コード例 #1
ファイル: pMolLayer.cpp プロジェクト: mxpule/pMol0174
///XML save entire object
bool pMolLayer::save(QTextStream* stream)
  XMLsaveOpen(stream, "pMolLayer");
  return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pMolStackObject.cpp プロジェクト: mxpule/pMol0174
bool pMolStackObject::save(QTextStream* stream)
  XMLsaveOpen(stream, "pMolStackObject");
  return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CntPrjSaver.cpp プロジェクト: Commnets/AdstoneCode
// ---
void VSWContentPrjSaver::saveProject (VSWContentProjectPt cntPrj,
	const std::string& fName, QBOOLEAN saveAll)

	// Gets the real name of the file...
	// Initialy it is the name received as parameter,
	// but it is null, it will be the name keeped
	// into the aditional data of the content project object.
	// if that data does not exist, it will be not possible to open the file
	// and an exception will be thrown.
	// The method can be used to save an to save as a content project.
	std::string fileName = fName;
	if (fName == std::string (__NULL_STRING__))
		if (cntPrj -> _aditionalData.exists (std::string (__GENVALUE_DESCRIPTORPATH__)))
			fileName = cntPrj -> 
				_aditionalData.getStr (std::string (__GENVALUE_DESCRIPTORPATH__)) 
					-> value ().asString ();

	// Extract the location path of the reproduction project description file...
	std::string pathForFile = onlyPath (fileName);

	// Open the file.
	// If not an exception will be thrown...
	std::ofstream file;
	std::string txtToSave (__NULL_STRING__);	
	file.open (fileName.c_str ()); 
	if (!file)

	// Save the contents, schedulings, and sequences, 
	// and create the list of them for this file.
		// Gets the docType tag, only if exists...
		std::string docType (__NULL_STRING__);
		if (cntPrj -> _aditionalData.exists (std::string (__GENVALUE_DOCTYPENAME__)))
			docType = std::string ("<!DOCTYPE ") + 
				std::string (cntPrj -> _aditionalData.getStr (std::string (__GENVALUE_DOCTYPENAME__)) -> value ().asString ()) + 
				std::string (" SYSTEM \"") + relPathFor (cntPrj -> _aditionalData.getStr (std::string (__GENVALUE_DOCTYPEDTD__)) -> value ().asString (), pathForFile) + 
				std::string ("\">\n");

		txtToSave += std::string ("\t<") + 
			std::string (__ELEMENTSXML_TAGNAME__) + std::string (">\n");
		txtToSave += saveContents (cntPrj, pathForFile, saveAll);
		txtToSave += saveSequences (cntPrj, pathForFile, saveAll);
		txtToSave += saveSchedulings (cntPrj, pathForFile, saveAll);
		txtToSave += saveEvents (cntPrj);
		txtToSave += std::string ("\t</") + 
			std::string (__ELEMENTSXML_TAGNAME__) + std::string (">\n");
		txtToSave =	// Saves the header, and the paths...
			std::string (__HEADERXML_TAGNAME__) +
			docType + 
			std::string ("<") + std::string (__CONTENTPROJECTXML_TAGNAME__) + 
			std::string (" name=\"") + cntPrj -> name () + std::string ("\">\n") +
			std::string ("\t<") + std::string (__PRJPATHXML_TAGNAME__) + 
			std::string (">\n") + extractPathsFrom (cntPrj, pathForFile) +
			std::string ("\t</") + std::string (__PRJPATHXML_TAGNAME__) + 
			std::string (">\n") + txtToSave + std::string ("</") + 
			std::string (__CONTENTPROJECTXML_TAGNAME__) + std::string (">\n");
	catch (CMTYException& excep)
		throw VSWContentSaverError (excep, /* more deep in the history */

	// Save the content...
	file << txtToSave;
	file.close (); // ...and finaly close the file.
