コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
/*Calcola il minimo di dr2 fra tutte le immagini
	Viene calcolato per tutte le particelle. Le due liste passate sono le liste di particelle a istanti di tempo diversi
	Deve essere chiamata da r_squared_save
inline double r_squared_calc ( particle_s * list_0, particle_s * list_1){
	unsigned int i,k;
	double sum = 0;
	double rdiff[N];
	double distance, min;
	double rdiff2[2]={0,0};
	int x,y;
	particle_s temp_part;
	for ( i = 0; i< number_of_particles;i++){
		min = DBL_MAX;
		for ( x= -1; x < 2 ; x++){
			for ( y = -1; y<2 ; y++){
				temp_part = list_0[i];
				temp_part.position[0] += x;
				temp_part.position[1] += y;
				distance = scalar_prod(rdiff,rdiff);
				if( distance < min ){
					min = distance;
					for ( k = 0; k<N;k++){
						rdiff2[k] = rdiff[k];
		sum += scalar_prod(rdiff2,rdiff2);
	return sum/(double)number_of_particles;
コード例 #2
double reweighting_factor_nd(const int N, const int repro)
  int i, n_iter;
  double sq_norm, corr, sum=0., sq_sum = 0., temp1;
  double mu1, mu2;

  _Complex double temp2;

  mu1 = g_mu1;
  mu2 = g_mu1;
  /* Use spinor_field 2,3,5                         */
  /* in order not to conflict with anything else... */

  for(i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    random_spinor_field_eo(g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], repro, RN_GAUSS);
    random_spinor_field_eo(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], repro, RN_GAUSS);
    zero_spinor_field(g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], VOLUME/2);
    zero_spinor_field(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], VOLUME/2);

    temp1 = phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0];
    phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0] = temp1 - 1;

    Ptilde_ndpsi(g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef, phmc_ptilde_n_cheby, g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], &Qtm_pm_ndpsi);

    phmc_ptilde_cheby_coef[0] = temp1;

    temp2 = scalar_prod(g_chi_up_spinor_field[2], g_chi_up_spinor_field[3], VOLUME / 2, 1);
    if(cimag(temp2) > 1.0e-8)
      printf("!!! WARNING  Immaginary part of CORR-UP  LARGER than 10^-8 !!! \n");
      printf(" CORR-UP:  Re=%12.10e  Im=%12.10e \n", creal(temp2), cimag(temp2));
    corr = temp2;
    printf(" CORR-UP:  Re=%12.10e \n", corr);
    temp2 = scalar_prod(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[2], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[3], VOLUME / 2, 1);
    if(cimag(temp2) > 1.0e-8)
      printf("!!! WARNING  Immaginary part of CORR_DN  LARGER than 10^-8 !!! \n");
      printf(" CORR-DN:  Re=%12.10e  Im=%12.10e \n", creal(temp2), cimag(temp2));
    corr += temp2;
    printf(" CORR-DN:  Re=%12.10e \n", cimag(temp2));

    temp1 = -corr;
    sum += temp1;
    sq_sum += temp1 * temp1;
    printf("rew: n_iter = %d, sq_norm = %e, corr = %e\n", n_iter, sq_norm, corr);
  sum /= N;
  sq_sum /= N;
  printf("rew: factor = %e, err = %e\n", sum, sqrt(sum * sum - sq_sum) / (N - 1));
コード例 #3
ファイル: test1.c プロジェクト: MrMage/schwinger
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
 /* Initialize the random number generator */
 rlxd_init(2, 12345); 
 /* Initialize the lattice geometry */
 init_lattice(X1, X2);
 //Testing the hermiticity of gam5D_wilson
 //Operator is Hermitian if for any vectors x and y (y, Ax) = (Ay, x)
 //1. Write the procedure which fills a spinor field with gaussian-distributed complex random numbers such that <z z*> = 1
 //2. Initialize two random spinor fields X and Y (arrays of type spinor and size GRIDPOINTS) 
 //3. Check that (y, Ax) = (Ay, x)
 //Calculating p1 = (y, Ax)
 gam5D_wilson(tmp, X);
 complex double p1 = scalar_prod(Y, tmp);
 //Calculating p2 = (Ax, y)
 gam5D_wilson(tmp, Y);
 complex double p2 = scalar_prod(tmp, X);
 //Check that p1 and p2 are equal
 double epsilon = cabs(p1 - p2);
 printf("\n\n\t Hermiticity check: |p1 - p2| = %2.2E - %s \n\n", epsilon, (epsilon < 1E-14)? "OK":"No");

 //Testing the performance of the Conjugate Gradient Solver
 //1. In order to monitor the progress of the solver, #define MONITOR_CG_PROGRESS in linalg.h
 //   This will print the squared norm of the residue at each iteration to the screen
 //2. Initialize the gauge fields with the coldstart() procedure
 //3. Generate a random spinor field  Y and use cg(X, Y, ITER_MAX, DELTACG, &gam5D_SQR_wilson)
 //   to solve the equation (gamma_5 D)^2 X = Y
 //   (gamma_5 D)^2 is implemented as gam5D_SQR_wilson(out, temp, in), see Dirac.h
 //4. Now apply gam5D_SQR_wilson to X, subtract Y and calculate the norm of the result
 //5. Do the same with hotstart() and see how the number of CG iterations changes

 spinor Y1[GRIDPOINTS];
 cg(X, Y, ITER_MAX, DELTACG, &gam5D_SQR_wilson);
 gam5D_SQR_wilson(Y1, tmp, X);
 diff(tmp, Y1, Y);
 epsilon = sqrt(square_norm(tmp));
 printf("\n\n\t Test of CG inverter: |Q X - Y| = %2.2E - %s \n\n", epsilon, (epsilon < 1E-6)? "OK":"No");

 return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: mcxtrace-r.c プロジェクト: emilhallin/McCode
 * plane_intersect: Calculate intersection between a plane (with normal n including the point w)
 * and a line thourhg x along the direction k.
 * returns 0 when no intersection is found (i.e. line is parallel to the plane)
 * returns 1 or -1 when intersection length is positive and negative, respectively
plane_intersect(double *l, double x, double y, double z,
                 double kx, double ky, double kz, double nx, double ny, double nz, double wx, double wy, double wz)
  double s,k2;
  if (k2<FLT_EPSILON || fabs(s)<FLT_EPSILON) return 0;
  *l = - sqrt(k2)*scalar_prod(nx,ny,nz,x-wx,y-wy,z-wz)/s;
  if (*l<0) return -1;
  else return 1;
} /* plane_intersect */
コード例 #5
ファイル: Dov_psi.c プロジェクト: palao/tmLQCD
void addproj_q_invsqrt(spinor * const Q, spinor * const P, const int n, const int N) {
  int j;
  spinor  *aux;
  complex cnorm, lambda;
  static double save_ev[2]={-1.,-1.};
  static int * ev_sign = NULL;
  if(eigenvls[0] != save_ev[0] && eigenvls[1] != save_ev[1] ) {
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("# Recomputing eigenvalue signs!\n");
    for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
      save_ev[j] = eigenvls[j];
    ev_sign = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int));


    for(j=0; j < n; j++) {
      D_psi(aux, &(eigenvectors[j*evlength]));
      gamma5(aux, aux, N);
      lambda = scalar_prod(&(eigenvectors[j*evlength]), aux, N, 1);
      if (lambda.re < 0) {
	ev_sign[j] = -1;
      else {
	ev_sign[j] = 1;

/*     free(aux_); */

  for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    cnorm = scalar_prod(&(eigenvectors[j*evlength]), P, N, 1);
    cnorm.re *= (double)ev_sign[j];
    cnorm.im *= (double)ev_sign[j];
    assign_add_mul(Q, &(eigenvectors[j*evlength]), cnorm, N);
コード例 #6
t_color			get_ambiant_light(t_scene scene, t_vector ray,
									t_obj object, t_point inter)
	t_llst		*tmp;
	t_point		light_inter;
	double		norm;

	tmp = scene.lst_light;
	scene.color = new_color(0, 0, 0);
	while (tmp)
		light_inter = new_point(inter.x - tmp->light->body.center.x, inter.y -
			tmp->light->body.center.y, inter.z - tmp->light->body.center.z);
		norm = sqrt(pow(light_inter.x, 2) + pow(light_inter.y, 2) +
				pow(light_inter.z, 2));
		scene.normal = object.normal(object, inter, ray);
		light_inter = new_point((double)light_inter.x / norm,
						light_inter.y / norm, light_inter.z / norm);
		scene.scal = scalar_prod(light_inter, scene.normal);
		scene.ray = ray.dir;
		if (norm_is_shit(scene, *(tmp->light), inter, norm) &&
				scene.scal >= 0.000000000000000000001)
			scene.color = calc_color(get_spec(scene, *(tmp->light),
			light_inter, object), object.texturing(object, inter, ray),
			*(tmp->light), scene.scal);
		tmp = tmp->next;
	return (scene.color);
コード例 #7
ファイル: DetectorInfo.cpp プロジェクト: DanNixon/mantid
/// Returns signed 2 theta (signed scattering angle w.r.t. to beam direction).
DetectorInfo::signedTwoTheta(const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &index) const {
  if (isMonitor(index))
    throw std::logic_error(
        "Two theta (scattering angle) is not defined for monitors.");

  const auto samplePos = samplePosition();
  const auto beamLine = samplePos - sourcePosition();

  if (beamLine.nullVector()) {
    throw Kernel::Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError(
        "Source and sample are at same position!");
  // Get the axis defining the sign
  const auto &instrumentUpAxis =

  const auto sampleDetVec = position(index) - samplePos;
  double angle = sampleDetVec.angle(beamLine);

  const auto cross = beamLine.cross_prod(sampleDetVec);
  const auto normToSurface = beamLine.cross_prod(instrumentUpAxis);
  if (normToSurface.scalar_prod(cross) < 0) {
    angle *= -1;
  return angle;
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
int  check_distance (){
	int i,j;
	double distance = 0;
	double diff_v[N];
	int x,y;
	particle_s temp_part;
	for (i = 0 ; i< number_of_particles ; i++){
		for(j = i+1;j <number_of_particles ; j++){
			for ( x= -1; x < 2 ; x++){
				for ( y = -1; y<2 ; y++){
					temp_part = particleList[j];
					temp_part.position[0] += x;
					temp_part.position[1] += y;
					distance = sqrt(scalar_prod(diff_v,diff_v));
					if( distance <SIGMA){
						printf("Sfere (%d,%d) troppo vicine!\n",i,j);
						return (1);
	return (0);
コード例 #9
ファイル: quad.c プロジェクト: lastro/perso
void			int_quad(t_inter *pt, void *e, t_ray ray, t_light *light)
	t_quad		quad;
	double		t;
	t_vec		inter;

	quad = *((t_quad *)e);
	t = get_dist(ray, quad);
	if (t < 0)
		return ;
	if (pt->dist == NULL || *(pt->dist) > t)
		if (pt->dist == NULL)
			pt->dist = malloc(sizeof(double));
		*(pt->dist) = t;
		inter = get_inter(ray, t);
		pt->normal = get_normal_quad(inter, quad);
		if (scalar_prod(pt->normal, ray.dir) > 0)
			pt->normal = mult_scalar(pt->normal, -1);
		pt->refl = get_refl(ray, pt->normal);
		pt->color = quad.color;
		pt->inter = inter;
		get_info(pt, light, inter);
コード例 #10
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
	/*Calcola energia cinetica*/
double kin_en ( void) {
	int i = 0;
	double  sum = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i< number_of_particles ; i++){
		sum += scalar_prod(particleList[i].speed, particleList[i].speed);
	return sum/2.0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: interoff-lib.c プロジェクト: emilhallin/McCode
// off_intersectPoly ***********************************************************
//gives the intersection vertex between ray [a,b) and polygon p and its parametric value on (a b)
//based on http://geometryalgorithms.com/Archive/algorithm_0105/algorithm_0105.htm
int off_intersectPoly(intersection *inter, Coords a, Coords b, polygon p)
  //direction vector of [a,b]
  Coords dir = {b.x-a.x, b.y-a.y, b.z-a.z};

  //the normal vector to the polygon
  Coords normale=p.normal;
  //off_normal(&normale, p); done at the init stage

  //direction vector from a to a vertex of the polygon
  Coords w0 = {a.x-p.p[0], a.y-p.p[1], a.z-p.p[2]};

  //scalar product
  MCNUM nw0  =-scalar_prod(normale.x,normale.y,normale.z,w0.x,w0.y,w0.z);
  MCNUM ndir = scalar_prod(normale.x,normale.y,normale.z,dir.x,dir.y,dir.z);
  inter->time = inter->edge = inter->in_out=0;
  inter->v = inter->normal = coords_set(0,0,1);

  if (fabs(ndir) < EPSILON)    // ray is parallel to polygon plane
    if (nw0 == 0)              // ray lies in polygon plane (infinite number of solution)
      return 0;
    else return 0;             // ray disjoint from plane (no solution)

  // get intersect point of ray with polygon plane
  inter->time = nw0 / ndir;            //parametric value the point on line (a,b)

  inter->v = coords_set(a.x + inter->time * dir.x,// intersect point of ray and plane
    a.y + inter->time * dir.y,
    a.z + inter->time * dir.z);

  int res=off_pnpoly(p,inter->v);

  if (ndir<0)
    inter->in_out=1;  //the negative dot product means we enter the surface


  return res;         //true if the intersection point lies inside the poly
} /* off_intersectPoly */
コード例 #12
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
/*Calcola momento totale (in norma)*/
double total_momentum (){
	int i,j;
	double  sum[2] = {0,0};
	for ( i = 0; i< number_of_particles ; i++){
		for ( j = 0; j< N ; j++){
		sum[j] += particleList[i].speed[j];
	return sqrt(scalar_prod(sum,sum));
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
	/*Salva il modulo della velocità in un file per poter fare un istogramma */
inline void boltzmann_file_save ( void ){
	int i = 0;
	double speed_squared = 0;
	FILE *f = fopen ("data/boltzmann.dat","a");
	for (i = 0; i< number_of_particles ; i++){
		speed_squared = sqrt(scalar_prod(particleList[i].speed,particleList[i].speed));
コード例 #14
ファイル: QPgen.c プロジェクト: elt11jke/RealPred-Projekt
 static void restart(double *x, double *x_old, double *y, double *y_old, double *tmp_var_p, double *tmp_var_p2, int n){
  double test;
  test = scalar_prod(tmp_var_p,tmp_var_p2,n);
  if (test > 0) {
コード例 #15
ファイル: mr.c プロジェクト: LorenzoRiggio/tmLQCD
int mr(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q,
       const int max_iter, const double eps_sq,
       const int rel_prec, const int N, const int parallel, 
       matrix_mult f){
  int i=0;
  double norm_r,beta;
  _Complex double alpha;
  spinor * r;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 3;
  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
  r = solver_field[0];
  zero_spinor_field(P, N);
  f(solver_field[2], P);
  diff(r, Q, solver_field[2], N);
  norm_r=square_norm(solver_field[0], N, parallel);
  if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2) {
    printf("MR iteration number: %d, |res|^2 = %e\n", i, norm_r); 
    fflush( stdout );
  while((norm_r > eps_sq) && (i < max_iter)){
    f(solver_field[1], r);
    alpha=scalar_prod(solver_field[1], r, N, parallel);
    beta=square_norm(solver_field[1], N, parallel);
    alpha /= beta;
    assign_add_mul(P, r, alpha, N);
    if(i%50 == 0){
      f(solver_field[2], P);
      assign_add_mul(solver_field[2], solver_field[1], alpha, N);

    diff(r, Q, solver_field[2], N);
    norm_r=square_norm(solver_field[0], N, parallel);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 2) {
      printf("# MR iteration= %d  |res|^2= %g\n", i, norm_r); 
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
  if(norm_r > eps_sq){
コード例 #16
ファイル: sub_low_ev.c プロジェクト: palao/tmLQCD
/* Q=Q-sum_i lambda_i |eigen_i><eigen_i|P> */
void sub_lowest_eigenvalues(spinor * const Q, spinor * const P, const int n, const int N) {
  int i;
  complex c;
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
    c = scalar_prod(&(eigenvectors[i*evlength]), P, N, 1);
    c.re *= -eigenvls[i];
    c.im *= -eigenvls[i];
    assign_add_mul(Q, &eigenvectors[i*evlength], c, N);
コード例 #17
ファイル: diehdral.c プロジェクト: abatriuno/2pg_cartesian
float compute_diehdral_angle(const own_vector_t *a1,
		const own_vector_t *a2,const own_vector_t *a3,	const own_vector_t *a4){
	/* Computes the dihedral angle	 */
	own_vector_t *P1, *P2, *M, *r1, *r2, *r3;
	double mod_P1, mod_P2;
	double W;

	P1 = Malloc(own_vector_t,1);
	P2 = Malloc(own_vector_t,1);
	M = Malloc(own_vector_t,1);
	r1 = Malloc(own_vector_t,1);
	r2 = Malloc(own_vector_t,1);
	r3 = Malloc(own_vector_t,1);

	//Computing distances

	mod_P1 = mod_vector(P1);
	mod_P2 = mod_vector(P2);

	W = acos(scalar_prod(P1,P2)/(mod_P1*mod_P2));
	//Check if is necessary change the signal of W
	if (scalar_prod(M,r2) < 0){
		W = W *(-1);
	//Deallocating variables

	return W;

コード例 #18
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
/* Calcola il tempo minimo fra le 9 immagini  */
double calc_min ( int i , int j){
	double x,y;
	double min= DBL_MAX;
	double r_diff[N];
	double v_diff[N];
	double det;
	double temp;
	particle_s temp_part;
	for ( x= -1; x < 2 ; x++){
		for ( y = -1; y<2 ; y++){
			temp_part = particleList[j];
			temp_part.position[0] += x;
			temp_part.position[1] += y;
			diff(particleList[i].position,temp_part.position, r_diff);
			diff( particleList[i].speed,temp_part.speed, v_diff);
			if( scalar_prod( r_diff, v_diff) < 0){
				det = scalar_prod(r_diff,v_diff)*scalar_prod(r_diff,v_diff) - scalar_prod(v_diff,v_diff)*( scalar_prod(r_diff,r_diff) -SIGMA*SIGMA);
				if (det > 0){
					//uso debug: printf("Scalar prod: %e \n",(scalar_prod(v_diff,v_diff)));
					temp = ( - scalar_prod( r_diff, v_diff) - sqrt( det ))/ (scalar_prod(v_diff,v_diff) );
					if ( temp < min ){
						min = temp;
	return min;
コード例 #19
ファイル: sub_low_ev.c プロジェクト: palao/tmLQCD
/* Q = Q + sum_i 1/lambda_i |eigen_i><eigen_i|P> */
void assign_add_invert_subtracted_part(spinor * const Q, spinor * const P, const int n, const int N) {
  int i=0;
  complex c;
  double rev=0;

  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
    c = scalar_prod(&eigenvectors[i*evlength], P, N, 1);
    rev = 1./eigenvls[i];
    c.re *= rev;
    c.im *= rev;
    assign_add_mul(Q, &eigenvectors[i*evlength], c, N);
コード例 #20
ファイル: spatial.cpp プロジェクト: mauroalberti/geoSurfDEM
double Vector3D::angle(Vector3D another) {

    double cos_angle = scalar_prod(another) / (length()*another.length());
    if (cos_angle > 1.0) {
        cos_angle = 1.0;}
    else if (cos_angle < -1.0) {
        cos_angle = -1.0;

    double angle_degr = degrees(acos(cos_angle));

    return angle_degr;

コード例 #21
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
/*Evolve il sistema di uno step
* Volendo calcolar dr2(t) l'evoluzioneva di step din step e tiene conto del fatto se facendo lo step temporale che porta alla collisione successiva si supera lo step temporale
* fissato per il dr2(t)
void evolve ( ) {
	double deltaV_pre[N];
	double deltaV_post[N];
	double deltaV[N];
	unsigned int j = 0;
	//Calcola la prossima coppia che si scontra e mette il tempo di collisione in time_collision
	//Mfp da calcolare prima che si siano scambiate le velocità
	time_prec è l'ultimo tempo in cui si son salvati i dati
	total_time è il tempo corrente 
	DeltaT è la larghezza di step temporale a cui si vuole calcolare dr2
	if ( total_time + time_collision <time_prec+DeltaT ){
	// Se non ha superato lo step temporale, muovi sempre prendere dati
	if ( total_time + time_collision - DeltaT -time_prec < 0){
	/* Supererebbe lo step:
	* ~ muovi del tempo necessario per arrivare allo step
	* ~ prende dati
	* ~ muove del tempo necessario per arrivare a time_collision
		step( time_prec + DeltaT - total_time);
		for ( j = 0; j< number_of_particles;j++){
			time_list[time_counted*number_of_particles+j] = particleList[j];
		step( total_time+ time_collision - time_prec - DeltaT);
		time_prec += DeltaT;
	//calcoli pressione
	//condizioni al bordo
	numOfCollisions ++;
	pression += sqrt(scalar_prod(deltaV,deltaV));
コード例 #22
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
void vel_file_save ( ){
	int i = 0;
	FILE *f = fopen("data/v2.dat","a");
	FILE *fx = fopen ("data/vx.dat","a");
	FILE *fy = fopen("data/vy.dat","a");
	for (i = 0; i< number_of_particles ; i++){
コード例 #23
ファイル: jdher.c プロジェクト: Finkenrath/tmLQCD
void Proj_A_psi(spinor * const y, spinor * const x){
  double mtheta = -p_theta;
  int i; 
  /* y = A*x */
  p_A_psi(y, x); 
  /* y = -theta*x+y*/
  _FT(daxpy)(&p_n2, &mtheta, (double*) x, &ONE, (double*) y, &ONE);
  /* p_work = Q^dagger*y */ 
  for(i = 0; i < p_k; i++) {
    p_work[i] = scalar_prod((spinor*)(p_Q+i*p_lda), (spinor*) y, p_n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor), 1);
  /* y = y - Q*p_work */ 
  _FT(zgemv)(fupl_n, &p_n, &p_k, &CMONE, p_Q, &p_lda, (_Complex double*) p_work, &ONE, &CONE, (_Complex double*) y, &ONE, 1);
コード例 #24
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: entangled90/computazionale_m
/*Modifica le velocità delle particelle coinvolte nella collisione*/
void switch_speeds(){
	int j;
	int  x,y;
	double temp_r_diff[N]; /* Vettore differenza temporaneo per le 9 immagini*/
	double v_diff[N];
	double rdiff[2]={0,0}; /*Vero vettore differenza*/
	/* temp_r_diff = R0 - R1
	 * v_diff = V0 _ V1
	double min = DBL_MAX;
	double tmp_dbl;
	particle_s temp_part;
	double v_temp;
	for ( x= -1; x < 2 ; x++){
		for ( y = -1; y<2 ; y++){
			temp_part = particleList[index_collision[1]];
			temp_part.position[0] += x;
			temp_part.position[1] += y;
			diff(particleList[index_collision[0]].position,temp_part.position, temp_r_diff); /*vettore differenza salvato in temp_r_diff*/
			tmp_dbl = scalar_prod(temp_r_diff,temp_r_diff) ; 
			if ( tmp_dbl < min){
				min = tmp_dbl;
				for ( j= 0; j<N; j++){
				rdiff[j] = temp_r_diff[j];
	diff( particleList[index_collision[0]].speed, particleList[index_collision[1]].speed, v_diff);
	scalar_mult( 1/(sqrt(scalar_prod(rdiff,rdiff))), rdiff);
	v_temp = scalar_prod(v_diff,rdiff);
	for ( j = 0 ; j < N ; j++){
		particleList[index_collision[0]].speed[j] -= v_temp*rdiff[j];
		particleList[index_collision[1]].speed[j] += v_temp*rdiff[j];

コード例 #25
ファイル: sub_low_ev.c プロジェクト: palao/tmLQCD
void invert_eigenvalue_part(spinor * const Q, spinor * const P, const int n, const int N) {
  int i=0;
  complex c;
  double rev=0;

/*   c = scalar_prod(&eigenvectors[0], P, N, 1); */
/*   rev = 1./eigenvls[0]; */
/*   c.re *= rev; */
/*   c.im *= rev; */
/*   mul(Q, c, &eigenvectors[0], N); */
  assign(Q, P, N);
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
    c = scalar_prod(&eigenvectors[i*evlength], P, N, 1);
    c.re *= -inv_eigenvls[i];
    c.im *= -inv_eigenvls[i];
    assign_add_mul(Q, &eigenvectors[i*evlength], c, N);
コード例 #26
static t_color	get_spec(t_scene scene, t_light light,
						t_point light_inter, t_obj object)
	t_point		r;
	float		dot;
	float		reflet;

	reflet = 2.0f * scene.scal;
	r = new_point(light_inter.x - reflet * scene.normal.x, light_inter.y -
		reflet * scene.normal.y, light_inter.z - reflet * scene.normal.z);
	dot = scalar_prod(scene.ray, r);
	if (dot < 0.0f)
		reflet = powf(dot, 20) * object.spec * light.intensity;
		scene.color = new_color(scene.color.red + reflet * light.color.red,
			scene.color.blue + reflet * light.color.blue,
			scene.color.green + reflet * light.color.green);
	return (scene.color);
コード例 #27
 * A map detector ID and Q ranges
 * This method looks unnecessary as it could be calculated on the fly but
 * the parallelization means that lazy instantation slows it down due to the
 * necessary CRITICAL sections required to update the cache. The Q range
 * values are required very frequently so the total time is more than
 * offset by this precaching step
DetectorAngularCache initAngularCaches(const MatrixWorkspace *const workspace) {
  const size_t nhist = workspace->getNumberHistograms();
  std::vector<double> thetas(nhist);
  std::vector<double> thetaWidths(nhist);
  std::vector<double> detectorHeights(nhist);

  auto inst = workspace->getInstrument();
  const auto samplePos = inst->getSample()->getPos();
  const V3D upDirVec = inst->getReferenceFrame()->vecPointingUp();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < nhist; ++i) // signed for OpenMP
    IDetector_const_sptr det;
    try {
      det = workspace->getDetector(i);
    } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
      // Catch if no detector. Next line tests whether this happened - test
      // placed
      // outside here because Mac Intel compiler doesn't like 'continue' in a
      // catch
      // in an openmp block.
    // If no detector found, skip onto the next spectrum
    if (!det || det->isMonitor()) {
      thetas[i] = -1.0; // Indicates a detector to skip
      thetaWidths[i] = -1.0;
    // We have to convert theta from radians to degrees
    const double theta = workspace->detectorSignedTwoTheta(*det) * rad2deg;
    thetas[i] = theta;
     * Determine width from shape geometry. A group is assumed to contain
     * detectors with the same shape & r, theta value, i.e. a ring mapped-group
     * The shape is retrieved and rotated to match the rotation of the detector.
     * The angular width is computed using the l2 distance from the sample
    if (auto group = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const DetectorGroup>(det)) {
      // assume they all have same shape and same r,theta
      auto dets = group->getDetectors();
      det = dets[0];
    const auto pos = det->getPos() - samplePos;
    double l2(0.0), t(0.0), p(0.0);
    pos.getSpherical(l2, t, p);
    // Get the shape
    auto shape =
        det->shape(); // Defined in its own reference frame with centre at 0,0,0
    BoundingBox bbox = shape->getBoundingBox();
    auto maxPoint(bbox.maxPoint());
    auto minPoint(bbox.minPoint());
    auto span = maxPoint - minPoint;
    detectorHeights[i] = span.scalar_prod(upDirVec);
    thetaWidths[i] = 2.0 * std::fabs(std::atan((detectorHeights[i] / 2) / l2)) *
                     180.0 / M_PI;
  DetectorAngularCache cache;
  cache.thetas = thetas;
  cache.thetaWidths = thetaWidths;
  cache.detectorHeights = detectorHeights;
  return cache;
コード例 #28
ファイル: linsolve.c プロジェクト: annube/tmLQCD
/* k output , l input */
int bicg(spinor * const k, spinor * const l, double eps_sq, const int rel_prec) {

  double err, d1, squarenorm=0.;
  complex rho0, rho1, omega, alpha, beta, nom, denom;
  int iteration, N=VOLUME/2;
  spinor * r, * p, * v, *hatr, * s, * t, * P, * Q;

  if(ITER_MAX_BCG > 0) {

    hatr = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER];
    r = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+1];
    v = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+2];
    p = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+3];
    s = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+4];
    t = g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER+5];
    P = k;
    Q = l;

    squarenorm = square_norm(Q, VOLUME/2, 1);
    Mtm_plus_psi(r, P);
    gamma5(g_spinor_field[DUM_SOLVER], l, VOLUME/2);
    diff(p, hatr, r, N);
    assign(r, p, N);
    assign(hatr, p, N);
    rho0 = scalar_prod(hatr, r, N, 1);
    for(iteration = 0; iteration < ITER_MAX_BCG; iteration++){
      err = square_norm(r, N, 1);
      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 1) {
	printf("BiCGstab: iterations: %d res^2 %e\n", iteration, err);
      if (((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) 
	  || ((err <= eps_sq*squarenorm) && (rel_prec == 1))){
      Mtm_plus_psi(v, p);
      denom = scalar_prod(hatr, v, N, 1);
      _div_complex(alpha, rho0, denom);
      assign(s, r, N);
      assign_diff_mul(s, v, alpha, N);
      Mtm_plus_psi(t, s);
      omega = scalar_prod(t,s, N, 1);
      d1 = square_norm(t, N, 1);
      omega.re/=d1; omega.im/=d1;
      assign_add_mul_add_mul(P, p, s, alpha, omega, N);
      assign(r, s, N);
      assign_diff_mul(r, t, omega, N);
      rho1 = scalar_prod(hatr, r, N, 1);
      _mult_assign_complex(nom, alpha, rho1);
      _mult_assign_complex(denom, omega, rho0);
      _div_complex(beta, nom, denom);
      omega.re=-omega.re; omega.im=-omega.im;
      assign_mul_bra_add_mul_ket_add(p, v, r, omega, beta, N);
      rho0.re = rho1.re; rho0.im = rho1.im;
    if(g_proc_id==0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
      printf("BiCGstab: iterations: %d eps_sq: %1.4e\n", iteration, eps_sq); 
    iteration = ITER_MAX_BCG;
    gamma5(k, l, VOLUME/2);

  /* if bicg fails, redo with conjugate gradient */
    iteration = solve_cg(k,l,eps_sq, rel_prec);
    /* Save the solution for reuse! not needed since Chronological inverter is there */
    /*     assign(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+6], k, VOLUME/2); */
    Qtm_minus_psi(k, k);;
  return iteration;
コード例 #29
ファイル: cr.c プロジェクト: Finkenrath/tmLQCD
int cr(spinor * const P, spinor * const Q, 
        const int m, const int max_restarts,
        const double eps_sq, const int rel_prec,
        const int N, const int precon, matrix_mult f) {

    int k, l, restart, i, iter = 0;
    double norm_sq, err;
    spinor * xi, * Axi, * chi, * Achi, *tmp;
    _Complex double alpha, beta;
    static _Complex double one = 1.0;
    double norm, rAr, newrAr;
    double atime, etime;
    spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
    const int nr_sf = 5;
    int save_sloppy = g_sloppy_precision;

    if(N == VOLUME) {
        init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
    else {
        init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);

    atime = gettime();

    xi = solver_field[0];
    Axi = solver_field[1];
    chi = solver_field[2];
    Achi = solver_field[3];
    tmp = solver_field[4];

    norm_sq = square_norm(Q, N, 1);
    if(norm_sq < 1.e-32) {
        norm_sq = 1.;

    dfl_sloppy_prec = 0;
    f(tmp, P);
    diff(chi, Q, tmp, N);
    assign(xi, chi, N);
    f(Axi, xi);
    f(Achi, chi);
    rAr = scalar_prod(chi, Achi, N, 1);
    err = square_norm(chi, N, 1);
    if(((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*norm_sq) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
        finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);

    for(k = 0; k < m; k++) {

        dfl_sloppy_prec = 1;

        norm = square_norm(Axi, N, 1);
        alpha = rAr/norm;
        assign_add_mul(P, xi, alpha, N);
        /* get the new residual */
        assign_diff_mul(chi, Axi, alpha, N);

        err = square_norm(chi, N, 1);
        iter ++;
        etime = gettime();
        if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 3){
            printf("# CR: %d\t%g iterated residue, time spent %f s\n", iter, err, (etime - atime)); 
        /* Precision reached? */
        if((k == m-1) || ((err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err <= eps_sq*norm_sq) && (rel_prec == 1))) {

        if(((err*err <= eps_sq) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((err*err <= eps_sq*norm_sq) && (rel_prec == 1))) {
            if (g_sloppy_precision_flag == 1) {
                g_sloppy_precision = 1;
                if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc) {
                    printf("sloppy precision on\n"); fflush( stdout);

        f(Achi, chi); 

        newrAr = scalar_prod(chi, Achi, N, 1); 
        beta = newrAr/rAr;
        assign_mul_add_mul(xi, beta, chi, one, N);
        assign_mul_add_mul(Axi,beta, Achi, one, N);
        rAr = newrAr;


    g_sloppy_precision = save_sloppy;
    finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
コード例 #30
ファイル: gen_sources.c プロジェクト: LorenzoRiggio/tmLQCD
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
  char spinorfilename[100];
  char * filename = NULL;
  int sample=0, ts=0, ss=1, typeflag = 1, t0=0, piononly = 0, ext_sourceflag = 0;
  int is, ic, j, filenameflag = 0, appendflag = 0;
  complex co;
  int c;
  int prec=32;

  verbose = 0;
  g_use_clover_flag = 0;
  nstore = 0;
#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

#ifdef OMP
  /* FIXME: in principle this should not be set like this as it could result
    in thread oversubscription when more than one process is run locally
    unfortunately, there does not seem to be a standard way to determine
    the number of "local" MPI processes  */
  omp_num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h?NCpOEdao:L:T:n:t:s:S:P:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
    case 'L':
      L = atoi(optarg);
      LX = L;
      LY = L;
      LZ = L;
    case 'T':
      T = atoi(optarg);
      T_global = T;
    case 'N':
      typeflag = 0;
    case 'd':
      prec = 64;
    case 'O':
      piononly = 1;
    case 'n':
      nstore = atoi(optarg);
    case 's':
      sample = atoi(optarg);
    case 't':
      t0 = atoi(optarg);
    case 'S':
      ss = atoi(optarg);
    case 'P':
      ts = atoi(optarg);
    case 'o':
      filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    case 'E':
      ext_sourceflag = 1;
    case 'p':
      filenameflag = 1;
    case 'a':
      appendflag = 1;
    case 'h':
    case '?':
  if(ts == 0) {
    ts = T;
  if(filename == NULL){
    filename = "source";
  if(L==0 || T==0) {
    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "L and T must be specified! Aborting...\n");
      fflush( stderr );

  tmlqcd_mpi_init(argc, argv);

  j = init_geometry_indices(VOLUMEPLUSRAND);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for geometry_indices! Aborting...\n");
  if(!ext_sourceflag) {
    j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, 2);
  else {
    j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, 4);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for spinor fields! Aborting...\n");

  /* define the geometry */
  if(!piononly) {
    for(is = 0; is < 4; is ++) {
      for(ic = 0; ic < 3; ic++) {
	if(!filenameflag && !appendflag) {
	  sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s.%.4d.%.4d.%.2d.%.2d", filename, nstore, sample, t0, 3*is+ic); 
	else if(!filenameflag && appendflag) {
	  sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s.%.4d.%.4d.%.2d", filename, nstore, sample, t0); 
	  sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s.%.2d", filename, 3*is+ic); 
	if(!appendflag || (is == 0 && ic ==0)) {
	  printf("Generating source %s!\n", spinorfilename);
	source_generation_nucleon(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
				  is, ic, t0, ts, ss, sample, nstore, typeflag);
	co = scalar_prod(g_spinor_field[1], g_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2, 1);
	if((is == 0 && ic == 0) || appendflag == 0) {
	  write_source_type(0, spinorfilename);
	write_source(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], spinorfilename, 1, prec);
  else {
    if(!ext_sourceflag) {
      if(!filenameflag) {
	sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s.%.4d.%.4d.%.2d", filename, nstore, sample, t0); 
      else {
	sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s", filename); 
      printf("Generating source %s!\n", spinorfilename);
      source_generation_pion_only(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
				  t0, sample, nstore);
      co = scalar_prod(g_spinor_field[1], g_spinor_field[1], VOLUME/2, 1);
      write_source_type(0, spinorfilename);
      write_source(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], spinorfilename, 1, prec);
    else {
      if(!filenameflag) {
        sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s.%.4d.%.4d.%.2d.inverted", filename, nstore, sample, t0);
      else {
        sprintf(spinorfilename, "%s.inverted", filename);
      read_lime_spinor(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], spinorfilename, 0);

      printf("Generating ext. pion source %s!\n", spinorfilename);
      extended_pion_source(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3],
			   g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
			   t0, 0., 0., 0.);
      if(!filenameflag) {
	sprintf(spinorfilename, "g%s.%.4d.%.4d.%.2d", filename, nstore, sample, t0); 
      else {
	sprintf(spinorfilename, "g%s", filename); 
      write_source_type(0, spinorfilename);
      write_source(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], spinorfilename, 1, prec);

#ifdef MPI