int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); qDebug() << "toniManero starting..."; g_appParameters = new QtKApplicationParameters(0,QString("toniManero")); if(g_appParameters->fileLoad(false)) { setDefaultParameters(); QString msg = "toniManero.cfg not found!\r\nSetting default configuration."; qDebug() << msg; a.exit(); } if(!g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("app"),QString("fileLog"),0).compare("1")) { qInstallMessageHandler(debugLogger); } // pca9685Interface interface((quint16)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("udpPort"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("i2c"),QString("i2cBus"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("i2c"),QString("i2cAddr"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("midi"),QString("noteOffset"),0).toInt(), &a); QtkHttpServer server((quint16)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("httpPort"),0).toInt(), &a); qDebug() << "toniManero (0.1) is dancing now!"; return a.exec(); }
MMAS::MMAS(ParamMap &v) : AS(v), m_isHaveGlobalBest(false), m_isHaveRestartBest(false), m_globalBest(), m_restartBest(), m_impRadio(0) { setDefaultParameters(); if (m_globalBest.getNumDim() <= 20) m_length = m_globalBest.getNumDim() - 1; findnearghbor(); }
CpeopleTracker::CpeopleTracker() { nextTargetId = 1; followMeTargetId = -1;//initially there is no folloMe target Id for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<NUM_DETECTORS; ii++) nextDetectionId[ii] = 1; setDefaultParameters(); }
TrajectoryGraphicsItem::TrajectoryGraphicsItem(const QList<QPointF> &trajectory, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItemGroup(parent) { setTrajectory(trajectory); setDefaultParameters(); }
MMAS::MMAS(double alpha, double beta, double Q, int Popsize, int NC, int numDim, double coeff) : AS(alpha, beta, Q, Popsize, NC, numDim, coeff),\ m_isHaveGlobalBest(false), m_isHaveRestartBest(false), m_globalBest(), m_restartBest(), m_impRadio(0) { setDefaultParameters(); if (m_globalBest.getNumDim() <= 20) m_length = m_globalBest.getNumDim() - 1; findnearghbor(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); qDebug() << "discoFever starting..."; g_appParameters = new QtKApplicationParameters(0,QString("discoFever")); if(g_appParameters->fileLoad(false)) { setDefaultParameters(); QString msg = "discoFever.cfg not found!\r\nSetting default configuration."; qDebug() << msg; a.exit(); } if(!g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("aplicacion"),QString("fileLog"),0).compare("1")) { qInstallMessageHandler(debugLogger); } qtkVirtualMIDI midi; networkThread network(QHostAddress(g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("udpHost"),0)), (quint16)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("udpPort"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("statusRepeat"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("midiOffIgnore"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("midiChannelFilter"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("midiChannelFilterEnable"),0).toInt(), (quint8)g_appParameters->loadParam(QString("network"),QString("midiNoteOffset"),0).toInt()); switch(midi.getStatus()) { case stReady: QObject::connect(&midi,SIGNAL(midiReceived(midiMessage)),&network, SLOT(OnMidiReceived(midiMessage))); network.start(); qDebug() << "discoFever is ready to dance!"; return a.exec(); break; case stUnknown: case stClosed: case stError: default: qDebug() << "qtkVirtualMIDI error, status: " << midi.getStatus(); qDebug() << "discoFever will exit now..."; break; } return 0; }
// first -- inner; second -- outer Docking::Docking(const pair<string, string>& receptorFile, const pair<string, string>& ligandFile) { exit(1); ligandPath_ = ""; receptorPath_ = ""; radiiPath_ = ""; receptor_.inner_.importFromFile(receptorFile.first); receptor_.outer_.importFromFile(receptorFile.second); ligand_.inner_.importFromFile(ligandFile.first); ligand_.outer_.importFromFile(ligandFile.second); setDefaultParameters(); checkOrders(); rotatationsCalculated_ = false; trigonometricCalculated_ = false; coeffMappingNLMCalculated_ = false; ligandPath_ = ""; receptorPath_ = ""; radiiPath_ = ""; }
Docking::Docking(const Grid& receptorInner, const Grid& receptorOuter, const Grid& ligandInner, const Grid& ligandOuter, int order) { exit(1); receptor_.inner_.init(order); receptor_.outer_.init(order); ligand_.inner_.init(order); ligand_.outer_.init(order); receptor_.inner_.calculateFromGrid(receptorInner); receptor_.outer_.calculateFromGrid(receptorOuter); ligand_.inner_.calculateFromGrid(ligandInner); ligand_.outer_.calculateFromGrid(ligandOuter); setDefaultParameters(); checkOrders(); rotatationsCalculated_ = false; trigonometricCalculated_ = false; coeffMappingNLMCalculated_ = false; ligandPath_ = ""; receptorPath_ = ""; radiiPath_ = ""; }
int fd_runtime_connectdevice(FDRuntime* self) { FDDeviceClass *deviceclass = FD_DEVICE_GET_CLASS(FD_DEVICE(self->device)); char* out = g_malloc0(256 * sizeof(char)); pthread_mutex_lock(&FD_DEVICE(self->device)->deviceMutex); deviceclass->search(FD_DEVICE(self->device), &out); //search for device, grab a usb handle and model number. pthread_mutex_unlock(&FD_DEVICE(self->device)->deviceMutex); g_message("%s\n",out); //output of search function. g_free(out); switch (FD_DEVICE(self->device)->model) { case MODEL_DSO2090: case MODEL_DSO2100: case MODEL_DSO2150: case MODEL_DSO2250: self->gaincount = 9; double tempgains1[9] = {0.010, 0.020, 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.500, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0}; self->gains = g_malloc(sizeof(double)*self->gaincount); memcpy(self->gains, tempgains1, sizeof(double)*self->gaincount); self->sampleratecount = 16; unsigned long int tempsr1[16] = {100e6, 50e6, 25e6, 10e6, 5e6, 25e5, 1e6, 500e3, 250e3, 100e3, 50e3, 25e3, 10e3, 5e3, 25e2, 1e3}; self->samplerates = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned long int)*self->sampleratecount); memcpy(self->samplerates, tempsr1, sizeof(unsigned long int)*self->sampleratecount); break; case MODEL_DSO5200: case MODEL_DSO5200A: self->gaincount = 10; double tempgains2[10] = {0.010, 0.020, 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.500, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0}; self->gains = g_malloc(sizeof(double)*self->gaincount); memcpy(self->gains, tempgains2, sizeof(double)*self->gaincount); self->sampleratecount = 17; unsigned long int tempsr2[17] = {250e6, 100e6, 50e6, 25e6, 10e6, 5e6, 25e5, 1e6, 500e3, 250e3, 100e3, 50e3, 25e3, 10e3, 5e3, 25e2, 1e3}; self->samplerates = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned long int)*self->sampleratecount); memcpy(self->samplerates, tempsr2, sizeof(unsigned long int)*self->sampleratecount); unsigned short int tempRanges[10] = {186, 370, 458, 916, 366, 450, 900, 368, 458, 908}; self->ranges = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short int)*self->gaincount); memcpy(self->ranges, tempRanges, sizeof(unsigned short int)*self->gaincount); self->cal5200Data = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*6); break; case MODEL_UNKNOWN: default: self->gaincount = 6; double tempgains3[6] = {0.100, 0.200, 0.500, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0}; self->gains = g_malloc(sizeof(double)*self->gaincount); memcpy(self->gains, tempgains3, sizeof(double)*self->gaincount); self->sampleratecount = 13; unsigned long int tempsr3[13] = {10e6, 5e6, 25e5, 1e6, 500e3, 250e3, 100e3, 50e3, 25e3, 10e3, 5e3, 25e2, 1e3}; self->samplerates = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned long int)*self->sampleratecount); memcpy(self->samplerates, tempsr3, sizeof(unsigned long int)*self->sampleratecount); break; } populateSamplerateComboBox(FD_UI(self->ui), self->samplerates, self->sampleratecount); populateGainComboBoxs(FD_UI(self->ui), self->gains, self->gaincount); self->samplerateFastMax = self->samplerates[0]; self->samplerateChannelMax = self->samplerates[1]; self->calibrationData = g_malloc(((sizeof(unsigned short int)*self->gaincount)*HANTEK_CHANNELS)*OFFSET_COUNT); getCalibrationData(self); //gets the channel level calibration data. printCalibrationData(self); self->calibration2Data = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*4); getCalibration2Data(self); //gets another calibration if (self->cal5200Data) getCal5200Data(self); self->currentAveraging[0] = 0; self->currentAveraging[1] = 0; fd_runtime_setdeviceisconnected(self, TRUE); fd_runtime_settriggersource(self, FALSE, 0); fd_runtime_settriggerposition(self, 0.5); fd_runtime_settriggerlevel(self, 0, 0.0); fd_runtime_settriggerslope(self, SLOPE_POSITIVE); fd_runtime_setbuffersize(self, 10240); fd_runtime_setchannelused(self, 1, FALSE); fd_runtime_setchannelused(self, 0, TRUE); fd_runtime_setoffset(self, 0, 0.5); fd_runtime_setoffset(self, 1, 0.5); setDefaultParameters(self); return 0; }
void MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML(const XmlElement& xmlState, bool setViewAttributes) { if (!(xmlState.hasTagName (JucePlugin_Name))) return; if (!(mEngine.getCompileStatus() == MLProc::OK)) return; // TODO revisit need to compile first // getCallbackLock() is in juce_AudioProcessor // process lock is a quick fix. it is here to prevent doParams() from getting called in // process() methods and thereby setting mParamsChanged to false before the real changes take place. // A better alternative would be a lock-free queue of parameter changes. const ScopedLock sl (getCallbackLock()); // only the differences between default parameters and the program state are saved in a program, // so the first step is to set the default parameters. setDefaultParameters(); // get program version of saved state unsigned blobVersion = xmlState.getIntAttribute ("pluginVersion"); unsigned pluginVersion = JucePlugin_VersionCode; if (blobVersion > pluginVersion) { // TODO show error to user MLError() << "MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML: saved program version is newer than plugin version!\n"; return; } // try to load scale if a scale attribute exists // TODO auto save all state including this const String scaleDir = xmlState.getStringAttribute ("scaleDir"); // look for old-style dir attribute const String scaleName = xmlState.getStringAttribute ("scaleName"); String fullName; if(scaleName != String::empty) { fullName = scaleName; if(scaleDir != String::empty) { fullName = scaleDir + String("/") + fullName + ".scl"; } } else { fullName = "12-equal"; } std::string fullScaleName(fullName.toUTF8()); setProperty("key_scale", fullScaleName); bool loaded = false; // look for scale under full name with path if(fullScaleName != std::string()) { const MLFilePtr f = mScaleFiles->getFileByName(fullScaleName); if(f != MLFilePtr()) { loadScale(f->mFile); loaded = true; } } if(!loaded) { loadDefaultScale(); } // get preset name saved in blob. when saving from AU host, name will also be set from RestoreState(). const String presetName = xmlState.getStringAttribute ("presetName"); setProperty("preset", std::string(presetName.toUTF8())); /* debug() << "MLPluginProcessor: setStateFromXML: loading program " << presetName << ", version " << std::hex << blobVersion << std::dec << "\n"; MemoryOutputStream myStream; xmlState->writeToStream (myStream, ""); debug() << myStream.toString(); */ /* setCurrentPresetName(presetName.toUTF8()); setCurrentPresetDir(presetDir.toUTF8()); */ // get plugin-specific translation table for updating older versions of data std::map<MLSymbol, MLSymbol> translationTable; // TODO move this into Aalto! // make translation tables based on program version. // if (blobVersion <= 0x00010120) { // translate seq parameters for(unsigned n=0; n<16; ++n) { std::stringstream pName; std::stringstream pName2; pName << "seq_value" << n; pName2 << "seq_pulse" << n; MLSymbol oldSym(pName.str()); MLSymbol newSym = MLSymbol("seq_value#").withFinalNumber(n); MLSymbol oldSym2(pName2.str()); MLSymbol newSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse#").withFinalNumber(n); translationTable[oldSym] = newSym; translationTable[oldSym2] = newSym2; } } if (blobVersion <= 0x00010200) { MLSymbol oldSym = MLSymbol("seq_value"); MLSymbol newSym = MLSymbol("seq_value").withFinalNumber(0); MLSymbol oldSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse"); MLSymbol newSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse").withFinalNumber(0); translationTable[oldSym] = newSym; translationTable[oldSym2] = newSym2; // translate seq parameters for(unsigned n=1; n<16; ++n) { oldSym = MLSymbol("seq_value#").withFinalNumber(n); newSym = MLSymbol("seq_value").withFinalNumber(n); oldSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse#").withFinalNumber(n); newSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse").withFinalNumber(n); translationTable[oldSym] = newSym; translationTable[oldSym2] = newSym2; } } // get params from xml const unsigned numAttrs = xmlState.getNumAttributes(); String patcherInputStr ("patcher_input_"); for(unsigned i=0; i<numAttrs; ++i) { // get name / value pair. const String& attrName = xmlState.getAttributeName(i); const MLParamValue paramVal = xmlState.getDoubleAttribute(attrName); // if not a patcher input setting, if (!attrName.contains(patcherInputStr)) { // see if we have this named parameter in our engine. MLSymbol paramSym = XMLAttrToSymbol(attrName); const int pIdx = getParameterIndex(paramSym); if (pIdx >= 0) { // debug() << "setStateFromXML: <" << paramSym << " = " << paramVal << ">\n"; setPropertyImmediate(paramSym, paramVal); } else // try finding a match through translation table. { //debug() << "Looking for parameter " << paramSym << " in table...\n"; std::map<MLSymbol, MLSymbol>::iterator it; it = translationTable.find(paramSym); if (it != translationTable.end()) { const MLSymbol newSym = translationTable[paramSym]; const int pNewIdx = getParameterIndex(newSym); if (pNewIdx >= 0) { //debug() << "translated parameter to " << newSym << " .\n"; setPropertyImmediate(newSym, paramVal); } else { MLError() << "MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML: no such parameter! \n"; } } else { // fail silently on unfound params, because we have deprecated some but they may still // be around in old presets. //debug() << "MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML: parameter " << paramSym << " not found!\n"; } } } } // get editor state from XML if(setViewAttributes) { int x = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_x"); int y = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_y"); int width = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_width"); int height = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_height"); mEditorRect = MLRect(x, y, width, height); mEditorNumbersOn = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_num", 1); mEditorAnimationsOn = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_anim", 1); } }
TrajectoryGraphicsItem::TrajectoryGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItemGroup(parent) { setDefaultParameters(); }
SPEA2::SPEA2():EABase() { setDefaultParameters(); }
FogInfo::FogInfo() { color[3] = 1.0f; setDefaultParameters(); }
PulsePal::PulsePal() { setDefaultParameters(); }
SPEA2Adapt::SPEA2Adapt():EABase() { setDefaultParameters(); }
SPEA2Adapt::SPEA2Adapt(Project* project,Problem* problem) :EABase(project,problem) { setDefaultParameters(); };
Grnn::Trainer::Trainer(const MATRIX& X, const VECTOR& y) : X_(&X), y_(&y), z_(VECTOR(y.size(), 0.0)) { setDefaultParameters(); }