string data\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: appended string data is different!\n");

        /* Test appending with binary data */
    slice = 1000;
    total = nbytesInFile("breviar-a38.jp2");
    lba1 = l_byteaCreate(100);
    n = 1 + total / slice;
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "* Testing error checking: ignore two reported errors *\n");
    for (i = 0, start = 0; i <= n; i++, start += slice) {
         data1 = l_binaryReadSelect("breviar-a38.jp2", start, slice, &size1);
         l_byteaAppendData(lba1, data1, size1);
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************************\n");
    data2 = l_byteaGetData(lba1, &size2);
    l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk6.dat", "w", data2, size2);
    filesAreIdentical("breviar-a38.jp2", "/tmp/bytea/junk6.dat", &same1);
    if (same1)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for appended binary data\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: appended binary data is different!\n");

        /* Test search */
    convertToPdf("test24.jpg", L_JPEG_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/bytea/junk7.pdf",
                 0, 0, 100, NULL, NULL, 0);
    lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("/tmp/bytea/junk7.pdf");
    l_byteaFindEachSequence(lba1, (l_uint8 *)" 0 obj\n", 7, &da);
    /* l_dnaWriteStream(stderr, da); */
    n = l_dnaGetCount(da);
    if (n == 6)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for search: found 6 instances\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in search: found %d instances, not 6\n", n);

        /* Test write to file */
    lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif");
    fp = lept_fopen("/tmp/bytea/junk8.dat", "wb");
    size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1);
    for (start = 0; start < size1; start += 1000) {
         end = L_MIN(start + 1000 - 1, size1 - 1);
         l_byteaWriteStream(fp, lba1, start, end);
    filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "/tmp/bytea/junk8.dat", &same1);
    if (same1)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for written binary data\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: written binary data is different!\n");

    return 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: byteatest.c プロジェクト: 0xkasun/Dummy_Tes
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *str;
l_uint8     *data1, *data2;
l_int32      i, n, start, end, same1, same2;
size_t       size1, size2;
FILE        *fp;
L_DNA       *da;
SARRAY      *sa;
L_BYTEA     *lba1, *lba2, *lba3, *lba4, *lba5;
static char  mainName[] = "byteatest";

    if (argc != 1)
        exit(ERROR_INT("syntax: whatever11", mainName, 1));

        /* Test basic init, join and split */
    lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif");
    lba2 = l_byteaInitFromFile("test24.jpg");
    size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1);
    size2 = l_byteaGetSize(lba2);
    l_byteaJoin(lba1, &lba2);
    lba3 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data, size1);
    lba4 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data + size1, size2);

        /* Split by hand */
    l_binaryWrite("junk1", "w", lba3->data, lba3->size);
    l_binaryWrite("junk2", "w", lba4->data, lba4->size);
    filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "junk1", &same1);
    filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "junk2", &same2);
    if (same1 && same2)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for join file\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n");

        /* Split by function */
    l_byteaSplit(lba1, size1, &lba5);
    l_binaryWrite("junk3", "w", lba1->data, lba1->size);
    l_binaryWrite("junk4", "w", lba5->data, lba5->size);
    filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "junk3", &same1);
    filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "junk4", &same2);
    if (same1 && same2)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for split file\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n");

        /* Test appending */
    data1 = l_binaryRead("whatever10.c", &size1);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)data1, 1);
    lba1 = l_byteaCreate(0);
    n = sarrayGetCount(sa);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        str = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        l_byteaAppendString(lba1, str);
        l_byteaAppendString(lba1, (char *)"\n");
    data2 = l_byteaGetData(lba1, &size2);
    l_binaryWrite("junk1.txt", "w", data2, size2);
    filesAreIdentical("whatever10.c", "junk1.txt", &same1);
    if (same1)
        fprintf(stderr, "OK for appended file\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: appended file is different!\n");

        /* Test search */
    convertToPdf("test24.jpg", L_JPEG_ENCODE, 0, "junk3.pdf",
                 0, 0, 100, NULL, 0, NULL);
    lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("junk3.pdf");
    l_byteaFindEachSequence(lba1, (l_uint8 *)" 0 obj\n", 7, &da);
    l_dnaWriteStream(stderr, da);

        /* Test write to file */
    lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif");
    fp = lept_fopen("junk5", "wb");
    size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1);
    for (start = 0; start < size1; start += 1000) {
         end = L_MIN(start + 1000 - 1, size1 - 1);
         l_byteaWriteStream(fp, lba1, start, end);

    return 0;