コード例 #1
QgsSearchQueryBuilder::QgsSearchQueryBuilder( QgsVectorLayer* layer,
    QWidget *parent, const Qt::WindowFlags& fl )
    : QDialog( parent, fl ), mLayer( layer )
  setupUi( this );

  setWindowTitle( tr( "Search query builder" ) );

  QPushButton *pbn = new QPushButton( tr( "&Test" ) );
  buttonBox->addButton( pbn, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  connect( pbn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( on_btnTest_clicked() ) );

  pbn = new QPushButton( tr( "&Clear" ) );
  buttonBox->addButton( pbn, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  connect( pbn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( on_btnClear_clicked() ) );

  pbn = new QPushButton( tr( "&Save..." ) );
  buttonBox->addButton( pbn, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  pbn->setToolTip( tr( "Save query to an xml file" ) );
  connect( pbn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveQuery() ) );

  pbn = new QPushButton( tr( "&Load..." ) );
  buttonBox->addButton( pbn, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  pbn->setToolTip( tr( "Load query from xml file" ) );
  connect( pbn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( loadQuery() ) );

  if ( layer )
    lblDataUri->setText( layer->name() );
コード例 #2
ファイル: mainwindow.cpp プロジェクト: thibault7249/dbmaster
void MainWindow::setupConnections()
   * Actions
  connect(actionAbout,        SIGNAL(triggered()),  aboutDial,     SLOT(exec()));
  connect(actionAddDb,        SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(createDatabase()));
  connect(actionClearRecent,  SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(clearRecent()));
  connect(actionCloseTab,     SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(closeCurrentTab()));
  connect(actionCopy,         SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(copy()));
  connect(actionCut,          SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(cut()));
  connect(actionDbManager,    SIGNAL(triggered()),  dbDialog,      SLOT(exec()));
  connect(actionLogs,         SIGNAL(triggered()),  logDial,       SLOT(exec()));
  connect(actionNewQuery,     SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(newQuery()));
  connect(actionNextTab,      SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(nextTab()));
  connect(actionOpenQuery,    SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(openQuery()));
  connect(actionPaste,        SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(paste()));
  connect(actionPlugins,      SIGNAL(triggered()),  pluginDialog,  SLOT(exec()));
  connect(actionPreferences,  SIGNAL(triggered()),  confDial,      SLOT(exec()));
  connect(actionPreviousTab,  SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(previousTab()));
  connect(actionPrint,        SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(print()));
  connect(actionRedo,         SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(redo()));
  connect(actionSaveQuery,    SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(saveQuery()));
  connect(actionSaveQueryAs,  SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(saveQueryAs()));
  connect(actionSearch,       SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(search()));
  connect(actionSelect_all,   SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(selectAll()));
  connect(actionUndo,         SIGNAL(triggered()),  this,          SLOT(undo()));

   * DbTreeView
  connect(dbTreeView, SIGNAL(tableSelected(QSqlDatabase*,QString)),
          this, SLOT(openTable(QSqlDatabase*,QString)));

   * DbManager
  connect(DbManager::instance(), SIGNAL(statusChanged(QSqlDatabase*)),
          this, SLOT(checkDb(QSqlDatabase*)));
  connect(DbManager::model(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
          this, SLOT(reloadDbList()));

   * Dialogs
  connect(dbWizard, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(reloadDbList()));
  connect(logDial,  SIGNAL(event(QString)),
          QMainWindow::statusBar(), SLOT(showMessage(QString)));

  connect(QueryScheduler::instance(), SIGNAL(countChanged(int)),
          this, SLOT(setQueryCount(int)));

   * Tab widget
  connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(refreshTab()));
  connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int)));
コード例 #3
ファイル: query.cpp プロジェクト: FritzX6/osquery
Status Query::addNewResults(QueryData current_qd,
                            const uint64_t current_epoch,
                            uint64_t& counter,
                            DiffResults& dr,
                            bool calculate_diff) const {
  // The current results are 'fresh' when not calculating a differential.
  bool fresh_results = !calculate_diff;
  bool new_query = false;
  if (!isQueryNameInDatabase()) {
    // This is the first encounter of the scheduled query.
    fresh_results = true;
    LOG(INFO) << "Storing initial results for new scheduled query: " << name_;
    saveQuery(name_, query_);
  } else if (getPreviousEpoch() != current_epoch) {
    fresh_results = true;
    LOG(INFO) << "New Epoch " << current_epoch << " for scheduled query "
              << name_;
  } else if (isNewQuery()) {
    // This query is 'new' in that the previous results may be invalid.
    new_query = true;
    LOG(INFO) << "Scheduled query has been updated: " + name_;
    saveQuery(name_, query_);

  // Use a 'target' avoid copying the query data when serializing and saving.
  // If a differential is requested and needed the target remains the original
  // query data, otherwise the content is moved to the differential's added set.
  const auto* target_gd = &current_qd;
  bool update_db = true;
  if (!fresh_results && calculate_diff) {
    // Get the rows from the last run of this query name.
    QueryDataSet previous_qd;
    auto status = getPreviousQueryResults(previous_qd);
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;

    // Calculate the differential between previous and current query results.
    dr = diff(previous_qd, current_qd);

    update_db = (!dr.added.empty() || !dr.removed.empty());
  } else {
    dr.added = std::move(current_qd);
    target_gd = &dr.added;

  counter = getQueryCounter(fresh_results || new_query);
  auto status =
      setDatabaseValue(kQueries, name_ + "counter", std::to_string(counter));
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  if (update_db) {
    // Replace the "previous" query data with the current.
    std::string json;
    status = serializeQueryDataJSON(*target_gd, json);
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;

    status = setDatabaseValue(kQueries, name_, json);
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;

    status = setDatabaseValue(
        kQueries, name_ + "epoch", std::to_string(current_epoch));
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;
  return Status(0, "OK");