scigraphics::textStyle scigraphics::legend::updateLegendRectangle( painter &Painter, const graphCollection &Graphics ) { if ( getRectangle() == InitLegendRectangle ) setRectangle( createInitialRectangle(Painter) ); std::list<std::string> Legends = legendsList(Graphics); if ( Legends.empty() ) { setRectangle( getRectangle().leftUp(), getRectangle().leftUp() ); return getLegendTextStyle(); } textStyle Style = getLegendTextStyle(); legendSize LegendSizes; while ( true ) { LegendSizes = sizesForLegendRectangle( Painter, Style, Graphics ); if ( Style.getFontSize() <= minFontSize() ) break; if ( LegendSizes.height() < Painter.height() ) break; if ( Style.getFontSize() <= minFontSize() ) break; Style.setFontSize( Style.getFontSize() - 1 ); } setRectangleFromLegendSize( Painter, LegendSizes ); return Style; }
void RLEChunk::setRectangle(const math::Vector<3, int>& min, const math::Vector<3, int>& max, blocks::Block block) { int segmentIdMin(getSegment(min[math::Dimension::Y])), segmentIdMax(getSegment(max[math::Dimension::Y])); if (segmentIdMin == segmentIdMax) { auto first = m_compression.getFirst(); auto second = m_compression.getSecond(); auto third = m_compression.getThird(); auto minPos = min; minPos[math::Dimension::Y] -= SEGMENT_HEIGHT * segmentIdMin; auto maxPos = max; maxPos[math::Dimension::Y] -= SEGMENT_HEIGHT * segmentIdMin; auto tmax = maxPos[third] + 1; auto smax = maxPos[second] + 1; auto rowSize = maxPos[first] - minPos[first]; auto& segment = m_storage[segmentIdMin]; auto pos = math::Vector<3, int>(minPos); for (pos[third]; pos[third] < tmax; pos[third]++) { for (pos[second] = minPos[second]; pos[second] < smax; pos[second]++) { auto rowMin = flatten(pos); segment.setValues(rowMin, rowMin + rowSize, block); } } } else { auto smax = max; smax[math::Dimension::Y] = ((segmentIdMin + 1) * SEGMENT_HEIGHT) - 1; auto smin = min; smin[math::Dimension::Y] = ((segmentIdMin) * SEGMENT_HEIGHT); // Begining Section. setRectangle(min, smax, block); for (auto index = segmentIdMin + 1; index < segmentIdMax; index++) { smax[math::Dimension::Y] += SEGMENT_HEIGHT; smin[math::Dimension::Y] += SEGMENT_HEIGHT; // Middle Sections setRectangle(smin, smax, block); } // End Section smin[math::Dimension::Y] += SEGMENT_HEIGHT; setRectangle(smin, max, block); } }
//============================================================================== void DrawableRectangle::refreshFromValueTree (const ValueTree& tree, ComponentBuilder& builder) { ValueTreeWrapper v (tree); setComponentID (v.getID()); refreshFillTypes (v, builder.getImageProvider()); setStrokeType (v.getStrokeType()); setRectangle (v.getRectangle()); setCornerSize (v.getCornerSize()); }
void Array3DChunk::setRectangle(const math::Vector<3, int>& min, const math::Vector<3, int>& max, blocks::Block block) { auto segmentIdMin = getSegment(min[math::Dimension::Y]); auto segmentIdMax = getSegment(max[math::Dimension::Y]); if (segmentIdMin == segmentIdMax) { // SUSPECTED SEGFAULT BOMB... //std::cout << "ENTERING HORRIBLE LOOP" << std::endl; //std::cout << IChunk::SEGMENT_HEIGHT << "segment : " << m_storage.size() << "pos: [" << m_storage[7].size() << "," << m_storage[7][IChunk::SEGMENT_WIDTH].size() << "]" << std::endl; auto ly = math::fastMod<IChunk::SEGMENT_HEIGHT>(min[math::Dimension::Y]); auto hy = math::fastMod<IChunk::SEGMENT_HEIGHT>(max[math::Dimension::Y]); for (auto x = min[math::Dimension::X]; x <= max[math::Dimension::X]; x++) { for (auto y = ly; y <= hy; y++) { //std::cout << "segment : " << segmentIdMax << "pos: [" << x << "," << y << "]" << std::endl; std::fill(m_storage->at(segmentIdMax)[x][y].begin() + min[math::Dimension::Z], m_storage->at(segmentIdMax)[x][y].begin() + max[math::Dimension::Z] + 1, block); //std::cout << "I SURVIVED THAT TIME" << std::endl; } } } else { auto smax = max; smax[math::Dimension::Y] = ((segmentIdMin + 1) * SEGMENT_HEIGHT) - 1; auto smin = min; smin[math::Dimension::Y] = ((segmentIdMin)* SEGMENT_HEIGHT); // Begining Section. setRectangle(min, smax, block); for (auto index = segmentIdMin + 1; index < segmentIdMax; index++) { smax[math::Dimension::Y] += SEGMENT_HEIGHT; smin[math::Dimension::Y] += SEGMENT_HEIGHT; // Middle Sections setRectangle(smin, smax, block); } // End Section smin[math::Dimension::Y] += SEGMENT_HEIGHT; setRectangle(smin, max, block); } }
virtual void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas* canvas) { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validateBounds(canvas)); SkPaint paint; this->setupPaint(&paint); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { SkRect current; setRectangle(current, i); for (int j = 0; j < loops * gmailScrollingRectSpec[i*3]; j++) { canvas->drawRect(current, paint); } } }
void scigraphics::legend::setRectangleFromLegendSize( painter &Painter, const legendSize &LegendSize ) { wpoint LeftUp = getRectangle().leftUp(); wpoint RightDown( LeftUp.x() + LegendSize.width(), LeftUp.y() - LegendSize.height() ); wrectangle LegendRectangle( LeftUp, RightDown ); if ( LegendRectangle.width() < Painter.plotWidth() ) while ( LegendRectangle.right() > Painter.plotWidth() ) LegendRectangle.moveX( -1 ); if ( LegendRectangle.height() < Painter.plotHeight() ) while ( LegendRectangle.down() < 0 ) LegendRectangle.moveY( +1 ); setRectangle( LegendRectangle ); }
Button::Button(int x, int y, int width, int height, ALLEGRO_FONT *buttonFont, ALLEGRO_COLOR inactiveColor, ALLEGRO_COLOR activeColor, ALLEGRO_COLOR textColor, ALLEGRO_COLOR borderColor, QString title, int value) { setRectangle(x, y, width, height); setTitle(title); setColors(inactiveColor, activeColor, textColor, borderColor); setValue(value); m_buttonFont = buttonFont; if (!m_buttonFont){ qDebug() << "Could not load font"; } qDebug() << "Created Button"; this->m_prevClick = 0; }
void GraphicImageEffectElement::updateImage() { minImage = modImage.scaled(50, 50, Qt::KeepAspectRatio/*, Qt::SmoothTransformation*/); setRectangle(minImage.rect()); update(); }
void scigraphics::floatRectangle::setRectangle( const wpoint &A, const wpoint &B ) { setRectangle( wrectangle(A,B) ); }
void DebugGuiWindowDebugProp::create( DebugGui& debugGui ) { m_inputAction = InputAction_Invalid; m_inputTimer = 0.0; m_holdTimer = 0.0; m_pInputNode = nullptr; m_pSelectedNode = nullptr; m_baseLayout.create(); m_baseLayout.setExpandChildren( false ); DebugGuiWindow::create( debugGui, "Debug Properties", m_baseLayout ); LinkedList< DebugProp >& debugProperties = debugprop::getProperties(); SizedArray<string> folderNames; folderNames.create( debugProperties.getCount() * 5u ); for (DebugProp& prop : debugProperties) { string pathName; pathName += prop.getModule(); pathName += "/"; pathName += prop.getFullName(); pathName = pathName.toLower(); int currentIndex = 0; while ( currentIndex < (int)pathName.getLength() ) { int nextIndex = pathName.indexOf( '/', currentIndex ); if ( nextIndex == -1 ) { break; } const string folderName = pathName.subString( 0, nextIndex ); if ( folderNames.getIndexOf( folderName ) == TIKI_SIZE_T_MAX ) { folderNames.push( folderName ); } currentIndex = nextIndex + 1; } } m_folderNodes.create( folderNames.getCount() ); m_propNodes.create( debugProperties.getCount() ); for (uint folderIndex = 0u; folderIndex < m_folderNodes.getCount(); ++folderIndex) { const string& name = folderNames[ folderIndex ]; TreeFolderNode& node = m_folderNodes[ folderIndex ]; = folderIndex; node.type = TreeNodeType_Folder; int lastIndex = name.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1; const string nodeName = name.subString( lastIndex, name.getLength() - lastIndex ); node.fullLayout.create(); node.nodeLayout.create(); node.spaceLayout.create(); node.chilrenLayout.create(); setLayoutParameters( node.fullLayout ); setLayoutParameters( node.nodeLayout ); setLayoutParameters( node.spaceLayout ); setLayoutParameters( node.chilrenLayout ); node.expandButton.create( "+" ); node.nameLabel.create( nodeName.cStr() ); node.nodeLayout.addChildControl( &node.expandButton ); node.nodeLayout.addChildControl( &node.nameLabel ); node.spacer.create( vector::create( 25.0f, 0.0f ) ); node.spaceLayout.addChildControl( &node.spacer ); node.spaceLayout.addChildControl( &node.chilrenLayout ); node.fullLayout.addChildControl( &node.nodeLayout ); node.fullLayout.addChildControl( &node.spaceLayout ); node.parentIndex = TIKI_SIZE_T_MAX; if ( lastIndex == 0 ) { m_baseLayout.addChildControl( &node.fullLayout ); } else { const string parentName = name.subString( 0, lastIndex - 1 ); for (uint parentIndex = 0u; parentIndex < folderIndex; ++parentIndex) { if ( folderNames[ parentIndex ] == parentName ) { node.parentIndex = parentIndex; } } TIKI_ASSERT( node.parentIndex != TIKI_SIZE_T_MAX ); } } uint propIndex = 0; for (DebugProp& prop : debugProperties) { TreePropNode& node = m_propNodes[ propIndex ]; = propIndex; node.type = TreeNodeType_Property; node.pProperty = ∝ node.nodeLayout.create(); setLayoutParameters( node.nodeLayout ); node.nameLabel.create( prop.getName() ); node.valueAlignment.create( DebugGuiAlignment::OrientationFlags_X, vector::create( 400.0f, 0.0f ) ); setDebugPropText( node.valueLabel, prop ); node.nodeLayout.addChildControl( &node.nameLabel ); node.nodeLayout.addChildControl( &node.valueAlignment ); node.nodeLayout.addChildControl( &node.valueLabel ); string pathName; pathName += prop.getModule(); pathName += "/"; pathName += prop.getFullName(); pathName = pathName.toLower(); pathName = pathName.subString( 0, pathName.lastIndexOf( '/' ) ); node.parentIndex = TIKI_SIZE_T_MAX; for (uint parentIndex = 0u; parentIndex < m_folderNodes.getCount(); ++parentIndex) { if (folderNames[ parentIndex ] == pathName ) { node.parentIndex = parentIndex; } } TIKI_ASSERT( node.parentIndex != TIKI_SIZE_T_MAX ); propIndex++; } folderNames.dispose(); setRectangle( Rectangle( 20.0, 40.0f, 200.0f, 400.0f ) ); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------*//** 画面解像度変更に対応する **//*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void HeaderPanel::complyChangeScreenSize() { // 現在の画面解像度における位置調整 RectF32 rect(RECT_THIS); setRectangle(&rect); }
Window::Window() { setWindowTitle(tr("CSC 205 Assignment 1")); // define our drawing widget (see GLWidget.h / .cpp) glWidget = new GLWidget; menubar = new QMenuBar; QMenu *file = new QMenu("&File"); QMenu *edit = new QMenu("&Edit"); menubar->addMenu(file); menubar->addMenu(edit); QAction *quitAct = new QAction(tr("&Close"), this); file->addAction(quitAct); // define our color sliders hSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); sSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); vSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); rSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); gSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); bSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); // added slider bSizeSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); // configure our color sliders hSlider->setRange(0,360); hSlider->setTickInterval(360/8); hSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); hSlider->setMinimumWidth(200); sSlider->setRange(0,100); sSlider->setTickInterval(100/8); sSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); vSlider->setRange(0,100); vSlider->setTickInterval(100/8); vSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); rSlider->setRange(0,255); rSlider->setTickInterval(255/8); rSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); gSlider->setRange(0,255); gSlider->setTickInterval(255/8); gSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); bSlider->setRange(0,255); bSlider->setTickInterval(255/8); bSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); bSizeSlider->setRange(2,80); bSizeSlider->setTickInterval(80/6); bSizeSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); // labels for our sliders hLabel = new QLabel("0"); sLabel = new QLabel("0"); vLabel = new QLabel("0"); rLabel = new QLabel("0"); gLabel = new QLabel("0"); bLabel = new QLabel("0"); bSizeLabel = new QLabel("2"); // The main (biggest) layout for our screen is a horizontal layout // This means items added to this layout will be added horizontally QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout; // add our drawing widget as the first (leftmost) widget in our horizontal layout mainLayout->addWidget(glWidget); // our sliders are going to be in a vertical column QVBoxLayout *sliderLayout = new QVBoxLayout; sliderLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); sliderLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SizeConstraint()); // each slider has 2 labels below it in a horizontal box QHBoxLayout *hLabels = new QHBoxLayout; // first is just a name that never changes hLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Hue"))); // we keep a reference to the next one because it's the label we're going to use to show // the value of this slider, and we'll need to update it accordingly hLabels->addWidget(hLabel); QHBoxLayout *sLabels = new QHBoxLayout; sLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Saturation"))); sLabels->addWidget(sLabel); QHBoxLayout *vLabels = new QHBoxLayout; vLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Value"))); vLabels->addWidget(vLabel); QHBoxLayout *rLabels = new QHBoxLayout; rLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Red"))); rLabels->addWidget(rLabel); QHBoxLayout *gLabels = new QHBoxLayout; gLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Green"))); gLabels->addWidget(gLabel); QHBoxLayout *bLabels = new QHBoxLayout; bLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Blue"))); bLabels->addWidget(bLabel); QHBoxLayout *bSizeLabels = new QHBoxLayout; bSizeLabels->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("Brush Size"))); bSizeLabels->addWidget(bSizeLabel); // we're going to have a box that shows the currently selected color // this is that box colorFrame = new QFrame; colorFrame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised); colorFrame->setLineWidth(2); colorFrame->setAutoFillBackground(true); colorFrame->setMinimumHeight(75); colorFrame->setMinimumWidth(75); // this is how we change the color of a QFrame QPalette pal = colorFrame->palette(); pal.setColor(colorFrame->backgroundRole(), QColor(0,0,0)); colorFrame->setPalette(pal); // add all of our sliders and our color box to our vertical slider layout sliderLayout->addWidget(hSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(hLabels); sliderLayout->addWidget(sSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(sLabels); sliderLayout->addWidget(vSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(vLabels); sliderLayout->addWidget(colorFrame); sliderLayout->addWidget(rSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(rLabels); sliderLayout->addWidget(gSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(gLabels); sliderLayout->addWidget(bSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(bLabels); sliderLayout->addSpacing(30); sliderLayout->addWidget(bSizeSlider); sliderLayout->addLayout(bSizeLabels); // add the slider layout to the main layout mainLayout->addLayout(sliderLayout); QGridLayout *buttonsLayout = new QGridLayout; QPushButton *rectButton[14]; //declare buttons rectButton[0] = new QPushButton("Brush 1"); rectButton[1] = new QPushButton("Brush 2"); rectButton[2] = new QPushButton("Brush 3"); rectButton[3] = new QPushButton("Brush 4"); rectButton[4] = new QPushButton("Bresenham's Line"); rectButton[5] = new QPushButton("Wu's Line"); rectButton[6] = new QPushButton("Rectangle"); rectButton[7] = new QPushButton("Filled Rectangle"); rectButton[8] = new QPushButton("Circle"); rectButton[9] = new QPushButton("Filled Circle"); rectButton[10] = new QPushButton("Polygon"); rectButton[11] = new QPushButton("Filled Polygon"); rectButton[12] = new QPushButton("Edit a Vertex"); rectButton[13] = new QPushButton("Clear"); for (int i=0; i < 14; i++) buttonsLayout->addWidget(rectButton[i], i/2, i%2, Qt::AlignTop); sliderLayout->addLayout(buttonsLayout); setLayout(mainLayout); /* Connections between our sliders and their labels */ connect(hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), hLabel, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(bSizeSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), bSizeLabel, SLOT(setNum(int))); // had to use a special method for saturation and value because sliders go from 0 - 100 and we want 0 - 1 connect(sSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSVal(int))); connect(vSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateVVal(int))); connect(rSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), rLabel, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(gSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), gLabel, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(bSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), bLabel, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hsvChanged())); connect(sSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hsvChanged())); connect(vSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hsvChanged())); connect(rSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(rgbChanged())); connect(gSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(rgbChanged())); connect(bSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(rgbChanged())); connect(bSizeSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), glWidget, SLOT(setSize(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(colorChanged(RGBColor)), glWidget, SLOT(setColor(RGBColor))); connect(rectButton[0], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setBrush1() )); connect(rectButton[1], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setBrush2() )); connect(rectButton[2], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setBrush3() )); connect(rectButton[3], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setBrush4() )); connect(rectButton[4], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setBresenhamLine() )); connect(rectButton[5], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setWuLine() )); connect(rectButton[6], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setRectangle() )); connect(rectButton[7], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setFillRectangle() )); connect(rectButton[8], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setCircle() )); connect(rectButton[9], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setFillCircle() )); connect(rectButton[10], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setPolygon() )); connect(rectButton[11], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setFillPolygon() )); connect(rectButton[12], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(setEditVertex() )); connect(rectButton[13], SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(clear() )); connect(quitAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { if(argc != 5) return EXIT_FAILURE; SDL_Surface* p_screen = init_map(TABLE_LENGTH/GRID_SIZE, TABLE_WIDTH/GRID_SIZE, 2); //Create the table node_s ** p_table = NULL; //memory allocation p_table = createTable(TABLE_LENGTH/GRID_SIZE , TABLE_WIDTH/GRID_SIZE); //initialize the table initialiseTable(p_table, TABLE_LENGTH/GRID_SIZE, TABLE_WIDTH/GRID_SIZE); uint16_t robot_length = 30; uint16_t robot_width = 30; uint16_t half_width = robot_width/2 + (GRID_SIZE-1); uint8_t grid_half_width = (half_width / GRID_SIZE) + 1; uint16_t half_diag = (uint16_t) (sqrtf((robot_length * robot_length) + (robot_width * robot_width)) / 2) + (GRID_SIZE-1); uint8_t grid_half_diag = half_diag / GRID_SIZE; //Fill the table //expand walls soft setRectangle(p_table, TABLE_LENGTH / GRID_SIZE, grid_half_diag, 0, 0, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, TABLE_LENGTH / GRID_SIZE, grid_half_diag, 0, TABLE_WIDTH/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_diag, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, TABLE_WIDTH / GRID_SIZE, 0, 0, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, TABLE_WIDTH / GRID_SIZE, TABLE_LENGTH / GRID_SIZE - grid_half_diag, 0, SOFT_OBSTACLE); // Expand dune soft setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, 20/GRID_SIZE, 80/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_diag, 0/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, 20/GRID_SIZE, 80/GRID_SIZE + 1, 0/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 81/GRID_SIZE, 20/GRID_SIZE, (half_diag + 1) / GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, 20/GRID_SIZE, 220/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_diag, 0/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, 20/GRID_SIZE, 220/GRID_SIZE + 1, 0/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 221/GRID_SIZE, 20/GRID_SIZE, (half_diag + 1) / GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); //Central T soft setRectangle(p_table, 120/GRID_SIZE, grid_half_diag, 90/GRID_SIZE, 75/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_diag, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, 120/GRID_SIZE, grid_half_diag, 90/GRID_SIZE, 75/GRID_SIZE + 1, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 90/GRID_SIZE, 76/GRID_SIZE, (half_diag + 1) / GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 210/GRID_SIZE, 76/GRID_SIZE, (half_diag + 1) / GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, 60/GRID_SIZE, 147/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_diag, 75/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_diag, 60/GRID_SIZE, 147/GRID_SIZE + 1, 75/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 150/GRID_SIZE, 135/GRID_SIZE, (half_diag + 2) / GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); //iles soft setCircle(p_table, 0/GRID_SIZE, 200/GRID_SIZE, (25 + half_diag)/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 300/GRID_SIZE, 200/GRID_SIZE, (25 + half_diag)/GRID_SIZE, SOFT_OBSTACLE); // Expand walls forbidden setRectangle(p_table, TABLE_LENGTH / GRID_SIZE, grid_half_width, 0, 0, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, TABLE_LENGTH / GRID_SIZE, grid_half_width, 0, TABLE_WIDTH/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_width, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, TABLE_WIDTH / GRID_SIZE, 0, 0, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, TABLE_WIDTH / GRID_SIZE, TABLE_LENGTH / GRID_SIZE - grid_half_width, 0, FORBIDDEN); //expand dune forbidden setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, 20/GRID_SIZE, 80/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_width, 0/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, 20/GRID_SIZE, 80/GRID_SIZE + 1, 0/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setCircle(p_table, 81/GRID_SIZE, 20/GRID_SIZE, (half_width + 1) / GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, 20/GRID_SIZE, 220/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_width, 0/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, 20/GRID_SIZE, 220/GRID_SIZE + 1, 0/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setCircle(p_table, 221/GRID_SIZE, 20/GRID_SIZE, (half_width + 1) / GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); //Central T forbidden setRectangle(p_table, 120/GRID_SIZE, grid_half_width, 90/GRID_SIZE, 75/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_width, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, 120/GRID_SIZE, grid_half_width, 90/GRID_SIZE, 75/GRID_SIZE + 1, FORBIDDEN); setCircle(p_table, 90/GRID_SIZE, 76/GRID_SIZE, (half_width + 1) / GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setCircle(p_table, 210/GRID_SIZE, 76/GRID_SIZE, (half_width + 1) / GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, 60/GRID_SIZE, 147/GRID_SIZE - grid_half_width, 75/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setRectangle(p_table, grid_half_width, 60/GRID_SIZE, 147/GRID_SIZE + 1, 75/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setCircle(p_table, 150/GRID_SIZE, 135/GRID_SIZE, (half_width + 2) / GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); //iles forbidden setCircle(p_table, 0/GRID_SIZE, 200/GRID_SIZE, (25 + half_width)/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); setCircle(p_table, 300/GRID_SIZE, 200/GRID_SIZE, (25 + half_width)/GRID_SIZE, FORBIDDEN); //dune obstacle setRectangle(p_table, 2/GRID_SIZE, 20/GRID_SIZE, 80/GRID_SIZE, 0/GRID_SIZE, OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, 2/GRID_SIZE, 20/GRID_SIZE, 220/GRID_SIZE, 0/GRID_SIZE, OBSTACLE); // central T obstacle setRectangle(p_table, 120/GRID_SIZE, 2/GRID_SIZE, 90/GRID_SIZE, 75/GRID_SIZE, OBSTACLE); setRectangle(p_table, 6/GRID_SIZE, 60/GRID_SIZE, 147/GRID_SIZE, 75/GRID_SIZE, OBSTACLE); //iles obstacle setCircle(p_table, 0/GRID_SIZE, 200/GRID_SIZE, 25/GRID_SIZE, OBSTACLE); setCircle(p_table, 300/GRID_SIZE, 200/GRID_SIZE, 25/GRID_SIZE, OBSTACLE); if(!setStartNode(p_table, atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]))) if(!setTargetNode(p_table, atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4]))) startMainLoop(p_table, p_screen, 2); draw_map(p_table, TABLE_LENGTH/GRID_SIZE, TABLE_WIDTH/GRID_SIZE, 2, p_screen); sdl_pause(); quit_map(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }