コード例 #1
ファイル: f_chat.c プロジェクト: scljz/fetion
void process_incoming_invite(struct fetion_account_data *sip,struct sipmsg *msg)
	const gchar * to,*callid;	
	gchar * body;
	const gchar *my_ip;
	gint my_port;
	struct group_chat *g_chat;
	struct fetion_buddy * buddy =NULL;
	my_ip = purple_network_get_my_ip(sip->fd);
	my_port = purple_network_get_port_from_fd(sip->fd);
	body = g_strdup_printf("v=0\r\n"
			"o=-0 0 IN %s:%d\r\n"
			"c=IN IP4 %s:%d\r\n"
			"t=0 0\r\n"
			"m=message %d sip %s\r\n",


	callid = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"I");
	to = sipmsg_find_header(msg,"F");
		buddy = g_hash_table_lookup(sip->buddies,to);
			buddy = g_new0(struct fetion_buddy, 1);
			buddy->name = g_strdup(to);
			g_hash_table_insert(sip->buddies, buddy->name, buddy);
コード例 #2
ファイル: f_chat.c プロジェクト: standin000/fetion
process_incoming_invite(struct fetion_account_data *sip, struct sipmsg *msg)
        /* Plato Wu,2010/09/29: update it for SIP/C 4.0 protocol*/
#if 1
        gchar *body, *hdr;
        const char *auth, *to, *callid;
        char* ipaddress = NULL;
	char* credential = NULL;
        int port;
	struct group_chat *g_chat;
	struct fetion_buddy *buddy = NULL;

        auth = g_strdup_printf(sipmsg_find_header(msg, "A"));
	callid = sipmsg_find_header(msg, "I");
	to = sipmsg_find_header(msg, "F");

        sipmsg_remove_header(msg, "K");
        sipmsg_remove_header(msg, "XI");
        sipmsg_remove_header(msg, "AL");
        sipmsg_remove_header(msg, "A");
        purple_debug_info("plato:", "Received a conversation invitation");
        send_sip_response(sip->gc, msg, 200, "OK", NULL);

        fetion_sip_get_auth_attr(auth , &ipaddress , &port , &credential);
        purple_debug_info("plato:", "ipaddress is %s, port is %d, credential is %s", ipaddress, port, credential);
        /* Plato Wu,2010/09/29: TODO Openfetion new a TCP connection here, but I don't
         * know how to do in pidgin.*/
        /* purple_proxy_connect(sip->gc, sip->account, ipaddress, port, invite_cb, sip->gc); */
        /* Plato Wu,2010/09/29: TODO, R command should be sent into new connection. */
       hdr = g_strdup_printf("A: TICKS auth=\"%s\"\r\n", credential);
//"       K: text/html-fragment\r\nK: multiparty\r\nK: nudge\r\n"

       send_sip_request(sip->gc, "R", "", "", hdr, NULL, NULL, NULL);

       purple_debug_info("plato:", "start free");
	if (strncmp(to, "sip:TG", 6) != 0) {
		buddy = g_hash_table_lookup(sip->buddies, to);
		if (buddy == NULL) {
			buddy = g_new0(struct fetion_buddy, 1);
			buddy->name = g_strdup(to);
			g_hash_table_insert(sip->buddies, buddy->name, buddy);