void getCoreMetadata(const IFD& ifd, CoreMetadata& core) { core.dimensionOrder = ome::xml::model::enums::DimensionOrder::XYCZT; core.sizeX = ifd.getImageWidth(); core.sizeY = ifd.getImageHeight(); core.pixelType = ifd.getPixelType(); core.bitsPerPixel = significantBitsPerPixel(core.pixelType); pixel_size_type psize = ifd.getBitsPerSample(); if (psize < core.bitsPerPixel) core.bitsPerPixel = psize; uint16_t samples = ifd.getSamplesPerPixel(); tiff::PhotometricInterpretation photometric = ifd.getPhotometricInterpretation(); core.sizeC.clear(); core.sizeC.push_back(samples); core.sizeZ = core.sizeT = core.imageCount = 1U; // libtiff does any needed endian conversion // automatically, so the data is always in the native // byte order. #ifdef BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN core.littleEndian = false; #else // ! BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN core.littleEndian = true; #endif // BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN // This doesn't match the reality, but since subchannels are // addressed as planes this is needed. core.interleaved = (ifd.getPlanarConfiguration() == tiff::CONTIG); // Indexed samples. if (samples == 1 && photometric == tiff::PALETTE) { try { ome::compat::array<std::vector<uint16_t>, 3> cmap; ifd.getField(tiff::COLORMAP).get(cmap); core.indexed = true; } catch (...) { } } // Indexed samples for different photometric interpretations; // not currently supported fully. else { try { uint16_t indexed; ifd.getField(tiff::INDEXED).get(indexed); if (indexed) { core.indexed = true; } } catch (...) { } } // Add series metadata from tags. setMetadata(ifd, core, "PageName #", PAGENAME); setMetadata(ifd, core, "ImageWidth", IMAGEWIDTH); setMetadata(ifd, core, "ImageLength", IMAGELENGTH); setMetadata(ifd, core, "BitsPerSample", BITSPERSAMPLE); /// @todo EXIF IFDs setMetadata(ifd, core, "PhotometricInterpretation", PHOTOMETRIC); /// @todo Text stream output for Tag enums. /// @todo Metadata type for PhotometricInterpretation. try { setMetadata(ifd, core, "Artist", ARTIST); Threshholding th; ifd.getField(THRESHHOLDING).get(th); core.seriesMetadata.set("Threshholding", th); if (th == HALFTONE) { setMetadata(ifd, core, "CellWidth", CELLWIDTH); setMetadata(ifd, core, "CellLength", CELLLENGTH); } } catch (...) { } setMetadata(ifd, core, "Orientation", ORIENTATION); /// @todo Image orientation (storage order and direction) from /// ORIENTATION; fix up width and length from orientation. setMetadata(ifd, core, "SamplesPerPixel", SAMPLESPERPIXEL); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Software", SOFTWARE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Instrument Make", MAKE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Instrument Model", MODEL); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Make", MAKE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Model", MODEL); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Document Name", DOCUMENTNAME); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Date Time", DATETIME); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Artist", ARTIST); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Host Computer", HOSTCOMPUTER); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Copyright", COPYRIGHT); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Subfile Type", SUBFILETYPE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Fill Order", FILLORDER); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Min Sample Value", MINSAMPLEVALUE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Max Sample Value", MAXSAMPLEVALUE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "XResolution", XRESOLUTION); setMetadata(ifd, core, "YResolution", YRESOLUTION); setMetadata(ifd, core, "Planar Configuration", PLANARCONFIG); setMetadata(ifd, core, "XPosition", XPOSITION); setMetadata(ifd, core, "YPosition", YPOSITION); /// @todo Only set if debugging/verbose. // setMetadata(ifd, core, "FreeOffsets", FREEOFFSETS); // setMetadata(ifd, core, "FreeByteCounts", FREEBYTECOUNTS); setMetadata(ifd, core, "GrayResponseUnit", GRAYRESPONSEUNIT); setMetadata(ifd, core, "GrayResponseCurve", GRAYRESPONSECURVE); try { Compression cmpr; ifd.getField(COMPRESSION).get(cmpr); core.seriesMetadata.set("Compression", cmpr); if (cmpr == COMPRESSION_CCITT_T4) setMetadata(ifd, core, "T4Options", T4OPTIONS); else if (cmpr == COMPRESSION_CCITT_T6) setMetadata(ifd, core, "T6Options", T6OPTIONS); else if (cmpr == COMPRESSION_LZW) setMetadata(ifd, core, "Predictor", PREDICTOR); } catch (...) { } setMetadata(ifd, core, "ResolutionUnit", RESOLUTIONUNIT); setMetadata(ifd, core, "PageNumber", PAGENUMBER); // TransferRange only valid if TransferFunction set. if (setMetadata(ifd, core, "TransferFunction", TRANSFERFUNCTION)) setMetadata(ifd, core, "TransferRange", TRANSFERRANGE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "WhitePoint", WHITEPOINT); setMetadata(ifd, core, "PrimaryChromacities", PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES); setMetadata(ifd, core, "HalftoneHints", HALFTONEHINTS); setMetadata(ifd, core, "TileWidth", TILEWIDTH); setMetadata(ifd, core, "TileLength", TILELENGTH); /// @todo Only set if debugging/verbose. // setMetadata(ifd, core, "TileOffsets", TILEOFFSETS); // setMetadata(ifd, core, "TileByteCounts", TILEBYTECOUNTS); setMetadata(ifd, core, "InkSet", INKSET); setMetadata(ifd, core, "InkNames", INKNAMES); setMetadata(ifd, core, "NumberOfInks", NUMBEROFINKS); setMetadata(ifd, core, "DotRange", DOTRANGE); setMetadata(ifd, core, "TargetPrinter", TARGETPRINTER); setMetadata(ifd, core, "ExtraSamples", EXTRASAMPLES); setMetadata(ifd, core, "SampleFormat", SAMPLEFORMAT); /// @todo sminsamplevalue /// @todo smaxsamplevalue /// @todo Only set if debugging/verbose. // setMetadata(ifd, core, "StripOffsets", STRIPOFFSETS); // setMetadata(ifd, core, "StripByteCounts", STRIPBYTECOUNTS); /// @todo JPEG tags setMetadata(ifd, core, "YCbCrCoefficients", YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS); setMetadata(ifd, core, "YCbCrSubSampling", YCBCRSUBSAMPLING); setMetadata(ifd, core, "YCbCrPositioning", YCBCRPOSITIONING); setMetadata(ifd, core, "ReferenceBlackWhite", REFERENCEBLACKWHITE); try { uint16_t samples; ifd.getField(SAMPLESPERPIXEL).get(samples); PhotometricInterpretation photometric; ifd.getField(PHOTOMETRIC).get(photometric); if (photometric == RGB || photometric == CFA_ARRAY) samples = 3; try { std::vector<ExtraSamples> extra; ifd.getField(EXTRASAMPLES).get(extra); samples += static_cast<uint16_t>(extra.size()); } catch (...) { } core.seriesMetadata.set("NumberOfChannels", samples); } catch (...) { } core.seriesMetadata.set("BitsPerSample", bitsPerPixel(ifd.getPixelType())); }
/** * Construtor of class. * * @param imagePath: image path received of entry */ MetaInfo::MetaInfo(string imagePath) { initializeConstantVariables(); setMetadata(imagePath); }