コード例 #1
void TColorStyle::assignBlend(const TColorStyle &a, const TColorStyle &b,
                              double t) {
  // Blend colors
    int col, colCount = getColorParamCount();
    assert(a.getColorParamCount() == colCount &&
           b.getColorParamCount() == colCount);

    for (col = 0; col != colCount; ++col)
          col, blend(a.getColorParamValue(col), b.getColorParamValue(col), t));

  // Blend parameters
    int par, parCount = getParamCount();
    assert(a.getParamCount() == parCount && b.getParamCount() == parCount);

    for (par = 0; par != parCount; ++par) {
      switch (getParamType(par)) {
      case DOUBLE:
        setParamValue(par, (1 - t) * a.getParamValue(double_tag(), par) +
                               t * b.getParamValue(double_tag(), par));

コード例 #2
ファイル: Parser.cpp プロジェクト: pacastillo/gprop
 * Parses the command line, updating the flags or params according to its contents.
 * @param _argc     The argument count of the command line.
 * @param _argv     The arguments of the command line.
 * @exception UnknownArg if an argument doesn't exist
 * @exception MissingVal if a param hasn't got a value
void Parser::parse (int _argc, char **_argv)
  int i;
  for (i=1 ; i<_argc ; i++)
    catch (UnknownArg& )
      //if it isn't a flag, perhaps is a param
      setParamValue(_argv[i], _argv[++i]);

  // after parsing the command line, check if all the required params have changed
  vector<Param>::iterator pos;

  for (pos=params.begin() ; pos!=params.end() ; pos++)
    if (pos->required() && !pos->changed())
  // if there is an unchanged required param ...
  if (pos!=params.end())
    throw Parser::MissingReqParam(pos->shortName());

コード例 #3
ファイル: synthv1widget.cpp プロジェクト: ventosus/synthv1
// Swap params A/B.
void synthv1widget::swapParams ( bool bOn )
	if (m_iUpdate > 0 || !bOn)

	qDebug("synthv1widget::swapParams(%d)", int(bOn));
//	resetParamKnobs();

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < synthv1::NUM_PARAMS; ++i) {
		const synthv1::ParamIndex index = synthv1::ParamIndex(i);
		synthv1widget_knob *pKnob = paramKnob(index);
		if (pKnob) {
			const float fOldValue = pKnob->value();
			const float fNewValue = m_params_ab[index];
			setParamValue(index, fNewValue);
			updateParam(index, fNewValue);
			m_params_ab[index] = fOldValue;

	const bool bSwapA = m_ui.SwapParamsAButton->isChecked();
	m_ui.StatusBar->showMessage(tr("Swap %1").arg(bSwapA ? 'A' : 'B'), 5000);
コード例 #4
ファイル: params.cpp プロジェクト: hypertornado/mosesdecoder
bool Parameters::loadParams(int argc, char ** argv) {
    // load params from commandline args
    //if( argc < 3 ) {
    //  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No parameters. Use \"-config\" or \"-f\" to specify configuration file.\n");
    //  return false;
    bool load_from_file = false;
    std::set<std::string> setParams;
    int jumpBy = 0;
    for( int i = 1; i < argc; i += jumpBy ) {
        std::string param = argv[i];
        if(param[0] != '-') {
            std::cerr << "Unknown parameter: " << param << std::endl;
            return false;
        Utils::ltrim(param, "- ");
        // normalise parameter to long name
        param = normaliseParamName(param);
        // check if valid param name
        if(!isValidParamName(param)) {
            std::cerr << "Unknown param option \"" << param << "\"\n";
        setParams.insert(param);  // needed to not overwrite param value if file is specified
        //if the parameter is of type booL no corresponding value
        if( getValueType(param) == kBoolValue ) {
            jumpBy = 1;
            assert(setParamValue(param, kTrueValue));
        } else { //not of type bool so must have corresponding value
            assert(i+1 < argc);
            jumpBy = 2;
            std::string val = argv[i+1];
            if( param == "config" )
                load_from_file = true;
            if(!setParamValue(param, val)) {
                std::cerr << "Invalid Param name->value " << param << "->" << val << std::endl;
                return false;
    bool success = true;
    // load from file if specified
    if (load_from_file)
        success = loadParams(getParamValue("config"), setParams);
    return success;
コード例 #5
// LV2 port event dispatcher.
void drumkv1widget_lv2::port_event ( uint32_t port_index,
	uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t format, const void *buffer )
	if (format == 0 && buffer_size == sizeof(float)) {
		const drumkv1::ParamIndex index
			= drumkv1::ParamIndex(port_index - drumkv1_lv2::ParamBase);
		const float fValue = *(float *) buffer;
		setParamValue(index, fValue, m_params_def[index]);
		m_params_def[index] = false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: synthv1widget.cpp プロジェクト: ventosus/synthv1
// Reset all param default values.
void synthv1widget::resetParamValues (void)

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < synthv1::NUM_PARAMS; ++i) {
		const synthv1::ParamIndex index = synthv1::ParamIndex(i);
		const float fValue = synthv1_param::paramDefaultValue(index);
		setParamValue(index, fValue, true);
		updateParam(index, fValue);
		m_params_ab[index] = fValue;
コード例 #7
// LV2 port event dispatcher.
void synthv1widget_lv2::port_event ( uint32_t port_index,
	uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t format, const void *buffer )
	if (format == 0 && buffer_size == sizeof(float)) {
		const synthv1::ParamIndex index
			= synthv1::ParamIndex(port_index - synthv1_lv2::ParamBase);
		const float fValue = *(float *) buffer;
	#if 0//--legacy support < -- begin
		if (index == synthv1::DEL1_BPM && fValue < 3.6f)
			fValue *= 100.0f;
		setParamValue(index, fValue, m_params_def[index]);
		m_params_def[index] = false;
コード例 #8
SWIGEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_dsp_1faust_dsp_1faustJNI_setParamValue(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jstring jarg1, jfloat jarg2) {
    char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
    float arg2 ;

    arg1 = 0;
    if (jarg1) {
        arg1 = (char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars(jarg1, 0);
        if (!arg1) return ;
    arg2 = (float)jarg2;
    setParamValue((char const *)arg1,arg2);
    if (arg1) jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jarg1, (const char *)arg1);
コード例 #9
void OpenGLShaderPointLight::copyLight(PointLight &light)
    setParamValue("position", light.getPosition());
    setParamValue("ambient", light.getAmbient());
    setParamValue("diffuse", light.getDiffuse());
    setParamValue("specular", light.getSpecular());
    setParamValue("attenuation", light.getAttenuation());
    setParamValue("cutoff", light.getCutoff());
コード例 #10
ファイル: synthv1widget.cpp プロジェクト: ventosus/synthv1
// Initialize param values.
void synthv1widget::updateParamValues (void)

	synthv1_ui *pSynthUi = ui_instance();

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < synthv1::NUM_PARAMS; ++i) {
		const synthv1::ParamIndex index = synthv1::ParamIndex(i);
		const float fValue = (pSynthUi
			? pSynthUi->paramValue(index)
			: synthv1_param::paramDefaultValue(index));
		setParamValue(index, fValue, true);
		updateParam(index, fValue);
	//	updateParamEx(index, fValue);
		m_params_ab[index] = fValue;
コード例 #11
ファイル: synthv1widget.cpp プロジェクト: ventosus/synthv1
// Reset all param knobs to default values.
void synthv1widget::resetParams (void)
	synthv1_ui *pSynthUi = ui_instance();
	if (pSynthUi == NULL)



	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < synthv1::NUM_PARAMS; ++i) {
		const synthv1::ParamIndex index = synthv1::ParamIndex(i);
		float fValue = synthv1_param::paramDefaultValue(index);
		synthv1widget_knob *pKnob = paramKnob(index);
		if (pKnob)
			fValue = pKnob->defaultValue();
		setParamValue(index, fValue);
		updateParam(index, fValue);
		m_params_ab[index] = fValue;

	m_ui.StatusBar->showMessage(tr("Reset preset"), 5000);
コード例 #12
// Return TRUE if character has to update visual params.
BOOL LLPhysicsMotion::onUpdate(F32 time)
        // static FILE *mFileWrite = fopen("c:\\temp\\avatar_data.txt","w");
        if (!mParamDriver)
                return FALSE;

        if (!mLastTime)
                mLastTime = time;
                return FALSE;

        // Get all parameters and settings

        const F32 time_delta = time - mLastTime;

	// Don't update too frequently, to avoid precision errors from small time slices.
	if (time_delta <= .01)
		return FALSE;
	// If less than 1FPS, we don't want to be spending time updating physics at all.
        if (time_delta > 1.0)
                mLastTime = time;
                return FALSE;

        // Higher LOD is better.  This controls the granularity
        // and frequency of updates for the motions.
        const F32 lod_factor = LLVOAvatar::sPhysicsLODFactor;
        if (lod_factor == 0)
                return TRUE;

        LLJoint *joint = mJointState->getJoint();

        const F32 behavior_mass = getParamValue("Mass");
        const F32 behavior_gravity = getParamValue("Gravity");
        const F32 behavior_spring = getParamValue("Spring");
        const F32 behavior_gain = getParamValue("Gain");
        const F32 behavior_damping = getParamValue("Damping");
        const F32 behavior_drag = getParamValue("Drag");
        const BOOL physics_test = FALSE; // Enable this to simulate bouncing on all parts.
        F32 behavior_maxeffect = getParamValue("MaxEffect");
        if (physics_test)
                behavior_maxeffect = 1.0f;

	// Normalize the param position to be from [0,1].
	// We have to use normalized values because there may be more than one driven param,
	// and each of these driven params may have its own range.
	// This means we'll do all our calculations in normalized [0,1] local coordinates.
	const F32 position_user_local = (mParamDriver->getWeight() - mParamDriver->getMinWeight()) / (mParamDriver->getMaxWeight() - mParamDriver->getMinWeight());
	// End parameters and settings
	// Calculate velocity and acceleration in parameter space.
	//const F32 velocity_joint_local = calculateVelocity_local(time_iteration_step);
	const F32 velocity_joint_local = calculateVelocity_local();
	const F32 acceleration_joint_local = calculateAcceleration_local(velocity_joint_local);
	// End velocity and acceleration
	BOOL update_visuals = FALSE;
	// Break up the physics into a bunch of iterations so that differing framerates will show
	// roughly the same behavior.
	for (F32 time_iteration = 0; time_iteration <= time_delta; time_iteration += TIME_ITERATION_STEP)
		F32 time_iteration_step = TIME_ITERATION_STEP;
		if (time_iteration + TIME_ITERATION_STEP > time_delta)
			time_iteration_step = time_delta-time_iteration;
		// mPositon_local should be in normalized 0,1 range already.  Just making sure...
		const F32 position_current_local = llclamp(mPosition_local,
		// If the effect is turned off then don't process unless we need one more update
		// to set the position to the default (i.e. user) position.
		if ((behavior_maxeffect == 0) && (position_current_local == position_user_local))
			return update_visuals;

		// Calculate the total force 

		// Spring force is a restoring force towards the original user-set breast position.
		// F = kx
		const F32 spring_length = position_current_local - position_user_local;
		const F32 force_spring = -spring_length * behavior_spring;

		// Acceleration is the force that comes from the change in velocity of the torso.
		// F = ma
		const F32 force_accel = behavior_gain * (acceleration_joint_local * behavior_mass);

		// Gravity always points downward in world space.
		// F = mg
		const LLVector3 gravity_world(0,0,1);
		const F32 force_gravity = (toLocal(gravity_world) * behavior_gravity * behavior_mass);
		// Damping is a restoring force that opposes the current velocity.
		// F = -kv
		const F32 force_damping = -behavior_damping * mVelocity_local;
		// Drag is a force imparted by velocity (intuitively it is similar to wind resistance)
		// F = .5kv^2
		const F32 force_drag = .5*behavior_drag*velocity_joint_local*velocity_joint_local*llsgn(velocity_joint_local);

		const F32 force_net = (force_accel + 
				       force_gravity +
				       force_spring + 
				       force_damping + 

		// End total force

		// Calculate new params

		// Calculate the new acceleration based on the net force.
		// a = F/m
		const F32 acceleration_new_local = force_net / behavior_mass;
		static const F32 max_velocity = 100.0f; // magic number, used to be customizable.
		F32 velocity_new_local = mVelocity_local + acceleration_new_local*time_iteration_step;
		velocity_new_local = llclamp(velocity_new_local, 
					     -max_velocity, max_velocity);
		// Temporary debugging setting to cause all avatars to move, for profiling purposes.
		if (physics_test)
			velocity_new_local = sin(time*4.0);
		// Calculate the new parameters, or remain unchanged if max speed is 0.
		F32 position_new_local = position_current_local + velocity_new_local*time_iteration_step;
		if (behavior_maxeffect == 0)
			position_new_local = position_user_local;

		// Zero out the velocity if the param is being pushed beyond its limits.
		if ((position_new_local < 0 && velocity_new_local < 0) || 
		    (position_new_local > 1 && velocity_new_local > 0))
			velocity_new_local = 0;
		// Check for NaN values.  A NaN value is detected if the variables doesn't equal itself.  
		// If NaN, then reset everything.
		if ((mPosition_local != mPosition_local) ||
		    (mVelocity_local != mVelocity_local) ||
		    (position_new_local != position_new_local))
			position_new_local = 0;
			mVelocity_local = 0;
			mVelocityJoint_local = 0;
			mAccelerationJoint_local = 0;
			mPosition_local = 0;
			mPosition_world = LLVector3(0,0,0);

		const F32 position_new_local_clamped = llclamp(position_new_local,

		LLDriverParam *driver_param = dynamic_cast<LLDriverParam *>(mParamDriver);
		if (driver_param)
			// If this is one of our "hidden" driver params, then make sure it's
			// the default value.
			if ((driver_param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) &&
			    (driver_param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE_NO_TRANSMIT))
			for (LLDriverParam::entry_list_t::iterator iter = driver_param->mDriven.begin();
			     iter != driver_param->mDriven.end();
				LLDrivenEntry &entry = (*iter);
				LLViewerVisualParam *driven_param = entry.mParam;
				setParamValue(driven_param,position_new_local_clamped, behavior_maxeffect);
		// End calculate new params

		// Conditionally update the visual params
		// Updating the visual params (i.e. what the user sees) is fairly expensive.
		// So only update if the params have changed enough, and also take into account
		// the graphics LOD settings.
		// For non-self, if the avatar is small enough visually, then don't update.
		const F32 area_for_max_settings = 0.0;
		const F32 area_for_min_settings = 1400.0;
		const F32 area_for_this_setting = area_for_max_settings + (area_for_min_settings-area_for_max_settings)*(1.0-lod_factor);
		const F32 pixel_area = (F32)sqrt(mCharacter->getPixelArea());
		const BOOL is_self = (dynamic_cast<LLVOAvatar *>(mCharacter) != NULL && ((LLVOAvatar*)mCharacter)->isSelf());
		if ((pixel_area > area_for_this_setting) || is_self)
			const F32 position_diff_local = llabs(mPositionLastUpdate_local-position_new_local_clamped);
			const F32 min_delta = (1.0001f-lod_factor)*0.4f;
			if (llabs(position_diff_local) > min_delta)
				update_visuals = TRUE;
				mPositionLastUpdate_local = position_new_local;

		// End update visual params

		mVelocity_local = velocity_new_local;
		mAccelerationJoint_local = acceleration_joint_local;
		mPosition_local = position_new_local;
	mLastTime = time;
	mPosition_world = joint->getWorldPosition();
	mVelocityJoint_local = velocity_joint_local;

          // Write out debugging info into a spreadsheet.
          if (mFileWrite != NULL && is_self)
          fprintf(mFileWrite,"%f\t%f\t%f \t\t%f \t\t%f\t%f\t%f\t \t\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f \t\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",





        return update_visuals;
コード例 #13
ファイル: synthv1_jack.cpp プロジェクト: eriser/synthv1
int synthv1_jack::process ( jack_nframes_t nframes )
	if (!m_activated)
		return 0;

	const uint16_t nchannels = synthv1::channels();
	float *ins[nchannels], *outs[nchannels];
	for (uint16_t k = 0; k < nchannels; ++k) {
		ins[k]  = static_cast<float *> (
			::jack_port_get_buffer(m_audio_ins[k], nframes));
		outs[k] = static_cast<float *> (
			::jack_port_get_buffer(m_audio_outs[k], nframes));

	const float bpm_sync = paramValue(synthv1::DEL1_BPMSYNC);
	if (bpm_sync > 0.0f) {
		const float bpm_host = paramValue(synthv1::DEL1_BPMHOST);
		if (bpm_host > 0.0f) {
			jack_position_t pos;
			jack_transport_query(m_client, &pos);
			if (pos.valid & JackPositionBBT) {
				const float bpm = float(pos.beats_per_minute);
				if (::fabs(bpm_host - bpm) > 0.01f)
					setParamValue(synthv1::DEL1_BPMHOST, bpm);

	uint32_t ndelta = 0;

	void *midi_in = ::jack_port_get_buffer(m_midi_in, nframes);
	if (midi_in) {
		const uint32_t nevents = ::jack_midi_get_event_count(midi_in);
		for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nevents; ++n) {
			jack_midi_event_t event;
			::jack_midi_event_get(&event, midi_in, n);
			uint32_t nread = event.time - ndelta;
			if (nread > 0) {
				synthv1::process(ins, outs, nread);
				for (uint16_t k = 0; k < nchannels; ++k) {
					ins[k]  += nread;
					outs[k] += nread;
			ndelta = event.time;
			synthv1::process_midi(event.buffer, event.size);
	const jack_nframes_t buffer_size = ::jack_get_buffer_size(m_client);
	const jack_nframes_t frame_time  = ::jack_last_frame_time(m_client);
	uint8_t event_buffer[1024];
	jack_midi_event_t event;
	while (::jack_ringbuffer_peek(m_alsa_buffer,
			(char *) &event, sizeof(event)) == sizeof(event)) {
		if (event.time > frame_time)
		jack_nframes_t event_time = frame_time - event.time;
		if (event_time > buffer_size)
			event_time = 0;
			event_time = buffer_size - event_time;
		if (event_time > ndelta) {
			const uint32_t nread = event_time - ndelta;
			if (nread > 0) {
				synthv1::process(ins, outs, nread);
				for (uint16_t k = 0; k < nchannels; ++k) {
					ins[k]  += nread;
					outs[k] += nread;
			ndelta = event_time;
		::jack_ringbuffer_read_advance(m_alsa_buffer, sizeof(event));
		::jack_ringbuffer_read(m_alsa_buffer, (char *) event_buffer, event.size);
		synthv1::process_midi(event_buffer, event.size);

	synthv1::process(ins, outs, nframes - ndelta);

	return 0;
コード例 #14
void CHttpRequest::setParamValue(const char* key, const char* value)
	setParamValue(string(key), string(value));