static void def_program(definition *defp) { token tok; version_list *vlist; version_list **vtailp; proc_list *plist; proc_list **ptailp; defp->def_kind = DEF_PROGRAM; scan(TOK_IDENT, &tok); defp->def_name = tok.str; scan(TOK_LBRACE, &tok); vtailp = &defp->; scan(TOK_VERSION, &tok); do { scan(TOK_IDENT, &tok); vlist = ALLOC(version_list); vlist->vers_name = tok.str; scan(TOK_LBRACE, &tok); ptailp = &vlist->procs; do { plist = ALLOC(proc_list); plist->next = NULL; get_type(&plist->res_prefix, &plist->res_type, DEF_PROGRAM); if (streq(plist->res_type, "opaque")) { error("illegal result type"); } scan(TOK_IDENT, &tok); plist->proc_name = tok.str; scan(TOK_LPAREN, &tok); get_type(&plist->arg_prefix, &plist->arg_type, DEF_PROGRAM); if (streq(plist->arg_type, "opaque")) { error("illegal argument type"); } scan(TOK_RPAREN, &tok); scan(TOK_EQUAL, &tok); scan_num(&tok); scan(TOK_SEMICOLON, &tok); plist->proc_num = tok.str; *ptailp = plist; ptailp = &plist->next; peek(&tok); } while (tok.kind != TOK_RBRACE); *vtailp = vlist; vtailp = &vlist->next; scan(TOK_RBRACE, &tok); scan(TOK_EQUAL, &tok); scan_num(&tok); vlist->vers_num = tok.str; scan(TOK_SEMICOLON, &tok); scan2(TOK_VERSION, TOK_RBRACE, &tok); } while (tok.kind == TOK_VERSION); scan(TOK_EQUAL, &tok); scan_num(&tok); defp-> = tok.str; *vtailp = NULL; }
static void get_declaration(declaration *dec, defkind dkind) { token tok; get_type(&dec->prefix, &dec->type, dkind); dec->rel = REL_ALIAS; if (streq(dec->type, "void")) { return; } check_type_name(dec->type, 0); scan2(TOK_STAR, TOK_IDENT, &tok); if (tok.kind == TOK_STAR) { dec->rel = REL_POINTER; scan(TOK_IDENT, &tok); } dec->name = tok.str; if (peekscan(TOK_LBRACKET, &tok)) { if (dec->rel == REL_POINTER) { error("no array-of-pointer declarations -- use typedef"); } dec->rel = REL_VECTOR; scan_num(&tok); dec->array_max = tok.str; scan(TOK_RBRACKET, &tok); } else if (peekscan(TOK_LANGLE, &tok)) { if (dec->rel == REL_POINTER) { error("no array-of-pointer declarations -- use typedef"); } dec->rel = REL_ARRAY; if (peekscan(TOK_RANGLE, &tok)) { dec->array_max = "~0"; /* unspecified size, use max */ } else { scan_num(&tok); dec->array_max = tok.str; scan(TOK_RANGLE, &tok); } } if (streq(dec->type, "opaque")) { if (dec->rel != REL_ARRAY && dec->rel != REL_VECTOR) { error("array declaration expected"); } } else if (streq(dec->type, "string")) { if (dec->rel != REL_ARRAY) { error("variable-length array declaration expected"); } } }
static void def_enum (definition * defp) { token tok; enumval_list *elist; enumval_list **tailp; defp->def_kind = DEF_ENUM; scan (TOK_IDENT, &tok); defp->def_name = tok.str; scan (TOK_LBRACE, &tok); tailp = &defp->def.en.vals; do { scan (TOK_IDENT, &tok); elist = ALLOC (enumval_list); elist->name = tok.str; elist->assignment = NULL; scan3 (TOK_COMMA, TOK_RBRACE, TOK_EQUAL, &tok); if (tok.kind == TOK_EQUAL) { scan_num (&tok); elist->assignment = tok.str; scan2 (TOK_COMMA, TOK_RBRACE, &tok); } *tailp = elist; tailp = &elist->next; } while (tok.kind != TOK_RBRACE); *tailp = NULL; }
//TODO: ADD ERROR LINE static void output_func_wait_for_option(fsm_t* fsm){ int option = -1; nevera_fsm_t* nevera = (nevera_fsm_t*) fsm; display_options_menu(); while(1){ option = scan_num(); if(option > 0 && option < 5){ break; } display_options_error(); display_options_menu(); } nevera->option_selected = option; }
//OUTPUT FUNCTIONS //TODO: SCAN_CHAIN NO BORRA static void output_func_wait_for_user(fsm_t* fsm){ nevera_fsm_t* nevera = (nevera_fsm_t*) fsm; int id = 0; while(1){ display_user_menu(); id = scan_num(); nevera->user_selected = usuario_list_search(nevera->lista_usuarios,id); if(nevera->user_selected != NULL) break; display_user_error(); } nevera->option_selected = -1; nevera->intro = ""; display_user_selected(nevera->user_selected->nombre); }
static const char *skim_char(const char *from, int *to) { if ( *from == TERM ) { *to = DELIM; from++; } else if ( *from != '\\' ) *to = *from++; else { unsigned ch; from = scan_num(++from, &ch) + 1; *to = (int) ch; } return from; }
static void get_prog_declaration (declaration * dec, defkind dkind, int num /* arg number */ ) { token tok; char name[10]; /* argument name */ if (dkind == DEF_PROGRAM) { peek (&tok); if (tok.kind == TOK_RPAREN) { /* no arguments */ dec->rel = REL_ALIAS; dec->type = "void"; dec->prefix = NULL; dec->name = NULL; return; } } get_type (&dec->prefix, &dec->type, dkind); dec->rel = REL_ALIAS; if (peekscan (TOK_IDENT, &tok)) /* optional name of argument */ strcpy (name, tok.str); else sprintf (name, "%s%d", ARGNAME, num); /* default name of argument */ dec->name = (char *) strdup (name); if (streq (dec->type, "void")) { return; } if (streq (dec->type, "opaque")) { error ("opaque -- illegal argument type"); } if (peekscan (TOK_STAR, &tok)) { if (streq (dec->type, "string")) { error ("pointer to string not allowed in program arguments\n"); } dec->rel = REL_POINTER; if (peekscan (TOK_IDENT, &tok)) /* optional name of argument */ dec->name = strdup (tok.str); } if (peekscan (TOK_LANGLE, &tok)) { if (!streq (dec->type, "string")) { error ("arrays cannot be declared as arguments to procedures -- use typedef"); } dec->rel = REL_ARRAY; if (peekscan (TOK_RANGLE, &tok)) { dec->array_max = "~0"; /* unspecified size, use max */ } else { scan_num (&tok); dec->array_max = tok.str; scan (TOK_RANGLE, &tok); } } if (streq (dec->type, "string")) { if (dec->rel != REL_ARRAY) { /* .x specifies just string as * type of argument * - make it string<> */ dec->rel = REL_ARRAY; dec->array_max = "~0"; /* unspecified size, use max */ } } }
static void def_program (definition * defp) { token tok; declaration dec; decl_list *decls; decl_list **tailp; version_list *vlist; version_list **vtailp; proc_list *plist; proc_list **ptailp; int num_args; bool_t isvoid = FALSE; /* whether first argument is void */ defp->def_kind = DEF_PROGRAM; scan (TOK_IDENT, &tok); defp->def_name = tok.str; scan (TOK_LBRACE, &tok); vtailp = &defp->; tailp = &defp->; scan (TOK_VERSION, &tok); do { scan (TOK_IDENT, &tok); vlist = ALLOC (version_list); vlist->vers_name = tok.str; scan (TOK_LBRACE, &tok); ptailp = &vlist->procs; do { /* get result type */ plist = ALLOC (proc_list); get_type (&plist->res_prefix, &plist->res_type, DEF_PROGRAM); if (streq (plist->res_type, "opaque")) { error ("illegal result type"); } scan (TOK_IDENT, &tok); plist->proc_name = tok.str; scan (TOK_LPAREN, &tok); /* get args - first one */ num_args = 1; isvoid = FALSE; /* type of DEF_PROGRAM in the first * get_prog_declaration and DEF_STURCT in the next * allows void as argument if it is the only argument */ get_prog_declaration (&dec, DEF_PROGRAM, num_args); if (streq (dec.type, "void")) isvoid = TRUE; decls = ALLOC (decl_list); plist->args.decls = decls; decls->decl = dec; tailp = &decls->next; /* get args */ while (peekscan (TOK_COMMA, &tok)) { num_args++; get_prog_declaration (&dec, DEF_STRUCT, num_args); decls = ALLOC (decl_list); decls->decl = dec; *tailp = decls; if (streq (dec.type, "void")) isvoid = TRUE; tailp = &decls->next; } /* multiple arguments are only allowed in newstyle */ if (!newstyle && num_args > 1) { error ("only one argument is allowed"); } if (isvoid && num_args > 1) { error ("illegal use of void in program definition"); } *tailp = NULL; scan (TOK_RPAREN, &tok); scan (TOK_EQUAL, &tok); scan_num (&tok); scan (TOK_SEMICOLON, &tok); plist->proc_num = tok.str; plist->arg_num = num_args; *ptailp = plist; ptailp = &plist->next; peek (&tok); } while (tok.kind != TOK_RBRACE); *ptailp = NULL; *vtailp = vlist; vtailp = &vlist->next; scan (TOK_RBRACE, &tok); scan (TOK_EQUAL, &tok); scan_num (&tok); vlist->vers_num = tok.str; /* make the argument structure name for each arg */ for (plist = vlist->procs; plist != NULL; plist = plist->next) { plist->args.argname = make_argname (plist->proc_name, vlist->vers_num); /* free the memory ?? */ } scan (TOK_SEMICOLON, &tok); scan2 (TOK_VERSION, TOK_RBRACE, &tok); } while (tok.kind == TOK_VERSION); scan (TOK_EQUAL, &tok); scan_num (&tok); defp-> = tok.str; *vtailp = NULL; }
static const char *skim_num(const char *from, unsigned *to) { return scan_num(from, to) + 1; }
int main() { /// INICIO DE VARIASBLES. int number1 = 0; int number2 = 0; int result; // variables validacion de carga de datos. int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; // variable para seleccion de operacion a realizar. int option = 0; // variable para nimeros complejos cco los resultados de la devisio float divisionResult; //bloque de codigo que encierra la presentacion de pnes de usuario y el bloque de pciones. do { system("cls"); ///Panel opciones para el usuario. printf("**************(((CALCULATOR 1.0 (TP) NRO 1 Matias.H.Alvarez)))****************"); printf("\n\nElija entre las siguientes operaciones.\n\n\n"); printf("[1]INGRESO EL PRIMER VALOR A CALCULAR :\n\n"); printf("[2]INGRESE EL SEGUNDO VALOR A CALCULAR :"); TOLBAR printf("\nValor actual PRIMERO :%d\n",number1); printf("\nValor actual SEGUNDO :%d",number2); TOL printf("\n[3]SUMA."); printf("[4]RESTA."); TOL printf("\n[5]MUTIPLICACION."); printf("[6]DIVISION."); TOL printf("\n[7]FACTORIAL"); TOL printf("\n[8]TODOS LOS CALCULOS EN UNO"); TOL printf("\n\n\nO ingrese ((9 para SALIR)) del programa.\t//_:"); scanf("%d",& option); ///bloque switch de opciones a realizar switch (option) { case 1: system("cls"); number1 = scan_num(); flag1 = 1; //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 2: system("cls"); number2 = scan_num(); flag2 = 1; //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 3: system("cls"); option = valiD_Charge( flag1, flag2); result = addition_num( number1, number2); printf("SUMA =\t:%d\n\n",result); system("pause"); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 4: system("cls"); option = valiD_Charge( flag1, flag2); result = diminish_num( number1, number2); printf("RESTA =\t%d\n\n",result); system("pause"); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 5: system("cls"); option = valiD_Charge( flag1, flag2); result = multiplcation( number1, number2); printf("MULTIPLICACION = \t%d\n\n",result); system("pause"); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 6: system("cls"); option = valiD_Charge( flag1, flag2); divisionResult = division_num( number1, number2); printf("DIVISION =\t%.2f\n\n", divisionResult); system("pause"); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 7: system("cls"); if(flag1 == 0 ) { printf("ERROR!"); printf(" el VALOR es INVALIDO\n\n reingrese el valor "); } else { result = factorial(number1 ); printf("FACTORIAL = \t%d\n\n",result); } system("pause"); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 8: system("cls"); option = valiD_Charge( flag1, flag2); all_In_One(number1 ,number2 ); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; case 9: //opcion de salida: si opcion es = 9 finaliza el programa por code la iteracion. //lipio la pantalla. system("cls"); //muestro mesaje de despedida que anuncia cierre del programa. printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ___________<<<<<HASTA LUEGO>>>>>___________\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); //quiebro bloque switch po final de case. break; default: system("cls"); printf("\n\n\n\nERROR OPCION INEXISTENTE INTENETE NUEVAMENTE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n."); system("pause"); } }while( option != 9 ); return 0; }// fin de funcion main.