コード例 #1
void rspfImageViewAffineTransform::buildCompositeTransform()
   NEWMAT::Matrix scaleM(3, 3);
   NEWMAT::Matrix rotzM = rspfMatrix3x3::createRotationZMatrix(m_rotation);
   NEWMAT::Matrix transM(3,3);
   NEWMAT::Matrix transOriginM(3,3);
   NEWMAT::Matrix transOriginNegatedM(3,3);
   transM << 1 << 0 << m_translate.x
          << 0 << 1 << m_translate.y
          << 0 << 0 << 1;
   transOriginM << 1 << 0 << m_pivot.x
                << 0 << 1 << m_pivot.y
                << 0 << 0 << 1;
   transOriginNegatedM << 1 << 0 << -m_pivot.x
                       << 0 << 1 << -m_pivot.y
                       << 0 << 0 << 1;
   scaleM << m_scale.x << 0 << 0
          << 0 << m_scale.y << 0
          << 0 << 0 << 1;
   m_transform        = transM*scaleM*transOriginM*rotzM*transOriginNegatedM;
   m_inverseTransform = m_transform.i();
コード例 #2
ファイル: arrow3d.cpp プロジェクト: trashkalmar/omim
math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> Arrow3d::CalculateTransform(ScreenBase const & screen, float dz) const
    double arrowScale = VisualParams::Instance().GetVisualScale() * kArrowSize;
    if (screen.isPerspective())
        static double const kLog2 = log(2.0);
        double const kMaxZoom = scales::UPPER_STYLE_SCALE + 1.0;
        double const zoomLevel = my::clamp(fabs(log(screen.GetScale()) / kLog2), kArrow3dMinZoom, kMaxZoom);
        double const t = (zoomLevel - kArrow3dMinZoom) / (kMaxZoom - kArrow3dMinZoom);
        arrowScale *= (kArrow3dScaleMin * (1.0 - t) + kArrow3dScaleMax * t);

    double const scaleX = arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeX();
    double const scaleY = arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeY();
    double const scaleZ = screen.isPerspective() ? (0.002 * screen.GetDepth3d()) : 1.0;

    m2::PointD const pos = screen.GtoP(m_position);
    double const dX = 2.0 * pos.x / screen.PixelRect().SizeX() - 1.0;
    double const dY = 2.0 * pos.y / screen.PixelRect().SizeY() - 1.0;

    math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> scaleM = math::Identity<float, 4>();
    scaleM(0, 0) = scaleX;
    scaleM(1, 1) = scaleY;
    scaleM(2, 2) = scaleZ;

    math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> rotateM = math::Identity<float, 4>();
    rotateM(0, 0) = cos(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle());
    rotateM(0, 1) = -sin(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle());
    rotateM(1, 0) = -rotateM(0, 1);
    rotateM(1, 1) = rotateM(0, 0);

    math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> translateM = math::Identity<float, 4>();
    translateM(3, 0) = dX;
    translateM(3, 1) = -dY;
    translateM(3, 2) = dz;

    math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> modelTransform = rotateM * scaleM * translateM;
    if (screen.isPerspective())
        return modelTransform * math::Matrix<float, 4, 4>(screen.Pto3dMatrix());

    return modelTransform;
コード例 #3
/*- render_particles から呼ばれる。粒子の数だけ繰り返し -*/
void Particles_Engine::do_render(
    TFlash *flash, Particle *part, TTile *tile,
    std::vector<TRasterFxPort *> part_ports, std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles,
    const TRenderSettings &ri, TDimension &p_size, TPointD &p_offset,
    int lastframe, std::vector<TLevelP> partLevel,
    struct particles_values &values, double opacity_range, int dist_frame,
    std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double> &partScales) {
  // Retrieve the particle frame - that is, the *column frame* from which we are
  // picking
  // the particle to be rendered.
  int ndx = part->frame % lastframe;

  TRasterP tileRas(tile->getRaster());

  std::string levelid;
  double aim_angle = 0;
  if (values.pathaim_val) {
    double arctan = atan2(part->vy, part->vx);
    aim_angle     = arctan * M_180_PI;

  // Calculate the rotational and scale components we have to apply on the
  // particle
  TRotation rotM(part->angle + aim_angle);
  TScale scaleM(part->scale);
  TAffine M(rotM * scaleM);

  // Particles deal with dpi affines on their own
  TAffine scaleAff(m_parent->handledAffine(ri, m_frame));
  double partScale =
      scaleAff.a11 * partScales[std::pair<int, int>(part->level, ndx)];
  TDimensionD partResolution(0, 0);
  TRenderSettings riNew(ri);

  // Retrieve the bounding box in the standard reference
  TRectD bbox(-5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0), standardRefBBox;
  if (part->level <
          (int)part_ports.size() &&  // Not the default levelless cases
      part_ports[part->level]->isConnected()) {
    TRenderSettings riIdentity(ri);
    riIdentity.m_affine = TAffine();

    (*part_ports[part->level])->getBBox(ndx, bbox, riIdentity);

    // A particle's bbox MUST be finite. Gradients and such which have an
    // infinite bbox
    // are just NOT rendered.

    // NOTE: No fx returns half-planes or similar (ie if any coordinate is
    // either
    // (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)() or its opposite, then the rect IS
    // THE infiniteRectD)
    if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD) return;

  // Now, these are the particle rendering specifications
  bbox            = bbox.enlarge(3);
  standardRefBBox = bbox;
  riNew.m_affine  = TScale(partScale);
  bbox            = riNew.m_affine * bbox;
  /*- 縮小済みのParticleのサイズ -*/
  partResolution = TDimensionD(tceil(bbox.getLx()), tceil(bbox.getLy()));

  if (flash) {
    if (!partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx)) {
      if (part_ports[0]->isConnected()) {
        TTile auxTile;
        TRaster32P tmp;
        tmp = TRaster32P(p_size);
            ->allocateAndCompute(auxTile, p_offset, p_size, tmp, ndx, ri);


    const TAffine aff;

    flash->multMatrix(scaleM * aff.place(0, 0, part->x, part->y));

    // if(curr_opacity!=1.0 || part->gencol.fadecol || part->fincol.fadecol ||
    // part->foutcol.fadecol)
      TColorFader cf(TPixel32::Red, .5);
      flash->draw(partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx), &cf);
    // flash->draw(partLevel->frame(ndx), 0);

  } else {
    TRasterP ras;

    std::string alias;
    TRasterImageP rimg;
    if (rimg = partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx)) {
      ras = rimg->getRaster();
    } else {
      alias = "PART: " + (*part_ports[part->level])->getAlias(ndx, riNew);
      if (rimg = TImageCache::instance()->get(alias, false)) {
        ras = rimg->getRaster();

        // Check that the raster resolution is sufficient for our purposes
        if (ras->getLx() < partResolution.lx ||
            ras->getLy() < partResolution.ly)
          ras = 0;
          partResolution = TDimensionD(ras->getLx(), ras->getLy());

    // We are interested in making the relation between scale and (integer)
    // resolution
    // bijective - since we shall cache by using resolution as a partial
    // identification parameter.
    // Therefore, we find the current bbox Lx and take a unique scale out of it.
    partScale      = partResolution.lx / standardRefBBox.getLx();
    riNew.m_affine = TScale(partScale);
    bbox           = riNew.m_affine * standardRefBBox;

    // If no image was retrieved from the cache (or it was not scaled enough),
    // calculate it
    if (!ras) {
      TTile auxTile;
          ->allocateAndCompute(auxTile, bbox.getP00(),
                               TDimension(partResolution.lx, partResolution.ly),
                               tile->getRaster(), ndx, riNew);
      ras = auxTile.getRaster();

      // For now, we'll just use 32 bit particles
      TRaster32P rcachepart;
      rcachepart = ras;
      if (!rcachepart) {
        rcachepart = TRaster32P(ras->getSize());
        TRop::convert(rcachepart, ras);
      ras = rcachepart;

      // Finally, cache the particle
      addRenderCache(alias, TRasterImageP(ras));

    if (!ras) return;  // At this point, it should never happen anyway...

    // Deal with particle colors/opacity
    TRaster32P rfinalpart;
    double curr_opacity =
        part->set_Opacity(porttiles, values, opacity_range, dist_frame);
    if (curr_opacity != 1.0 || part->gencol.fadecol || part->fincol.fadecol ||
        part->foutcol.fadecol) {
      /*- 毎フレーム現在位置のピクセル色を参照 -*/
      if (values.pick_color_for_every_frame_val && values.gencol_ctrl_val &&
          (porttiles.find(values.gencol_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end()))
        part->get_image_reference(porttiles[values.gencol_ctrl_val], values,

      rfinalpart = ras->clone();
      part->modify_colors_and_opacity(values, curr_opacity, dist_frame,
    } else
      rfinalpart = ras;

    // Now, let's build the particle transform before it is overed on the output
    // tile

    // First, complete the transform by adding the rotational and scale
    // components from
    // Particles parameters
    M = ri.m_affine * M * TScale(1.0 / partScale);

    // Then, retrieve the particle position in current reference.
    TPointD pos(part->x, part->y);
    pos = ri.m_affine * pos;

    // Finally, add the translational component to the particle
    // NOTE: p_offset is added to account for the particle relative position
    // inside its level's bbox
    M = TTranslation(pos - tile->m_pos) * M * TTranslation(bbox.getP00());

    if (TRaster32P myras32 = tile->getRaster())
      TRop::over(tileRas, rfinalpart, M);
    else if (TRaster64P myras64 = tile->getRaster())
      TRop::over(tileRas, rfinalpart, M);
      throw TException("ParticlesFx: unsupported Pixel Type");
コード例 #4
ファイル: arrow3d.cpp プロジェクト: ipaddr/omim
void Arrow3d::Render(ScreenBase const & screen, ref_ptr<dp::GpuProgramManager> mng)
  // Unbind current VAO, because glVertexAttributePointer and glEnableVertexAttribute can affect it.

  ref_ptr<dp::GpuProgram> prg = mng->GetProgram(gpu::ARROW_3D_PROGRAM);

  if (!m_isInitialized)
    m_isInitialized = true;

  dp::ApplyState(m_state, prg);

  static double const kLog2 = log(2.0);
  double const kMaxZoom = scales::UPPER_STYLE_SCALE + 1.0;
  double const zoomLevel = my::clamp(fabs(log(screen.GetScale()) / kLog2), kArrow3dMinZoom, kMaxZoom);
  double const t = (zoomLevel - kArrow3dMinZoom) / (kMaxZoom - kArrow3dMinZoom);
  double const arrowScale = kArrow3dScaleMin * (1.0 - t) + kArrow3dScaleMax * t;

  double const scaleX = m_pixelWidth * arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeX() / kArrowSizeX;
  double const scaleY = m_pixelHeight * arrowScale * 2.0 / screen.PixelRect().SizeY() / kArrowSizeY;
  double const scaleZ = scaleX;

  m2::PointD const pos = screen.GtoP(m_position);
  double const dX = 2.0 * pos.x / screen.PixelRect().SizeX() - 1.0;
  double const dY = 2.0 * pos.y / screen.PixelRect().SizeY() - 1.0;

  math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> scaleM = math::Identity<float, 4>();
  scaleM(0, 0) = scaleX;
  scaleM(1, 1) = scaleY;
  scaleM(2, 2) = scaleZ;

  math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> rotateM = math::Identity<float, 4>();
  rotateM(0, 0) = cos(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle());
  rotateM(0, 1) = -sin(m_azimuth + screen.GetAngle());
  rotateM(1, 0) = -rotateM(0, 1);
  rotateM(1, 1) = rotateM(0, 0);

  math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> translateM = math::Identity<float, 4>();
  translateM(3, 0) = dX;
  translateM(3, 1) = -dY;

  math::Matrix<float, 4, 4> modelTransform = rotateM * scaleM * translateM;
  modelTransform = modelTransform * math::Matrix<float, 4, 4>(screen.Pto3dMatrix());

  dp::UniformValuesStorage uniforms;
  uniforms.SetMatrix4x4Value("m_transform", modelTransform.m_data);

  dp::ApplyUniforms(uniforms, prg);

  GLFunctions::glBindBuffer(m_bufferId, gl_const::GLArrayBuffer);
  GLFunctions::glVertexAttributePointer(m_attributePosition, 3, gl_const::GLFloatType, false, 0, 0);

  GLFunctions::glBindBuffer(m_bufferNormalsId, gl_const::GLArrayBuffer);
  GLFunctions::glVertexAttributePointer(m_attributeNormal, 3, gl_const::GLFloatType, false, 0, 0);

  GLFunctions::glDrawArrays(gl_const::GLTriangles, 0, m_vertices.size() / 3);

  GLFunctions::glBindBuffer(0, gl_const::GLArrayBuffer);