seqan::ArgumentParser::ParseResult parseCommandLine(MasonMaterializerOptions & options, int argc, char const ** argv) { // Setup ArgumentParser. seqan::ArgumentParser parser("mason_materializer"); // Set short description, version, and date. setShortDescription(parser, "VCF Materialization"); setVersion(parser, "2.0"); setDate(parser, "July 2012"); setCategory(parser, "Simulators"); // Define usage line and long description. addUsageLine(parser, "[OPTIONS] \\fB-ir\\fP \\fIIN.fa\\fP \\fB-iv\\fP \\fIIN.vcf\\fP \\fB-o\\fP \\fIOUT.fa\\fP "); addDescription(parser, "Apply variants from \\fIIN.vcf\\fP to \\fIIN.fa\\fP and write the results to \\fIout.fa\\fP."); // Add option and text sections. options.addOptions(parser); options.addTextSections(parser); // Parse command line. seqan::ArgumentParser::ParseResult res = seqan::parse(parser, argc, argv); // Only extract options if the program will continue after parseCommandLine() if (res != seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK) return res; options.getOptionValues(parser); return seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK; }
DateWidget::DateWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), calendarWidget(new QCalendarWidget()) { setDate(QDate::currentDate()); setMinimumSize(QSize(80, 64)); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); calendarWidget->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); calendarWidget->setFirstDayOfWeek(getLocale().firstDayOfWeek()); calendarWidget->setVerticalHeaderFormat(QCalendarWidget::NoVerticalHeader); connect(calendarWidget, SIGNAL(activated(QDate)), calendarWidget, SLOT(hide())); connect(calendarWidget, SIGNAL(clicked(QDate)), calendarWidget, SLOT(hide())); connect(calendarWidget, SIGNAL(activated(QDate)), this, SLOT(setDate(QDate))); connect(calendarWidget, SIGNAL(clicked(QDate)), this, SLOT(setDate(QDate))); calendarWidget->installEventFilter(this); }
MailMessage::MailMessage(PartStoreFactory* pStoreFactory): _pStoreFactory(pStoreFactory) { Poco::Timestamp now; setDate(now); setContentType("text/plain"); }
int main(void) { xplained_init(); fprintf(COMM_LCD, G_NAME); setDate(2013, 1, 15, 11, 32, 50); // 250 ms Timer siehe app3b.c ~ 0,09% Fehler // Top Wert TCC0.PER = 32031; // Prescaler TCC0.CTRLA = TC_CLKSEL_DIV256_gc; mcu_enable_interrupt(); while (1) { if (update) { clearRow(LCD_ROW1); fprintf(COMM_LCD, "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i", hour, min, s); //Ganz komischer Fehler mit clearRow(LCD_ROW2), irgendwie wird LCD_ROW0 zum teil überschrieben, deshalb so: st7036_goto(LCD_ROW2, 0); fprintf(COMM_LCD, " "); st7036_goto(LCD_ROW2, 0); fprintf(COMM_LCD, "%i.%i.%i", day, month, year); update = false; } } return 0; }
foreach (const QString &headerRow, headerLines) { QRegExp messageIdRx("^Message-ID: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp fromRx("^From: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp toRx("^To: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp ccRx("^Cc: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp subjectRx("^Subject: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp dateRx("^Date: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp mimeVerstionRx("^MIME-Version: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp contentTransferEncodingRx("^Content-Transfer-Encoding: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp contentTypeRx("^Content-Type: (.*)$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (messageIdRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setMessageId(messageIdRx.cap(1)); else if (fromRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setFrom(headerDecode(fromRx.cap(1))); else if (toRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setTo(headerDecode(toRx.cap(1))); else if (ccRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setCc(headerDecode(ccRx.cap(1))); else if (subjectRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setSubject(headerDecode(subjectRx.cap(1))); else if (dateRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) { QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromString(dateRx.cap(1), Qt::RFC2822Date); setDate(date); } else if (mimeVerstionRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setMimeVersion(mimeVerstionRx.cap(1)); else if (contentTransferEncodingRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setContentTransferEncoding(IqPostmanAbstractContent::contentTransferEncodingFromString(headerRow)); else if (contentTypeRx.indexIn(headerRow) != -1) setContentType(IqPostmanAbstractContentType::createFromString(headerRow)); }
void CalendarDatePrivate::onClicked(CalendarItem* item) { if (NULL == item) { return; } ItemType itemOpt = item->getType(); int itemData = item->getValue(); int newYear = m_selectedYear; int newMonth = m_selectedMonth; int newDayOfMonth = m_selectedDayOfMonth; switch (m_viewType) { case VIEWTYPE_DAY: break; case VIEWTYPE_MONTH: g_return_if_fail(ITEMTYPE_MONTH == itemOpt); newMonth = itemData; updateDayView(FALSE, 0); break; case VIEWTYPE_YEAR: g_return_if_fail(ITEMTYPE_YEAR == itemOpt); newYear = itemData; updateMonthView(FALSE, 0); break; default: break; } GDateTime * newDate = g_date_time_new_local(newYear, newMonth, newDayOfMonth, 0, 0, 0); setDate(newDate, FALSE, 0); g_date_time_unref(newDate); }
void KDatePicker::selectMonthClicked() { // every year can have different month names (in some calendar systems) const KCalendarSystem * calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); QDate date = d->table->date(); const int months = calendar->monthsInYear(date); QMenu popup(d->selectMonth); for (int i = 1; i <= months; i++) popup.addAction(calendar->monthName(i, calendar->year(date)))->setData(i); //QMenuItem *item = popup.findItem (calendar->month(date) - 1); QAction *item=popup.actions()[calendar->month(date)-1]; if (item) // if this happens the above should already given an assertion popup.setActiveAction(item); if ( (item = popup.exec(d->selectMonth->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)), item)) == 0 ) return; // canceled int day = calendar->day(date); // ----- construct a valid date in this month: calendar->setYMD(date, calendar->year(date), item->data().toInt(), 1); date = date.addDays(qMin(day, calendar->daysInMonth(date)) - 1); // ----- set this month setDate(date); }
void kMyMoneyCalendar::selectWeekClicked() { const KCalendarSystem* calendar = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); KPopupFrame *popup = new KPopupFrame(this); KDatePickerPrivateWeekSelector *picker = new KDatePickerPrivateWeekSelector(calendar, date(), popup); picker->resize(picker->sizeHint()); picker->setWeek(weekOfYear(date())); picker->selectAll(); popup->setMainWidget(picker); connect(picker, SIGNAL(closeMe(int)), popup, SLOT(close(int))); picker->setFocus(); if (popup->exec(d->selectWeek->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, d->selectWeek->height())))) { QDate newDate; int week = picker->week(); // check if new week will lead to a valid date calendar->setDate(newDate, calendar->year(date()), 1, 1); while (weekOfYear(newDate) > 50) newDate = newDate.addDays(1); while (weekOfYear(newDate) < week && (week != 53 || (week == 53 && (weekOfYear(newDate) != 52 || weekOfYear(newDate.addDays(1)) != 1)))) newDate = newDate.addDays(1); if (week == 53 && weekOfYear(newDate) == 52) while (weekOfYear(newDate.addDays(-1)) == 52) newDate = newDate.addDays(-1); // Set the date, if it's invalid in any way then alert user and don't update if (!setDate(newDate)) { KNotification::beep(); } } delete popup; }
void Date::set(UInt month, UInt day, UInt year) { if (!setDate(year, month, day)) { throw Exception::ParseError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, String(year) + "-" + String(month) + "-" + String(day), "Invalid date"); } }
void Settings::BirthdayPage::checkDate() { QDate parsedDate = m_locale->readDate(m_dateInput->text()); if (parsedDate != QDate()) { setDate(parsedDate); } }
void DateEditDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { auto date = index.model()->data(index, Qt::EditRole).toDate(); auto dateEdit = static_cast<QDateEdit*>(editor); dateEdit->setDate(date); }
void XDateEdit::clear() { if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::clear()", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName())); setDate(_nullDate, true); }
void setRTCFromText(char *time) { // This function parses the date and or time using any of the following format: // 1. #h#m#s // 2. #m#d // 3. #m#d#h#m#s // where '#' represents any valid positive integer. // Note that 'm' is used for month and for minute. 'm' will mean month, unless it follows an 'h'. // Note that year is not set because it is used to indicate the time period (see cold_start code) int month = -1, date = -1, hour = -1, min = -1, sec = -1; char *ptr; if ((ptr = findTimePart(time,'m'))) { month = strToInt(ptr); if ((ptr = findTimePart(time,'d'))) date = strToInt(ptr); else month = -1; } if ((ptr = findTimePart(time,'h'))) { hour = strToInt(ptr); if ((ptr = findTimePart(ptr,'m'))) min = strToInt(ptr); if ((ptr = findTimePart(ptr,'s'))) sec = strToInt(ptr); } if (month >= 1 && date >= 1) setDate(month,date); if (hour >= 0 && min >= 0 && sec >= 0) setRTC(hour,min,sec); }
void AgendaPlug::selectDay() { DatePickDialog *dpd = new DatePickDialog(DatePickDialog::Day, this->date, this); if (dpd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) setDate(dpd->date()); delete dpd; }
static void handleTick(struct tm *tick_time, TimeUnits units_changed) { calcAngles(tick_time); if (units_changed & DAY_UNIT) { setDate(tick_time); } layer_mark_dirty(layer); }
void Tv::setAttribute( QDomAttr &attr) { if(attr.localName().compare("SourceInfoUrl", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { setSourceInfoUrl(attr.value()); return; } if(attr.localName().compare("SourceDataUrl", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { setSourceDataUrl(attr.value()); return; } if(attr.localName().compare("Date", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { setDate(attr.value()); return; } if(attr.localName().compare("GeneratorInfoName", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { setGeneratorInfoName(attr.value()); return; } if(attr.localName().compare("SourceInfoName", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { setSourceInfoName(attr.value()); return; } if(attr.localName().compare("GeneratorInfoUrl", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { setGeneratorInfoUrl(attr.value()); return; } }
void PluginTrack::loadTrack(const QString &service, const QVariantMap &track) { setService(service); setArtist(track.value("artist").toString()); setArtistId(track.value("artistId").toString()); setDate(track.value("date").toString()); setDescription(track.value("description").toString()); setDownloadable(track.value("downloadable", true).toBool()); setFormat(track.value("format").toString()); setGenre(track.value("genre").toString()); setId(track.value("id").toString()); setLargeThumbnailUrl(track.value("largeThumbnailUrl").toString()); setPlayCount(track.value("playCount").toLongLong()); setStreamUrl(track.value("streamUrl").toString()); setThumbnailUrl(track.value("thumbnailUrl").toString()); setTitle(track.value("title").toString()); setUrl(track.value("url").toString()); if (track.value("duration").type() == QVariant::String) { setDurationString(track.value("duration").toString()); } else { setDuration(track.value("duration").toLongLong()); } if (track.value("size").type() == QVariant::String) { setSizeString(track.value("size").toString()); } else { setSize(track.value("size").toLongLong()); } }
double Date::getSince(Date &lag, const char *ref) { // this wrapping method returns the time lag since date. // valid expr for desc: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months year // If date is omitted, a reference date must have been // set previously. std::string sRef(ref); if( sRef.size() > 0 ) setDate(sRef); double dJul=lag.getJulianDay() - getJulianDay(); if( unitStr.substr(0,1) == "y" ) { // ToDo return 0.; } else if( unitStr.substr(0,2) == "mo" ) { // ToDo return 0.; } else if( unitStr.substr(0,4) == "day" ) return static_cast<double>(dJul); else if( unitStr.substr(0,1) == "h" ) return static_cast<double>(dJul*24.); else if( unitStr.substr(0,2) == "mi" ) return static_cast<double>(dJul*24.*60.); else if( unitStr.substr(0,1) == "s" ) return static_cast<double>(dJul*24.*60.*60.); return 0.; // a return statement here is required for the xlc++ }
seqan::ArgumentParser::ParseResult parseCommandLine(ModifyStringOptions & options, int argc, char const ** argv) { seqan::ArgumentParser parser("w1/(soon w50)_creator"); addOption(parser, seqan::ArgParseOption("i", "input-file", "Path to the input file", seqan::ArgParseArgument::INPUT_FILE, "IN")); setRequired(parser, "input-file"); setShortDescription(parser, "Methylation Tools"); setVersion(parser, "0.0.6"); setDate(parser, "November 2017"); addUsageLine(parser, "-i CX_report.txt [\\fIOPTIONS\\fP] "); addOption(parser, seqan::ArgParseOption("l", "window-length", "Size of window",seqan::ArgParseArgument::INTEGER, "INT")); setDefaultValue(parser, "window-length", "50"); addDescription(parser, "Create a w1 (and soon w50) file from a CX report."); seqan::ArgumentParser::ParseResult res = seqan::parse(parser, argc, argv); // If parsing was not successful then exit with code 1 if there were errors. // Otherwise, exit with code 0 (e.g. help was printed). if (res != seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK) return res; getOptionValue(options.inputFileName, parser, "input-file"); getOptionValue(options.window_length, parser, "window-length"); return seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK; }
void kMyMoneyDateTbl::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Prior ) { setDate(date.addMonths(-1)); return; } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Next ) { setDate(date.addMonths(1)); return; } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Up ) { if ( > 7 ) { setDate(date.addDays(-7)); return; } } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Down ) { if ( <= date.daysInMonth()-7 ) { setDate(date.addDays(7)); return; } } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Left ) { if ( > 1 ) { setDate(date.addDays(-1)); return; } } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Right ) { if ( < date.daysInMonth() ) { setDate(date.addDays(1)); return; } } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Minus ) { setDate(date.addDays(-1)); return; } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Plus ) { setDate(date.addDays(1)); return; } if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_N ) { setDate(QDate::currentDate()); return; } KNotifyClient::beep(); }
void AnnotationDialog::KDateEdit::dateEntered(QDate newDate) { if ((mHandleInvalid || newDate.isValid()) && validate(newDate)) { setDate(newDate); emit dateChanged(newDate); emit dateChanged( DB::ImageDate( QDateTime(newDate), QDateTime(newDate) ) ); } }
void dtg::setIsoDTG( const std::string &d ) { // Untested! No errror handling! std::string curDate = d.substr( 2, 6 ); std::string curTime = d.substr( 9, 8 ); setDate( curDate, DTGLOG ); setTime( curTime, DTGDISP ); }
Date& Date::operator=( std::string z) { setDate( z ); isDateSet = true ; return *this; }
void KDatePicker::yearBackwardClicked() { QDate temp; temp = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->addYears( d->table->date(), -1 ); setDate( temp ); }
void BuildInfoJSON::fromJSONDate(JSONValue *json_value, bool ignore_extras) { assert(json_value != NULL); const JSONStringValue *json_string = json_value->string_value(); if (json_string == NULL) throw("The value for field Date of BuildInfoJSON is not a string."); setDate(std::string(json_string->getData())); }
void ExtDatePicker::monthForwardClicked() { ExtDate temp; // temp = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->addMonths( table->getDate(), 1 ); temp = d->calendar->addMonths( table->getDate(), 1 ); setDate( temp ); }
void ExtDatePicker::yearBackwardClicked() { ExtDate temp; // temp = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->addYears( table->getDate(), -1 ); temp = d->calendar->addYears( table->getDate(), -1 ); setDate( temp ); }
/*! Constructs datetime picker widget with only date functionalities and with default locale's date format. \param date QDate value. */ HbDateTimePicker::HbDateTimePicker(const QDate &date, QGraphicsItem *parent ): HbWidget(*new HbDateTimePickerPrivate, parent) { Q_D(HbDateTimePicker); d->init(QVariant::Date); setDate(date); }
void DateTime::add(const Duration &duration) { if (isValid()) { DateTime x = addMSecs(duration.milliseconds()); setDate( ); setTime( x.time() ); //kDebug(planDbg())<<toString(); } }
void KDatePicker::monthForwardClicked() { QDate temp; temp = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->addMonths( d->table->date(), 1 ); setDate( temp ); }