void Function::addValueWithDerivatives() { plumed_massert( getNumberOfArguments()!=0, "for functions you must requestArguments before adding values"); ActionWithValue::addValueWithDerivatives(); getPntrToValue()->resizeDerivatives(getNumberOfArguments()); if( keywords.exists("PERIODIC") ) { std::vector<std::string> period; parseVector("PERIODIC",period); if(period.size()==1 && period[0]=="NO") { setNotPeriodic(); } else if(period.size()==2) { setPeriodic(period[0],period[1]); } else error("missing PERIODIC keyword"); } }
/*! Sets whether it is possible to step the value from the highest value to the lowest value and vice versa to on. \param wrapping en/disables wrapping \sa wrapping(), QwtDoubleRange::periodic() \note The meaning of wrapping is like the wrapping property of QSpinBox, but not like it is used in QDial. */ void QwtDial::setWrapping( bool wrapping ) { setPeriodic( wrapping ); }