コード例 #1
AJObject* AJFunction::construct(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args)
    Structure* structure;
    AJValue prototype = get(exec, exec->propertyNames().prototype);
    if (prototype.isObject())
        structure = asObject(prototype)->inheritorID();
        structure = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->emptyObjectStructure();
    AJObject* thisObj = new (exec) AJObject(structure);

    AJValue result = exec->interpreter()->execute(jsExecutable(), exec, this, thisObj, args, scopeChain().node(), exec->exceptionSlot());
    if (exec->hadException() || !result.isObject())
        return thisObj;
    return asObject(result);
コード例 #2
// ECMA 15.3.2 The Function Constructor
JSObject* constructFunction(ExecState* exec, const ArgList& args, const Identifier& functionName, const UString& sourceURL, int lineNumber)
    UString p("");
    UString body;
    int argsSize = args.size();
    if (argsSize == 0)
        body = "";
    else if (argsSize == 1)
        body = args[0]->toString(exec);
    else {
        p = args[0]->toString(exec);
        for (int k = 1; k < argsSize - 1; k++)
            p += "," + args[k]->toString(exec);
        body = args[argsSize - 1]->toString(exec);

    // parse the source code
    int sourceId;
    int errLine;
    UString errMsg;
    RefPtr<SourceProvider> source = UStringSourceProvider::create(body);
    RefPtr<FunctionBodyNode> functionBody = exec->parser()->parse<FunctionBodyNode>(exec, sourceURL, lineNumber, source, &sourceId, &errLine, &errMsg);

    // No program node == syntax error - throw a syntax error
    if (!functionBody)
        // We can't return a Completion(Throw) here, so just set the exception
        // and return it
        return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, errMsg, errLine, sourceId, sourceURL);
    functionBody->setSource(SourceRange(source, 0, source->length()));
    ScopeChain scopeChain(exec->lexicalGlobalObject(), exec->globalThisValue());

    JSFunction* function = new (exec) JSFunction(exec, functionName, functionBody.get(), scopeChain.node());

    // parse parameter list. throw syntax error on illegal identifiers
    int len = p.size();
    const UChar* c = p.data();
    int i = 0, params = 0;
    UString param;
    while (i < len) {
        while (*c == ' ' && i < len)
            c++, i++;
        if (Lexer::isIdentStart(c[0])) {  // else error
            param = UString(c, 1);
            c++, i++;
            while (i < len && (Lexer::isIdentPart(c[0]))) {
                c++, i++;
            while (i < len && *c == ' ')
                c++, i++;
            if (i == len) {
                functionBody->parameters().append(Identifier(exec, param));
            } else if (*c == ',') {
                functionBody->parameters().append(Identifier(exec, param));
                c++, i++;
            } // else error
        return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, "Syntax error in parameter list");
    JSObject* prototype = constructEmptyObject(exec);
    prototype->putDirect(exec->propertyNames().constructor, function, DontEnum);
    function->putDirect(exec->propertyNames().prototype, prototype, DontDelete);
    return function;
コード例 #3
AJValue AJFunction::call(ExecState* exec, AJValue thisValue, const ArgList& args)
    return exec->interpreter()->execute(jsExecutable(), exec, this, thisValue.toThisObject(exec), args, scopeChain().node(), exec->exceptionSlot());
コード例 #4
EventListenerManager::CompileEventHandlerInternal(Listener* aListener,
                                                  const nsAString* aBody,
                                                  Element* aElement)
  MOZ_ASSERT(aListener->mHandlerIsString, "Why are we compiling a non-string JS listener?");
  JSEventHandler* jsEventHandler = aListener->GetJSEventHandler();
             "What is there to compile?");

  nsresult result = NS_OK;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> global =

  // Activate JSAPI, and make sure that exceptions are reported on the right
  // Window.
  AutoJSAPI jsapi;
  if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(global))) {
  JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx();

  nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> typeAtom = aListener->mTypeAtom;
  nsIAtom* attrName = typeAtom;

  // Flag us as not a string so we don't keep trying to compile strings which
  // can't be compiled.
  aListener->mHandlerIsString = false;

  // mTarget may not be an Element if it's a window and we're
  // getting an inline event listener forwarded from <html:body> or
  // <html:frameset> or <xul:window> or the like.
  // XXX I don't like that we have to reference content from
  // here. The alternative is to store the event handler string on
  // the JSEventHandler itself, and that still doesn't address
  // the arg names issue.
  nsCOMPtr<Element> element = do_QueryInterface(mTarget);
  MOZ_ASSERT(element || aBody, "Where will we get our body?");
  nsAutoString handlerBody;
  const nsAString* body = aBody;
  if (!aBody) {
    if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onSVGLoad) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onload;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onSVGUnload) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onunload;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onSVGResize) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onresize;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onSVGScroll) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onscroll;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onSVGZoom) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onzoom;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onbeginEvent) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onbegin;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onrepeatEvent) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onrepeat;
    } else if (aListener->mTypeAtom == nsGkAtoms::onendEvent) {
      attrName = nsGkAtoms::onend;

    element->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, attrName, handlerBody);
    body = &handlerBody;
    aElement = element;
  aListener = nullptr;

  uint32_t lineNo = 0;
  nsAutoCString url (NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("-moz-evil:lying-event-listener"));
  nsIURI *uri = aElement->OwnerDoc()->GetDocumentURI();
  if (uri) {
    lineNo = 1;

  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindow> win = do_QueryInterface(mTarget);
  uint32_t argCount;
  const char **argNames;
                                   typeAtom, win,
                                   &argCount, &argNames);

  JSAddonId *addonId = MapURIToAddonID(uri);

  // Wrap the event target, so that we can use it as the scope for the event
  // handler. Note that mTarget is different from aElement in the <body> case,
  // where mTarget is a Window.
  // The wrapScope doesn't really matter here, because the target will create
  // its reflector in the proper scope, and then we'll enter that compartment.
  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> wrapScope(cx, global->GetGlobalJSObject());
  JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx);
    JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, wrapScope);
    nsresult rv = nsContentUtils::WrapNative(cx, mTarget, &v,
                                             /* aAllowWrapping = */ false);
    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
      return rv;

  if (addonId) {
    JS::Rooted<JSObject*> vObj(cx, &v.toObject());
    JS::Rooted<JSObject*> addonScope(cx, xpc::GetAddonScope(cx, vObj, addonId));
    if (!addonScope) {
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, addonScope);

    // Wrap our event target into the addon scope, since that's where we want to
    // do all our work.
    if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &v)) {
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> target(cx, &v.toObject());
  JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, target);

  // Now that we've entered the compartment we actually care about, create our
  // scope chain.  Note that we start with |element|, not aElement, because
  // mTarget is different from aElement in the <body> case, where mTarget is a
  // Window, and in that case we do not want the scope chain to include the body
  // or the document.
  JS::AutoObjectVector scopeChain(cx);
  if (!nsJSUtils::GetScopeChainForElement(cx, element, scopeChain)) {

  nsDependentAtomString str(attrName);
  // Most of our names are short enough that we don't even have to malloc
  // the JS string stuff, so don't worry about playing games with
  // refcounting XPCOM stringbuffers.
  JS::Rooted<JSString*> jsStr(cx, JS_NewUCStringCopyN(cx,

  // Get the reflector for |aElement|, so that we can pass to setElement.
  if (NS_WARN_IF(!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, target, aElement, &v))) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
         .setFileAndLine(url.get(), lineNo)

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> handler(cx);
  result = nsJSUtils::CompileFunction(jsapi, scopeChain, options,
                                      argCount, argNames, *body, handler.address());
  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(result, result);

  if (jsEventHandler->EventName() == nsGkAtoms::onerror && win) {
    nsRefPtr<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull> handlerCallback =
      new OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull(handler, /* aIncumbentGlobal = */ nullptr);
  } else if (jsEventHandler->EventName() == nsGkAtoms::onbeforeunload && win) {
    nsRefPtr<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull> handlerCallback =
      new OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull(handler, /* aIncumbentGlobal = */ nullptr);
  } else {
    nsRefPtr<EventHandlerNonNull> handlerCallback =
      new EventHandlerNonNull(handler, /* aIncumbentGlobal = */ nullptr);

  return result;