/** * SLOT * Takes a shot from the local player. * Places the shot on the oponents board or send the * coordinates through the network. * @param index */ bool Battleships::playersShoot(const int index) { setLocalePlayersTurn(false); addShoot(); bool isHit = false; if (m_playerMode == SinglePlayer) { const Ship *hiddenShip = m_foesGameBoard->shootAt(index); if (hiddenShip) { setInfoText("You hit one of the ships."); } else { setInfoText("You shot into the water."); } if (! m_foesGameBoard->hasUndestroyedShip()) { setWinnerName(playerName()); setCurrentView("GameOverDialog"); } emit botShoot(); } else { m_indexLastShot = index; QJsonObject object; object.insert("type", "SHOT"); QJsonObject options; QPoint pt = m_foesGameBoard->getPointObject(index); options.insert("x", pt.x()); options.insert("y", pt.y()); object.insert("options", options); QJsonDocument *message = new QJsonDocument(object); emit sendMessage(message); } return isHit; }
void IqHelpViewerMainWindow::showPage(const QUrl &url) { qDebug() << tr("Show page \"%0\".") .arg(url.toString()); IqHelpViewWidget *view = NULL; if (m_currentView && m_currentView->canShowPage(url)) { view = m_currentView; } else { foreach (IqHelpViewWidget *viewCandidate, m_helpViewWidgets) { if (!viewCandidate) continue; if (!viewCandidate->canShowPage(url)) continue; view = viewCandidate; break; } } if (view) { setCurrentView(view); if (view->url() != url) { m_urlLineEdit->setText(url.toString()); view->showPage(url); } } }
/** * Got a finished message over network. * Interpret the reason. * @param object */ void Battleships::finishedMessage(const QJsonObject &object) { QJsonObject options = object.value("options").toObject(); if (options.value("reason") == "won") { setInfoText("You have won the game."); setWinnerName(m_playerName); setCurrentView("GameOverDialog"); } else if (options.value("reason") == "quit") { setWinnerName("No one"); setCurrentView("GameOverDialog"); } else if (options.value("reason") == "error") { // Error ? } emit closeConnection(); }
void WlanSnifferMainWindow::toListView(const QString &title) { OstTraceFunctionEntry0(WLANSNIFFERMAINWINDOW_TOLISTVIEW_ENTRY); // Show the list view mListView->setTitle(title); setCurrentView(mListView); show(); OstTraceFunctionExit0(WLANSNIFFERMAINWINDOW_TOLISTVIEW_EXIT); }
/** * Got a game offer replay. * If game offer was accepted the game can start. * If not accepted ? * @param object */ void Battleships::gameOfferReplay(const QJsonObject &object) { QJsonObject options = object.value("options").toObject(); QString name = options.value("player_name").toString(); bool accepted = options.value("success").toBool(); if (accepted) { m_foesGameBoard->setPlayerName(name); setLocalePlayersTurn(true); setCurrentView("GamePlayDialog"); } }
/** * Got a game offer. * Show terms of game offer on screen and ask the player * to accept it. * @param object */ void Battleships::takeGameOffer(const QJsonObject &object) { QJsonObject options = object.value("options").toObject(); QStringList list; list << options.value("player_name").toString(); list << options.value("board_size_x").toString(); list << options.value("board_size_y").toString(); list << options.value("ships_present").toString(); setGameOfferValueList(list); setCurrentView("GameOfferView"); }
void DangerScene::changeMode (int mode) { modeToGo = mode; fade(); return; if ( mode == currentMode ) return; currentMode = mode; setCurrentView(currentView); if ( mode == DGSCENEVIEWMODE_VIDEOS ) videoView.init(); }
/** * Simulates a bot behaviour. Shoots randomly to the locale * players game board. * @return True if bot hit a ship. */ bool Battleships::botShoot() { ShipPosition position = getRandomShipPosition(m_playersGameBoard->getGameBoardSize()); const Ship* hiddenShip = m_playersGameBoard->shoot(position.x, position.y); if (hiddenShip != 0) { setInfoText("One of your ships is hidden."); } else { setInfoText("Foe shot into the water."); } if (! m_playersGameBoard->hasUndestroyedShip()) { setWinnerName("Foe"); setCurrentView("GameOverDialog"); } setLocalePlayersTurn(true); return (hiddenShip != 0); }
bool DFileManagerWindowPrivate::cdForTab(Tab *tab, const DUrl &fileUrl) { Q_Q(DFileManagerWindow); DFMBaseView *current_view = tab->fileView(); if (current_view && current_view->rootUrl() == fileUrl) { return false; } // old mount scheme support... may get removed when no other place use this... if (fileUrl.scheme() == "mount") { DUrl newUrl; QUrlQuery query(fileUrl); if (query.hasQueryItem("id")) { newUrl.setQuery(query.queryItemValue("id")); appController->actionOpenDisk(dMakeEventPointer<DFMUrlBaseEvent>(q_ptr, newUrl)); return true; } } if (!current_view || !DFMViewManager::instance()->isSuited(fileUrl, current_view)) { DFMBaseView *view = DFMViewManager::instance()->createViewByUrl(fileUrl); if (view) { viewStackLayout->addWidget(view->widget()); if (tab == tabBar->currentTab()) viewStackLayout->setCurrentWidget(view->widget()); q_ptr->handleNewView(view); } else { qWarning() << "Not support url: " << fileUrl; //###(zccrs): const DAbstractFileInfoPointer &fileInfo = DFileService::instance()->createFileInfo(q_ptr, fileUrl); if (fileInfo) { /* Call fileInfo->exists() twice. First result is false and the second one is true; Maybe this is a bug of fuse when smb:// is mounted and cd to mounted folder immediately. */ qDebug() << fileInfo->exists() << fileUrl; qDebug() << fileInfo->exists() << fileUrl; } if (!fileInfo || !fileInfo->exists()) { DUrl searchUrl = current_view->rootUrl(); if (searchUrl.isComputerFile()) { searchUrl = DUrl::fromLocalFile("/"); } if (searchUrl.isSearchFile()) { searchUrl = searchUrl.searchTargetUrl(); } if (!q_ptr->isCurrentUrlSupportSearch(searchUrl)) { return false; } const DUrl &newUrl = DUrl::fromSearchFile(searchUrl, fileUrl.toString()); const DAbstractFileInfoPointer &fileInfo = DFileService::instance()->createFileInfo(q_ptr, newUrl); if (!fileInfo || !fileInfo->exists()) { return false; } return cdForTab(tab, newUrl); } return false; } if (current_view) { current_view->deleteLater(); } tab->setFileView(view); if (tab == tabBar->currentTab()) setCurrentView(view); current_view = view; } bool ok = false; if (current_view) { ok = current_view->setRootUrl(fileUrl); if (ok) { tab->onFileRootUrlChanged(fileUrl); if (tab == tabBar->currentTab()) { emit q_ptr->currentUrlChanged(); } } } return ok; }
NavigationBar::~NavigationBar() { setCurrentView(nullptr); }
void IAUpdateMainWindow::toSettingView() { setCurrentView(mSettingView); }
// Slots to handle view change void IAUpdateMainWindow::toMainView() { setCurrentView(mMainView); }
/** * SLOT * Is called when a network error occures. * @param error */ void Battleships::networkConnectionError(const QString &error) { m_networkConnectionError = error; emit networkErrorChanged(); setCurrentView("NetworkErrorDialog"); }