コード例 #1
static int
Zoltan_Preprocess_Scale_Weights (ZOLTAN_Third_Graph *gr, float *flt_wgt, weighttype** rnd_wgt,
				 int number, int ndim, int mode, ZZ* zz,
				 char * name, int offset)
  static char * yo = "Zoltan_Preprocess_Scale_Weights";
  int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
  int i99;
  int k;
  char msg[256];

  if (ndim == 0)
    return ierr;

  if (zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_ALL){
    for (i99=0; i99 < (number <3 ? number : 3); i99++){
      for (k=0; k<gr->obj_wgt_dim; k++)
	sprintf(msg+10*k, "%.9f ", flt_wgt[i99*gr->obj_wgt_dim+k]);
      printf("[%1d] Debug: before scaling weights for %s %d = %s\n",
	     zz->Proc, name, offset+i99, msg);

  *rnd_wgt = (weighttype *)ZOLTAN_MALLOC(ndim * number * sizeof(weighttype));
  if ((number >0 ) && (*rnd_wgt == NULL)){
	/* Not enough memory */

  ierr = scale_round_weights(flt_wgt, *rnd_wgt, number, ndim, mode,
			     (int) MAX_WGT_SUM, zz->Debug_Level, zz->Communicator);
  if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK && ierr != ZOLTAN_WARN){
    /* Return error code */
    ZOLTAN_THIRD_ERROR(ierr, "Error in scaling of weights.");

  if (zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_ALL){
    for (i99=0; i99 < (number < 3 ? number : 3); i99++){
      for (k=0; k<gr->obj_wgt_dim; k++)
	sprintf(msg+10*k, "%9d ", (*rnd_wgt)[i99*gr->obj_wgt_dim+k]);
      printf("[%1d] Debug: scaled weights for %s %d = %s\n",
	     zz->Proc, name, offset+i99, msg);

  return (ierr);
コード例 #2
int Zoltan_PHG_ParKway(
  ZZ        *zz,
  HGraph    *hg,
  int       nparts,           /* # of desired partitions */
  Partition partvec,          /* Output:  partition assignment vector */
  PHGPartParams *hgp          /* Input: hypergraph parameters */  
    int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
    char *yo = "Zoltan_HG_ParKway";

    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "ParKway method selected but Zoltan is not"
                       "built and linked with ParKway.");
    return ZOLTAN_FATAL;

    int options[29];                      /* ParKway options */
    int *ivwgts = NULL, *iewgts = NULL;   /* ParKway expects integer weights. */
    int *pvector=NULL;                    /* partvec for "local" vertices */
    int cut;                              /* Diagnostics from ParKway */
    double constraint;                    /* imbalance ratio */
    int i, anVtx, nVtx;                   /* counter and local vertex cnt (for first k-1 parts)*/
    PHGComm *hgc=hg->comm;
    int *disp=NULL, *recv_size=NULL;      /* for allgatherv */
    static int seed=1;
    /* ParKway expects integer weights; convert if weights are provided. */
    ivwgts = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(hg->nVtx  * sizeof(int));
    iewgts = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(hg->nEdge * sizeof(int));    
    if (!ivwgts || !iewgts)
    if (hg->VtxWeightDim > 1) { 
        ZOLTAN_PARKWAY_ERROR("ParKway supports Vtx_Weight_Dim == 0 or 1 only.",
    } else if (hg->VtxWeightDim == 1) 
        scale_round_weights(hg->vwgt, ivwgts, hg->nVtx, hg->VtxWeightDim, 0);
        for (i=0; i<hg->nVtx; ++i)
            ivwgts[i] = 1;

    if (hg->EdgeWeightDim > 1) {
        ZOLTAN_PARKWAY_ERROR("ParKway supports Edge_Weight_Dim == 0 or 1 only.",
    } else if (hg->EdgeWeightDim == 1) 
        scale_round_weights(hg->ewgt, iewgts, hg->nEdge, hg->EdgeWeightDim, 0);
        for (i=0; i<hg->nEdge; ++i)
            iewgts[i] = 1;
    anVtx = hg->nVtx / hgc->nProc;
    nVtx = (hgc->myProc==hgc->nProc-1) ? hg->nVtx-(anVtx*(hgc->nProc-1)) : anVtx;

    pvector = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(nVtx * sizeof(int));
    disp = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(hgc->nProc * sizeof(int));
    recv_size = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(hgc->nProc * sizeof(int));
    if ((nVtx && !pvector) || !disp || !recv_size)

    /* ----- Set ParKway's options --------------- */
    options[0] = 1;//0 -> all options use default, else user define
    options[1] = seed++;//0 -> seed chosen by sprng, else use options[1] as seed
    options[2] = 0;//0 -> no disp info, 1 -> some, 2 -> lots
    options[3] = 1;//0 -> do not write partition to disk, 1 -> do write
    options[4] = 1;//number of parallel runs
    options[5] = 0;//vertex to processor allocation: 0 -> as read in, 1 -> random 2 -> as prescribed in partition file 
    options[6] = 100;//hyperedge length percentile for approx para coarsening and refinement
    options[7] = 1;//increment in percentile options[6]
    options[8] = 200;//numParts*options[5] -> min number of vertices in coarse hypergraph
    options[9] = 7;//[9] and [10] specify reduction ratio in parallel coarsening
    options[10] = 4;//r = [9]/[10]
    options[11] = 3;//vertex visit order: 3 -> random, 1/2 inc/dec by vertex id, 4/5 inc/dec by vertex wt
    options[12] = 3;//divide connectivity by cluster weight/hyperedge length: 0-neither, 1-only cluster, 2-only hedge len, 3-both   
    options[13] = 3;//matching request resolution order: 3 -> random, 2 -> as they arrive 
    options[14] = 1;//number serial partitioning runs
    options[15] = 5;//serial partitioning routine, 1-3 RB, 4 khmetis, 5 patoh, see manual
    if (!strcasecmp(hgp->parkway_serpart, "patoh"))
        options[15] = 5;
    else if (!strcasecmp(hgp->parkway_serpart, "hmetis"))
        options[15] = 4;
    else if (!strcasecmp(hgp->parkway_serpart, "generic"))
        options[15] = 1;
    else if (!strcasecmp(hgp->parkway_serpart, "genericv"))
        options[15] = 2;
    else if (!strcasecmp(hgp->parkway_serpart, "genericmv"))
        options[15] = 3;
    else {
        ZOLTAN_PARKWAY_ERROR("Invalid ParKway serial partitioner. It should be one of; generic, genericv, genericmv, hmetis, patoh.", ZOLTAN_FATAL);
    /* uprintf(hgc, "ParKway serpart='%s'  options[13]=%d\n", hgp->parkway_serpart, options[13]); */
    options[16] = 2;//serial coarsening algorithm (only if [15] = RB, see manual)
    options[17] = 2;//num bisection runs in RB (only if [15] = RB, see manual)
    options[18] = 10;//num initial partitioning runs in RB (only if [13] = RB, see manual)
    options[19] = 2;//hmetis_PartKway coarsening option, vals 1-5, see manual (only if [15] = 4)   
    options[20] = 2;//hmetis_PartKway refinement option, vals 0-3, see manual (only if [15] = 4)
    options[21] = 3;//patoh_partition parameter settings, vals 1-3, see manual (only if [15] = 5)
    options[22] = 1;//parallel uncoarsening algorithm, 1 simple, 2 only final V-Cycle, 3 all V-Cycle
    options[23] = 5;//limit on number of V-Cycle iterations (only if [22] = 2/3)
    options[24] = 0;//min allowed gain for V-Cycle (percentage, see manual, only if [21] = 2/3)
    options[25] = 0;//percentage threshold used to reject partitions from a number of runs (see manual)
    options[26] = 0;//reduction in [23] as partitions propagate by factor [24]/100 (see manual)
    options[27] = 100;//early exit criterion in parallel refinement, will exit if see ([25]*num vert)/100 consecutive -ve moves 
    options[28] = 0;//parallel refinement 0->basic, 1->use approx 2->use early exit 3->use approx and early exit  
    constraint = hgp->bal_tol-1.0;
    Zoltan_ParaPartKway(nVtx, hg->nEdge, &ivwgts[hgc->myProc*anVtx], iewgts,
                        hg->hindex, hg->hvertex, nparts,
                        constraint, &cut, options, pvector, NULL, hgc->Communicator);
   uprintf(hgc, "ParaPartKway cut=%d\n", cut);
    /* after partitioning Zoltan needs partvec exist on all procs for nProc_x=1 */       
    disp[0] = 0; 
    for (i = 1; i < hgc->nProc; ++i)
        disp[i] = disp[i-1] + anVtx;
    MPI_Allgather (&nVtx, 1, MPI_INT, recv_size, 1, MPI_INT, hgc->Communicator);    
    MPI_Allgatherv(pvector, nVtx, MPI_INT, 
                  partvec, recv_size, disp, MPI_INT, hgc->Communicator);

  /* HERE:  Check whether imbalance criteria were met. */


    Zoltan_Multifree(__FILE__,__LINE__, 5, &ivwgts, &iewgts, &pvector, &disp, &recv_size);
  return ierr;