/* should we create the node here or let it be created by caller as now? */ void note_register_note(const unsigned char *tag, struct node *node) { struct note *np = NULL; if (tag) { np = note_find_in_line(tag); if (np) { if (np->status == NOTE_REGISTERED) { const char *nid = note_create_id(); setAttr(node, a_xml_id, (const unsigned char *)nid); setAttr(np->node, a_note_ref, (const unsigned char *)nid); setAttr(node, a_note_auto, (const unsigned char *)np->mark); np->status = NOTE_REFERENCED; } else { vwarning("note tag %s has multiple notes attached to it", tag); } } else { vwarning("note tag %s was not used in the preceding line", tag); } } else { warning("note_register_note passed NULL tag"); } }
/* clustNode: * Generate a special cluster node representing the end node * of an edge to the cluster cg. n is a node whose name is the same * as the cluster cg. clg is the subgraph of all of * the original nodes, which will be deleted later. */ static node_t *clustNode(node_t * n, graph_t * cg, agxbuf * xb, graph_t * clg) { node_t *cn; static int idx = 0; char num[100]; agxbput(xb, "__"); sprintf(num, "%d", idx++); agxbput(xb, num); agxbputc(xb, ':'); agxbput(xb, cg->name); cn = agnode(cg->root, agxbuse(xb)); SET_CLUST_NODE(cn); aginsert(cg, cn); aginsert(clg, n); /* set attributes */ N_label = setAttr(cn->graph, cn, "label", "", N_label); N_style = setAttr(cn->graph, cn, "style", "invis", N_style); N_shape = setAttr(cn->graph, cn, "shape", "box", N_shape); /* N_width = setAttr (cn->graph, cn, "width", "0.0001", N_width); */ return cn; }
/****************** Print the Schema **********************/ void print(Schema *s1,Record *r1,Value *v1,Record *r2,Schema *s2) { int k; // Traverse the schema for(k=0;k<s1->numAttr;k++) { //printf("\n %d",); //printf("\n Ok very nice"); getAttr(r1,s1,k,&v1); // Setting the attributes according to the datatypes switch (s1->dataTypes[k]) { case DT_STRING: printf(" %s ",v1->v.stringV); setAttr(r2,s2,k,v1); break; case DT_INT: printf(" %d ",v1->v.intV); setAttr(r2,s2,k,v1); break; case DT_FLOAT: printf(" %f ",v1->v.floatV); setAttr(r2,s2,k,v1); break; case DT_BOOL: //printf(" %f ",v1->v.floatV); setAttr(r2,s2,k,v1); break; } } }
/* clustNode: * Generate a special cluster node representing the end node * of an edge to the cluster cg. n is a node whose name is the same * as the cluster cg. clg is the subgraph of all of * the original nodes, which will be deleted later. */ static node_t *clustNode(node_t * n, graph_t * cg, agxbuf * xb, graph_t * clg) { node_t *cn; static int idx = 0; char num[100]; agxbput(xb, "__"); sprintf(num, "%d", idx++); agxbput(xb, num); agxbputc(xb, ':'); agxbput(xb, agnameof(cg)); cn = agnode(agroot(cg), agxbuse(xb), 1); agbindrec(cn, "Agnodeinfo_t", sizeof(Agnodeinfo_t), TRUE); SET_CLUST_NODE(cn); agsubnode(cg,cn,1); //aginsert(cg, cn); agsubnode(clg,n,1); //aginsert(clg, n); /* set attributes */ N_label = setAttr(agraphof(cn), cn, "label", "", N_label); N_style = setAttr(agraphof(cn), cn, "style", "invis", N_style); N_shape = setAttr(agraphof(cn), cn, "shape", "box", N_shape); /* N_width = setAttr (cn->graph, cn, "width", "0.0001", N_width); */ return cn; }
ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem(JetCOW *cow, Sint32 id, const char *type) : SceneNode(cow,id,type) { particles = NULL; size = 0; if (id<0) { /* Defaults for new objects */ setAttr("size", 0); setAttr("BillboardMethod", "Spherical"); } }
PerlinDisplacement::PerlinDisplacement(JetCOW *cow, Sint32 id, const char *type) : SurfaceModifier(cow,id,type) { if (id<0) { /* Defaults */ setAttr("Fundamental", 1.0f); setAttr("Amplitude", 1.0f); setAttr("Persistence", 1.0f); setAttr("Octaves", 1); setAttr("Seed", (int)SDL_GetTicks()); } }
xmlItem XMLProc::insert(xmlItem context, const QString &otype, const QString &name, long id) { xmlItem i; if ( id==0 ) id = nextID(); i = xml.createElement( otype ); if ( id >= 100 ) setAttr(i, mda_id, id ); if ( !name.isNull()) setAttr(i, mda_name, name ); context.appendChild(i); if ( id > 0 ) idcache.insert(id, new ItemContaner(id,i) ); SetModify(true); return i; }
void PropertyFS::unit(const std::string &unit) { if (unit.empty()) { throw EmptyString("unit"); } setAttr("unit", unit); forceUpdatedAt(); }
void PropertyFS::mapping(const std::string &mapping) { if (mapping.empty()) { throw EmptyString("mapping"); } setAttr("mapping", mapping); forceUpdatedAt(); }
SerialPort::SerialPort(const string device) : m_fd(0), m_baudRate(0), m_wordSize(0), m_asyncTimeout(DEFAULT_ASYNC_TIMEOUT) { if((m_fd = ::open(device.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY)) < 0) throw SysException(); ::bzero(&m_term, sizeof(m_term)); ::tcgetattr(m_fd, &m_termOld); setBaudRate(DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE); setWordSize(DEFAULT_WORD_SIZE); setParity(DEFAULT_PARITY); m_term.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; m_term.c_iflag = IGNPAR; m_term.c_oflag = OPOST; m_term.c_lflag = 0; m_term.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; m_term.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; setAttr(); if(::fcntl(m_fd, F_SETOWN, getpid()) == -1) throw SysException(); }
bool CEnemySprite::init(int iType, int startType, int moveType) { bool bRet = false; do{ CC_BREAK_IF(! CCLayer::init()); m_iType = iType; mStartType = startType; m_iMoveType = moveType; m_bDestroy = false; m_iDirection = STRAIGHT; memset(&m_szName, 0, sizeof(m_szName)); // m_pSprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("Plane1_0.png"); // m_pSprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("plane_small_01_a.png"); // m_pSprite = CCSprite::create("new/plane_02.png"); // m_pSprite->setFlipY(true); setAttr(); // setFlyAnimation(m_iDirection); /** ÉèÖõÐÈËÒƶ¯¹ì¼£ */ setRun(0); this->scheduleUpdate(); this->schedule(schedule_selector(CEnemySprite::shoot), m_fShootSpace); this->schedule(schedule_selector(CEnemySprite::changeFlyAnimation), 0.1f); bRet = true; } while(0); return bRet; }
void DetachedEntity::setFromMessage(const Atlas::Message::MapType& attrs) { beginUpdate(); Atlas::Message::MapType::const_iterator A; /* attrs.erase("loc"); attrs.erase("id"); attrs.erase("contains"); if (!allowMove) filterMoveAttrs(attrs); */ for (A = attrs.begin(); A != attrs.end(); ++A) { if (A->first == "loc" || A->first == "id" || A->first == "contains") continue; // see if the value in the sight matches the exsiting value Eris::Entity::AttrMap::iterator I = m_attrs.find(A->first); if ((I != m_attrs.end()) && (I->second == A->second)) continue; setAttr(A->first, A->second); } endUpdate(); }
void Attribute::processExtendedAttributes() { NodeList* list = getExtendedAttributes(); if (!list) { return; } uint32_t attr = getAttr(); for (NodeList::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i) { ExtendedAttribute* ext = dynamic_cast<ExtendedAttribute*>(*i); assert(ext); if (ext->getName() == "Replaceable") { attr |= Replaceable; } else if (ext->getName() == "TreatNullAs") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { if (name->getName() == "EmptyString") { attr |= NullIsEmpty; } } } else if (ext->getName() == "TreatUndefinedAs") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { if (name->getName() == "EmptyString") { attr |= UndefinedIsEmpty; } else if (name->getName() == "Null") { attr |= UndefinedIsNull; } } } else if (ext->getName() == "PutForwards") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { putForwards = name->getName(); } } else if (ext->getName() == "Null" || ext->getName() == "Undefined") { ext->report("Warning: '%s' has been deprecated.", ext->getName().c_str()); } else { ext->report("Warning: unknown extended attribute '%s'.", ext->getName().c_str()); } } setAttr(attr); }
void PropertyFS::definition(const std::string &definition) { if (definition.empty()) { throw EmptyString("definition"); } else { setAttr("definition", definition); forceUpdatedAt(); } }
SurfaceModifier::SurfaceModifier(JetCOW *cow, Sint32 id, const char *type) : SurfaceGenerator(cow,id,type) { parent = NULL; if (id<0) { /* Defaults */ setAttr("Parent",0); } }
PropertyFS::PropertyFS(const std::shared_ptr<base::IFile> &file, const bfs::path &loc, const std::string &id, const std::string &name, const DataType &dataType) : DirectoryWithAttributes(loc / bfs::path(name), file->fileMode()) { if (name.empty()) { throw EmptyString("name"); } else { setAttr("name", name); forceUpdatedAt(); } setAttr("entity_id", id); setAttr("data_type", nix::data_type_to_string(dataType)); time_t t = util::getTime(); setUpdatedAt(); forceCreatedAt(t); }
TriangleGenerator::TriangleGenerator(JetCOW *cow, Sint32 id, const char *type) : SurfaceGenerator(cow,id,type) { if (id<0) { /* Defaults */ setAttr("ax",0.0f); setAttr("ay",0.0f); setAttr("az",0.0f); setAttr("bx",0.0f); setAttr("by",0.0f); setAttr("bz",0.0f); setAttr("cx",0.0f); setAttr("cy",0.0f); setAttr("cz",0.0f); } }
int Msg_Define::readAttr(Xml &xml, TiXmlNode *node){ std::string key; XML_LOOP_BEGIN(node) key = xml.get_key(node); if(is_struct_member(key)) setAttr(xml, node); XML_LOOP_END(node) return 0; }
void SerialPort::setWordSize(const int size) { m_term.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; m_term.c_cflag |= sizeIntToConst(size); setAttr(); m_wordSize = size; }
void SerialPort::setBaudRate(const int rate) { ::cfsetispeed(&m_term, baudIntToConst(rate)); ::cfsetospeed(&m_term, baudIntToConst(rate)); setAttr(); m_baudRate = rate; }
PagerItem::PagerItem(string _path){ string name = _path; XMLLoader loader(name); setAttr("path",_path); setAttr("name",name); setAttr("type",loader.getValue("type")); setAttr("sfx","button11"); itemType = attrs["type"]; duration = loader.getValue("duration"); setAttr("preview", loader.getValue("preview")); if(itemType == "audio"){ itemType = "audio"; itemIndex = loader.getValue("position"); } makePreview(); SubObMediator::Instance()->addObserver("time-remaining", this); bReloader = false; }
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance bool BedRoomMall::init() { ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if (!Layer::init()) { return false; } Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin(); auto wall = minius::Wall::create(); auto floor = minius::Floor::create(); auto carpet = minius::Carpet::create(); auto weather = minius::BedRoomWeather::create(); auto window = minius::BedRoomWindow::create(); wall->setName("wallpaper"); floor->setName("floor"); carpet->setName("carpet"); weather->setName("weather"); window->setName("window"); this->addChild(wall); this->addChild(floor); this->addChild(carpet); this->addChild(weather); this->addChild(window); auto bed = minius::Bed::create(); auto quilt = minius::Quilt::create(); auto bedsideTable = minius::BedsideTable::create(); bed->setName("bed"); quilt->setName("quilt"); bedsideTable->setName("bedsideTable"); this->addChild(bed); this->addChild(quilt); this->addChild(bedsideTable); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) wall->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); floor->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); carpet->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); //weather->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); window->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); bed->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); quilt->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); bedsideTable->setAttr("backgroundPicture", std::string()); #endif return true; }
void Sprite::serialize(serializedata* data) { inherited::serialize(data); pugi::xml_node node = data->node; const ResAnim* rs = getResAnim(); if (rs) { node.remove_attribute("size"); Resource* r = rs->getParent(); const char* hint = ""; if (r) { r = r->getParent(); if (r) hint = r->getName().c_str(); } if (rs->getName().find(':') == std::string::npos) { char name[255]; safe_sprintf(name, "%s:%s", hint, rs->getName().c_str()); node.append_attribute("resanim").set_value(name); } else { node.append_attribute("resanim").set_value(rs->getName().c_str()); } if (_frame.getColumn() != 0) node.append_attribute("column").set_value(_frame.getColumn()); if (_frame.getRow() != 0) node.append_attribute("row").set_value(_frame.getRow()); } setAttr(node, "flipX", isFlippedX(), false); setAttr(node, "flipY", isFlippedY(), false); node.set_name("Sprite"); }
Record * testRecord(Schema *schema, int a, char *b, int c) { Record *result; Value *value; TEST_CHECK(createRecord(&result, schema)); MAKE_VALUE(value, DT_INT, a); TEST_CHECK(setAttr(result, schema, 0, value)); freeVal(value); MAKE_STRING_VALUE(value, b); TEST_CHECK(setAttr(result, schema, 1, value)); freeVal(value); MAKE_VALUE(value, DT_INT, c); TEST_CHECK(setAttr(result, schema, 2, value)); freeVal(value); return result; }
void thread_runner(void* _arg) { struct thread_runner_args *arg = (struct thread_runner_args*)_arg; int row, col, attr; while(1) { irql_t saved_irql = hal_irql_set(IRQL_DISPATCH); row = getRow(); col = getCol(); attr = getAttr(); setPos(arg->row, arg->col); setAttr(arg->attr[arg->state++ % 2]); printf("%s", arg->string); setAttr(attr); setPos(row, col); hal_irql_restore(saved_irql); delay(1000/arg->freq); } }
void print2(Schema *s1,Record *r1,Value *v1,Record *r2,Schema *s2,int x,int a2) { int k; for(k=0;k<s1->numAttr;k++) { getAttr(r1,s1,k,&v1); if(k!=a2) { switch (s1->dataTypes[k]) { case DT_STRING: printf(" %s ",v1->v.stringV); setAttr(r2,s2,x,v1); x++; break; case DT_INT: printf(" %d ",v1->v.intV); setAttr(r2,s2,x,v1); x++; break; case DT_FLOAT: printf(" %f ",v1->v.floatV); setAttr(r2,s2,x,v1); x++; break; case DT_BOOL: //printf(" %f ",v1->v.floatV); setAttr(r2,s2,x,v1); x++; break; } } } }
bool FileFS::checkHeader() { bool check = true; std::vector<int> version; std::string str; // check format if (hasAttr("format")) { getAttr("format", str); if (str != FILE_FORMAT) { check = false; } } else { setAttr("format", FILE_FORMAT); } // check version if (hasAttr("version")) { getAttr("version", version); if (version != FILE_VERSION) { check = false; } } else { setAttr("version", FILE_VERSION); } return check; }
Record * testRecord(Schema *schema, int a, char *b, int c) { //printf("\n in here test"); Record *result; Value *value; TEST_CHECK(createRecord(&result, schema)); printf("\n created record"); MAKE_VALUE(value, DT_INT, a); TEST_CHECK(setAttr(result, schema, 0, value)); freeVal(value); MAKE_STRING_VALUE(value, b); TEST_CHECK(setAttr(result, schema, 1, value)); freeVal(value); MAKE_VALUE(value, DT_INT, c); TEST_CHECK(setAttr(result, schema, 2, value)); // printf("\n outta here %s",result->data); freeVal(value); return result; }
/* * set node value for nodeName (and node should has name attr with attrValue)for existing node(or NULL for docroot) * or create new. If value is NULL will be * created empty node * return pointer to the new element and NULL if not created */ void *setNodeWithAttr(xml_data *data, void *node, const char *nodeName, const char *value, const char *attrName, const char *attrValue) { xmlNodePtr parent = node ? (xmlNodePtr) node : (xmlNodePtr) data->root; if (!nodeName) return (void *) NULL; xmlNodePtr fNode = (xmlNodePtr) FindElementWithNameAndAttr(data, parent, nodeName, attrName, attrValue); xmlNodePtr addressNode = NULL; if (fNode) { xmlNodeSetContent(addressNode, (const xmlChar *) value); } else { addressNode = xmlNewChild(parent, NULL, (const xmlChar *) nodeName, (const xmlChar *) value); setAttr(addressNode, attrName, attrValue); } return (void *) addressNode; }
/* Initialise console mode */ int initConsoleMode(int bin) { /* TODO: Check more term */ if (tgetent(NULL, getenv("TERM")) == ERR && tgetent(NULL, "xterm") == ERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialise termcaps.\nPlease check your variable TERM in your environment.\n"); return -1; } if (!isatty(fileno(stdin))) { /* We are in a pipe, no need to init the console */ return 0; } return setAttr(bin); }