コード例 #1
ファイル: main_serial.cpp プロジェクト: svyatoslavdm/hardware
bool setForceSrv(wsg_50_common::Conf::Request &req, wsg_50_common::Conf::Response &res)
	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main_serial.cpp プロジェクト: svyatoslavdm/hardware
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   ros::init(argc, argv, "wsg_50");
   ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
   signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);
   double rate, grasping_force;
   std::string device;
   int bitrate;
   nh.param("read_rate", rate, 30.0);
   nh.param("grasping_force", grasping_force, 80.0);
   nh.param("device", device, std::string("/dev/ttyUSB3"));
   nh.param("bitrate", bitrate, 38400);
   nh.param("use_fmf", use_fmf, true);
   // Connect to device
   int res_con;
   ROS_INFO("Connecting to %s: (rs232) at %d ...", device.c_str(), bitrate);
   res_con = cmd_connect_serial(device.c_str(), bitrate);

   if (res_con == 0 ) {
        ROS_INFO("Gripper connection stablished");

		// Services
        ros::ServiceServer moveSS, graspSS, releaseSS, homingSS, stopSS, ackSS, incrementSS, setAccSS, setForceSS;
        ros::ServiceServer move_no_waitingSS, grasp_no_waitingSS, release_no_waitingSS, 
                           homing_no_waitingSS, stop_no_waitingSS, setAcc_no_waitingSS, 
                           setForce_no_waitingSS, setLimitsSS, clearLimitsSS, getLimitsSS;

        moveSS = nh.advertiseService("move", moveSrv);
        graspSS = nh.advertiseService("grasp", graspSrv);
        releaseSS = nh.advertiseService("release", releaseSrv);
        homingSS = nh.advertiseService("homing", homingSrv);
        stopSS = nh.advertiseService("stop", stopSrv);
        ackSS = nh.advertiseService("ack", ackSrv);

        setAccSS = nh.advertiseService("set_acceleration", setAccSrv);
        setForceSS = nh.advertiseService("set_force", setForceSrv);
        move_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("move_no_waiting", moveSrv_no_waiting);
        grasp_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("grasp_no_waiting", graspSrv_no_waiting);
        release_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("release_no_waiting", releaseSrv_no_waiting);
        homing_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("homing_no_waiting", homingSrv_no_waiting);
        stop_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("stop_no_waiting", stopSrv_no_waiting);
        setAcc_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("set_acceleration_no_waiting", setAccSrv_no_waiting);
        setForce_no_waitingSS = nh.advertiseService("set_force_no_waiting", setForceSrv_no_waiting);
        setLimitsSS = nh.advertiseService("set_soft_limits", setLimitsSrv);
        clearLimitsSS = nh.advertiseService("clear_soft_limits", clearLimitsSrv);
        getLimitsSS = nh.advertiseService("view_soft_limits", getLimitsSrv);
		// Publisher
		g_pub_state = nh.advertise<wsg_50_common::Status>("status", 1000);
		g_pub_joint = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("joint_states", 10);
        g_pub_moving = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("moving", 10);

		ROS_INFO("Ready to use, homing now...");

		if (grasping_force > 0.0) {
			ROS_INFO("Setting grasping force limit to %5.1f", grasping_force);
		if (use_fmf)
		    ROS_INFO("Force measure fingers data reading: ON");
		    ROS_INFO("Reading finger info (type 0 - generic, 1 - WSG-FMF) ...");
		    getFingerInfo(0, info_fingers[0]);
		    getFingerInfo(1, info_fingers[1]);
		    ROS_INFO("Finger 0 type %d: data size %d bytes", info_fingers[0].type, info_fingers[0].data_size);
		    ROS_INFO("Finger 1 type %d: data size %d bytes", info_fingers[1].type, info_fingers[1].data_size); 
            if (info_fingers[0].type != info_fingers[1].type)
                info_fingers[0].type = info_fingers[1].type = 1;
    		ROS_INFO("Force measure fingers data reading: OFF");
		    info_fingers[0].type = info_fingers[1].type = 0;
        ROS_INFO("Init done. Starting timer/thread with target rate %.1f.", rate);
        std::thread th;
        g_thread = true;
        th = std::thread(read_thread, (int)(1000.0/rate));

	} else {
        ROS_ERROR("Unable to connect, please check the port and address used.");

	return 0;

コード例 #3
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   ros::init(argc, argv, "wsg_50");
   ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
   signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);

   std::string ip, protocol, com_mode;
   int port, local_port;
   double rate, grasping_force;
   bool use_udp = false;

   nh.param("ip", ip, std::string(""));
   nh.param("port", port, 1000);
   nh.param("local_port", local_port, 1501);
   nh.param("protocol", protocol, std::string(""));
   nh.param("com_mode", com_mode, std::string(""));
   nh.param("rate", rate, 1.0); // With custom script, up to 30Hz are possible
   nh.param("grasping_force", grasping_force, 0.0);

   if (protocol == "udp")
       use_udp = true;
       protocol = "tcp";
   if (com_mode == "script")
       g_mode_script = true;
   else if (com_mode == "auto_update")
       g_mode_periodic = true;
   else {
       com_mode = "polling";
       g_mode_polling = true;

   ROS_INFO("Connecting to %s:%d (%s); communication mode: %s ...", ip.c_str(), port, protocol.c_str(), com_mode.c_str());

   // Connect to device using TCP/USP
   int res_con;
   if (!use_udp)
       res_con = cmd_connect_tcp( ip.c_str(), port );
       res_con = cmd_connect_udp(local_port, ip.c_str(), port );

   if (res_con == 0 ) {
        ROS_INFO("Gripper connection stablished");

		// Services
        ros::ServiceServer moveSS, graspSS, releaseSS, homingSS, stopSS, ackSS, incrementSS, setAccSS, setForceSS;

        if (g_mode_script || g_mode_polling) {
            moveSS = nh.advertiseService("move", moveSrv);
            graspSS = nh.advertiseService("grasp", graspSrv);
            releaseSS = nh.advertiseService("release", releaseSrv);
            homingSS = nh.advertiseService("homing", homingSrv);
            stopSS = nh.advertiseService("stop", stopSrv);
            ackSS = nh.advertiseService("ack", ackSrv);
            incrementSS = nh.advertiseService("move_incrementally", incrementSrv);

            setAccSS = nh.advertiseService("set_acceleration", setAccSrv);
            setForceSS = nh.advertiseService("set_force", setForceSrv);

		// Subscriber
        ros::Subscriber sub_position, sub_speed;
        if (g_mode_script || g_mode_periodic)
            sub_position = nh.subscribe("goal_position", 5, position_cb);
        if (g_mode_script)
            sub_speed = nh.subscribe("goal_speed", 5, speed_cb);

		// Publisher
		g_pub_state = nh.advertise<wsg_50_common::Status>("status", 1000);
		g_pub_joint = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("joint_states", 10);
        if (g_mode_script || g_mode_periodic)
            g_pub_moving = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("moving", 10);

		ROS_INFO("Ready to use. Homing and taring now...");

		if (grasping_force > 0.0) {
			ROS_INFO("Setting grasping force limit to %5.1f", grasping_force);

        ROS_INFO("Init done. Starting timer/thread with target rate %.1f.", rate);
        std::thread th;
        ros::Timer tmr;
        if (g_mode_polling || g_mode_script)
            tmr = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0/rate), timer_cb);
        if (g_mode_periodic)
             th = std::thread(read_thread, (int)(1000.0/rate));


	} else {
        ROS_ERROR("Unable to connect, please check the port and address used.");

   g_mode_periodic = false;
   g_mode_script = false;
   g_mode_polling = false;

	return 0;
