static void handle_cmd_get_kb_info_all(int client_fd) { int rv, len; fsa_kb_info *ki; unsigned char *response; /* get info on all running/stopped kbs on this host */ int err; ki = fsab_get_local_kb_info_all(&err); if (ki == NULL) { send_error_message(client_fd, "failed to get local kb info"); return; } /* encode response to send back to client */ response = fsap_encode_rsp_get_kb_info_all(ki, &len); fsa_kb_info_free(ki); /* done with kb info now */ if (response == NULL) { send_error_message(client_fd, "failed to encode response"); return; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "response size is %d bytes", len); /* send entire response back to client */ rv = fsa_sendall(client_fd, response, &len); free(response); /* done with response buffer */ if (rv == -1) { fsa_error(LOG_ERR, "failed to send response to client: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "%d bytes sent to client", len); }
static void handle_flow_mod_mod( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint64_t cookie, const uint64_t cookie_mask, const uint8_t table_id, const uint16_t idle_timeout, const uint16_t hard_timeout, const uint16_t priority, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint16_t flags, const oxm_matches *oxm, const openflow_instructions *instructions, const bool strict, struct protocol *protocol ) { match *match = create_match( ); if ( oxm != NULL && oxm->n_matches > 0 ) { for ( list_element *e = oxm->list; e != NULL; e = e->next ) { oxm_match_header *hdr = e->data; assign_match( match, hdr ); } } instruction_set *ins_set = create_instruction_set(); if ( instructions != NULL ) { OFDPE ret = assign_instructions( ins_set, instructions->list ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, OFPBIC_UNSUP_INST ); delete_instruction_set( ins_set ); delete_match( match ); return; } } OFDPE ret = update_or_add_flow_entry( table_id, match, cookie, cookie_mask, priority, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, flags, strict, ins_set ); delete_instruction_set( ins_set ); delete_match( match ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPFMFC_UNKNOWN; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); return; } if ( buffer_id != OFP_NO_BUFFER ) { action_list *actions = create_action_list(); action *action = create_action_output( OFPP_TABLE, UINT16_MAX ); append_action( actions, action ); ret = execute_packet_out( buffer_id, 0, actions, NULL ); delete_action_list( actions ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPFMFC_UNKNOWN; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); return; } wakeup_datapath( protocol ); } }
static void _handle_meter_mod_add( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, const uint32_t meter_id, const list_element *bands ) { OFDPE ret = add_meter_entry( flags, meter_id, bands ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type, code; if ( get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ) == true ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); } else { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_METER_MOD_FAILED, OFPMMFC_UNKNOWN ); } } }
static void _handle_meter_mod_delete( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint32_t meter_id ) { OFDPE ret = delete_meter_entry( meter_id ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type, code; if ( get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ) == true ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); } else { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_METER_MOD_FAILED, OFPMMFC_UNKNOWN ); } } }
/* get all information about a specific kb on this host, send to client */ static void handle_cmd_get_kb_info(int client_fd, uint16_t datasize) { int rv, len, err; fsa_kb_info *ki; unsigned char *response; unsigned char *kb_name; kb_name = get_string_from_client(client_fd, datasize); if (kb_name == NULL) { /* errors already logged/handled */ return; } /* should already have been checked by client */ if (!fsa_is_valid_kb_name((const char *)kb_name)) { fsa_error(LOG_CRIT, "Invalid kb name received from client"); send_error_message(client_fd, "kb name invalid"); free(kb_name); return; } ki = fsab_get_local_kb_info(kb_name, &err); free(kb_name); /* done with kb_name */ if (ki == NULL || err == ADM_ERR_KB_NOT_EXISTS) { send_error_message(client_fd, "failed to get local kb info"); return; } /* encode message for client */ response = fsap_encode_rsp_get_kb_info(ki, &len); fsa_kb_info_free(ki); if (response == NULL) { send_error_message(client_fd, "failed to encode kb info"); return; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "response size is %d bytes", len); /* send entire response back to client */ rv = fsa_sendall(client_fd, response, &len); free(response); /* done with response buffer */ if (rv == -1) { fsa_error(LOG_ERR, "failed to send response to client: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "%d bytes sent to client", len); }
/// Function receives the data message from lower layer. /// Data is formatted to Attribute-Value Pairs. /// Look at eap_tlv_header_c and eap_tlv_message_data_c. EAP_FUNC_EXPORT eap_status_e eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_data(const void * const data, const u32_t length) { EAP_TRACE_DATA_DEBUG( m_am_tools, EAP_TRACE_FLAGS_NEVER, (EAPL("eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_data()"), data, length)); EAP_TRACE_RETURN_STRING_FLAGS(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "returns: eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_message()"); eap_status_e status(eap_status_process_general_error); { eap_process_tlv_message_data_c message(m_am_tools); if (message.get_is_valid() == false) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); status = eap_status_allocation_error; (void) send_error_message( status, eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } status = message.set_message_data(length, data); if (status != eap_status_ok) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); (void) send_error_message( status, eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } status = process_message(&message); } EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); }
/* create a single kb */ static void handle_cmd_create_kb(int client_fd, uint16_t datasize) { int rv, err; unsigned char *msg = NULL; int exit_val; /* exit value from 4s-backend-setup */ /* unpack client data into buffer */ unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(datasize); rv = recv_from_client(client_fd, buf, datasize); if (rv <= 0) { /* errors already logged/handled */ free(buf); return; } /* parse buffer into kb setup args struct */ fsa_kb_setup_args *ksargs = fsap_decode_cmd_create_kb(buf); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->name: %s", ksargs->name); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->node_id: %d", ksargs->node_id); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->cluster_size: %d", ksargs->cluster_size); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->num_segments: %d", ksargs->num_segments); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->mirror_segments: %d",ksargs->mirror_segments); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->model_files: %d", ksargs->model_files); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "ksargs->delete_existing: %d",ksargs->delete_existing); /* should already have been checked by client */ if (!fsa_is_valid_kb_name((const char *)ksargs->name)) { fsa_error(LOG_CRIT, "Invalid store name received from client"); send_error_message(client_fd, "store name invalid"); fsa_kb_setup_args_free(ksargs); } rv = fsab_create_local_kb(ksargs, &exit_val, &msg, &err); /* encode message for client */ int len; unsigned char *response = fsap_encode_rsp_create_kb(err, ksargs->name, msg, &len); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "sending err: %d, kb_name: %s, msg: %s", err, ksargs->name, msg); fsa_kb_setup_args_free(ksargs); free(msg); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "response size is %d bytes", len); /* send entire response back to client */ rv = fsa_sendall(client_fd, response, &len); free(response); if (rv == -1) { fsa_error(LOG_ERR, "failed to send response to client: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "%d bytes sent to client", len); }
static void _handle_table_mod( uint32_t transaction_id, uint8_t table_id, uint32_t config, void *user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); if ( set_flow_table_config( table_id, config ) != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_TABLE_MOD_FAILED, OFPTMFC_EPERM ); } }
static void process_handle_error(int err, struct nl_msg* msg) { struct nlmsghdr *nl_hdr; struct genlmsghdr* genl_hdr; uint8_t cmd; uint32_t seq; nl_hdr = nlmsg_hdr(msg); genl_hdr = nl_msg_genlhdr(msg); cmd = genl_hdr->cmd; seq = nl_hdr->nlmsg_seq; send_error_message(err, seq, ans_mapping[cmd]); }
// protocol to datapath message. static void _handle_set_config( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t flags, uint16_t miss_send_len, void *user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); switch_config config; memset( &config, 0, sizeof( switch_config ) ); config.flags = flags; config.miss_send_len = miss_send_len; OFDPE ret = set_switch_config( &config ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_SWITCH_CONFIG_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPSCFC_EPERM; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); } }
/* delete a single kb */ static void handle_cmd_delete_kb(int client_fd, uint16_t datasize) { int rv, err; unsigned char *msg = NULL; int exit_val; /* exit value from 4s-backend-delete */ /* datasize = num chars in kb name */ unsigned char *kb_name = get_string_from_client(client_fd, datasize); if (kb_name == NULL) { /* errors already logged/handled */ return; } /* should already have been checked by client */ if (!fsa_is_valid_kb_name((const char *)kb_name)) { fsa_error(LOG_CRIT, "Invalid kb name received from client"); send_error_message(client_fd, "kb name invalid"); free(kb_name); return; } rv = fsab_delete_local_kb(kb_name, &exit_val, &msg, &err); /* encode message for client */ int len; unsigned char *response = fsap_encode_rsp_delete_kb(err, kb_name, msg, &len); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "sending err: %d, kb_name: %s, msg: %s", err, kb_name, msg); free(msg); free(kb_name); fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "response size is %d bytes", len); /* send entire response back to client */ rv = fsa_sendall(client_fd, response, &len); free(response); /* done with response buffer */ if (rv == -1) { fsa_error(LOG_ERR, "failed to send response to client: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "%d bytes sent to client", len); }
static void _handle_port_mod( uint32_t transaction_id, uint32_t port_no, uint8_t hw_addr[], uint32_t config, uint32_t mask, uint32_t advertise, void *user_data ) { UNUSED( hw_addr ); UNUSED( advertise ); UNUSED( user_data ); /* * the update_port_config() performs a port lookup. */ OFDPE ret = update_port( port_no, config, mask ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_PORT_MOD_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPPMFC_EPERM; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); } }
static void _handle_hello( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint8_t version, const buffer *version_data, void *user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); debug( "Hello received ( transaction_id = %#x, version = %#x ).", transaction_id, version ); struct ofp_hello_elem_versionbitmap *versionbitmap = ( struct ofp_hello_elem_versionbitmap * ) version_data->data; const uint32_t ofp_versions[ 1 ] = { OFP_VERSION }; uint32_t bitmap = versionbitmap->bitmaps[ 0 ]; if ( ( bitmap & ( ( uint32_t ) 1 << ofp_versions[ 0 ] ) ) != ( ( uint32_t ) ofp_versions[ 0 ] ) ) { buffer *hello_buf = create_hello_elem_versionbitmap( transaction_id, ofp_versions, sizeof( ofp_versions ) / sizeof( ofp_versions[ 0 ] ) ); switch_send_openflow_message( hello_buf ); free_buffer( hello_buf ); } else { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_HELLO_FAILED, OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE ); } }
static void _handle_get_config_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, void * user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); switch_config config; memset( &config, 0, sizeof( switch_config ) ); OFDPE ret = get_switch_config( &config ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_BAD_REQUEST; uint16_t code = OFPBRC_EPERM; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); } buffer *get_config_reply = create_get_config_reply( transaction_id, config.flags, config.miss_send_len ); switch_send_openflow_message( get_config_reply ); free_buffer( get_config_reply ); }
static void handle_flow_mod_delete( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint64_t cookie, const uint64_t cookie_mask, const uint8_t table_id, const uint16_t idle_timeout, const uint16_t hard_timeout, const uint16_t priority, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint32_t out_port, const uint32_t out_group, const uint16_t flags, const oxm_matches *oxm_match, const openflow_instructions *instructions, const bool strict ) { UNUSED( idle_timeout ); UNUSED( hard_timeout ); UNUSED( priority ); UNUSED( buffer_id ); UNUSED( flags ); UNUSED( instructions ); match *match = create_match(); if ( oxm_match != NULL && oxm_match->n_matches > 0 ) { for ( list_element *e = oxm_match->list; e != NULL; e = e->next ) { oxm_match_header *hdr = e->data; assign_match( match, hdr ); } } OFDPE ret = OFDPE_FAILED; if ( strict ) { ret = delete_flow_entry_strict( table_id, match, cookie, cookie_mask, priority, out_port, out_group ); } else { ret = delete_flow_entries( table_id, match, cookie, cookie_mask, out_port, out_group ); } if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPFMFC_UNKNOWN; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); } delete_match( match ); }
static void _handle_group_mod( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t command, const uint8_t type, const uint32_t group_id, const list_element *buckets, void *user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); switch( command ) { case OFPGC_ADD: handle_group_add( transaction_id, type, group_id, buckets ); break; case OFPGC_MODIFY: handle_group_mod_mod( transaction_id, type, group_id, buckets ); break; case OFPGC_DELETE: handle_group_mod_delete( transaction_id, group_id ); break; default: send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_GROUP_MOD_FAILED, OFPGMFC_BAD_COMMAND ); break; } }
static void _handle_multipart_request( uint32_t transaction_id, uint16_t type, uint16_t flags, const buffer *body, void *user_data ) { struct protocol *protocol = user_data; assert( protocol ); if ( save_outstanding_request( &protocol->ctrl, transaction_id, type, flags ) == -1 ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_MULTIPART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ); return; } const uint32_t capabilities = protocol->ctrl.capabilities; switch( type ) { case OFPMP_DESC: { // the request body is empty handle_desc( transaction_id, protocol->args->progname ); } break; case OFPMP_FLOW: { const struct ofp_flow_stats_request *req = ( const struct ofp_flow_stats_request * ) body->data; handle_flow_stats( req, transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_AGGREGATE: { const struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request *req = ( const struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request * ) body->data; handle_aggregate_stats( req, transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_TABLE: { // no request body is included with this type. handle_table_stats( transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_PORT_STATS: { const struct ofp_port_stats_request *req = ( const struct ofp_port_stats_request * ) body->data; handle_port_stats( req, transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_PORT_DESC: { // no request body is included with this type. handle_port_desc( transaction_id ); } break; case OFPMP_QUEUE: { const struct ofp_queue_stats_request *req = ( const struct ofp_queue_stats_request * ) body->data; handle_queue_stats( req, transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_GROUP: { const struct ofp_group_stats_request *req = ( const struct ofp_group_stats_request * ) body->data; handle_group_stats( req, transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_GROUP_DESC: { // the request body is empty. handle_group_desc( transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_GROUP_FEATURES: { handle_group_features( transaction_id, capabilities ); } break; case OFPMP_METER: { const struct ofp_meter_multipart_request *req = ( const struct ofp_meter_multipart_request * ) body->data; handle_meter_stats( req, transaction_id ); } break; case OFPMP_METER_CONFIG: { const struct ofp_meter_multipart_request *req = ( const struct ofp_meter_multipart_request * ) body->data; handle_meter_config( req, transaction_id ); } break; case OFPMP_METER_FEATURES: { handle_meter_features( transaction_id ); } break; case OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES: { /* * TODO Currently the setting of table features not supported by datapath */ handle_table_features( transaction_id ); } break; case OFPMP_EXPERIMENTER: { const struct ofp_experimenter_multipart_header *em_hdr = ( const struct ofp_experimenter_multipart_header * ) body->data; handle_experimenter_stats( em_hdr, transaction_id ); } break; default: send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_MULTIPART ); break; } }
void process_request(char* code_sign_key) { PLATFORM* platform; int retval; double last_rpc_time, x; struct tm *rpc_time_tm; bool ok_to_send_work = !config.dont_send_jobs; bool have_no_work = false; char buf[256]; HOST initial_host; unsigned int i; time_t t; memset(&g_reply->wreq, 0, sizeof(g_reply->wreq)); // if client has sticky files we don't need any more, tell it // do_file_delete_regex(); // if different major version of BOINC, just send a message // if (wrong_core_client_version() || unacceptable_os() || unacceptable_cpu() ) { ok_to_send_work = false; } // if no jobs reported and none to send, return without accessing DB // if (!ok_to_send_work && !g_request->results.size()) { return; } warn_user_if_core_client_upgrade_scheduled(); if (requesting_work()) { if (config.locality_scheduling || config.locality_scheduler_fraction || config.enable_assignment) { have_no_work = false; } else { lock_sema(); have_no_work = ssp->no_work(g_pid); if (have_no_work) { g_wreq->no_jobs_available = true; } unlock_sema(); } } // If: // - there's no work, // - a config flag is set, // - client isn't returning results, // - this isn't an initial RPC, // - client is requesting work // then return without accessing the DB. // This is an efficiency hack for when servers are overloaded // if ( have_no_work && config.nowork_skip && requesting_work() && (g_request->results.size() == 0) && (g_request->hostid != 0) ) { g_reply->insert_message("No work available", "low"); g_reply->set_delay(DELAY_NO_WORK_SKIP); if (!config.msg_to_host && !config.enable_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "No work - skipping DB access\n"); return; } } // FROM HERE ON DON'T RETURN; "goto leave" instead // (because ssp->no_work() may have tagged an entry in the work array // with our process ID) retval = open_database(); if (retval) { send_error_message("Server can't open database", 3600); g_reply->project_is_down = true; goto leave; } retval = authenticate_user(); if (retval) goto leave; if (g_reply-> == 0) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "No user ID!\n"); } initial_host = g_reply->host; g_reply->host.rpc_seqno = g_request->rpc_seqno; g_reply->nucleus_only = false; log_request(); #if 0 // if you need to debug a problem w/ a particular host or user, // edit the following // if (g_reply-> == XX || == YY) { config.sched_debug_level = 3; config.debug_send = true; ... }
void perform_actions(int sock,char *input_file) { char buffer[169] = {0}; char output_file[300] = {0}; strcpy(output_file,input_file); strcat(output_file,".decrypted"); //printf("Output_file: %s\n",output_file); while(1) { memset(buffer,0,169); int x = receive_msg(sock,buffer); switch(x) { case HANDSHAKE: { //printf("Server handshake has arrived on client\n"); send_handshake_response(sock); FILE *fd = fopen(input_file,"r"); FILE *foutput = fopen(output_file,"w"); // Here come all the requests. while(read_line(fd, buffer)) { //printf("%s\n",buffer); send_decryption_request(sock,buffer,strlen(buffer)); x = receive_msg(sock,buffer); if(x != RESPONSE_MESSAGE) { perror("Wrong server response"); break; } int msg_len = *((int *)(buffer+sizeof(int))); for(int i = 0; i < msg_len; i++) { // printf("%c",buffer[i+2*sizeof(int)]); fprintf(foutput,"%c",buffer[i+2*sizeof(int)]); } fprintf(foutput,"\n"); } fclose(foutput); fclose(fd); send_end_of_request(sock); return; break; } // case RESPONSE_MESSAGE: // { // printf("Server response message has arrived on client\n"); // dump_payload(buffer); // break; // } case ERROR_MESSAGE: { printf("Error message has arrived on client\n"); dump_payload(buffer); return; break; } default: { printf("Unknown %d msg type has arrived on client\n",x); char aux[] = "Unknown msg type has arrived on client"; send_error_message(sock,aux,strlen(aux)); return; break; } } } // End while }
static void start_or_stop_kb_all(int client_fd, int action) { int rv, err; int n_kbs = 0; int max_kb_len = 0; /* get all local kbs */ fsa_kb_info *ki = fsab_get_local_kb_info_all(&err); if (ki == NULL) { if (err == 0) { /* no kbs on this host */ send_expect_n_kb(client_fd, 0, 0); } else { send_error_message(client_fd, "failed to read store information"); } return; } /* count number of kbs */ for (fsa_kb_info *p = ki; p != NULL; p = p->next) { int kb_len = strlen((char *)p->name); if (kb_len > max_kb_len) { max_kb_len = kb_len; } n_kbs += 1; } /* tell client to expect a message for each */ rv = send_expect_n_kb(client_fd, n_kbs, max_kb_len); if (rv == -1) { /* failed to send message to client, so give up */ fsa_kb_info_free(ki); return; } int exit_val; /* ignored for now */ unsigned char *msg = NULL; /* sent back to client */ int return_val; /* sent back to client */ int len; /* response length */ unsigned char *response = NULL; /* response buffer */ for (fsa_kb_info *p = ki; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (action == STOP_STORES) { rv = fsab_stop_local_kb(p->name, &err); } else if (action == START_STORES) { rv = fsab_start_local_kb(p->name, &exit_val, &msg, &err); } if (rv < 0) { return_val = err; } else { return_val = ADM_ERR_OK; } /* encode message for client */ if (action == STOP_STORES) { response = fsap_encode_rsp_stop_kb(return_val, p->name, msg, &len); } else if (action == START_STORES) { response = fsap_encode_rsp_start_kb(return_val, p->name, msg, &len); } if (msg != NULL) { free(msg); msg = NULL; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "response size is %d bytes", len); /* send entire response back to client */ rv = fsa_sendall(client_fd, response, &len); free(response); /* done with response buffer */ response = NULL; if (rv == -1) { fsa_error(LOG_ERR, "failed to send response to client: %s", strerror(errno)); continue; } fsa_error(LOG_DEBUG, "%d bytes sent to client", len); } fsa_kb_info_free(ki); }
static void handle_flow_mod_add( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint64_t cookie, const uint64_t cookie_mask, const uint8_t table_id, const uint16_t idle_timeout, const uint16_t hard_timeout, const uint16_t priority, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint16_t flags, const oxm_matches *oxm, const openflow_instructions *instructions, struct protocol *protocol ) { UNUSED( cookie_mask ); /* * currently if flags set OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM and OFPFF_RESET_COUNTS are the only allowed value. */ if ( ( flags & ~( OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM | OFPFF_RESET_COUNTS ) ) != 0 ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, OFPFMFC_BAD_FLAGS ); return; } /* * The use of OFPTT_ALL is only valid for delete requests. */ if ( table_id == OFPTT_ALL ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, OFPFMFC_BAD_TABLE_ID ); return; } /* * If no buffered packet is associated with a flow mod it must be set * to OFP_NO_BUFFER otherwise it must be equal to the buffer_id sent to * controller by a packet-in message. */ match *match = create_match(); if ( oxm != NULL && oxm->n_matches > 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG char oxm_str[ 2048 ]; match_to_string( oxm, oxm_str, sizeof( oxm_str ) ); printf( "%s\n", oxm_str ); #endif for ( list_element *e = oxm->list; e != NULL; e = e->next ) { oxm_match_header *hdr = e->data; assign_match( match, hdr ); } } instruction_set *instruction_set = create_instruction_set(); if ( instructions != NULL ) { OFDPE ret = assign_instructions( instruction_set, instructions->list ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, OFPBIC_UNSUP_INST ); delete_instruction_set( instruction_set ); delete_match( match ); return; } } /* * When a flow entry is inserted in a table, its flags field is set with the * values from the message. * When a flow entry is inserted in a table, its idle_timeout and * hard_timeout fields are set with the values from the message. * When a flow entry is inserted in a table through an OFPFC_ADD message, * its cookie field is set to the provided value */ flow_entry *new_entry = alloc_flow_entry( match, instruction_set, priority, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, flags, cookie ); if ( new_entry == NULL ) { /* * TODO we should send a more appropriate error once we worked out the * datapath errors. */ delete_instruction_set( instruction_set ); delete_match( match ); send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, OFPFMFC_UNKNOWN ); return; } OFDPE ret = add_flow_entry( table_id, new_entry, flags ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { error( "Failed to add a flow entry ( ret = %d ).", ret ); delete_instruction_set( instruction_set ); delete_match( match ); uint16_t type = OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPFMFC_UNKNOWN; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); return; } if ( buffer_id != OFP_NO_BUFFER ) { action_list *actions = create_action_list(); action *action = create_action_output( OFPP_TABLE, UINT16_MAX ); append_action( actions, action ); ret = execute_packet_out( buffer_id, 0, actions, NULL ); delete_action_list( actions ); if ( ret != OFDPE_SUCCESS ) { uint16_t type = OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPFMFC_UNKNOWN; get_ofp_error( ret, &type, &code ); send_error_message( transaction_id, type, code ); return; } wakeup_datapath( protocol ); } }
static void _handle_flow_mod( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint64_t cookie, const uint64_t cookie_mask, const uint8_t table_id, const uint8_t command, const uint16_t idle_timeout, const uint16_t hard_timeout, const uint16_t priority, const uint32_t buffer_id, const uint32_t out_port, const uint32_t out_group, const uint16_t flags, const oxm_matches *oxm, const openflow_instructions *instructions, void *user_data ) { assert( user_data ); struct protocol *protocol = user_data; bool strict = false; switch ( command ) { case OFPFC_ADD: /* * The cookie_mask field is ignored for this command. * TODO the datapath flow entry contains no buffer_id field to set. * From observation datapath buffers every packet regardless of buffer_id */ handle_flow_mod_add( transaction_id, cookie, cookie_mask, table_id, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, priority, buffer_id, flags, oxm, instructions, protocol ); break; case OFPFC_MODIFY: /* * The idle_timeout and hard_timeout fields are ignored. * Also the out_port and out_group fields are ignored. * When a flow entry is matched or modified the flags field is ignored. * When a flow entry is modified its cookie field is unchanged. */ handle_flow_mod_mod( transaction_id, cookie, cookie_mask, table_id, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, priority, buffer_id, flags, oxm, instructions, strict, protocol ); break; case OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT: strict = true; handle_flow_mod_mod( transaction_id, cookie, cookie_mask, table_id, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, priority, buffer_id, flags, oxm, instructions, strict, protocol ); break; case OFPFC_DELETE: /* * The out_port and out_group introduce a constraint when matching * flow entries. */ handle_flow_mod_delete( transaction_id, cookie, cookie_mask, table_id, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, priority, buffer_id, out_port, out_group, flags, oxm, instructions, strict ); break; case OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT: strict = true; handle_flow_mod_delete( transaction_id, cookie, cookie_mask, table_id, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, priority, buffer_id, out_port, out_group, flags, oxm, instructions, strict ); break; default: warn( "Undefined flow mod command type %d", command ); send_error_message( transaction_id, OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, OFPFMFC_BAD_COMMAND ); break; } }
void process_request(char* code_sign_key) { PLATFORM* platform; int retval; double last_rpc_time, x; struct tm *rpc_time_tm; bool ok_to_send_work = !config.dont_send_jobs; bool have_no_work = false; char buf[256]; HOST initial_host; unsigned int i; time_t t; memset(&g_reply->wreq, 0, sizeof(g_reply->wreq)); // if client has sticky files we don't need any more, tell it // do_file_delete_regex(); // if different major version of BOINC, just send a message // if (wrong_core_client_version() || unacceptable_os() || unacceptable_cpu() ) { ok_to_send_work = false; } // if no jobs reported and none to send, return without accessing DB // if (!ok_to_send_work && !g_request->results.size()) { return; } warn_user_if_core_client_upgrade_scheduled(); if (requesting_work()) { if (config.locality_scheduling || config.locality_scheduler_fraction || config.enable_assignment) { have_no_work = false; } else { lock_sema(); have_no_work = ssp->no_work(g_pid); if (have_no_work) { g_wreq->no_jobs_available = true; } unlock_sema(); } } // If: // - there's no work, // - a config flag is set, // - client isn't returning results, // - this isn't an initial RPC, // - client is requesting work // then return without accessing the DB. // This is an efficiency hack for when servers are overloaded // if ( have_no_work && config.nowork_skip && requesting_work() && (g_request->results.size() == 0) && (g_request->hostid != 0) ) { g_reply->insert_message("No work available", "low"); g_reply->set_delay(DELAY_NO_WORK_SKIP); if (!config.msg_to_host && !config.enable_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "No work - skipping DB access\n"); return; } } // FROM HERE ON DON'T RETURN; "goto leave" instead // (because ssp->no_work() may have tagged an entry in the work array // with our process ID) retval = open_database(); if (retval) { send_error_message("Server can't open database", 3600); g_reply->project_is_down = true; goto leave; } retval = authenticate_user(); if (retval) goto leave; if (g_reply-> == 0) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "No user ID!\n"); } initial_host = g_reply->host; g_reply->host.rpc_seqno = g_request->rpc_seqno; g_reply->nucleus_only = false; log_request(); // is host blacklisted? // if (g_reply->host._max_results_day == -1) { send_error_message("Not accepting requests from this host", 86400); goto leave; } if (strlen(config.sched_lockfile_dir)) { int pid_with_lock = lock_sched(); if (pid_with_lock > 0) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Another scheduler instance [PID=%d] is running for this host\n", pid_with_lock ); } else if (pid_with_lock) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Error acquiring lock for [HOST#%d]\n", g_reply-> ); } if (pid_with_lock) { send_error_message( "Another scheduler instance is running for this host", 60 ); goto leave; } } // in deciding whether it's a new day, // add a random factor (based on host ID) // to smooth out network traffic over the day // retval = rand(); srand(g_reply->; x = drand()*86400; srand(retval); last_rpc_time = g_reply->host.rpc_time; t = (time_t)(g_reply->host.rpc_time + x); rpc_time_tm = localtime(&t); g_request->last_rpc_dayofyear = rpc_time_tm->tm_yday; t = time(0); g_reply->host.rpc_time = t; t += (time_t)x; rpc_time_tm = localtime(&t); g_request->current_rpc_dayofyear = rpc_time_tm->tm_yday; retval = modify_host_struct(g_reply->host); // write time stats to disk if present // if (g_request->have_time_stats_log) { write_time_stats_log(); } // look up the client's platform(s) in the DB // platform = ssp->lookup_platform(g_request->; if (platform) g_request->platforms.list.push_back(platform); // if primary platform is anonymous, ignore alternate platforms // if (strcmp(g_request->, "anonymous")) { for (i=0; i<g_request->alt_platforms.size(); i++) { platform = ssp->lookup_platform(g_request->alt_platforms[i].name); if (platform) g_request->platforms.list.push_back(platform); } } if (g_request->platforms.list.size() == 0) { sprintf(buf, "%s %s", _("This project doesn't support computers of type"), g_request-> ); g_reply->insert_message(buf, "notice"); log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "[HOST#%d] platform '%s' not found\n", g_reply->, g_request-> ); g_reply->set_delay(DELAY_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED); goto leave; } handle_global_prefs(); read_host_app_versions(); update_n_jobs_today(); handle_results(); handle_file_xfer_results(); if (config.enable_vda) { handle_vda(); } // Do this before resending lost jobs // if (bad_install_type()) { ok_to_send_work = false; } if (!requesting_work()) { ok_to_send_work = false; } send_work_setup(); if (g_request->have_other_results_list) { if (ok_to_send_work && (config.resend_lost_results || g_wreq->resend_lost_results) && !g_request->results_truncated ) { if (resend_lost_work()) { ok_to_send_work = false; } } if (config.send_result_abort) { send_result_abort(); } } if (requesting_work()) { if (!send_code_sign_key(code_sign_key)) { ok_to_send_work = false; } if (have_no_work) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] No jobs in shmem cache\n" ); } } // if last RPC was within config.min_sendwork_interval, don't send work // if (!have_no_work && ok_to_send_work) { if (config.min_sendwork_interval) { double diff = dtime() - last_rpc_time; if (diff < config.min_sendwork_interval) { ok_to_send_work = false; log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "Not sending work - last request too recent: %f\n", diff ); sprintf(buf, "Not sending work - last request too recent: %d sec", (int)diff ); g_reply->insert_message(buf, "low"); // the 1.01 is in case client's clock // is slightly faster than ours // g_reply->set_delay(1.01*config.min_sendwork_interval); } } if (ok_to_send_work) { send_work(); } } if (g_wreq->no_jobs_available) { g_reply->insert_message("Project has no tasks available", "low"); } } handle_msgs_from_host(); if (config.msg_to_host) { handle_msgs_to_host(); } update_host_record(initial_host, g_reply->host, g_reply->user); write_host_app_versions(); leave: if (!have_no_work) { ssp->restore_work(g_pid); } }
EAP_FUNC_EXPORT eap_status_e eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_message(eap_process_tlv_message_data_c * const message) { // Parses message data composed of Attribute-Value Pairs. EAP_TRACE_DATA_DEBUG( m_am_tools, EAP_TRACE_FLAGS_NEVER, (EAPL("eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_message()"), message->get_message_data(), message->get_message_data_length())); EAP_TRACE_RETURN_STRING_FLAGS(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "returns: eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_message()"); eap_array_c<eap_tlv_header_c> parameters(m_am_tools); eap_status_e status = message->parse_message_data(¶meters); if (status != eap_status_ok) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); (void) send_error_message( status, eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } if (parameters.get_object_count() == 0) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); status = eap_status_illegal_parameter; (void) send_error_message( status, eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } const eap_tlv_header_c * const function_header = parameters.get_object(eap_message_payload_index_function); if (function_header == 0 || (function_header->get_type() != eap_tlv_message_type_error && function_header->get_type() != eap_tlv_message_type_function)) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); status = eap_status_illegal_parameter; (void) send_error_message( status, eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } if (function_header->get_type() == eap_tlv_message_type_error) { status = process_message_type_error(¶meters); } else // function_header->get_type() == eap_tlv_message_type_function { eap_tlv_message_type_function_e function(eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); status = message->get_parameter_data(function_header, &function); if (status != eap_status_ok) { EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); (void) send_error_message( status, eap_tlv_message_type_function_none); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); } EAP_TRACE_DEBUG( m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT, (EAPL("eap_plugin_server_message_if_c::process_message(): this = 0x%08x, message=%d=%s\n"), this, function, eap_process_tlv_message_data_c::get_function_string(function))); switch(function) { case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_get_configuration: status = get_configuration(¶meters); break; case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_set_configuration: status = set_configuration(¶meters); break; case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_copy_configuration: status = copy_configuration(¶meters); break; case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_delete_configuration: status = delete_configuration(¶meters); break; case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_set_index: status = set_index(¶meters); break; case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_get_type_info: status = get_type_info(¶meters); break; case eap_tlv_message_type_function_plugin_invoke_ui: status = invoke_ui(¶meters); break; default: EAP_TRACE_ERROR( m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT, (EAPL("ERROR: process_data(): unknown function %d.\n"), function)); status = eap_status_illegal_parameter; EAP_ASSERT_ANYWAY_TOOLS(m_am_tools); }; if (status != eap_status_ok && status != eap_status_success && status != eap_status_pending_request && status != eap_status_completed_request && status != eap_status_drop_packet_quietly) { (void) send_error_message( status, function); } } EAP_TRACE_END(m_am_tools, TRACE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); return EAP_STATUS_RETURN(m_am_tools, status); }