コード例 #1
ファイル: alphalist.c プロジェクト: dyne/MuSE
 * This sets multiple attributes of the widget.
void setCDKAlphalist (CDKALPHALIST *alphalist, char *list[], int listSize, chtype fillerChar, chtype highlight, boolean Box)
   setCDKAlphalistContents (alphalist, list, listSize);
   setCDKAlphalistFillerChar (alphalist, fillerChar);
   setCDKAlphalistHighlight (alphalist, highlight);
   setCDKAlphalistBox (alphalist, Box);
コード例 #2
ファイル: alphalist.c プロジェクト: iamjamestl/school
 * This creates the alphalist widget.
CDKALPHALIST *newCDKAlphalist (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			       int xplace,
			       int yplace,
			       int height,
			       int width,
			       char *title,
			       char *label,
			       char **list,
			       int listSize,
			       chtype fillerChar,
			       chtype highlight,
			       boolean Box,
			       boolean shadow)
   CDKALPHALIST *alphalist	= 0;
   chtype *chtypeLabel		= 0;
   int parentWidth		= getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int parentHeight		= getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
   int boxWidth			= width;
   int boxHeight		= height;
   int xpos			= xplace;
   int ypos			= yplace;
   int tempWidth		= 0;
   int tempHeight		= 0;
   int labelLen			= 0;
   int x, junk2;

   static const struct { int from; int to; } bindings[] = {

   if ((alphalist = newCDKObject (CDKALPHALIST, &my_funcs)) == 0
       || !createList (alphalist, list, listSize))
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);

   setCDKAlphalistBox (alphalist, Box);

    * If the height is a negative value, the height will
    * be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
    * given height.
   boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0);

    * If the width is a negative value, the width will
    * be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
    * given width.
   boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);

   /* Translate the label char *pointer to a chtype pointer. */
   if (label != 0)
      chtypeLabel = char2Chtype (label, &labelLen, &junk2);
      freeChtype (chtypeLabel);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Make the file selector window. */
   alphalist->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   if (alphalist->win == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);
   keypad (alphalist->win, TRUE);

   /* Set some variables. */
   ScreenOf (alphalist)		= cdkscreen;
   alphalist->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
   alphalist->highlight		= highlight;
   alphalist->fillerChar	= fillerChar;
   alphalist->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
   alphalist->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
   initExitType (alphalist);
   alphalist->shadow		= shadow;
   alphalist->shadowWin		= 0;

   /* Do we want a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      alphalist->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Create the entry field. */
   tempWidth = (isFullWidth (width)
		? FULL
		: boxWidth - 2 - labelLen);
   alphalist->entryField = newCDKEntry (cdkscreen,
					getbegx (alphalist->win),
					getbegy (alphalist->win),
					title, label,
					A_NORMAL, fillerChar,
					vMIXED, tempWidth, 0, 512,
					Box, FALSE);
   if (alphalist->entryField == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);
   setCDKEntryLLChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKEntryLRChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Set the key bindings for the entry field. */
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_UP, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_DOWN, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_NPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_PPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_TAB, completeWordCB, alphalist);

   /* Set up the post-process function for the entry field. */
   setCDKEntryPreProcess (alphalist->entryField, preProcessEntryField, alphalist);

    * Create the scrolling list.  It overlaps the entry field by one line if
    * we are using box-borders.
   tempHeight = getmaxy (alphalist->entryField->win) - BorderOf (alphalist);
   tempWidth = (isFullWidth (width)
		? FULL
		: boxWidth - 1);
   alphalist->scrollField = newCDKScroll (cdkscreen,
					  getbegx (alphalist->win),
					  getbegy (alphalist->entryField->win)
					  + tempHeight,
					  boxHeight - tempHeight,
					  0, list, listSize,
					  Box, FALSE);
   setCDKScrollULChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKScrollURChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Setup the key bindings. */
   for (x = 0; x < (int) SIZEOF (bindings); ++x)
      bindCDKObject (vALPHALIST, alphalist, bindings[x].from, getcCDKBind, (void *)(long)bindings[x].to);

   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vALPHALIST, alphalist);

   return (alphalist);