コード例 #1
ファイル: Network.cpp プロジェクト: Asele/nupic.core
Region* Network::addRegionFromBundle(const std::string& name, 
                                     const std::string& nodeType, 
                                     const Dimensions& dimensions, 
                                     const std::string& bundlePath, 
                                     const std::string& label)
  if (regions_.contains(name))
    NTA_THROW << "Invalid saved network: two or more instance of region '" << name << "'";

  if (! Path::exists(bundlePath))
    NTA_THROW << "addRegionFromBundle -- bundle '" << bundlePath 
              << " does not exist";
  BundleIO bundle(bundlePath, label, name, /* isInput: */ true );
  Region *r = new Region(name, nodeType, dimensions, bundle, this);
  regions_.add(name, r);
  initialized_ = false;
  // In the normal use case (deserializing a network from a bundle)
  // this default phase will immediately be overridden with the
  // saved phases. Having it here makes it possible for user code
  // to safely call addRegionFromBundle directly.
  return r;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Network.cpp プロジェクト: Asele/nupic.core
Region* Network::addRegion(const std::string& name, 
                           const std::string& nodeType, 
                           const std::string& nodeParams)
  if (regions_.contains(name))
    NTA_THROW << "Region with name '" << name << "' already exists in network";

  Region *r = new Region(name, nodeType, nodeParams, this);
  regions_.add(name, r);
  initialized_ = false;
  return r;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Network.cpp プロジェクト: jaredweiss/nupic.core
Region* Network::addRegionFromProto(const std::string& name,
                                    RegionProto::Reader& proto)
  if (regions_.contains(name))
    NTA_THROW << "Cannot add region with name '" << name
              << "' that is already in used.";

  auto region = new Region(name, proto, this);
  regions_.add(name, region);
  initialized_ = false;

  // In the normal use case (deserializing a network)
  // this default phase will immediately be overridden with the
  // saved phases. Having it here makes it possible for user code
  // to safely call addRegionFromProto directly.
  return region;