void Item::setPenBrush(const QString& penStyle, int width, const QString& penColor, const QString& brushStyle, const QString& brushColor) { setPenStyle(penStyle); setPenWidth(width); setPenColor(penColor); setBrushStyle(brushStyle); setBrushColor(brushColor); }
void scigraphics::drawer::eraseRectangle( const wrectangle& Rectangle ) { color Color = color::White; brushStyle BrushStyle( Color ); lineStyle LineStyle( Color ); setBrushStyle( BrushStyle ); setLineStyle( LineStyle ); drawRectangle( Rectangle ); }
void RExporter::setEntityAttributes() { REntity* currentEntity = getEntity(); if (currentEntity == NULL) { return; } setColor(currentEntity->getColor(true, blockRefStack)); setLineweight(currentEntity->getLineweight(true, blockRefStack)); setLinetypeId(currentEntity->getLinetypeId(true, blockRefStack)); setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); setBrushStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); }
QgsRubberBand::QgsRubberBand( QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas, bool isPolygon ) : QgsMapCanvasItem( mapCanvas ) , mIconSize( 5 ) , mIconType( ICON_CIRCLE ) , mTranslationOffsetX( 0.0 ) , mTranslationOffsetY( 0.0 ) { reset( isPolygon ? QGis::Polygon : QGis::Line ); QColor color( Qt::lightGray ); color.setAlpha( 63 ); setColor( color ); setWidth( 1 ); setLineStyle( Qt::SolidLine ); setBrushStyle( Qt::SolidPattern ); }
/*! \class QgsRubberBand \brief The QgsRubberBand class provides a transparent overlay widget for tracking the mouse while drawing polylines or polygons. */ QgsRubberBand::QgsRubberBand( QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas, QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geometryType ) : QgsMapCanvasItem( mapCanvas ) , mIconSize( 5 ) , mIconType( ICON_CIRCLE ) , mGeometryType( geometryType ) , mTranslationOffsetX( 0.0 ) , mTranslationOffsetY( 0.0 ) { reset( geometryType ); QColor color( Qt::lightGray ); color.setAlpha( 63 ); setColor( color ); setWidth( 1 ); setLineStyle( Qt::SolidLine ); setBrushStyle( Qt::SolidPattern ); }
void RExporter::setEntityAttributes(bool forceSelected) { REntity* currentEntity = getEntity(); if (currentEntity == NULL) { return; } if (forceSelected || currentEntity->isSelected()) { setColor(RSettings::getSelectionColor()); } else { setColor(currentEntity->getColor(true, blockRefStack)); } setLineweight(currentEntity->getLineweight(true, blockRefStack)); setLinetypeId(currentEntity->getLinetypeId(true, blockRefStack)); setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); setBrushStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); }