コード例 #1
ファイル: driver_listener.c プロジェクト: EricSB/dnscat2
driver_listener_t *driver_listener_create(select_group_t *group, char *host, int port, char *name)
  driver_listener_t *driver = (driver_listener_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(driver_listener_t));

  driver->group = group;
  driver->host  = host;
  driver->port  = port;

  /* Subscribe to the messages we care about. */
  message_subscribe(MESSAGE_SESSION_CLOSED,  handle_message, driver);
  message_subscribe(MESSAGE_DATA_IN,         handle_message, driver);
  message_subscribe(MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN,        handle_message, driver);

  driver->s = tcp_listen(driver->host, driver->port);
    LOG_FATAL("Failed to listen on %s:%d", driver->host, driver->port);

  /* On Linux, the stdin_handle is easy. */
  select_group_add_socket(driver->group, driver->s, SOCKET_TYPE_LISTEN, driver);
  select_set_listen(driver->group, driver->s, listener_accept);
  select_set_closed(driver->group, driver->s, listener_closed);

  return driver;
コード例 #2
ファイル: driver_listener.c プロジェクト: EricSB/dnscat2
static SELECT_RESPONSE_t listener_accept(void *group, int s, void *d)
  driver_listener_t *driver = (driver_listener_t*) d;
  message_options_t options[2];
  client_entry_t *client = safe_malloc(sizeof(client_entry_t));

  client->s          = tcp_accept(s, &client->address, &client->port);

  options[0].name = "name";
    options[0].value.s = driver->name;
    options[0].value.s = "[unnamed listener]";
  options[1].name    = NULL;

  client->session_id = message_post_create_session(options);

  client->driver     = driver;
  client->next       = first_client;
  first_client       = client;

  LOG_WARNING("Received a connection from %s:%d (created session %d)", client->address, client->port, client->session_id);

  select_group_add_socket(group, client->s, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, client);
  select_set_recv(group, client->s, client_recv);
  select_set_closed(group, client->s, client_closed);

  return SELECT_OK;
コード例 #3
ファイル: smbserver.c プロジェクト: ACGT/nbtool
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int s = tcp_listen("", 445);
	select_group_t *sg = select_group_create();

	if(s < 0)
		return 0;

	select_group_add_socket(sg, s, SOCKET_TYPE_LISTEN, NULL);
	select_set_listen(sg, s, listener);

	/* We start by receiving a header. */

		select_group_do_select(sg, 3, 0);
#if 0
	/* Do 'session setup' */
	length = smb_get_length(smb);
	data = safe_malloc(length);
	smb_get(smb, data, length);
	tcp_send(s, data, length);

		select_group_do_select(sg, -1, -1);

	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: driver_dns.c プロジェクト: atimorin/dnscat2
driver_dns_t *driver_dns_create(select_group_t *group, char *domain, dns_type_t type)
  driver_dns_t *driver_dns = (driver_dns_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(driver_dns_t));

  /* Create the actual DNS socket. */
  LOG_INFO("Creating UDP (DNS) socket");
  driver_dns->s = udp_create_socket(0, "");
  if(driver_dns->s == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("Couldn't create UDP socket!");

  /* Set the domain and stuff. */
  driver_dns->domain   = domain;
  driver_dns->type     = type;

  /* If it succeeds, add it to the select_group */
  select_group_add_socket(group, driver_dns->s, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, driver_dns);
  select_set_recv(group, driver_dns->s, recv_socket_callback);
  select_set_closed(group, driver_dns->s, dns_data_closed);

  /* Subscribe to the messages we care about. */
  message_subscribe(MESSAGE_PACKET_OUT, handle_message, driver_dns);

  /* TODO: Do I still need this? */
  message_post_config_int("max_packet_length", MAX_DNSCAT_LENGTH(driver_dns->domain));

  return driver_dns;
コード例 #5
ファイル: driver_console.c プロジェクト: sjas/dnscat2
driver_console_t *driver_console_create(select_group_t *group)
/*, char *name, char *download, int first_chunk)*/
  driver_console_t *driver = (driver_console_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(driver_console_t));

  driver->group         = group;
  driver->is_shutdown   = FALSE;
  driver->outgoing_data = buffer_create(BO_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

#ifdef WIN32
  /* On Windows, the stdin_handle is quite complicated, and involves a sub-thread. */
  HANDLE stdin_handle = get_stdin_handle();
  select_group_add_pipe(group, -1, stdin_handle, driver);
  select_set_recv(group,       -1, console_stdin_recv);
  select_set_closed(group,     -1, console_stdin_closed);
  /* On Linux, the stdin_handle is easy. */
  int stdin_handle = STDIN_FILENO;
  select_group_add_socket(group, stdin_handle, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, driver);
  select_set_recv(group,         stdin_handle, console_stdin_recv);
  select_set_closed(group,       stdin_handle, console_stdin_closed);

  return driver;
コード例 #6
ファイル: smbserver.c プロジェクト: ACGT/nbtool
SELECT_RESPONSE_t listener(void *group, int s, struct sockaddr_in addr, void *param)
	int new_socket = tcp_accept(s, NULL);

	select_group_add_socket((select_group_t*)group, new_socket, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, NULL);
	select_set_recv((select_group_t*)group, new_socket, incoming);
	select_set_timeout((select_group_t*)group, new_socket, timeout);
	select_group_wait_for_bytes((select_group_t*)group, new_socket, 4);

コード例 #7
ファイル: nbsniff.c プロジェクト: ACGT/nbtool
static void nb_poll(settings_t *settings)
	settings->group = select_group_create();
	select_group_add_socket(settings->group, settings->socket, SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM, settings);
	select_set_recv(settings->group, settings->socket, nb_recv_callback);

	select_set_timeout(settings->group, settings->socket, nb_timeout);

		select_group_do_select(settings->group, settings->wait);

コード例 #8
ファイル: driver_console.c プロジェクト: atimorin/dnscat2
driver_console_t *driver_console_create(select_group_t *group, char *name, char *download, int first_chunk)
  driver_console_t *driver = (driver_console_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(driver_console_t));

  message_options_t options[4];

#ifdef WIN32
  /* On Windows, the stdin_handle is quite complicated, and involves a sub-thread. */
  HANDLE stdin_handle = get_stdin_handle();
  select_group_add_pipe(group, -1, stdin_handle, driver);
  select_set_recv(group,       -1, console_stdin_recv);
  select_set_closed(group,     -1, console_stdin_closed);
  /* On Linux, the stdin_handle is easy. */
  int stdin_handle = STDIN_FILENO;
  select_group_add_socket(group, stdin_handle, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, driver);
  select_set_recv(group,         stdin_handle, console_stdin_recv);
  select_set_closed(group,       stdin_handle, console_stdin_closed);

  driver->name        = name ? name : "[unnamed console]";
  driver->download    = download;
  driver->first_chunk = first_chunk;

  /* Subscribe to the messages we care about. */
  message_subscribe(MESSAGE_DATA_IN,         handle_message, driver);

  options[0].name    = "name";
  options[0].value.s = driver->name;

    options[1].name    = "download";
    options[1].value.s = driver->download;

    options[2].name    = "first_chunk";
    options[2].value.i = driver->first_chunk;
    options[1].name = NULL;

  options[3].name    = NULL;

  driver->session_id = message_post_create_session(options);

  return driver;
コード例 #9
ファイル: session.c プロジェクト: emmanuj/kemi
void sessions_attach_stdin(sessions_t *sessions)
#ifdef WIN32
	/* On Windows, the stdin_handle is quire complicated, and involves a sub-thread. */
	HANDLE stdin_handle = get_stdin_handle();
	select_group_add_pipe(sessions->select_group, -1, stdin_handle, sessions);
	select_set_recv(sessions->select_group, -1, stdin_callback);
	select_set_closed(sessions->select_group, -1, stdin_closed_callback);
	/* On Linux, the stdin_handle is easy. */
	int stdin_handle = STDIN_FILENO;
	select_group_add_socket(sessions->select_group, stdin_handle, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, sessions);
	select_set_recv(sessions->select_group, stdin_handle, stdin_callback);
	select_set_closed(sessions->select_group, stdin_handle, stdin_closed_callback);
コード例 #10
ファイル: tcpcat.c プロジェクト: AmesianX/dnscat2
void tcpcat_send(uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *d)
  options_t     *options = (options_t*) d;
  buffer_t     *buffer;
  uint8_t      *encoded_data;
  size_t        encoded_length;

  if(options->s == -1)
    /* Attempt a TCP connection */
    LOG_INFO("Connecting to %s:%d", options->host, options->port);
    options->s = tcp_connect(options->host, options->port);

    /* If it fails, just return (it will try again next send) */
    if(options->s == -1)
      LOG_FATAL("Connection failed!");

    /* If it succeeds, add it to the select_group */
    select_group_add_socket(options->group, options->s, SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, options);
    select_set_recv(options->group, options->s, recv_callback);
    select_set_closed(options->group, options->s, closed_callback);

  assert(options->s != -1); /* Make sure we have a valid socket. */
  assert(data); /* Make sure they aren't trying to send NULL. */
  assert(length > 0); /* Make sure they aren't trying to send 0 bytes. */

  buffer = buffer_create(BO_BIG_ENDIAN);
  buffer_add_int16(buffer, length);
  buffer_add_bytes(buffer, data, length);
  encoded_data = buffer_create_string_and_destroy(buffer, &encoded_length);

  if(tcp_send(options->s, encoded_data, encoded_length) == -1)
    LOG_ERROR("[[TCP]] send error, closing socket!");
コード例 #11
ファイル: driver_exec.c プロジェクト: 52piaoyu/dnscat2
driver_exec_t *driver_exec_create(select_group_t *group, char *process, char *name)
  driver_exec_t *driver_exec = (driver_exec_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(driver_exec_t));
  message_options_t options[2];

  /* Declare some WIN32 variables needed for starting the sub-process. */
#ifdef WIN32
  STARTUPINFOA         startupInfo;
  PROCESS_INFORMATION  processInformation;

  driver_exec->process = process;
  driver_exec->group   = group;
  driver_exec->name    = name ? name : process;

  /* Subscribe to the messages we care about. */
  message_subscribe(MESSAGE_DATA_IN,         handle_message, driver_exec);

  /* Set up the session options and create the session. */
  options[0].name    = "name";
  options[0].value.s = driver_exec->name;

  options[1].name    = NULL;

  driver_exec->session_id = message_post_create_session(options);
#ifdef WIN32
  /* Create a security attributes structure. This is required to inherit handles. */
  ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES));
  sa.nLength              = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
  sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
  sa.bInheritHandle       = TRUE;

  /* Create the anonymous pipes. */
  if(!CreatePipe(&driver_exec->exec_stdin[PIPE_READ], &driver_exec->exec_stdin[PIPE_WRITE], &sa, 0))
    DIE("exec: Couldn't create pipe for stdin");
  if(!CreatePipe(&driver_exec->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], &driver_exec->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], &sa, 0))
    DIE("exec: Couldn't create pipe for stdout");

  fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to load the program: %s\n", driver_exec->process);

  /* Initialize the STARTUPINFO structure. */
  ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
  startupInfo.cb         = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
  startupInfo.dwFlags    = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
  startupInfo.hStdInput  = driver_exec->exec_stdin[PIPE_READ];
  startupInfo.hStdOutput = driver_exec->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE];
  startupInfo.hStdError = driver_exec->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE];

  /* Initialize the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure. */
  ZeroMemory(&processInformation, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));

  /* Create the actual process with an overly-complicated CreateProcess function. */
  if(!CreateProcessA(NULL, driver_exec->process, 0, &sa, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, 0, NULL, &startupInfo, &processInformation))
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create the process");

  /* Save the process id and the handle. */
  driver_exec->pid = processInformation.dwProcessId;
  driver_exec->exec_handle = processInformation.hProcess;

  /* Close the duplicate pipes we created -- this lets us detect the proicess termination. */

  fprintf(stderr, "Successfully created the process!\n\n");

  /* Create a socket_id value - this is a totally arbitrary value that's only used so we can find this entry later. */
  driver_exec->socket_id = --driver_exec->socket_id;

  /* On Windows, add the sub-process's stdout as a pipe. */
  select_group_add_pipe(driver_exec->group, driver_exec->socket_id, driver_exec->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], driver_exec);
  select_set_recv(driver_exec->group, driver_exec->socket_id, exec_callback);
  select_set_closed(driver_exec->group, driver_exec->socket_id, exec_closed_callback);
  LOG_INFO("Attempting to start process '%s'...", driver_exec->process);

  /* Create communication channels. */
  if(pipe(driver_exec->pipe_stdin) == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("exec: couldn't create pipe (%d)", errno);

  if(pipe(driver_exec->pipe_stdout) == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("exec: couldn't create pipe (%d)", errno);

  driver_exec->pid = fork();

  if(driver_exec->pid == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("exec: couldn't create process (%d)", errno);

  /* If we're in the child process... */
  if(driver_exec->pid == 0)
    /* Copy the pipes. */
    if(dup2(driver_exec->pipe_stdin[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
      nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDIN handle");

    if(dup2(driver_exec->pipe_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
      nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDOUT handle");

    if(dup2(driver_exec->pipe_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
      nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDERR handle");

    /* Execute the new process. */
    execlp("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", driver_exec->process, (char*) NULL);

    /* If execlp returns, bad stuff happened. */
    LOG_FATAL("exec: execlp failed (%d)", errno);

  LOG_WARNING("Started: %s (pid: %d)", driver_exec->process, driver_exec->pid);

  /* Add the sub-process's stdout as a socket. */
  select_group_add_socket(driver_exec->group, driver_exec->pipe_stdout[PIPE_READ], SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, driver_exec);
  select_set_recv(driver_exec->group,         driver_exec->pipe_stdout[PIPE_READ], exec_callback);
  select_set_closed(driver_exec->group,       driver_exec->pipe_stdout[PIPE_READ], exec_closed_callback);
  return driver_exec;
コード例 #12
ファイル: driver_exec.c プロジェクト: infosecsmith/dnscat2
/* This is called after the drivers are created, to kick things off. */
static void handle_start(driver_exec_t *driver)

  /* Create the exec socket */
#ifdef WIN32
  /* TODO */
  LOG_INFO("Attempting to start process '%s'...", driver->process);

  /* Create communication channels. */
  if(pipe(driver->pipe_stdin) == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("exec: couldn't create pipe (%d)", errno);

  if(pipe(driver->pipe_stdout) == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("exec: couldn't create pipe (%d)", errno);

  driver->pid = fork();

  if(driver->pid == -1)
    LOG_FATAL("exec: couldn't create process (%d)", errno);

  /* If we're in the child process... */
  if(driver->pid == 0)
    /* Copy the pipes. */
    if(dup2(driver->pipe_stdin[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
      nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDIN handle");

    if(dup2(driver->pipe_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
      nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDOUT handle");

    if(dup2(driver->pipe_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
      nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDERR handle");

    /* Execute the new process. */
    execlp("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", driver->process, (char*) NULL);

    /* If execlp returns, bad stuff happened. */
    LOG_FATAL("exec: execlp failed (%d)", errno);

  LOG_WARNING("Started: %s (pid: %d)", driver->process, driver->pid);

  /* Add the sub-process's stdout as a socket. */
  select_group_add_socket(driver->group, driver->pipe_stdout[PIPE_READ], SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, driver);
  select_set_recv(driver->group,   driver->pipe_stdout[PIPE_READ], exec_callback);
  select_set_closed(driver->group, driver->pipe_stdout[PIPE_READ], exec_closed_callback);
コード例 #13
ファイル: session.c プロジェクト: emmanuj/kemi
static NBBOOL session_attach_process(sessions_t *sessions, session_t *session, char *process)
#ifdef WIN32
	STARTUPINFOA         startupInfo;
	PROCESS_INFORMATION  processInformation;
	session_group_t *session_group = (session_group_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(session_group_t));
	session_group->session  = session;
	session_group->sessions = sessions;

	/* Create a security attributes structure. This is required to inherit handles. */
	ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES));
	sa.nLength              = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
	sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
	sa.bInheritHandle       = TRUE;

	/* Create the anonymous pipes. */
	if(!CreatePipe(&session->exec_stdin[PIPE_READ], &session->exec_stdin[PIPE_WRITE], &sa, 0))
		nbdie("exec: Couldn't create pipe for stdin");
	if(!CreatePipe(&session->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], &session->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], &sa, 0))
		nbdie("exec: Couldn't create pipe for stdout");

	fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to load the program: %s\n", process);

	/* Initialize the STARTUPINFO structure. */
	ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
	startupInfo.cb         = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
	startupInfo.dwFlags    = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
	startupInfo.hStdInput  = session->exec_stdin[PIPE_READ];
	startupInfo.hStdOutput = session->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE];
		startupInfo.hStdError = session->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE];

	/* Initialize the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure. */
	ZeroMemory(&processInformation, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));

	/* Create the actual process with an overly-complicated CreateProcess function. */
	if(!CreateProcessA(NULL, process, 0, &sa, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, 0, NULL, &startupInfo, &processInformation))
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create the process");

	/* Save the process id and the handle. */
	session->pid = processInformation.dwProcessId;
	session->exec_handle = processInformation.hProcess;
	session->socket_id = --sessions->current_socket_id;

	/* Close the duplicate pipes we created -- this lets us detect the proicess termination. */

	fprintf(stderr, "Successfully created the process!\n\n");

	/* On Windows, add the sub-process's stdout as a pipe. */
	select_group_add_pipe(sessions->select_group, session->socket_id, session->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], session_group);
	select_set_recv(sessions->select_group, session->socket_id, exec_callback);
	select_set_closed(sessions->select_group, session->socket_id, exec_closed_callback);
	session_group_t *session_group = (session_group_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(session_group_t));
	session_group->session  = session;
	session_group->sessions = sessions;

	fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to start process '%s' for session %s\n", process, session->name);

	/* Create communication channels. */
	if(pipe(session->exec_stdin) == -1)
		nbdie("exec: couldn't create pipe for STDIN");

	if(pipe(session->exec_stdout) == -1)
		nbdie("exec: couldn't create pipe for STDOUT");

	session->pid = fork();

	if(session->pid == -1)
		nbdie("exec: couldn't create process");

	if(session->pid == 0)
		/* Copy the pipes. */
		if(dup2(session->exec_stdin[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
			nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDIN handle");
		if(dup2(session->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
			nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDOUT handle");
			session->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE] = 0;
			if(dup2(session->exec_stdout[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1)
				nbdie("exec: couldn't duplicate STDERR handle");

		/* Execute the new process. */
		execlp("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", process, (char*) NULL);

		/* If execlp returns, bad stuff happened. */
		fprintf(stderr, "exec: execlp failed");
		return FALSE;

	fprintf(stderr, "Started: %s (pid: %d)\n", process, session->pid);

	/* On Linux, add the sub-process's stdout as a socket. */
	select_group_add_socket(sessions->select_group, session->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, session_group);
	select_set_recv(sessions->select_group, session->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], exec_callback);
	select_set_closed(sessions->select_group, session->exec_stdout[PIPE_READ], exec_closed_callback);

	return TRUE;