コード例 #1
ファイル: itemtags.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
ItemTagsLoader::Tag ItemTagsLoader::tagFromTable(int row)
    QTableWidget *t = ui->tableWidget;

    Tag tag;
    tag.name = t->item(row, tagsTableColumns::name)->text();
    const QColor color =
            cellWidgetProperty(t, row, tagsTableColumns::color, propertyColor).value<QColor>();
    tag.color = serializeColor(color);
    tag.icon = cellWidgetProperty(t, row, tagsTableColumns::icon, "currentIcon").toString();
    tag.styleSheet = t->item(row, tagsTableColumns::styleSheet)->text();
    tag.match = t->item(row, tagsTableColumns::match)->text();
    return tag;
コード例 #2
ファイル: configtabappearance.cpp プロジェクト: m4r71n/CopyQ
void ConfigTabAppearance::colorButtonClicked(QObject *button)
    QColor color = evalColor( button->property("VALUE").toString(), m_theme );
    QColorDialog dialog(this);
    dialog.setOptions(dialog.options() | QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel);

    if ( dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
        color = dialog.selectedColor();
        button->setProperty( "VALUE", serializeColor(color) );

        const QSize iconSize = button->property("iconSize").toSize();
        QPixmap pix(iconSize);
        button->setProperty("icon", QIcon(pix));

コード例 #3
ファイル: theme.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
QString Theme::themeStyleSheet(const QString &name) const
    QString css = value(name).toString();
    int i = 0;

    forever {
        i = css.indexOf("${", i);
        if (i == -1)
        int j = css.indexOf('}', i + 2);
        if (j == -1)

        const QString var = css.mid(i + 2, j - i - 2);

        const QString colorName = serializeColor( evalColor(var, *this) );
        css.replace(i, j - i + 1, colorName);
        i += colorName.size();

    return css;
コード例 #4
ファイル: theme.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
QString Theme::getNotificationStyleSheet() const
    // Notification style sheet.
    QColor notificationBg = color("notification_bg");
    // Notification opacity should be set with NotificationDaemon::setNotificationOpacity().

    const QString fontString = value("notification_font").toString();

    return "Notification, Notification QWidget{"
           "background:" + serializeColor(notificationBg) + ";"
           "Notification QWidget{"
           "color:" + themeColorString("notification_fg") + ";"
           + getFontStyleSheet(fontString) +
           "Notification #NotificationTitle{"
           + getFontStyleSheet(fontString, 1.2) +
           "Notification #NotificationTip{"
           "font-style: italic"
コード例 #5
ファイル: theme.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
QString Theme::themeColorString(const QString &name) const
    return serializeColor( color(name) );
コード例 #6
ファイル: theme.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
void Theme::decorateBrowser(QAbstractScrollArea *c) const

    const QColor bg = color("bg");
    QColor unfocusedSelectedBg = color("sel_bg");
                (bg.red() + unfocusedSelectedBg.red()) / 2,
                (bg.green() + unfocusedSelectedBg.green()) / 2,
                (bg.blue() + unfocusedSelectedBg.blue()) / 2

    Theme unfocusedTheme;
    for (auto it = m_theme.constBegin(); it != m_theme.constEnd(); ++it)
        unfocusedTheme.m_theme[it.key()] = Option(it.value().value());
    unfocusedTheme.m_theme["sel_bg"].setValue( serializeColor(unfocusedSelectedBg) );

    // colors and font
          + getFontStyleSheet( value("font").toString() ) +
          "color:" + themeColorString("fg") + ";"
          "background:" + themeColorString("bg") + ";"

          "color:" + themeColorString("alt_fg") + ";"
          "background:" + themeColorString("alt_bg") + ";"

        "#ClipboardBrowser::item:selected,#item[CopyQ_selected=\"true\"],#item[CopyQ_selected=\"true\"] #item_child{"
          "color:" + themeColorString("sel_fg") + ";"
          "background:" + themeColorString("sel_bg") + ";"

        "#item #item_child{background:transparent}"
        "#item[CopyQ_selected=\"true\"] #item_child{background:transparent}"

        // Desaturate selected item background if item list is not focused.
          "background:" + serializeColor( evalColor("sel_bg", unfocusedTheme) ) + ";"
          + unfocusedTheme.themeStyleSheet("sel_item_css") +

        // Omit showing current item outline.

          + themeStyleSheet("cur_item_css") +

        + getToolTipStyleSheet() +

        // Allow user to change CSS.
        "#ClipboardBrowser{" + themeStyleSheet("item_css") + "}"
        "#ClipboardBrowser::item:alternate{" + themeStyleSheet("alt_item_css") + "}"
        "#ClipboardBrowser::item:selected{" + themeStyleSheet("sel_item_css") + "}"

        "#item_child[CopyQ_item_type=\"notes\"] {"
          + getFontStyleSheet( value("notes_font").toString() ) +
コード例 #7
ファイル: theme.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
void Theme::resetTheme()
    QString name;
    QPalette p;
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::Base) );
    m_theme["bg"]          = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorBg : nullptr);
    m_theme["edit_bg"]     = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorEditorBg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::Text) );
    m_theme["fg"]          = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorFg : nullptr);
    m_theme["edit_fg"]     = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorEditorFg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::Text).lighter(400) );
    m_theme["num_fg"]      = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorNumberFg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::AlternateBase) );
    m_theme["alt_bg"]      = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorAltBg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::Highlight) );
    m_theme["sel_bg"]      = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorSelBg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::HighlightedText) );
    m_theme["sel_fg"]      = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorSelFg : nullptr);
    m_theme["find_bg"]     = Option("#ff0", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorFoundBg : nullptr);
    m_theme["find_fg"]     = Option("#000", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorFoundFg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::ToolTipBase) );
    m_theme["notes_bg"]  = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorNotesBg : nullptr);
    name = serializeColor( p.color(QPalette::ToolTipText) );
    m_theme["notes_fg"]  = Option(name, "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorNotesFg : nullptr);
    m_theme["notification_bg"]  = Option("#333", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorNotificationBg : nullptr);
    m_theme["notification_fg"]  = Option("#ddd", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonColorNotificationFg : nullptr);

    m_theme["font"]        = Option("", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonFont : nullptr);
    m_theme["edit_font"]   = Option("", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonEditorFont : nullptr);
    m_theme["find_font"]   = Option("", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonFoundFont : nullptr);
    m_theme["num_font"]    = Option("", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonNumberFont : nullptr);
    m_theme["notes_font"]  = Option("", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonNotesFont : nullptr);
    m_theme["notification_font"]  = Option("", "VALUE", ui ? ui->pushButtonNotificationFont : nullptr);
    m_theme["show_number"] = Option(true, "checked", ui ? ui->checkBoxShowNumber : nullptr);
    m_theme["show_scrollbars"] = Option(true, "checked", ui ? ui->checkBoxScrollbars : nullptr);

    m_theme["css"] = Option("");
    m_theme["menu_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;border: 1px solid ${sel_bg}"
                "\n    ;background: ${bg}"
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
    m_theme["menu_bar_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${bg}"
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
    m_theme["menu_bar_selected_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${sel_bg}"
                "\n    ;color: ${sel_fg}"
    m_theme["menu_bar_disabled_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${bg - #666}"

    m_theme["item_css"] = Option("");
    m_theme["alt_item_css"] = Option("");
    m_theme["sel_item_css"] = Option("");
    m_theme["cur_item_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;border: 0.1em solid ${sel_bg}"
    m_theme["item_spacing"] = Option("");
    m_theme["notes_css"] = Option("");

    m_theme["tab_bar_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${bg - #222}"
    m_theme["tab_bar_tab_selected_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;padding: 0.5em"
                "\n    ;background: ${bg}"
                "\n    ;border: 0.05em solid ${bg}"
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
    m_theme["tab_bar_tab_unselected_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;border: 0.05em solid ${bg}"
                "\n    ;padding: 0.5em"
                "\n    ;background: ${bg - #222}"
                "\n    ;color: ${fg - #333}"
    m_theme["tab_bar_scroll_buttons_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${bg - #222}"
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
                "\n    ;border: 0"
    m_theme["tab_bar_item_counter"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${fg - #044 + #400}"
                "\n    ;font-size: 6pt"
    m_theme["tab_bar_sel_item_counter"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${sel_bg - #044 + #400}"

    m_theme["tab_tree_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
                "\n    ;background-color: ${bg}"
    m_theme["tab_tree_sel_item_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${sel_fg}"
                "\n    ;background-color: ${sel_bg}"
                "\n    ;border-radius: 2px"
    m_theme["tab_tree_item_counter"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${fg - #044 + #400}"
                "\n    ;font-size: 6pt"
    m_theme["tab_tree_sel_item_counter"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${sel_fg - #044 + #400}"

    m_theme["tool_bar_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
                "\n    ;background-color: ${bg}"
                "\n    ;border: 0"
    m_theme["tool_button_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;color: ${fg}"
                "\n    ;background: ${bg}"
                "\n    ;border: 0"
                "\n    ;border-radius: 2px"
    m_theme["tool_button_selected_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${sel_bg - #222}"
                "\n    ;color: ${sel_fg}"
                "\n    ;border: 1px solid ${sel_bg}"
    m_theme["tool_button_pressed_css"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${sel_bg}"

    m_theme["search_bar"] = Option(
                "\n    ;background: ${edit_bg}"
                "\n    ;color: ${edit_fg}"
                "\n    ;border: 1px solid ${alt_bg}"
                "\n    ;margin: 2px"
    m_theme["search_bar_focused"] = Option(
                "\n    ;border: 1px solid ${sel_bg}"

    m_theme["use_system_icons"] = Option(false, "checked", ui ? ui->checkBoxSystemIcons : nullptr);
    m_theme["font_antialiasing"] = Option(true, "checked", ui ? ui->checkBoxAntialias : nullptr);
    m_theme["style_main_window"] = Option(false, "checked", ui ? ui->checkBoxStyleMainWindow : nullptr);
コード例 #8
ファイル: theme.cpp プロジェクト: amosbird/CopyQ
void Theme::decorateMainWindow(QWidget *mainWindow) const
    QPalette palette = QApplication::palette();

    // This seems to properly reset icon colors.

    if ( !isMainWindowThemeEnabled() )

    const auto bg = color("bg");
    const auto fg = color("fg");
    palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, bg );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::AlternateBase, color("alt_bg") );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::Text, fg );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::Window, bg );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, fg );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, bg );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::ButtonText, fg );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::Highlight, color("sel_bg") );
    palette.setColor( QPalette::HighlightedText, color("sel_fg") );

        + themeStyleSheet("search_bar") +

        + themeStyleSheet("search_bar_focused") +

        "#tab_bar{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_bar_css") + "}"
        "#tab_bar::tab:selected{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_bar_tab_selected_css") + "}"
        "#tab_bar::tab:!selected{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_bar_tab_unselected_css") + "}"
        "#tab_bar #tab_item_counter{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_bar_item_counter") + "}"
        "#tab_bar #tab_item_counter[CopyQ_selected=\"true\"]{"
        + themeStyleSheet("tab_bar_sel_item_counter") +

        "#tab_bar QToolButton{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_bar_scroll_buttons_css") + "}"

        "#tab_tree, #tab_tree_item{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_tree_css") + "}"

        // GTK has incorrect background for branches
        "#tab_tree::branch:selected{background:" + serializeColor(bg) + "}"

        + themeStyleSheet("tab_tree_sel_item_css") +


        "#tab_tree #tab_item_counter{" + themeStyleSheet("tab_tree_item_counter") + "}"
        "#tab_tree #tab_item_counter[CopyQ_selected=\"true\"]{"
        + themeStyleSheet("tab_tree_sel_item_counter") +

        // Remove border in toolbars.
        "QToolBar{" + themeStyleSheet("tool_bar_css") + "}"
        "QToolButton{" + themeStyleSheet("tool_button_css") + "}"
        "QToolButton:hover{" + themeStyleSheet("tool_button_selected_css") + "}"
        "QToolButton:pressed{" + themeStyleSheet("tool_button_pressed_css") + "}"

        "#menu_bar, #menu_bar::item {"
          + themeStyleSheet("menu_bar_css") + "}"
        "#menu_bar::item:selected {"
          + themeStyleSheet("menu_bar_selected_css") + "}"
        "#menu_bar::item:disabled {"
          + themeStyleSheet("menu_bar_disabled_css") + "}"

        + getMenuStyleSheet()

        + themeStyleSheet("css")