コード例 #1
ファイル: generic_optacc.c プロジェクト: ElofssonLab/TOPCONS2
/* Function:  p7_GOATrace()
 * Synopsis:  Optimal accuracy decoding: traceback.
 * Incept:    SRE, Fri Feb 29 12:59:11 2008 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   The traceback stage of the optimal accuracy decoding algorithm
 *            \citep{Kall05}.
 *            Caller provides the OA DP matrix <gx> that was just
 *            calculated by <p7_GOptimalAccuracy()>, as well as the
 *            posterior decoding matrix <pp>, which was calculated by
 *            Forward/Backward on a target sequence of length <L>
 *            using the query model <gm>.
 *            Caller provides an empty traceback structure <tr> to
 *            hold the result, allocated to hold optional posterior
 *            probability annotation on residues (with
 *            <p7_trace_CreateWithPP()>, generally).  This will be
 *            internally reallocated as needed for larger traces.
 * Args:      gm    - query profile      
 *            pp    - posterior decoding matrix created by <p7_PosteriorDecoding()>
 *            gx    - OA DP matrix calculated by  <p7_OptimalAccuracyDP()>
 *            tr    - RESULT: OA traceback, allocated with posterior probs
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success, and <tr> contains the OA traceback.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error.
p7_GOATrace(const P7_PROFILE *gm, const P7_GMX *pp, const P7_GMX *gx, P7_TRACE *tr)
  int           i   = gx->L;	/* position in seq (1..L)         */
  int           k   = 0;	/* position in model (1..M)       */
  float        postprob;
  int          sprv, scur;
  int          status;

#ifdef p7_DEBUGGING
  if (tr->N != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "trace isn't empty: forgot to Reuse()?");

  if ((status = p7_trace_AppendWithPP(tr, p7T_T, k, i, 0.0)) != eslOK) return status;
  if ((status = p7_trace_AppendWithPP(tr, p7T_C, k, i, 0.0)) != eslOK) return status;

  sprv = p7T_C;
  while (sprv != p7T_S) 
      switch (sprv) {
      case p7T_M: scur = select_m(gm,     gx, i, k);  k--; i--; break;
      case p7T_D: scur = select_d(gm,     gx, i, k);  k--;      break;
      case p7T_I: scur = select_i(gm,     gx, i, k);       i--; break;
      case p7T_N: scur = select_n(i);                           break;
      case p7T_C: scur = select_c(gm, pp, gx, i);               break;
      case p7T_J: scur = select_j(gm, pp, gx, i);               break;
      case p7T_E: scur = select_e(gm,     gx, i, &k);           break;
      case p7T_B: scur = select_b(gm,     gx, i);               break;
      default: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bogus state in traceback");
      if (scur == -1) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "OA traceback choice failed");

      postprob = get_postprob(pp, scur, sprv, k, i);
      if ((status = p7_trace_AppendWithPP(tr, scur, k, i, postprob)) != eslOK) return status;

      /* For NCJ, we had to defer i decrement. */
      if ( (scur == p7T_N || scur == p7T_J || scur == p7T_C) && scur == sprv) i--;
      sprv = scur;
  tr->M = gm->M;
  tr->L = gx->L;
  return p7_trace_Reverse(tr);
コード例 #2
ファイル: stotrace.c プロジェクト: Denis84/EPA-WorkBench
/* Function:  p7_StochasticTrace()
 * Synopsis:  Sample a traceback from a Forward matrix
 * Incept:    SRE, Fri Aug  8 17:40:18 2008 [UA217, IAD-SFO]
 * Purpose:   Perform a stochastic traceback from Forward matrix <ox>,
 *            using random number generator <r>, in order to sample an
 *            alignment of model <om> to digital sequence <dsq> of
 *            length <L>. 
 *            The sampled traceback is returned in <tr>, which the
 *            caller provides with at least an initial allocation;
 *            the <tr> allocation will be grown as needed here.
 * Args:      r   - source of random numbers
 *            dsq - digital sequence being aligned, 1..L
 *            L   - length of dsq
 *            om  - profile
 *            ox  - Forward matrix to trace, LxM
 *            tr  - storage for the recovered traceback
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error.
 *            <eslEINVAL> on several types of problems, including:
 *            the trace isn't empty (wasn't Reuse()'d);
p7_StochasticTrace(ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng, const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int L, const P7_OPROFILE *om, const P7_OMX *ox,
		   P7_TRACE *tr)
  int   i;			/* position in sequence 1..L */
  int   k;			/* position in model 1..M */
  int   s0, s1;			/* choice of a state */
  int   status;			
  if (tr->N != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "trace not empty; needs to be Reuse()'d?");

  i = L;			
  k = 0;
  if ((status = p7_trace_Append(tr, p7T_T, k, i)) != eslOK) return status;
  if ((status = p7_trace_Append(tr, p7T_C, k, i)) != eslOK) return status;
  s0 = tr->st[tr->N-1];
  while (s0 != p7T_S)
      switch (s0) {
      case p7T_M: s1 = select_m(rng, om, ox, i, k);  k--; i--; break;
      case p7T_D: s1 = select_d(rng, om, ox, i, k);  k--;      break;
      case p7T_I: s1 = select_i(rng, om, ox, i, k);       i--; break;
      case p7T_N: s1 = select_n(i);                            break;
      case p7T_C: s1 = select_c(rng, om, ox, i);               break;
      case p7T_J: s1 = select_j(rng, om, ox, i);               break;
      case p7T_E: s1 = select_e(rng, om, ox, i, &k);           break;
      case p7T_B: s1 = select_b(rng, om, ox, i);               break;
      default: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bogus state in traceback");
      if (s1 == -1) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Stochastic traceback choice failed");

      if ((status = p7_trace_Append(tr, s1, k, i)) != eslOK) return status;

      if ( (s1 == p7T_N || s1 == p7T_J || s1 == p7T_C) && s1 == s0) i--;
      s0 = s1;
    } /* end traceback, at S state */

  tr->M = om->M;
  tr->L = L;
  return p7_trace_Reverse(tr);
コード例 #3
ファイル: optacc.c プロジェクト: ElofssonLab/TOPCONS2
/* Function:  p7_OATrace()
 * Synopsis:  Optimal accuracy decoding: traceback.
 * Incept:    SRE, Mon Aug 18 13:53:33 2008 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   The traceback stage of the optimal accuracy decoding algorithm
 *            \citep{Kall05}.
 *            Caller provides the OA DP matrix <ox> that was just
 *            calculated by <p7_OptimalAccuracyDP()>, as well as the
 *            posterior decoding matrix <pp>, which was calculated by
 *            Forward/Backward on a target sequence using the query
 *            model <gm>. Because the calculation depends only on
 *            <pp>, the target sequence itself need not be provided.
 *            The resulting optimal accuracy decoding traceback is put
 *            in a caller-provided traceback structure <tr>, which the
 *            caller has allocated for optional posterior probability
 *            annotation on residues (with <p7_trace_CreateWithPP()>,
 *            generally). This structure will be reallocated
 *            internally if necessary.
 * Args:      om  - profile
 *            pp  - posterior probability matrix
 *            ox  - OA matrix to trace, LxM
 *            tr  - storage for the recovered traceback
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error.
 *            <eslEINVAL> if the trace <tr> isn't empty (needs to be Reuse()'d).
p7_OATrace(const P7_OPROFILE *om, const P7_OMX *pp, const P7_OMX *ox, P7_TRACE *tr)
  int   i   = ox->L;		/* position in sequence 1..L */
  int   k   = 0;		/* position in model 1..M */
  int   s0, s1;			/* choice of a state */
  float postprob;
  int   status;			
  if (tr->N != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "trace not empty; needs to be Reuse()'d?");

  if ((status = p7_trace_AppendWithPP(tr, p7T_T, k, i, 0.0)) != eslOK) return status;
  if ((status = p7_trace_AppendWithPP(tr, p7T_C, k, i, 0.0)) != eslOK) return status;

  s0 = tr->st[tr->N-1];
  while (s0 != p7T_S)
      switch (s0) {
      case p7T_M: s1 = select_m(om,     ox, i, k);  k--; i--; break;
      case p7T_D: s1 = select_d(om,     ox, i, k);  k--;      break;
      case p7T_I: s1 = select_i(om,     ox, i, k);       i--; break;
      case p7T_N: s1 = select_n(i);                           break;
      case p7T_C: s1 = select_c(om, pp, ox, i);               break;
      case p7T_J: s1 = select_j(om, pp, ox, i);               break;
      case p7T_E: s1 = select_e(om,     ox, i, &k);           break;
      case p7T_B: s1 = select_b(om,     ox, i);               break;
      default: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "bogus state in traceback");
      if (s1 == -1) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "OA traceback choice failed");

      postprob = get_postprob(pp, s1, s0, k, i);
      if ((status = p7_trace_AppendWithPP(tr, s1, k, i, postprob)) != eslOK) return status;

      if ( (s1 == p7T_N || s1 == p7T_J || s1 == p7T_C) && s1 == s0) i--;
      s0 = s1;
    } /* end traceback, at S state */
  tr->M = om->M;
  tr->L = ox->L;
  return p7_trace_Reverse(tr);
コード例 #4
ファイル: select.c プロジェクト: Pieter-was/osv
/* Basic select() implementation on top of poll() */
int select (int nfds,
            fd_set * readfds,
            fd_set * writefds,
            fd_set * exceptfds,
            struct timeval * timeout)
    int timeout_ms, error, i;
    int poll_fd_idx = 0;
    int num_fds = 0;
    struct pollfd *req = NULL;
    size_t max_size = sizeof(struct pollfd) * nfds;

    select_d("select(nfds=%d, readfds=0x%lx, writefds=0x%lx, exceptfds=0x%lx, timeout=0x%lx)",
        nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout);

    if ((nfds < 0) || (nfds > FD_SETSIZE+1)) {
        select_d("select() failed 1");
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    /* Some programs call select() with nfds=0 in order to sleep */
    if (nfds == 0) {
        struct timespec ts = {};

        if (timeout == NULL) {
            errno = EINVAL;
            return -1;

        ts.tv_sec = timeout->tv_sec;
        ts.tv_nsec = timeout->tv_usec * 1000;
        nanosleep(&ts, 0);

        return 0;

    req = malloc(max_size);
    if (req == NULL) {
        select_d("select() failed no memory");
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    /* prepare poll request */
    for (i=0; i < nfds; i++) {
        short int events = 0;

        if (readfds) {
            /* read_fds */
            if (FD_ISSET(i, readfds))
                events = POLLIN;

        if (writefds) {
            /* write_fds */
            if (FD_ISSET(i, writefds))
                events |= POLLOUT;

        if (events) {
            req[poll_fd_idx].fd = i;
            req[poll_fd_idx].events = events;
            req[poll_fd_idx].revents = 0;


    if (timeout) {
        /* FIXME: we use a ms granularity while select uses timeval (microsec) */
        timeout_ms = timeout->tv_sec * 1000 + timeout->tv_usec/1000;
    } else {
        timeout_ms = -1;

    select_d("select() timeout_ms=%d", timeout_ms);

    /* call poll() */
    error = poll(req, poll_fd_idx, timeout_ms);
    if (error < 0) {
        select_d("select() poll() failed");
        return -1;

    /* handle result */
    if (readfds)

    if (writefds)

    if (exceptfds)

    for (i=0; i < poll_fd_idx; i++) {
        if (req[i].revents == 0)
        if (req[i].revents & POLLNVAL) {
            errno = EBADF;
            error = -1;
        bool event = false;
        if (readfds) {
            if (req[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR)) {
                FD_SET(req[i].fd, readfds);
                event = true;

        if (writefds) {
            if (req[i].revents & (POLLOUT | POLLRDHUP | POLLERR)) {
                FD_SET(req[i].fd, writefds);
                event = true;

        if (exceptfds) {
            if (req[i].revents & POLLPRI) {
                FD_SET(req[i].fd, exceptfds);
                event = true;

        if (event) {


    if (error == -1)
        return -1;

    select_d("select() return: %d", num_fds);
    return num_fds;