void InputDevice::updateSetStickButtonNames(int stickIndex, int buttonIndex) { JoyControlStick *stick = getActiveSetJoystick()->getJoyStick(stickIndex); if (stick) { JoyControlStickButton *button = stick->getDirectionButton(JoyControlStick::JoyStickDirections(buttonIndex)); if (button) { setStickButtonName(stickIndex, buttonIndex, button->getButtonName()); } } }
void InputDevice::readConfig(QXmlStreamReader *xml) { if (xml->isStartElement() && xml->name() == getXmlName()) { reset(); xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != getXmlName())) { if (xml->name() == "sets" && xml->isStartElement()) { xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "sets")) { if (xml->name() == "set" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && index < joystick_sets.size()) { joystick_sets.value(index)->readConfig(xml); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "stickAxisAssociation" && xml->isStartElement()) { int stickIndex = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int xAxis = xml->attributes().value("xAxis").toString().toInt(); int yAxis = xml->attributes().value("yAxis").toString().toInt(); if (stickIndex > 0 && xAxis > 0 && yAxis > 0) { xAxis -= 1; yAxis -= 1; stickIndex -= 1; for (int i=0; i <joystick_sets.size(); i++) { SetJoystick *currentset = joystick_sets.value(i); JoyAxis *axis1 = currentset->getJoyAxis(xAxis); JoyAxis *axis2 = currentset->getJoyAxis(yAxis); if (axis1 && axis2) { JoyControlStick *stick = new JoyControlStick(axis1, axis2, stickIndex, i, this); currentset->addControlStick(stickIndex, stick); } } xml->readNext(); } else { xml->skipCurrentElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "vdpadButtonAssociations" && xml->isStartElement()) { int vdpadIndex = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); if (vdpadIndex > 0) { for (int i=0; i <joystick_sets.size(); i++) { SetJoystick *currentset = joystick_sets.value(i); VDPad *vdpad = currentset->getVDPad(vdpadIndex-1); if (!vdpad) { vdpad = new VDPad(vdpadIndex-1, i, currentset); currentset->addVDPad(vdpadIndex-1, vdpad); } } xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "vdpadButtonAssociations")) { if (xml->name() == "vdpadButtonAssociation" && xml->isStartElement()) { int vdpadAxisIndex = xml->attributes().value("axis").toString().toInt(); int vdpadButtonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); int vdpadDirection = xml->attributes().value("direction").toString().toInt(); if (vdpadAxisIndex > 0 && vdpadDirection > 0) { vdpadAxisIndex -= 1; for (int i=0; i < joystick_sets.size(); i++) { SetJoystick *currentset = joystick_sets.value(i); VDPad *vdpad = currentset->getVDPad(vdpadIndex-1); if (vdpad) { JoyAxis *axis = currentset->getJoyAxis(vdpadAxisIndex); if (axis) { JoyButton *button = 0; if (vdpadButtonIndex == 0) { button = axis->getNAxisButton(); } else if (vdpadButtonIndex == 1) { button = axis->getPAxisButton(); } if (button) { vdpad->addVButton((JoyDPadButton::JoyDPadDirections)vdpadDirection, button); } } } } } else if (vdpadButtonIndex > 0 && vdpadDirection > 0) { vdpadButtonIndex -= 1; for (int i=0; i < joystick_sets.size(); i++) { SetJoystick *currentset = joystick_sets.value(i); VDPad *vdpad = currentset->getVDPad(vdpadIndex-1); if (vdpad) { JoyButton *button = currentset->getJoyButton(vdpadButtonIndex); if (button) { vdpad->addVButton((JoyDPadButton::JoyDPadDirections)vdpadDirection, button); } } } } xml->readNext(); } else { xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } for (int i=0; i < joystick_sets.size(); i++) { SetJoystick *currentset = joystick_sets.value(i); for (int j=0; j < currentset->getNumberVDPads(); j++) { VDPad *vdpad = currentset->getVDPad(j); if (vdpad && vdpad->isEmpty()) { currentset->removeVDPad(j); } } } } else if (xml->name() == "names" && xml->isStartElement()) { xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "names")) { if (xml->name() == "buttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setButtonName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "axisbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; buttonIndex = buttonIndex - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setAxisButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "controlstickbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setStickButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "dpadbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setDPadButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "vdpadbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setVDPadButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "axisname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setAxisName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "controlstickname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setStickName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "dpadname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setDPadName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "vdpadname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setVDPadName(index, temp); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "keyPressTime" && xml->isStartElement()) { QString temptext = xml->readElementText(); int tempchoice = temptext.toInt(); if (tempchoice >= 10) { this->setDeviceKeyDelay(tempchoice); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } }
void GameController::readConfig(QXmlStreamReader *xml) { if (xml->isStartElement() && xml->name() == getXmlName()) { reset(); xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != getXmlName())) { if (xml->name() == "sets" && xml->isStartElement()) { xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "sets")) { if (xml->name() == "set" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && index < joystick_sets.size()) { joystick_sets.value(index)->readConfig(xml); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "names" && xml->isStartElement()) { xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "names")) { if (xml->name() == "buttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setButtonName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "triggerbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = (index - 1) + SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT; buttonIndex = buttonIndex - 1; if ((index == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT || index == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT) && !temp.isEmpty()) { setAxisButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "controlstickbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setStickButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "dpadbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setVDPadButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "triggername" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = (index - 1) + SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT; if ((index == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT || index == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT) && !temp.isEmpty()) { setAxisName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "controlstickname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setStickName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "dpadname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setVDPadName(index, temp); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "keyPressTime" && xml->isStartElement()) { QString temptext = xml->readElementText(); int tempchoice = temptext.toInt(); if (tempchoice >= 10) { this->setDeviceKeyDelay(tempchoice); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } }
void GameController::readJoystickConfig(QXmlStreamReader *xml) { if (xml->isStartElement() && xml->name() == "joystick") { //reset(); transferReset(); QHash<unsigned int, SDL_GameControllerButton> buttons; QHash<unsigned int, SDL_GameControllerAxis> axes; QList<SDL_GameControllerButtonBind> hatButtons; for (int i=(int)SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A; i < (int)SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; i++) { SDL_GameControllerButton currentButton = (SDL_GameControllerButton)i; SDL_GameControllerButtonBind bound = SDL_GameControllerGetBindForButton(this->controller, currentButton); if (bound.bindType == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_BUTTON) { buttons.insert(bound.value.button, currentButton); } else if (bound.bindType == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_HAT) { hatButtons.append(bound); } } for (int i=(int)SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX; i < (int)SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX; i++) { SDL_GameControllerAxis currentAxis = (SDL_GameControllerAxis)i; SDL_GameControllerButtonBind bound = SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(this->controller, currentAxis); if (bound.bindType == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_AXIS) { axes.insert(bound.value.axis, currentAxis); } } xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "joystick")) { if (xml->name() == "sets" && xml->isStartElement()) { xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "sets")) { if (xml->name() == "set" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && index < joystick_sets.size()) { GameControllerSet *currentSet = static_cast<GameControllerSet*>(joystick_sets.value(index)); currentSet->readJoystickConfig(xml, buttons, axes, hatButtons); } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "names" && xml->isStartElement()) { bool dpadNameExists = false; bool vdpadNameExists = false; xml->readNextStartElement(); while (!xml->atEnd() && (!xml->isEndElement() && xml->name() != "names")) { if (xml->name() == "buttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { SDL_GameControllerButton current = buttons.value(index); if (current) { setButtonName(current, temp); } } } else if (xml->name() == "axisbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; buttonIndex = buttonIndex - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { SDL_GameControllerAxis current = axes.value(index); if (current) { if (current == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX) { setStickButtonName(0, buttonIndex, temp); } else if (current == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY) { setStickButtonName(0, buttonIndex, temp); } else if (current == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX) { setStickButtonName(1, buttonIndex, temp); } else if (current == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY) { setStickButtonName(1, buttonIndex, temp); } else if (current == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT) { setAxisName(current, temp); } else if (current == SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT) { setAxisName(current, temp); } } } } else if (xml->name() == "controlstickbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setStickButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "dpadbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { bool found = false; QListIterator<SDL_GameControllerButtonBind> iter(hatButtons); SDL_GameControllerButtonBind current; while (iter.hasNext()) { current = iter.next(); if (current.value.hat.hat == index) { found = true; iter.toBack(); } } if (found) { VDPad *dpad = getActiveSetJoystick()->getVDPad(0); if (dpad) { JoyDPadButton *dpadbutton = dpad->getJoyButton(buttonIndex); if (dpad && dpadbutton->getActionName().isEmpty()) { setVDPadButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } } } } else if (xml->name() == "vdpadbuttonname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); int buttonIndex = xml->attributes().value("button").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { bool found = false; QListIterator<SDL_GameControllerButtonBind> iter(hatButtons); SDL_GameControllerButtonBind current; while (iter.hasNext()) { current = iter.next(); if (current.value.hat.hat == index) { found = true; iter.toBack(); } } if (found) { VDPad *dpad = getActiveSetJoystick()->getVDPad(0); if (dpad) { JoyDPadButton *dpadbutton = dpad->getJoyButton(buttonIndex); if (dpad && dpadbutton->getActionName().isEmpty()) { setVDPadButtonName(index, buttonIndex, temp); } } } } } else if (xml->name() == "axisname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { if (axes.contains(index)) { SDL_GameControllerAxis current = axes.value(index); setAxisName((int)current, temp); } } } else if (xml->name() == "controlstickname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty()) { setStickName(index, temp); } } else if (xml->name() == "dpadname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty() && !vdpadNameExists) { bool found = false; QListIterator<SDL_GameControllerButtonBind> iter(hatButtons); SDL_GameControllerButtonBind current; while (iter.hasNext()) { current = iter.next(); if (current.value.hat.hat == index) { found = true; iter.toBack(); } } if (found) { dpadNameExists = true; VDPad *dpad = getActiveSetJoystick()->getVDPad(0); if (dpad) { if (dpad->getDpadName().isEmpty()) { setVDPadName(index, temp); } } } } } else if (xml->name() == "vdpadname" && xml->isStartElement()) { int index = xml->attributes().value("index").toString().toInt(); QString temp = xml->readElementText(); index = index - 1; if (index >= 0 && !temp.isEmpty() && !dpadNameExists) { bool found = false; QListIterator<SDL_GameControllerButtonBind> iter(hatButtons); SDL_GameControllerButtonBind current; while (iter.hasNext()) { current = iter.next(); if (current.value.hat.hat == index) { found = true; iter.toBack(); } } if (found) { vdpadNameExists = true; VDPad *dpad = getActiveSetJoystick()->getVDPad(0); if (dpad) { if (dpad->getDpadName().isEmpty()) { setVDPadName(index, temp); } } } } } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } } else if (xml->name() == "keyPressTime" && xml->isStartElement()) { QString temptext = xml->readElementText(); int tempchoice = temptext.toInt(); if (tempchoice >= 10) { this->setDeviceKeyPressTime(tempchoice); } } else if (xml->name() == "profilename" && xml->isStartElement()) { QString temptext = xml->readElementText(); this->setProfileName(temptext); } else { // If none of the above, skip the element xml->skipCurrentElement(); } xml->readNextStartElement(); } reInitButtons(); } }