コード例 #1
ファイル: xprint.c プロジェクト: bohrasd/windowsrtdev
element_print(scew_element const* element, FILE* out, unsigned int indent)
    unsigned int closed = 0;
    XML_Char const* contents;
    scew_element* child = NULL;
    scew_attribute* attribute = NULL;

    if (element == NULL)

    indent_print(out, indent);
    scew_fprintf(out, _XT("<%s"), scew_element_name(element));
    attribute = NULL;
    while ((attribute = scew_attribute_next(element, attribute)) != NULL)
        attribute_print(attribute, out);

    contents = scew_element_contents(element);
    if ((contents == NULL) && (element->child == NULL)
        && (element->parent != NULL))
		scew_fprintf(out, _XT("/>\n"));
        closed = 1;
        scew_fprintf(out, _XT(">"));
        if (contents == NULL)
            scew_fprintf(out, _XT("\n"));

    child = NULL;
    while ((child = scew_element_next(element, child)) != NULL)
        element_print(child, out, indent + 1);

    if (contents != NULL)
        scew_fprintf(out, _XT("%s"), contents);
    else if (!closed)
        indent_print(out, indent);

    if (!closed)
        scew_fprintf(out, _XT("</%s>\n"), scew_element_name(element));
コード例 #2
ファイル: scew_print.c プロジェクト: aconchillo/scew
static void
print_element (scew_element *element, unsigned int indent)
  XML_Char const *contents = NULL;
  scew_list *list = NULL;

  if (element == NULL)

  /* Prints the starting element tag with its attributes. */
  print_indent (indent);
  scew_printf (_XT("<%s"), scew_element_name (element));
  print_attributes (element);
  scew_printf (_XT(">"));

  contents = scew_element_contents (element);

  if (contents == NULL)
      scew_printf (_XT("\n"));

   * Call print_element function again for each child of the current
   * element.
  list = scew_element_children (element);
  while (list != NULL)
      scew_element *child = scew_list_data (list);
      print_element (child, indent + 1);
      list = scew_list_next (list);

  /* Prints element's content. */
  if (contents != NULL)
      scew_printf (_XT("%s"), contents);
      print_indent (indent);

  /* Prints the closing element tag. */
  scew_printf (_XT("</%s>\n"), scew_element_name (element));
コード例 #3
ファイル: sdew.c プロジェクト: naadsm/sdew
 *  TestParser
 *  This is a test function to verify that the library is properly opening and
 *  reading xml files.
DLLIMPORT void TestParser( char *Filename )

   scew_parser *parser;
   scew_element *params;
   int elementCount = 0;
   int i;
   char Buffer[1024];

   parser = scew_parser_create ();

   if (parser != NULL)
      scew_parser_load_file (parser, Filename);
      params = scew_tree_root (scew_parser_tree (parser));

      elementCount = scew_element_count (params);

      sprintf(Buffer, "Root has %u children\n", elementCount);
      MessageBox( 0, Buffer, "Debugging", MB_ICONINFORMATION );

      for (i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
          scew_element *newParams = scew_element_by_index (params, i);
          sprintf(Buffer, "This child has %u subchildren\n", scew_element_count( newParams ));
          MessageBox( 0, Buffer, "Debugging", MB_ICONINFORMATION );
          sprintf(Buffer, "Child %i name='%s'\n", i, scew_element_name (scew_element_by_index (params, i)));
          MessageBox( 0, Buffer, "Debugging", MB_ICONINFORMATION );
      scew_parser_free( parser );
コード例 #4
ファイル: sdew.c プロジェクト: naadsm/sdew
 *  Function:  Element_Name
 *  This function returns a char * representing a pointer to the name of the
 *  element specified in the input parameter, _element.
 *  Parameters:
 *    _element:  A void * representing a valid pointer to a scew_element
 *               structure.  This pointer must have been created previously by
 *               some other function in this library.
 *  Returns:
 *    char *:  Representing a pointer to a NULL terminated character array,
 *             which contains the name of the element given in the input
 *             parameter, _element.  A NULL value is returned on error.
DLLIMPORT char *Element_Name( void *_element )
   char *ret_val = NULL;
   if ( _element != NULL )
      ret_val = (char *)scew_element_name( (scew_element *)_element );

   return ret_val;
コード例 #5
ファイル: mapeditor.c プロジェクト: andreasg/gunsmoke
/* load_sprite: load all the sprites in SPRITE_INDEX and their graphics */
void load_sprites(void)
    size_t i, y;
    char bmpname[NAME_LN];
    scew_tree *t = NULL;
    scew_parser *p = NULL;
    scew_element *e = NULL;
    scew_element *r = NULL;
    SPRITE *s = NULL;

    /* setup the parser */
    p = scew_parser_create();
    scew_parser_ignore_whitespaces(p, 1);
    if (!scew_parser_load_file(p, SPRITE_INDEX)) {
        printf("%s\n", scew_error_expat_string(scew_error_code()));
    t = scew_parser_tree(p);
    r = scew_tree_root(t);
    s = create_sprite();

    /* read all the sprites from SPRITE_INDEX */
    /* parse the SPRITE_INDEX file and outline the list with their names */
    e = scew_element_next(r, e);
    while (e) {
        strncpy(s->long_name, (char *) scew_element_name(e), LONG_NAME_LN);
        s->x = s->y = 0;
        sprite_list = append_sprite_list(s, sprite_list, &sprite_list_sz);
        e = scew_element_next(r, e);

    /* load all their graphics and the sprite data */
    gfx_list = complete_sprite_list(sprite_list, sprite_list_sz, gfx_list,

    /* create a list_element for each of them and put them in a list */
    y = SPRITE_WIN.y;
    for (i = 0; i < sprite_list_sz; i++) {
        sprintf(bmpname, "%s0", sprite_list[i].name);
        spr_elem_lst = add_list_element(rec(SPRITE_WIN.x, y, LIST_ELEM_W,
                                            LIST_ELEM_H), 0, DEFAULT_COLOR,
                                        SEL_COLOR, sprite_list[i].name,
                                        search_gfx_list(bmpname, gfx_list,
                                        spr_elem_lst, &spr_elem_lst_sz);
        y += LIST_ELEM_H;

    /* cleanup */
コード例 #6
ファイル: sdew.c プロジェクト: naadsm/sdew
 *  Function:  Element_Name_By_Index
 *  This function returns a char * representing a pointer to the name of the
 *  element specified as the Index(th) child of the input parameter _element.
 *  Parameters:
 *    _element:  A void * representing a valid pointer to a scew_element
 *               structure.  This pointer must have been created previously by
 *               some other function in this library.
 *    Index:     An integer value, zero based, representing the index of the
 *               child element of _element.
 *  Returns:
 *    char *:  Representing a pointer to a NULL terminated character array,
 *             which contains the name of the element established by the Index(th)
 *             child element of _element.  A NULL value is returned on error.
DLLIMPORT char *Element_Name_By_Index(void *_element, int Index)
   char *ret_val = NULL;
   if (( _element != NULL ) && ( Index >=0 ))
      scew_element *temp = scew_element_by_index((scew_element *)_element, Index);

      if ( temp != NULL )
         ret_val = (char *)scew_element_name( temp );

   return ret_val;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ProjectFile.cpp プロジェクト: seanedwards/COS-420
 * @brief Return project file XML's root element.
 * @param [in] tree XML tree we got from the parser.
 * @return Root element pointer.
scew_element* ProjectFile::GetRootElement(scew_tree * tree)
	scew_element * root = NULL;

	if (tree != NULL)
		root = scew_tree_root(tree);

	if (root != NULL)
		// Make sure we have correct root element
		if (strcmp(Root_element_name, scew_element_name(root)) != 0)
			root = NULL;
	return root;
コード例 #8
ファイル: detection-monitor.c プロジェクト: naadsm/naadsm
    m->events_listened_for = events_listened_for;
    m->nevents_listened_for = NEVENTS_LISTENED_FOR;
    m->outputs = g_ptr_array_sized_new (6);
    m->model_data = local_data;
    m->run = run;
    m->reset = reset;
    m->is_listening_for = is_listening_for;
    m->has_pending_actions = has_pending_actions;
    m->has_pending_infections = has_pending_infections;
    m->to_string = to_string;
    m->printf = local_printf;
    m->fprintf = local_fprintf;
    m->free = local_free;

    /* Make sure the right XML subtree was sent. */
    g_assert (strcmp (scew_element_name (params), MODEL_NAME) == 0);

    local_data->detections = RPT_new_reporting ("detections", NULL, RPT_text, RPT_never, FALSE);
    local_data->day_1st_detection =
        RPT_new_reporting ("time-to-first-detection", NULL, RPT_integer, RPT_never, TRUE);
    local_data->nherds_detected =
        RPT_new_reporting ("num-units-detected", NULL, RPT_integer, RPT_never, FALSE);
    local_data->nherds_detected_by_prodtype =
        RPT_new_reporting ("num-units-detected-by-production-type", NULL, RPT_group, RPT_never, FALSE);
    local_data->cumul_nherds_detected =
        RPT_new_reporting ("cumulative-num-units-detected", NULL, RPT_integer, RPT_never, TRUE);
    local_data->cumul_nherds_detected_by_prodtype =
        RPT_new_reporting ("cumulative-num-units-detected-by-production-type", NULL, RPT_group,
                           RPT_never, TRUE);
    g_ptr_array_add (m->outputs, local_data->detections);
    g_ptr_array_add (m->outputs, local_data->day_1st_detection);
コード例 #9
 * Adds a set of parameters to a contact spread model.
set_params (struct naadsm_model_t_ *self, PAR_parameter_t * params)
  local_data_t *local_data = (local_data_t *) (self->model_data);
  unsigned int nzones = ZON_zone_list_length (local_data->zones);
  unsigned int nprod_types = local_data->production_types->len;
  scew_element *e, **ee;
  gboolean success;
  gboolean has_destruction_cost_params = FALSE;
  gboolean has_vaccination_cost_params = FALSE;
  gboolean has_surveillance_cost_param = FALSE;
  destruction_cost_data_t destruction_cost_params = {};
  vaccination_cost_data_t vaccination_cost_params = {};
  double surveillance_cost_param = 0;
  gboolean *production_type = NULL;
  gboolean *zone = NULL;
  unsigned int i, j;
  unsigned int noutputs;
  RPT_reporting_t *output;
  const XML_Char *variable_name;

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- ENTER set_params (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

  /* Make sure the right XML subtree was sent. */
  g_assert (strcmp (scew_element_name (params), MODEL_NAME) == 0);

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "setting production types");

  /* Destruction Cost Parameters */
  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "appraisal");
  if (e != NULL)
      destruction_cost_params.appraisal = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_destruction_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-unit appraisal cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          destruction_cost_params.appraisal = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-unit appraisal cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      destruction_cost_params.appraisal = 0;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "euthanasia");
  if (e != NULL)
      destruction_cost_params.euthanasia = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_destruction_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-animal euthanasia cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          destruction_cost_params.euthanasia = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-animal euthanasia cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      destruction_cost_params.euthanasia = 0;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "indemnification");
  if (e != NULL)
      destruction_cost_params.indemnification = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_destruction_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-animal indemnification cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          destruction_cost_params.indemnification = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-animal indemnification cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      destruction_cost_params.indemnification = 0;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "carcass-disposal");
  if (e != NULL)
      destruction_cost_params.carcass_disposal = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_destruction_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-animal carcass disposal cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          destruction_cost_params.carcass_disposal = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-animal carcass disposal cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      destruction_cost_params.carcass_disposal = 0;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "cleaning-disinfecting");
  if (e != NULL)
      destruction_cost_params.cleaning_disinfecting = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_destruction_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-unit cleaning and disinfecting cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          destruction_cost_params.cleaning_disinfecting = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-unit cleaning and disinfecting cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      destruction_cost_params.cleaning_disinfecting = 0;

  /* Vaccination Cost Parameters */
  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "vaccination-fixed");
  if (e != NULL)
      vaccination_cost_params.vaccination_fixed = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_vaccination_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-unit vaccination cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          vaccination_cost_params.vaccination_fixed = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-unit vaccination cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      vaccination_cost_params.vaccination_fixed = 0;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "vaccination");
  if (e != NULL)
      vaccination_cost_params.vaccination = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_vaccination_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-animal vaccination cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          vaccination_cost_params.vaccination = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-animal vaccination cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      vaccination_cost_params.vaccination = 0;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "baseline-vaccination-capacity");
  if (e != NULL)
      vaccination_cost_params.baseline_capacity = (unsigned int) PAR_get_unitless (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_vaccination_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting baseline vaccination capacity to 1,000,000", MODEL_NAME);
          vaccination_cost_params.baseline_capacity = 1000000;
      g_warning ("%s: baseline vaccination capacity missing, setting to 1,000,000", MODEL_NAME);
      vaccination_cost_params.baseline_capacity = 1000000;

  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "additional-vaccination");
  if (e != NULL)
      vaccination_cost_params.extra_vaccination = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_vaccination_cost_params = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting additional per-animal vaccination cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          vaccination_cost_params.extra_vaccination = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: additional per-animal vaccination cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      vaccination_cost_params.extra_vaccination = 0;

  /* No vaccinations have been performed yet. */
  vaccination_cost_params.capacity_used = 0;

  /* Surveillance Cost Parameters */
  e = scew_element_by_name (params, "surveillance");
  if (e != NULL)
      surveillance_cost_param = PAR_get_money (e, &success);
      if (success)
          has_surveillance_cost_param = TRUE;
          g_warning ("%s: setting per-animal zone surveillance cost to 0", MODEL_NAME);
          surveillance_cost_param = 0;
      g_warning ("%s: per-animal zone surveillance cost missing, setting to 0", MODEL_NAME);
      surveillance_cost_param = 0;

  /* Set the reporting frequency for the output variables. */
  ee = scew_element_list (params, "output", &noutputs);
  g_debug ("%i output variables", noutputs);
  for (i = 0; i < noutputs; i++)
      e = ee[i];
      variable_name = scew_element_contents (scew_element_by_name (e, "variable-name"));
      /* Do the outputs include a variable with this name? */
      for (j = 0; j < self->outputs->len; j++)
          output = (RPT_reporting_t *) g_ptr_array_index (self->outputs, j);
          if (strcmp (output->name, variable_name) == 0)
      if (j == self->outputs->len)
        g_warning ("no output variable named \"%s\", ignoring", variable_name);
          RPT_reporting_set_frequency (output,
                                       RPT_string_to_frequency (scew_element_contents
                                                                 (e, "frequency"))));
          g_debug ("report \"%s\" %s", variable_name, RPT_frequency_name[output->frequency]);
  free (ee);

  /* Read zone and production type attributes to determine which
   * entries should be filled in. */
  if (scew_attribute_by_name (params, "zone") != NULL)
    zone = naadsm_read_zone_attribute (params, local_data->zones);
    zone = NULL;
  production_type =
    naadsm_read_prodtype_attribute (params, "production-type", local_data->production_types);

  /* Copy the parameters into the selected zone and production types. */
  for (i = 0; i < nprod_types; i++)
      if (production_type[i])
          if (has_destruction_cost_params)
              if (local_data->destruction_cost_params == NULL)
                  local_data->destruction_cost_params =
                    g_new0 (destruction_cost_data_t *, nprod_types);
                  g_assert (local_data->destruction_cost_params != NULL);
              if (local_data->destruction_cost_params[i] == NULL)
                  local_data->destruction_cost_params[i] =
                    g_new0 (destruction_cost_data_t, 1);
                  g_assert (local_data->destruction_cost_params[i] != NULL);
              memcpy (local_data->destruction_cost_params[i],
                      sizeof (destruction_cost_data_t));
          if (has_vaccination_cost_params)
              if (local_data->vaccination_cost_params == NULL)
                  local_data->vaccination_cost_params =
                    g_new0 (vaccination_cost_data_t *, nprod_types);
                  g_assert (local_data->vaccination_cost_params != NULL);
              if (local_data->vaccination_cost_params[i] == NULL)
                  local_data->vaccination_cost_params[i] =
                    g_new0 (vaccination_cost_data_t, 1);
                  g_assert (local_data->vaccination_cost_params[i] != NULL);
              memcpy (local_data->vaccination_cost_params[i],
                      sizeof (vaccination_cost_data_t));

          if (has_surveillance_cost_param)
              if (zone)
                  for (j = 0; j < nzones; j++)
                      if (zone[j])
                          if (local_data->surveillance_cost_param == NULL)
                              local_data->surveillance_cost_param =
                                g_new0 (double *, nzones);
                              g_assert (local_data->surveillance_cost_param != NULL);
                          if (local_data->surveillance_cost_param[j] == NULL)
                              local_data->surveillance_cost_param[j] =
                                g_new0 (double, nprod_types);
                              g_assert (local_data->surveillance_cost_param[j] != NULL);
                          local_data->surveillance_cost_param[j][i] = surveillance_cost_param;
コード例 #10
ファイル: atlas.c プロジェクト: cpence/arcus
arcus_atlas *atlas_from_xml(scew_element *element)
    arcus_atlas *atlas;
    scew_list *list, *i;
    int expected_transforms, ii, jj, kk;

    if (!element)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: NULL element");
        return NULL;
    if (strcmp(scew_element_name(element), "atlas") != 0)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: element name != 'atlas'");
        return NULL;
    atlas = atlas_create();
    if (!atlas)
        return NULL;
    list = scew_element_list_by_name(element, "system");
    if (!list)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: no systems in atlas");
        return NULL;
    for (i = list ; i ; i = scew_list_next(i))
        scew_element *e;
        arcus_system *s;
        e = (scew_element *)scew_list_data(i);
        s = system_from_xml(e);
        if (!s)
            return NULL;
        atlas->systems = (arcus_system **)realloc(atlas->systems, (atlas->num_systems + 1) * sizeof(arcus_system *));
        atlas->systems[atlas->num_systems] = s;
    // If there's only one system, ignore the transforms
    if (atlas->num_systems == 1)
        return atlas;
    // Figure out how many transforms we should have (n choose k, both directions)
    expected_transforms = binomial(atlas->num_systems, 2) * 2;

    // Load transforms
    list = scew_element_list_by_name(element, "transform");
    if (!list)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: no transforms in atlas when expected");
        return NULL;
    if (scew_list_size(list) != expected_transforms)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: wrong number of transforms in atlas");
        return NULL;
    for (i = list ; i ; i = scew_list_next(i))
        scew_element *e;
        arcus_transform *t;
        e = (scew_element *)scew_list_data(i);
        t = transform_from_xml(e);
        if (!t)
            return NULL;
        atlas->transforms = (arcus_transform **)realloc(atlas->transforms, (atlas->num_transforms + 1) * sizeof(arcus_transform *));
        atlas->transforms[atlas->num_transforms] = t;
    // Load differential transforms
    list = scew_element_list_by_name(element, "transform_diff");
    if (!list)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: no differential transforms in atlas when expected");
        return NULL;
    if (scew_list_size(list) != expected_transforms)
        set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: wrong number of differential transforms in atlas");
        return NULL;
    for (i = list ; i ; i = scew_list_next(i))
        scew_element *e;
        arcus_transform *t;
        e = (scew_element *)scew_list_data(i);
        t = transform_from_xml(e);
        if (!t)
            return NULL;
        atlas->diff_transforms = (arcus_transform **)realloc(atlas->diff_transforms, (atlas->num_diff_transforms + 1) * sizeof(arcus_transform *));
        atlas->diff_transforms[atlas->num_diff_transforms] = t;
    // Check the accuracy and completeness of the transform lists
    for (ii = 0 ; ii < expected_transforms ; ii++)
        arcus_transform *t, *dt;
        int found_t_from = 0, found_t_to = 0;
        int found_dt_from = 0, found_dt_to = 0;
        t = atlas->transforms[ii];
        dt = atlas->diff_transforms[ii];
        for (jj = 0 ; jj < atlas->num_systems ; jj++)
            if (strcmp(system_id(atlas->systems[jj]), transform_from(t)) == 0)
                found_t_from = 1;
            if (strcmp(system_id(atlas->systems[jj]), transform_from(dt)) == 0)
                found_dt_from = 1;
            if (strcmp(system_id(atlas->systems[jj]), transform_to(t)) == 0)
                found_t_to = 1;
            if (strcmp(system_id(atlas->systems[jj]), transform_to(dt)) == 0)
                found_dt_to = 1;
        if (!found_t_from || !found_t_to)
            set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: transform has invalid from/to");
            return NULL;
        if (!found_dt_from || !found_dt_to)
            set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: transform_diff has invalid from/to");
            return NULL;
    for (ii = 0 ; ii < atlas->num_systems ; ii++)
        for (jj = 0 ; jj < atlas->num_systems ; jj++)
            int found_ij = 0, found_ji = 0, found_ij_d = 0, found_ji_d = 0;
            if (ii == jj)
            arcus_system *si, *sj;
            si = atlas->systems[ii];
            sj = atlas->systems[jj];
            for (kk = 0 ; kk < expected_transforms ; kk++)
                arcus_transform *t = atlas->transforms[kk];
                if (strcmp(system_id(si), transform_from(t)) == 0 &&
                    strcmp(system_id(sj), transform_to(t)) == 0)
                    found_ij = 1;
                else if (strcmp(system_id(sj), transform_from(t)) == 0 &&
                         strcmp(system_id(si), transform_to(t)) == 0)
                    found_ji = 1;
                t = atlas->diff_transforms[kk];
                if (strcmp(system_id(si), transform_from(t)) == 0 &&
                    strcmp(system_id(sj), transform_to(t)) == 0)
                    found_ij_d = 1;
                else if (strcmp(system_id(sj), transform_from(t)) == 0 &&
                         strcmp(system_id(si), transform_to(t)) == 0)
                    found_ji_d = 1;
            if (!found_ij || !found_ji)
                set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: no transforms found for one pair of systems");
                return NULL;
            if (!found_ij_d || !found_ji_d)
                set_error_string("atlas_from_xml: no differential transforms found for one pair of systems");
                return NULL;
    return atlas;
コード例 #11
ファイル: airborne-spread-model.c プロジェクト: naadsm/naadsm
 * Adds a set of parameters to an airborne spread model.
set_params (struct ergadm_model_t_ *self, scew_element * params)
  local_data_t *local_data;
  gboolean *from_production_type, *to_production_type;
  unsigned int nprod_types, i, j;
  param_block_t *param_block;
  scew_element const *e;
  gboolean success;
  gboolean use_rtree;

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- ENTER set_params (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

  /* Make sure the right XML subtree was sent. */
  g_assert (strcmp (scew_element_name (params), MODEL_NAME) == 0);

  local_data = (local_data_t *) (self->model_data);

  /* Find out which to-from production type combinations these parameters apply
   * to. */
  from_production_type =
    ergadm_read_prodtype_attribute (params, "from-production-type", local_data->production_types);
  to_production_type =
    ergadm_read_prodtype_attribute (params, "to-production-type", local_data->production_types);

  nprod_types = local_data->production_types->len;
  for (i = 0; i < nprod_types; i++)
    if (from_production_type[i] == TRUE)
      for (j = 0; j < nprod_types; j++)
        if (to_production_type[j] == TRUE)
            /* If necessary, create a row in the 2D array for this from-
             * production type. */
            if (local_data->param_block[i] == NULL)
              local_data->param_block[i] = g_new0 (param_block_t *, nprod_types);

            /* Create a parameter block for this to-from production type
             * combination, or overwrite the existing one. */
            param_block = local_data->param_block[i][j];
            if (param_block == NULL)
                param_block = g_new (param_block_t, 1);
                local_data->param_block[i][j] = param_block;
                g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
                       "setting parameters for %s -> %s",
                       (char *) g_ptr_array_index (local_data->production_types, i),
                       (char *) g_ptr_array_index (local_data->production_types, j));
                g_warning ("overwriting previous parameters for %s -> %s",
                           (char *) g_ptr_array_index (local_data->production_types, i),
                           (char *) g_ptr_array_index (local_data->production_types, j));

            e = scew_element_by_name (params, "prob-spread-1km");
            param_block->prob_spread_1km = PAR_get_probability (e, &success);
            if (success == FALSE)
                g_warning ("setting probability of spread at 1 km to 0");
                param_block->prob_spread_1km = 0;

            e = scew_element_by_name (params, "wind-direction-start");
            param_block->wind_dir_start = PAR_get_angle (e, &success);
            if (success == FALSE)
                g_warning ("setting start of wind direction range to 0");
                param_block->wind_dir_start = 0;
            /* Force the angle into the range [0,360). */
            while (param_block->wind_dir_start < 0)
              param_block->wind_dir_start += 360;
            while (param_block->wind_dir_start >= 360)
              param_block->wind_dir_start -= 360;

            e = scew_element_by_name (params, "wind-direction-end");
            param_block->wind_dir_end = PAR_get_angle (e, &success);
            if (success == FALSE)
                g_warning ("setting end of wind direction range to 360");
                param_block->wind_dir_end = 360;
            /* Force the angle into the range [0,360]. */
            while (param_block->wind_dir_end < 0)
              param_block->wind_dir_end += 360;
            while (param_block->wind_dir_end > 360)
              param_block->wind_dir_end -= 360;

            /* Note that start > end is allowed.  See the header comment. */
            param_block->wind_range_crosses_0 =
              (param_block->wind_dir_start > param_block->wind_dir_end);

            /* Setting both start and end to 0 seems like a sensible way to
             * turn off airborne spread, but headings close to north will
             * "sneak through" this restriction because we allow a little
             * wiggle room for rounding errors.  If the user tries this,
             * instead set prob-spread-1km=0. */
            if (param_block->wind_dir_start == 0 && param_block->wind_dir_end == 0)
              param_block->prob_spread_1km = 0;

            e = scew_element_by_name (params, "max-spread");
            param_block->max_spread = PAR_get_length (e, &success);
            if (success == FALSE)
                g_warning ("setting maximum distance of spread to 0");
                param_block->max_spread = 0;
            /* The maximum spread distance cannot be negative. */
            if (param_block->max_spread < 0)
                g_warning ("maximum distance of spread cannot be negative, setting to 0");
                param_block->max_spread = 0;
            /* Setting the maximum spread distance to 0 seems like a sensible
             * way to turn off airborne spread, but max-spread <= 1 doesn't
             * make sense in the formula.  If the user tries this, instead set
             * max-spread=2, prob-spread-1km=0. */
            if (param_block->max_spread <= 1)
                param_block->max_spread = 2;
                param_block->prob_spread_1km = 0;

            e = scew_element_by_name (params, "delay");
            if (e != NULL)
                param_block->delay = PAR_get_PDF (e);
              param_block->delay = PDF_new_point_dist (0);

            /* Keep track of the maximum distance of spread from each
             * production type.  This determines whether we will use the R-tree
             * index when looking for herds to spread infection to. */
            if (param_block->max_spread > local_data->max_spread[i])
                local_data->max_spread[i] = param_block->max_spread;

                /* Use the following heuristic to decide whether to use the
                 * R-tree index in searches: if the ratio of the diameter of
                 * circle of maximum spread to the short axis of the oriented
                 * bounding rectangle around the herds is <= 0.25, use the
                 * R-tree. */
                if (local_data->short_axis_length > 0)
                    use_rtree = (param_block->max_spread * 2 / local_data->short_axis_length) <= 0.25;
                    use_rtree = FALSE;

#if defined(USE_RTREE) && USE_RTREE == 0
                /* For debugging purposes, you can #define USE_RTREE to 0 to never
                 * use the spatial index, or 1 to always use it. */
                use_rtree = FALSE;
                local_data->use_rtree_index[i] = use_rtree;


  g_free (from_production_type);
  g_free (to_production_type);

  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "----- EXIT set_params (%s)", MODEL_NAME);

コード例 #12
ファイル: system.c プロジェクト: cpence/arcus
arcus_system *system_from_xml(scew_element *element)
    arcus_system *sys;
    scew_attribute *attr;
    const char *attr_val;
    scew_list *list;
    scew_element *e;
    const char *contents;
    if (!element)
        set_error_string("system_from_xml: NULL element");
        return NULL;
    if (strcmp(scew_element_name(element), "system") != 0)
        set_error_string("system_from_xml: element name != 'system'");
        return NULL;
    sys = system_create();
    if (!sys)
        return NULL;
    // Get system id
    attr = scew_element_attribute_by_name(element, "id");
    if (!attr)
        set_error_string("system_from_xml: system without id");
        return NULL;
    attr_val = scew_attribute_value(attr);
    if (!attr_val)
        set_error_string("system_from_xml: attribute without value (scew bug?)");
        return NULL;
    sys->id = strdup(attr_val);
    // Load metric
    list = scew_element_list_by_name(element, "metric");
    if (!list)
        set_error_string("system_create: no metric in system");
        return NULL;
    if (scew_list_size(list) != 1)
        set_error_string("system_create: more than one metric in system");
        return NULL;
    sys->metric = metric_from_xml((scew_element *)scew_list_data(list));
    if (!sys->metric)
        return NULL;
    // Load christoffel symbols
    sys->cs = christoffel_from_xml(element);
    if (!sys->cs)
        return NULL;
    // Load range
    list = scew_element_list_by_name(element, "range");
    if (!list)
        set_error_string("system_create: no range in system");
        return NULL;
    if (scew_list_size(list) != 1)
        set_error_string("system_create: more than one range in system");
        return NULL;
    e = (scew_element *)scew_list_data(list);
    if (!e || strcmp(scew_element_name(e), "range") != 0)
        set_error_string("system_create: no/wrong range element in list (SCEW bug?)");
        return NULL;
    contents = scew_element_contents(e);
    if (!contents || !contents[0])
        set_error_string("system_create: no contents in range element");
        return NULL;
    if (!af_formula_setexpr(sys->range, contents))
        set_error_string("system_create: cannot set range function expression");
        return NULL;
    return sys;