コード例 #1
ファイル: Plot2D.hpp プロジェクト: ChengXinDL/OpenStudio
  virtual QwtText label(double fracDays) const
    Time timeFromFracDays(fracDays-m_startDateTime.date().dayOfYear()-m_startDateTime.time().totalDays());
    DateTime dateTime(m_startDateTime + timeFromFracDays);
    Date date = dateTime.date();
    Time time = dateTime.time();
    unsigned day = date.dayOfMonth();
    unsigned month = openstudio::month(date.monthOfYear());
    int hour = time.hours();
    int minutes = time.minutes();
    int seconds = time.seconds();

    QString s;

// zooming 
    double currentDuration = scaleDiv().upperBound() - scaleDiv().lowerBound();

    if (currentDuration < 1.0/24.0) // less than an hour
      s.sprintf("%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", month, day, hour, minutes, seconds);
    else if (currentDuration < 7.0) // less than a week
      s.sprintf("%02d/%02d %02d:%02d", month, day, hour, minutes);
    else // week or more
      s.sprintf("%02d/%02d", month, day);

    return s;
コード例 #2
ファイル: qwt_polar_plot.cpp プロジェクト: ACorradini/QGIS
void QwtPolarPlot::updateScale( int scaleId )
  if ( scaleId < 0 || scaleId >= QwtPolar::ScaleCount )

  ScaleData &d = d_data->scaleData[scaleId];

  double minValue = d.minValue;
  double maxValue = d.maxValue;
  double stepSize = d.stepSize;

  if ( scaleId == QwtPolar::ScaleRadius && d.doAutoScale )
    QwtDoubleInterval interval;

    const QwtPolarItemList& itmList = itemList();
    for ( QwtPolarItemIterator it = itmList.begin();
          it != itmList.end(); ++it )
      const QwtPolarItem *item = *it;
      if ( item->testItemAttribute( QwtPolarItem::AutoScale ) )
        interval |= item->boundingInterval( scaleId );

    minValue = interval.minValue();
    maxValue = interval.maxValue();

    d.scaleEngine->autoScale( d.maxMajor,
                              minValue, maxValue, stepSize );

  if ( !d.scaleDiv.isValid() )
    d.scaleDiv = d.scaleEngine->divideScale(
                   minValue, maxValue,
                   d.maxMajor, d.maxMinor, stepSize );

  const QwtDoubleInterval interval = visibleInterval();

  const QwtPolarItemList& itmList = itemList();
  for ( QwtPolarItemIterator it = itmList.begin();
        it != itmList.end(); ++it )
    QwtPolarItem *item = *it;
    item->updateScaleDiv( *scaleDiv( QwtPolar::Azimuth ),
                          *scaleDiv( QwtPolar::Radius ), interval );
コード例 #3
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: XelaRellum/qwt
   Calculate the minimum length that is needed to draw the scale

   \param font Font used for painting the labels
   \return Minimum length that is needed to draw the scale

   \sa extent()
int QwtScaleDraw::minLength( const QFont &font ) const
    int startDist, endDist;
    getBorderDistHint( font, startDist, endDist );

    const QwtScaleDiv &sd = scaleDiv();

    const uint minorCount =
        sd.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick ).count() +
        sd.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick ).count();
    const uint majorCount =
        sd.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick ).count();

    int lengthForLabels = 0;
    if ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) )
        lengthForLabels = minLabelDist( font ) * majorCount;

    int lengthForTicks = 0;
    if ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks ) )
        const double pw = qMax( 1, penWidth() );  // penwidth can be zero
        lengthForTicks = qCeil( ( majorCount + minorCount ) * ( pw + 1.0 ) );

    return startDist + endDist + qMax( lengthForLabels, lengthForTicks );
コード例 #4
ファイル: qwt_polar_plot.cpp プロジェクト: dcardenasnl/Test
   \brief Calculate the bounding rect of the plot area

   The plot area depends on the zoom parameters.

   \param canvasRect Rectangle of the canvas
   \return Rectangle for displaying 100% of the plot
QRectF QwtPolarPlot::plotRect( const QRectF &canvasRect ) const
    const QwtScaleDiv *sd = scaleDiv( QwtPolar::Radius );
    const QwtScaleEngine *se = scaleEngine( QwtPolar::Radius );

    const int margin = plotMarginHint();
    const QRectF cr = canvasRect;
    const int radius = qMin( cr.width(), cr.height() ) / 2 - margin;

    QwtScaleMap map;
    map.setTransformation( se->transformation() );
    map.setPaintInterval( 0.0, radius / d_data->zoomFactor );
    map.setScaleInterval( sd->lowerBound(), sd->upperBound() );

    double v = map.s1();
    if ( map.s1() <= map.s2() )
        v += d_data->zoomPos.radius();
        v -= d_data->zoomPos.radius();
    v = map.transform( v );

    const QPointF off =
        QwtPointPolar( d_data->zoomPos.azimuth(), v ).toPoint();

    QPointF center( cr.center().x(), cr.top() + margin + radius );
    center -= QPointF( off.x(), -off.y() );

    QRectF rect( 0, 0, 2 * map.p2(), 2 * map.p2() );
    rect.moveCenter( center );

    return rect;
コード例 #5
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: szmurlor/fiver
   Calculate the minimum length that is needed to draw the scale

   \param pen Pen that is used for painting backbone and ticks
   \param font Font used for painting the labels

   \sa extent()
int QwtScaleDraw::minLength(const QPen &pen, const QFont &font) const
    int startDist, endDist;
    getBorderDistHint(font, startDist, endDist);

    const QwtScaleDiv &sd = scaleDiv();

    const uint minorCount =
        sd.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick).count() +
    const uint majorCount =

    int lengthForLabels = 0;
    if ( hasComponent(QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels) )
        if ( majorCount >= 2 )
            lengthForLabels = minLabelDist(font) * (majorCount - 1);

    int lengthForTicks = 0;
    if ( hasComponent(QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks) )
        const int pw = qwtMax( 1, pen.width() );  // penwidth can be zero
        lengthForTicks = 2 * (majorCount + minorCount) * pw;

    return startDist + endDist + qwtMax(lengthForLabels, lengthForTicks);
コード例 #6
ファイル: qwt_polar_plot.cpp プロジェクト: ACorradini/QGIS
  Build a scale map

  The azimuth map translates between the scale values and angles from
  [0.0, 2 * PI[. The radial map translates scale values into the distance
  from the pole.

  \param scaleId Scale index
  \param radius Radius of the plot are in pixels
  \return Map for the scale on the canvas. With this map pixel coordinates can
          translated to plot coordinates and vice versa.

  \sa QwtScaleMap, transform(), invTransform()
QwtScaleMap QwtPolarPlot::scaleMap( int scaleId, const double radius ) const
  if ( scaleId < 0 || scaleId >= QwtPolar::ScaleCount )
    return QwtScaleMap();

  QwtScaleMap map;
  map.setTransformation( scaleEngine( scaleId )->transformation() );

  const QwtScaleDiv *sd = scaleDiv( scaleId );
#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
  map.setScaleInterval( sd->lBound(), sd->hBound() );
  map.setScaleInterval( sd->lowerBound(), sd->upperBound() );

  if ( scaleId == QwtPolar::Azimuth )
    map.setPaintXInterval( d_data->azimuthOrigin,
                           d_data->azimuthOrigin + M_2PI );
    map.setPaintXInterval( 0.0, radius );

  return map;
コード例 #7
   Calculate the extent of the scale

   The extent is the distance between the baseline to the outermost
   pixel of the scale draw. radius() + extent() is an upper limit
   for the radius of the bounding circle.

   \param font Font used for painting the labels

   \sa setMinimumExtent(), minimumExtent()
   \warning The implemented algo is not too smart and
            calculates only an upper limit, that might be a
            few pixels too large
double QwtRoundScaleDraw::extent( const QFont &font ) const
    double d = 0.0;

    if ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) )
        const QwtScaleDiv &sd = scaleDiv();
        const QList<double> &ticks = sd.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
        for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.count(); i++ )
            const double value = ticks[i];
            if ( !sd.contains( value ) )

            const QwtText label = tickLabel( font, value );
            if ( label.isEmpty() )

            const double tval = scaleMap().transform( value );
            if ( ( tval < d_data->startAngle + 360 * 16 )
                && ( tval > d_data->startAngle - 360 * 16 ) )
                const double arc = tval / 16.0 / 360.0 * 2 * M_PI;

                const QSizeF sz = label.textSize( font );
                const double off = qMax( sz.width(), sz.height() );

                double x = off * qSin( arc );
                double y = off * qCos( arc );

                const double dist = qSqrt( x * x + y * y );
                if ( dist > d )
                    d = dist;

    if ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks ) )
        d += maxTickLength();

    if ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Backbone ) )
        const double pw = qMax( 1, penWidth() );  // penwidth can be zero
        d += pw;

    if ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) &&
        ( hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks ) ||
            hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Backbone ) ) )
        d += spacing();

    d = qMax( d, minimumExtent() );

    return d;
コード例 #8
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: szmurlor/fiver
  \param font Font
  \return the maximum width of a label
int QwtScaleDraw::maxLabelWidth(const QFont &font) const
    int maxWidth = 0;

    const QwtValueList &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)ticks.count(); i++)
        const double v = ticks[i];
        if ( scaleDiv().contains(v) )
            const int w = labelSize(font, ticks[i]).width();
            if ( w > maxWidth )
                maxWidth = w;

    return maxWidth;
コード例 #9
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: XelaRellum/qwt
  \param font Font
  \return the maximum height of a label
int QwtScaleDraw::maxLabelHeight( const QFont &font ) const
    double maxHeight = 0.0;

    const QList<double> &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
    for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.count(); i++ )
        const double v = ticks[i];
        if ( scaleDiv().contains( v ) )
            const double h = labelSize( font, ticks[i] ).height();
            if ( h > maxHeight )
                maxHeight = h;

    return qCeil( maxHeight );
コード例 #10
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: XelaRellum/qwt
  \param font Font
  \return the maximum width of a label
int QwtScaleDraw::maxLabelWidth( const QFont &font ) const
    double maxWidth = 0.0;

    const QList<double> &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
    for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.count(); i++ )
        const double v = ticks[i];
        if ( scaleDiv().contains( v ) )
            const double w = labelSize( font, ticks[i] ).width();
            if ( w > maxWidth )
                maxWidth = w;

    return qCeil( maxWidth );
コード例 #11
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: szmurlor/fiver
  \param font Font
  \return the maximum height of a label
int QwtScaleDraw::maxLabelHeight(const QFont &font) const
    int maxHeight = 0;
    const QwtValueList &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)ticks.count(); i++)
        const double v = ticks[i];
        if ( scaleDiv().contains(v) )
            const int h = labelSize(font, ticks[i]).height();
            if ( h > maxHeight )
                maxHeight = h; 
    return maxHeight;
コード例 #12
void ScaleDraw::drawTick(QPainter *p, double value, int len) const
	int axis = this->axis();
	ScaleEngine *sc_engine = (ScaleEngine *)d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis);
	if (sc_engine->hasBreak()){
		double dlb = sc_engine->axisBreakLeft();
		double drb = sc_engine->axisBreakRight();
		if ((dlb < value && drb > value) ||
			((axis == QwtPlot::yLeft || axis == QwtPlot::xBottom) && value == dlb) ||
			((axis == QwtPlot::yRight || axis == QwtPlot::xTop) && value == drb) ||
			(sc_engine->testAttribute(QwtScaleEngine::Inverted) && (value == dlb || value == drb)))

		if (d_plot->isPrinting()){
			QwtScaleMap scaleMap = map();
			double val = scaleMap.transform(value);
			if (val >= scaleMap.transform(dlb) && val <= scaleMap.transform(drb))

	QwtScaleDiv scDiv = scaleDiv();
	QwtValueList majTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
	if (majTicks.contains(value)){
		if (d_majTicks == In || d_majTicks == None)

		switch (d_show_ticks_policy){
			case ShowAll:

			case HideBegin:
				if (majTicks.first() == value)
			case HideEnd:
				if (majTicks.last() == value)
			case HideBeginEnd:
				if (majTicks.first() == value || majTicks.last() == value)

    QwtValueList medTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick);
    if (medTicks.contains(value) && (d_minTicks == In || d_minTicks == None))

    QwtValueList minTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick);
    if (minTicks.contains(value) && (d_minTicks == In || d_minTicks == None))

	QwtScaleDraw::drawTick(p, value, len);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Plot.cpp プロジェクト: hsoerensen/qctools
    virtual void drawLabel( QPainter *painter, double val ) const
        const int fh = painter->fontMetrics().height();

        if ( length() < fh )
            const QList<double> ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
            if ( val != ticks.last() )
        else if ( length() < 3 * painter->fontMetrics().height() )
            const QList<double> ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
            if ( val != ticks.last() && val != ticks.first() )

        QwtScaleDraw::drawLabel( painter, val );
コード例 #14
QwtText QwtTextScaleDraw::label(double value) const
    const QwtScaleDiv scDiv = scaleDiv();
    if (!scDiv.contains (value))
        return QwtText();

    QwtValueList lst = scDiv.ticks (QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    int index = lst.indexOf(value);
    if (index >= 0 && index < (int)labels.count())
        return QwtText(labels[index]);
        return QwtText();
コード例 #15
void ScaleDraw::drawTick(QPainter *p, double value, int len) const
    QwtScaleDiv scDiv = scaleDiv();
    QwtValueList majTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    if (majTicks.contains(value) && (d_majTicks == In || d_majTicks == None))

    QwtValueList medTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick);
    if (medTicks.contains(value) && (d_minTicks == In || d_minTicks == None))

    QwtValueList minTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick);
    if (minTicks.contains(value) && (d_minTicks == In || d_minTicks == None))

    QwtScaleDraw::drawTick(p, value, len);
コード例 #16
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: szmurlor/fiver
  \brief Determine the minimum border distance

  This member function returns the minimum space
  needed to draw the mark labels at the scale's endpoints.

  \param font Font
  \param start Start border distance
  \param end End border distance
void QwtScaleDraw::getBorderDistHint(const QFont &font,
    int &start, int &end ) const
    start = 0;
    end = 0;
    if ( !hasComponent(QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels) )

    const QwtValueList &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    if ( ticks.count() == 0 ) 

    QRect lr = labelRect(font, ticks[0]);

    // find the distance between tick and border
    int off = qwtAbs(map().transform(ticks[0]) - qRound(map().p1()));

    if ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical )
        end = lr.bottom() + 1 - off;
        start = -lr.left() - off;

    const int lastTick = ticks.count() - 1;
    lr = labelRect(font, ticks[lastTick]);

    // find the distance between tick and border
    off = qwtAbs(map().transform(ticks[lastTick]) - qRound(map().p2()));

    if ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical )
        start = -lr.top() - off;
        end = lr.right() + 1 - off;

    // if the distance between tick and border is larger
    // than half of the label width/height, we set to 0

    if ( start < 0 )
        start = 0;
    if ( end < 0 )
        end = 0;
コード例 #17
AnalogGraph::AnalogGraph(QWidget *parent)
    : QwtPlot(parent), numberOfAnalogChannels_ (6)

    QwtText textLeft("Analog value");
    QwtText textBottom("Analog channel");
    QFont font;
    setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, textLeft);
    setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, textBottom);

    setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, 0, numberOfAnalogChannels_, 1);
    setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, 0, 1024, 200);

    QList<double> ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
    for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfAnalogChannels_; i++) {
        ticks[QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick] << i;

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv(
                ticks );

    setAxisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom, scaleDiv);

    replot(); // creating the legend items

    analogValuesLoader_ = new AnalogValuesLoader (numberOfAnalogChannels_);
    qRegisterMetaType < MyVector >("MyVector");
    connect(analogValuesLoader_, SIGNAL(valuesChanged(const MyVector)),
            SLOT(redrawAnalogGraph(const MyVector)));
コード例 #18
ファイル: plot.cpp プロジェクト: BryanF1947/GoldenCheetah
QwtScaleDiv Plot::yearScaleDiv() const
    const int days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

    QList<double> ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];

    QList<double> &mediumTicks = ticks[QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick];
    mediumTicks += 0.0;
    for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof( days ) / sizeof( days[0] ); i++ )
        mediumTicks += mediumTicks.last() + days[i];

    QList<double> &minorTicks = ticks[QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick];
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 365; i += 7 )
        minorTicks += i;

    QList<double> &majorTicks = ticks[QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick];
    for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
        majorTicks += i * 30 + 15;

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv( mediumTicks.first(), mediumTicks.last() + 1, ticks );
    return scaleDiv;
コード例 #19
ファイル: qwt_polar_plot.cpp プロジェクト: ACorradini/QGIS
   \brief Calculate the bounding rect of the plot area

   The plot area depends on the zoom parameters.

   \param canvasRect Rectangle of the canvas
   \return Rectangle for displaying 100% of the plot
QwtDoubleRect QwtPolarPlot::plotRect( const QRect &canvasRect ) const
  const QwtScaleDiv *sd = scaleDiv( QwtPolar::Radius );
  const QwtScaleEngine *se = scaleEngine( QwtPolar::Radius );

  const int margin = plotMarginHint();
  const QRect cr = canvasRect;
  const int radius = qwtMin( cr.width(), cr.height() ) / 2 - margin;

  QwtScaleMap map;
  map.setTransformation( se->transformation() );
  map.setPaintXInterval( 0.0, radius / d_data->zoomFactor );
#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
  map.setScaleInterval( sd->lBound(), sd->hBound() );
  map.setScaleInterval( sd->lowerBound(), sd->upperBound() );

  double v = map.s1();
  if ( map.s1() <= map.s2() )
    v += d_data->zoomPos.radius();
    v -= d_data->zoomPos.radius();
  v = map.xTransform( v );

  const QwtDoublePoint off =
    QwtPolarPoint( d_data->zoomPos.azimuth(), v ).toPoint();

  QwtDoublePoint center( cr.center().x(), cr.top() + margin + radius );
  center -= QwtDoublePoint( off.x(), -off.y() );

  QwtDoubleRect rect( 0, 0, 2 * map.p2(), 2 * map.p2() );
  rect.moveCenter( center );

  return rect;
コード例 #20
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: XelaRellum/qwt
int QwtScaleDraw::minLabelDist( const QFont &font ) const
    if ( !hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) )
        return 0;

    const QList<double> &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
    if ( ticks.isEmpty() )
        return 0;

    const QFontMetrics fm( font );

    const bool vertical = ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical );

    QRectF bRect1;
    QRectF bRect2 = labelRect( font, ticks[0] );
    if ( vertical )
        bRect2.setRect( -bRect2.bottom(), 0.0, bRect2.height(), bRect2.width() );

    double maxDist = 0.0;

    for ( int i = 1; i < ticks.count(); i++ )
        bRect1 = bRect2;
        bRect2 = labelRect( font, ticks[i] );
        if ( vertical )
            bRect2.setRect( -bRect2.bottom(), 0.0,
                            bRect2.height(), bRect2.width() );

        double dist = fm.leading(); // space between the labels
        if ( bRect1.right() > 0 )
            dist += bRect1.right();
        if ( bRect2.left() < 0 )
            dist += -bRect2.left();

        if ( dist > maxDist )
            maxDist = dist;

    double angle = qwtRadians( labelRotation() );
    if ( vertical )
        angle += M_PI / 2;

    const double sinA = qFastSin( angle ); // qreal -> double
    if ( qFuzzyCompare( sinA + 1.0, 1.0 ) )
        return qCeil( maxDist );

    const int fmHeight = fm.ascent() - 2;

    // The distance we need until there is
    // the height of the label font. This height is needed
    // for the neighbored label.

    double labelDist = fmHeight / qFastSin( angle ) * qFastCos( angle );
    if ( labelDist < 0 )
        labelDist = -labelDist;

    // For text orientations close to the scale orientation

    if ( labelDist > maxDist )
        labelDist = maxDist;

    // For text orientations close to the opposite of the
    // scale orientation

    if ( labelDist < fmHeight )
        labelDist = fmHeight;

    return qCeil( labelDist );
コード例 #21
ファイル: qwt_thermo.cpp プロジェクト: 151706061/sofa
   Redraw the liquid in thermometer pipe.
   \param painter Painter
   \param pipeRect Bounding rectangle of the pipe without borders
void QwtThermo::drawLiquid( 
    QPainter *painter, const QRect &pipeRect ) const
    painter->setClipRect( pipeRect, Qt::IntersectClip );
    painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );

    const QwtScaleMap scaleMap = scaleDraw()->scaleMap();

    QRect liquidRect = fillRect( pipeRect );

    if ( d_data->colorMap != NULL )
        const QwtInterval interval = scaleDiv().interval().normalized();

        // Because the positions of the ticks are rounded
        // we calculate the colors for the rounded tick values

        QVector<double> values = qwtTickList( scaleDraw()->scaleDiv() );

        if ( scaleMap.isInverting() )
            qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qGreater<double>() );
            qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qLess<double>() );

        int from;
        if ( !values.isEmpty() )
            from = qRound( scaleMap.transform( values[0] ) );
            qwtDrawLine( painter, from,
                d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[0] ),
                pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation );

        for ( int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++ )
            const int to = qRound( scaleMap.transform( values[i] ) );

            for ( int pos = from + 1; pos < to; pos++ )
                const double v = scaleMap.invTransform( pos );

                qwtDrawLine( painter, pos, 
                    d_data->colorMap->color( interval, v ),
                    pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation );

            qwtDrawLine( painter, to,
                d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[i] ),
                pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation );

            from = to;
        if ( !liquidRect.isEmpty() && d_data->alarmEnabled )
            const QRect r = alarmRect( liquidRect );
            if ( !r.isEmpty() )
                painter->fillRect( r, palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ) );
                liquidRect = QRegion( liquidRect ).subtracted( r ).boundingRect();

        painter->fillRect( liquidRect, palette().brush( QPalette::ButtonText ) );

コード例 #22
ファイル: qwt_scale_draw.cpp プロジェクト: szmurlor/fiver
int QwtScaleDraw::minLabelDist(const QFont &font) const
    if ( !hasComponent(QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels) )
        return 0;

    const QwtValueList &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    if (ticks.count() == 0)
        return 0;

    const QFontMetrics fm(font);

    const bool vertical = (orientation() == Qt::Vertical);

    QRect bRect1;
    QRect bRect2 = labelRect(font, ticks[0]);
    if ( vertical )
        bRect2.setRect(-bRect2.bottom(), 0, bRect2.height(), bRect2.width());
    int maxDist = 0;

    for (uint i = 1; i < (uint)ticks.count(); i++ )
        bRect1 = bRect2;
        bRect2 = labelRect(font, ticks[i]);
        if ( vertical )
            bRect2.setRect(-bRect2.bottom(), 0,
                bRect2.height(), bRect2.width());

        int dist = fm.leading(); // space between the labels
        if ( bRect1.right() > 0 )
            dist += bRect1.right();
        if ( bRect2.left() < 0 )
            dist += -bRect2.left();

        if ( dist > maxDist )
            maxDist = dist;

    double angle = labelRotation() / 180.0 * M_PI;
    if ( vertical )
        angle += M_PI / 2;

    if ( sin(angle) == 0.0 )
        return maxDist;

    const int fmHeight = fm.ascent() - 2; 

    // The distance we need until there is
    // the height of the label font. This height is needed
    // for the neighbour labal.

    int labelDist = (int)(fmHeight / sin(angle) * cos(angle));
    if ( labelDist < 0 )
        labelDist = -labelDist;

    // The cast above floored labelDist. We want to ceil.

    // For text orientations close to the scale orientation 

    if ( labelDist > maxDist )
        labelDist = maxDist;

    // For text orientations close to the opposite of the 
    // scale orientation

    if ( labelDist < fmHeight )
        labelDist = fmHeight;

    return labelDist;
コード例 #23
ファイル: qwt_polar_plot.cpp プロジェクト: ACorradini/QGIS
   Calculate the bounding interval of the radial scale that is
   visible on the canvas.
QwtDoubleInterval QwtPolarPlot::visibleInterval() const
  const QwtScaleDiv *sd = scaleDiv( QwtPolar::Radius );

  const QwtDoubleRect cRect = canvas()->contentsRect();
  const QwtDoubleRect pRect = plotRect( cRect.toRect() );
  if ( cRect.contains( pRect.toRect() ) || !cRect.intersects( pRect ) )
#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
    return QwtDoubleInterval( sd->lBound(), sd->hBound() );
    return QwtDoubleInterval( sd->lowerBound(), sd->upperBound() );

  const QwtDoublePoint pole = pRect.center();
  const QwtDoubleRect scaleRect = pRect & cRect;

  const QwtScaleMap map = scaleMap( QwtPolar::Radius );

  double dmin = 0.0;
  double dmax = 0.0;
  if ( scaleRect.contains( pole ) )
    dmin = 0.0;

    QwtDoublePoint corners[4];
    corners[0] = scaleRect.bottomRight();
    corners[1] = scaleRect.topRight();
    corners[2] = scaleRect.topLeft();
    corners[3] = scaleRect.bottomLeft();

    dmax = 0.0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
      const double dist = qwtDistance( pole, corners[i] );
      if ( dist > dmax )
        dmax = dist;
    if ( pole.x() < scaleRect.left() )
      if ( pole.y() < scaleRect.top() )
        dmin = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topLeft() );
        dmax = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomRight() );
      else if ( pole.y() > scaleRect.bottom() )
        dmin = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomLeft() );
        dmax = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topRight() );
        dmin = scaleRect.left() - pole.x();
        dmax = qwtMax( qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomRight() ),
                       qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topRight() ) );
    else if ( pole.x() > scaleRect.right() )
      if ( pole.y() < scaleRect.top() )
        dmin = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topRight() );
        dmax = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomLeft() );
      else if ( pole.y() > scaleRect.bottom() )
        dmin = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomRight() );
        dmax = qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topLeft() );
        dmin = pole.x() - scaleRect.right();
        dmax = qwtMax( qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomLeft() ),
                       qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topLeft() ) );
    else if ( pole.y() < scaleRect.top() )
      dmin = scaleRect.top() - pole.y();
      dmax = qwtMax( qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomLeft() ),
                     qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.bottomRight() ) );
    else if ( pole.y() > scaleRect.bottom() )
      dmin = pole.y() - scaleRect.bottom();
      dmax = qwtMax( qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topLeft() ),
                     qwtDistance( pole, scaleRect.topRight() ) );

  const double radius = pRect.width() / 2.0;
  if ( dmax > radius )
    dmax = radius;

  QwtDoubleInterval interval;
  interval.setMinValue( map.invTransform( dmin ) );
  interval.setMaxValue( map.invTransform( dmax ) );

  return interval;
コード例 #24
QwtText ScaleDraw::label(double value) const
	switch (d_type){
		case Numeric:
            QLocale locale = ((Graph *)d_plot->parent())->multiLayer()->locale();
			if (d_numeric_format == Superscripts){
				QString txt = locale.toString(transformValue(value), 'e', d_prec);
				QStringList list = txt.split("e", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
				if (list[0].toDouble() == 0.0)
					return QString("0");

				QString s = list[1];
				int l = s.length();
				QChar sign = s[0];
				s.remove (sign);

				while (l>1 && s.startsWith ("0", false)){
					s.remove ( 0, 1 );
					l = s.length();

				if (sign == '-')

				if (list[0] == "1")
					return QwtText("10<sup>" + s + "</sup>");
					return QwtText(list[0] + "x10<sup>" + s + "</sup>");
			} else
				return QwtText(locale.toString(transformValue(value), d_fmt, d_prec));

		case Day:
			int val = static_cast<int>(transformValue(value))%7;
			if (val < 0)
				val = 7 - abs(val);
			else if (val == 0)
				val = 7;

			QString day;
				case  ShortName:
					day = QDate::shortDayName (val);
				case  LongName:
					day = QDate::longDayName (val);
				case  Initial:
					day = (QDate::shortDayName (val)).left(1);
			return QwtText(day);

		case Month:
			int val = static_cast<int>(transformValue(value))%12;
			if (val < 0)
				val = 12 - abs(val);
			else if (val == 0)
				val = 12;

			QString day;
				case  ShortName:
					day = QDate::shortMonthName (val);
				case  LongName:
					day = QDate::longMonthName (val);
				case  Initial:
					day = (QDate::shortMonthName (val)).left(1);
			return QwtText(day);

		case Time:
			return QwtText(d_date_time_origin.time().addMSecs((int)value).toString(d_format_info));

		case Date:
            return QwtText(d_date_time_origin.addSecs((int)value).toString(d_format_info));

		case ColHeader:
		case Text:
			const QwtScaleDiv scDiv = scaleDiv();
			if (!scDiv.contains (value))
				return QwtText();

			QwtValueList ticks = scDiv.ticks (QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);

			double break_offset = 0;
			ScaleEngine *se = (ScaleEngine *)d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis());
			/*QwtScaleEngine *qwtsc_engine=d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis());
			ScaleEngine *se =dynamic_cast<ScaleEngine*>(qwtsc_engine);
				bool inverted = se->testAttribute(QwtScaleEngine::Inverted);
					double lb = se->axisBreakLeft();
					double rb = se->axisBreakRight();
						if (value <= lb){
							int n_ticks = (int)ticks.count() - 1;
							double val0 = ticks[0];
							double val1 = ticks[n_ticks];
							for (int i = 1; i < n_ticks; i++){
								double aux = ticks[i];
								if(aux >= rb && val0 > aux){
									val0 = aux;
								if(aux <= lb && val1 < aux)
									val1 = aux;
							break_offset = fabs(val1 - val0);
					} else {
						if (value >= rb){
							double val0 = ticks[0];
							for (int i = 1; i < (int)ticks.count(); i++){
								double val = ticks[i];
								if(val0 <= lb && val >= rb){
									break_offset = fabs(val - val0);
								val0 = val;

				double step = ticks[1] - ticks[0];
				int index = static_cast<int>(ticks[0] + step*ticks.indexOf(value) - 1);
				int offset = abs((int)floor(break_offset/step));
				if (offset)
				if (step > 0)
					index += offset;
					index -= offset;
				if (index >= 0 && index < (int)d_text_labels.count())
					return QwtText(d_text_labels[index]);
					return QwtText();
	return QwtText();
コード例 #25
  \brief Determine the minimum border distance

  This member function returns the minimum space
  needed to draw the mark labels at the scale's endpoints.

  \param font Font
  \param start Start border distance
  \param end End border distance
void QwtScaleDraw::getBorderDistHint( const QFont &font,
                                      int &start, int &end ) const
    start = 0;
    end = 0;

    if ( !hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) )

    const QList<double> &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
    if ( ticks.count() == 0 )

    // Find the ticks, that are mapped to the borders.
    // minTick is the tick, that is mapped to the top/left-most position
    // in widget coordinates.

    double minTick = ticks[0];
    double minPos = map().transform( minTick );
    double maxTick = minTick;
    double maxPos = minPos;

    for ( uint i = 1; i < ( uint )ticks.count(); i++ )
        const double tickPos = map().transform( ticks[i] );
        if ( tickPos < minPos )
            minTick = ticks[i];
            minPos = tickPos;
        if ( tickPos > map().transform( maxTick ) )
            maxTick = ticks[i];
            maxPos = tickPos;

    double e = 0.0;
    double s = 0.0;
    if ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical )
        s = -labelRect( font, minTick ).top();
        s -= qAbs( minPos - qRound( map().p2() ) );

        e = labelRect( font, maxTick ).bottom();
        e -= qAbs( maxPos - map().p1() );
        s = -labelRect( font, minTick ).left();
        s -= qAbs( minPos - map().p1() );

        e = labelRect( font, maxTick ).right();
        e -= qAbs( maxPos - map().p2() );

    if ( s < 0.0 )
        s = 0.0;
    if ( e < 0.0 )
        e = 0.0;

    start = qCeil( s );
    end = qCeil( e );
コード例 #26
QString ScaleDraw::labelString(double value) const
	switch (d_type){
		case Numeric:
            QLocale locale = d_plot->locale();
			if (d_plot->parent())
				locale = d_plot->multiLayer()->locale();
			if ((d_numeric_format == Superscripts)||(d_numeric_format == SuperscriptsGER)){
				QString txt = locale.toString(transformValue(value), 'e', d_prec);
				QStringList list = txt.split("e", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
				if (list.isEmpty())
					return QString::null;

				if (list[0].toDouble() == 0.0)
					return "0";

				QString s = list[1];
				int l = s.length();
				QChar sign = s[0];
				s.remove (sign);

				while (l>1 && s.startsWith ("0", false)){
					s.remove ( 0, 1 );
					l = s.length();

				if (sign == '-')

				if (list[0] == "1")
					return "10<sup>" + s + "</sup>";
				else {
					if (d_numeric_format == SuperscriptsGER)
						return list[0] + "·10<sup>" + s + "</sup>";
						return list[0] + QString(QChar(0x00D7)) + "10<sup>" + s + "</sup>";
			} else if (d_numeric_format == Engineering){
				QString eng_suff;
				double new_value = value;

				if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e18){
					eng_suff = 'E';
					new_value /= 1e18;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e15){
					eng_suff = 'P';
					new_value /= 1e15;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e12){
					eng_suff = 'T';
					new_value /= 1e12;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e9){
					eng_suff = 'G';
					new_value /= 1e9;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e6){
					eng_suff = 'M';
					new_value /= 1e6;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e3){
					eng_suff = 'k';
					new_value /= 1e3;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1){
					eng_suff = "";
					new_value /= 1.0;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e-3){
					eng_suff = 'm';
					new_value /= 1e-3;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e-6){
					eng_suff = 'µ';
					new_value /= 1e-6;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e-9){
					eng_suff = 'n';
					new_value /= 1e-9;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e-12){
					eng_suff = 'p';
					new_value /= 1e-12;
				} else if(fabs(new_value) >= 1e-15){
					eng_suff = 'f';
					new_value /= 1e-15;
				} else {
					eng_suff = 'a';
					new_value /= 1e-18;

				QString txt = locale.toString((new_value), 'f', d_prec);

					return "0";

				return txt + eng_suff;
			} else
				return locale.toString(transformValue(value), d_fmt, d_prec);

		case Day:
			int val = int(transformValue(value))%7;
			if (val < 0)
				val = 7 - abs(val);
			else if (val == 0)
				val = 7;

			QString day;
				case  ShortName:
					day = QDate::shortDayName (val);
				case  LongName:
					day = QDate::longDayName (val);
				case  Initial:
					day = (QDate::shortDayName (val)).left(1);
			return day;

		case Month:
			int val = int(transformValue(value))%12;
			if (val < 0)
				val = 12 - abs(val);
			else if (val == 0)
				val = 12;

			QString day;
				case  ShortName:
					day = QDate::shortMonthName (val);
				case  LongName:
					day = QDate::longMonthName (val);
				case  Initial:
					day = (QDate::shortMonthName (val)).left(1);
			return day;

		case Time:
			QTime time = Table::dateTime(value).time();
			if (d_format_info == "M")
				return QString::number(60*time.hour() + time.minute());
			else if (d_format_info == "S")
				return QString::number(3600*time.hour() + 60*time.minute() + time.second());

			return time.toString(d_format_info);

		case Date:
			return Table::dateTime(value).toString(d_format_info);

		case ColHeader:
		case Text:
			const QwtScaleDiv scDiv = scaleDiv();
			if (!scDiv.contains (value) || floor(value) < value)
				return QString::null;

			QwtValueList ticks = scDiv.ticks (QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);

			double break_offset = 0;
			ScaleEngine *se = (ScaleEngine *)d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis());
			bool inverted = se->testAttribute(QwtScaleEngine::Inverted);
			    double lb = se->axisBreakLeft();
			    double rb = se->axisBreakRight();
                    if (value <= lb){
						int n_ticks = (int)ticks.count() - 1;
                        double val0 = ticks[0];
						double val1 = ticks[n_ticks];
                        for (int i = 1; i < n_ticks; i++){
                            double aux = ticks[i];
                            if(aux >= rb && val0 > aux){
                                val0 = aux;
							if(aux <= lb && val1 < aux)
                                val1 = aux;
						break_offset = fabs(val1 - val0);
				} else {
                    if (value >= rb){
                        double val0 = ticks[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < (int)ticks.count(); i++){
                            double val = ticks[i];
                            if(val0 <= lb && val >= rb){
                                break_offset = fabs(val - val0);
                            val0 = val;

			if (ticks.size() < 2)
				return QString::null;

        	double step = ticks[1] - ticks[0];
        	int index = int(ticks[0] + step*ticks.indexOf(value) - 1);
            int offset = abs((int)floor(break_offset/step));
            if (offset)
            if (step > 0)
                index += offset;
                index -= offset;
			if (index >= 0 && index < (int)d_text_labels.count())
				return d_text_labels[index];
				return QString::null;
	return QString::null;
コード例 #27
void ScaleDraw::drawLabel(QPainter *painter, double value) const
	if (!d_plot)

	ScaleEngine *sc_engine = (ScaleEngine *)d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis());
	if (sc_engine->hasBreak() && sc_engine->axisBreakLeft() <= value && sc_engine->axisBreakRight() > value)

	QwtValueList majTicks = scaleDiv().ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
	if (majTicks.contains(value)){
		switch (d_show_ticks_policy){
			case ShowAll:

			case HideBegin:
				if (majTicks.first() == value)
			case HideEnd:
				if (majTicks.last() == value)
			case HideBeginEnd:
				if (majTicks.first() == value || majTicks.last() == value)

	QwtText lbl = tickLabel(painter->font(), value);
	if ( lbl.isEmpty() )

	QPoint pos = labelPosition(value);

	QSize labelSize = lbl.textSize(painter->font());
	if ( labelSize.height() % 2 )
		labelSize.setHeight(labelSize.height() + 1);

	const QwtMetricsMap metricsMap = QwtPainter::metricsMap();

	labelSize = metricsMap.layoutToDevice(labelSize);
	pos = metricsMap.layoutToDevice(pos);

	painter->setMatrix(labelMatrix( pos, labelSize), true);

	if (d_selected)


	lbl.draw (painter, QRect(QPoint(0, 0), labelSize) );

	QwtPainter::setMetricsMap(metricsMap); // restore metrics map

コード例 #28
void ScaleDraw::drawTick(QPainter *p, double value, int len) const
	ScaleEngine *sc_engine = (ScaleEngine *)d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis());
	/*QwtScaleEngine *qwtsc_engine=d_plot->axisScaleEngine(axis());
    ScaleEngine *sc_engine =dynamic_cast< ScaleEngine*>(qwtsc_engine);
		if (sc_engine->hasBreak()){
			int align = alignment();
			bool invertedScale = sc_engine->testAttribute(QwtScaleEngine::Inverted);
			if (align == BottomScale || align == LeftScale){
				if (invertedScale && sc_engine->axisBreakRight() == value)
				if (!invertedScale && sc_engine->axisBreakLeft() == value)
			} else {
				if (!invertedScale && sc_engine->axisBreakRight() == value)
				if (invertedScale && sc_engine->axisBreakLeft() == value)
		 QwtScaleDiv scDiv = scaleDiv();
		 QwtValueList majTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
		 if (majTicks.contains(value) && (d_majTicks == In || d_majTicks == None))

		 QwtValueList medTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick);
		 if (medTicks.contains(value) && (d_minTicks == In || d_minTicks == None))

		 QwtValueList minTicks = scDiv.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick);
		 if (minTicks.contains(value) && (d_minTicks == In || d_minTicks == None))

		 QwtScaleDraw::drawTick(p, value, len);