void ConnectorTypeWidget::cancel() { setType(m_typeBackUp); }
gqbTable::gqbTable(gqbObject *parent, wxString name, pgConn *connection, type_gqbObject type, OID oid) : gqbObjectCollection(name, parent, connection, oid) { setType(type); }
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_ocera_orte_Publication_jORTEPublicationPropertiesGet (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong j_appDomain_handle) { // jni types jclass cls_pp = NULL; // PublProp class jclass cls_ntpT = NULL; // NtpTime class jobject obj_pp = NULL; // instance of PublProp jobject obj_ntpT = NULL; // instance of NtpTime jfieldID fid = NULL; jmethodID mid; jboolean jbool = 0; // int b = 0; int flag_ok = 0; ORTEPublProp pp; ORTEPublProp *publ_prop = &pp; // calling original orte function #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":c: ORTEPublicationPropertiesGet() called.. \n"); #endif // create new PublProps instance and set its fields do { // call ORTE function b = ORTEPublicationPropertiesGet((ORTEPublication *)j_appDomain_handle, publ_prop); if (b == ORTE_BAD_HANDLE) { printf(":!c: PublicationPropertiesGet() failed! [bad pub handle] \n"); break; } // find class cls_pp = findClass(env, "org.ocera.orte.types.PublProp"); if (cls_pp == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: cls_pp = NULL \n"); #endif break; } // call object constructor mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls_pp, "<init>", "()V"); if (mid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: mid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } // new object obj_pp = (*env)->NewObject(env, cls_pp, mid); if (obj_pp == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: obj_pp = NULL \n"); #endif break; } #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":c: instance of 'org.ocera.orte.types.PublProp' created..\n"); #endif // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // setting object's fields ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // set topic if (!setTopic(env, cls_pp, obj_pp, (const char *)publ_prop->topic)) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: setTopic() failed! \n"); #endif break; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // set type if (!setType(env, cls_pp, obj_pp, (const char *)publ_prop->typeName)) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: setType() failed! \n"); #endif break; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - typeChecksum fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "typeChecksum", "I"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetIntField(env, obj_pp, fid, (jint)publ_prop->typeChecksum); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - expectsAck fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "expectsAck", "Z"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } if (publ_prop->expectsAck == ORTE_FALSE) jbool = 0; else jbool = 1; (*env)->SetBooleanField(env, obj_pp, fid, jbool); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - persistence cls_ntpT = findClass(env, "org.ocera.orte.types.NtpTime"); if (cls_ntpT == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: cls_ntpT = NULL \n"); #endif break; } // call object constructor mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls_ntpT, "<init>", "(IJ)V"); if (mid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: mid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } // new object obj_ntpT = (*env)->NewObject(env, cls_ntpT, mid, (jint)publ_prop->persistence.seconds, (jlong)publ_prop->persistence.fraction); if (obj_ntpT == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: obj_ntpT = NULL \n"); #endif break; } #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":c: instance of 'org.ocera.orte.types.NtpTime' created..\n"); #endif // set 'PublProp' NtpTime's field fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "persistence", "Lorg/ocera/orte/types/NtpTime;"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetObjectField(env, obj_pp, fid, obj_ntpT); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - HBNornalRate // cls_ntpT and obj_ntpT already readed!! // new object obj_ntpT = (*env)->NewObject(env, cls_ntpT, mid, (jint)publ_prop->HBNornalRate.seconds, (jlong)publ_prop->HBNornalRate.fraction); if (obj_ntpT == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: obj_ntpT = NULL \n"); #endif break; } #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":c: instance of 'org.ocera.orte.types.NtpTime' created..\n"); #endif // set 'PublProp' NtpTime's field fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "HBNornalRate", "Lorg/ocera/orte/types/NtpTime;"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetObjectField(env, obj_pp, fid, obj_ntpT); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - HBCQLRate // cls_ntpT and obj_ntpT already readed!! // new object obj_ntpT = (*env)->NewObject(env, cls_ntpT, mid, (jint)publ_prop->HBCQLRate.seconds, (jlong)publ_prop->HBCQLRate.fraction); if (obj_ntpT == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: obj_ntpT = NULL \n"); #endif break; } #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":c: instance of 'org.ocera.orte.types.NtpTime' created..\n"); #endif // set 'PublProp' NtpTime's field fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "HBCQLRate", "Lorg/ocera/orte/types/NtpTime;"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetObjectField(env, obj_pp, fid, obj_ntpT); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - HBCQLRate // cls_ntpT and obj_ntpT already readed!! // new object obj_ntpT = (*env)->NewObject(env, cls_ntpT, mid, (jint)publ_prop->maxBlockTime.seconds, (jlong)publ_prop->maxBlockTime.fraction); if (obj_ntpT == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: obj_ntpT = NULL \n"); #endif break; } #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":c: instance of 'org.ocera.orte.types.NtpTime' created..\n"); #endif // set 'PublProp' NtpTime's field fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "maxBlockTime", "Lorg/ocera/orte/types/NtpTime;"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetObjectField(env, obj_pp, fid, obj_ntpT); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - reliabilityOffered fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "reliabilityOffered", "J"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetLongField(env, obj_pp, fid, (jlong)publ_prop->reliabilityOffered); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - sendQueueSize fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "sendQueueSize", "J"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetLongField(env, obj_pp, fid, (jlong)publ_prop->sendQueueSize); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - strength fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "strength", "I"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetIntField(env, obj_pp, fid, (jint)publ_prop->strength); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - criticalQueueLevel fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "criticalQueueLevel", "J"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetLongField(env, obj_pp, fid, (jlong)publ_prop->criticalQueueLevel); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // fieldID - HBMaxRetries fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls_pp, "HBMaxRetries", "J"); if (fid == 0) { #ifdef TEST_STAGE printf(":!c: fid = NULL \n"); #endif break; } (*env)->SetLongField(env, obj_pp, fid, (jlong)publ_prop->HBMaxRetries); // set flag flag_ok = 1; } while (0); if (flag_ok == 0) { return NULL; } return obj_pp; }
static oop _newOops(int type, size_t size) { oop obj= GC_malloc(size); setType(obj, type); return obj; }
// // Establishes the type of the resultant operation, as well as // makes the operator the correct one for the operands. // // Returns false if operator can't work on operands. // bool TIntermBinary::promote(TInfoSink& infoSink) { // This function only handles scalars, vectors, and matrices. if (left->isArray() || right->isArray()) { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Invalid operation for arrays"); return false; } // GLSL ES 2.0 does not support implicit type casting. // So the basic type should always match. if (left->getBasicType() != right->getBasicType()) return false; // // Base assumption: just make the type the same as the left // operand. Then only deviations from this need be coded. // setType(left->getType()); // The result gets promoted to the highest precision. TPrecision higherPrecision = GetHigherPrecision(left->getPrecision(), right->getPrecision()); getTypePointer()->setPrecision(higherPrecision); // Binary operations results in temporary variables unless both // operands are const. if (left->getQualifier() != EvqConst || right->getQualifier() != EvqConst) { getTypePointer()->setQualifier(EvqTemporary); } int size = std::max(left->getNominalSize(), right->getNominalSize()); // // All scalars. Code after this test assumes this case is removed! // if (size == 1) { switch (op) { // // Promote to conditional // case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; // // And and Or operate on conditionals // case EOpLogicalAnd: case EOpLogicalOr: // Both operands must be of type bool. if (left->getBasicType() != EbtBool || right->getBasicType() != EbtBool) return false; setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; default: break; } return true; } // If we reach here, at least one of the operands is vector or matrix. // The other operand could be a scalar, vector, or matrix. // Are the sizes compatible? // if (left->getNominalSize() != right->getNominalSize()) { // If the nominal size of operands do not match: // One of them must be scalar. if (left->getNominalSize() != 1 && right->getNominalSize() != 1) return false; // Operator cannot be of type pure assignment. if (op == EOpAssign || op == EOpInitialize) return false; } // // Can these two operands be combined? // TBasicType basicType = left->getBasicType(); switch (op) { case EOpMul: if (!left->isMatrix() && right->isMatrix()) { if (left->isVector()) op = EOpVectorTimesMatrix; else { op = EOpMatrixTimesScalar; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, size, true)); } } else if (left->isMatrix() && !right->isMatrix()) { if (right->isVector()) { op = EOpMatrixTimesVector; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, size, false)); } else { op = EOpMatrixTimesScalar; } } else if (left->isMatrix() && right->isMatrix()) { op = EOpMatrixTimesMatrix; } else if (!left->isMatrix() && !right->isMatrix()) { if (left->isVector() && right->isVector()) { // leave as component product } else if (left->isVector() || right->isVector()) { op = EOpVectorTimesScalar; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, size, false)); } } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Missing elses"); return false; } break; case EOpMulAssign: if (!left->isMatrix() && right->isMatrix()) { if (left->isVector()) op = EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign; else { return false; } } else if (left->isMatrix() && !right->isMatrix()) { if (right->isVector()) { return false; } else { op = EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign; } } else if (left->isMatrix() && right->isMatrix()) { op = EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign; } else if (!left->isMatrix() && !right->isMatrix()) { if (left->isVector() && right->isVector()) { // leave as component product } else if (left->isVector() || right->isVector()) { if (! left->isVector()) return false; op = EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, size, false)); } } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Missing elses"); return false; } break; case EOpAssign: case EOpInitialize: case EOpAdd: case EOpSub: case EOpDiv: case EOpAddAssign: case EOpSubAssign: case EOpDivAssign: if ((left->isMatrix() && right->isVector()) || (left->isVector() && right->isMatrix())) return false; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, size, left->isMatrix() || right->isMatrix())); break; case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: if ((left->isMatrix() && right->isVector()) || (left->isVector() && right->isMatrix())) return false; setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; default: return false; } return true; }
ChessBoardPiece::ChessBoardPiece(CBW::WidgetType type, CBW::WidgetColor color, int file, int rank) { setPostition(file, rank); setType(type); setColor(color); }
// Internal set type method SubsystemType SubsystemInfo::setType( SubsystemType _type, const char *_type_name ) { return setType( m_InfoTable->lookup(_type), _type_name ); }
MidiChannelMessage::MidiChannelMessage(MidiMessageType type){ setType(type); };
void Font::init() { setType(GameObjectMetaType::Font); mFontAsset = 0; }
Weapon::Weapon(std::string str) { setType(str); std::cout << "Weapon created" << std::endl; return ; }
MappedEvent::MappedEvent(InstrumentId id, const Event &e, const RealTime &eventTime, const RealTime &duration): m_trackId((int)NO_TRACK), m_instrument(id), m_type(MidiNote), m_data1(0), m_data2(0), m_eventTime(eventTime), m_duration(duration), m_audioStartMarker(0, 0), m_dataBlockId(0), m_runtimeSegmentId( -1), m_autoFade(false), m_fadeInTime(RealTime::zeroTime), m_fadeOutTime(RealTime::zeroTime), m_recordedChannel(0), m_recordedDevice(0) { try { // For each event type, we set the properties in a particular // order: first the type, then whichever of data1 and data2 fits // less well with its default value. This way if one throws an // exception for no data, we still have a good event with the // defaults set. if (e.isa(Note::EventType)) { m_type = MidiNoteOneShot; long v = MidiMaxValue; e.get<Int>(BaseProperties::VELOCITY, v); m_data2 = v; m_data1 = e.get<Int>(BaseProperties::PITCH); } else if (e.isa(PitchBend::EventType)) { m_type = MidiPitchBend; PitchBend pb(e); m_data1 = pb.getMSB(); m_data2 = pb.getLSB(); } else if (e.isa(Controller::EventType)) { m_type = MidiController; Controller c(e); m_data1 = c.getNumber(); m_data2 = c.getValue(); } else if (e.isa(ProgramChange::EventType)) { m_type = MidiProgramChange; ProgramChange pc(e); m_data1 = pc.getProgram(); } else if (e.isa(KeyPressure::EventType)) { m_type = MidiKeyPressure; KeyPressure kp(e); m_data1 = kp.getPitch(); m_data2 = kp.getPressure(); } else if (e.isa(ChannelPressure::EventType)) { m_type = MidiChannelPressure; ChannelPressure cp(e); m_data1 = cp.getPressure(); } else if (e.isa(SystemExclusive::EventType)) { m_type = MidiSystemMessage; m_data1 = MIDI_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; SystemExclusive s(e); std::string dataBlock = s.getRawData(); DataBlockRepository::getInstance()->registerDataBlockForEvent(dataBlock, this); } else if (e.isa(Text::EventType)) { const Rosegarden::Text text(e); // Somewhat hacky: We know that annotations and LilyPond directives // aren't to be output, so we make their MappedEvents invalid. // InternalSegmentMapper will then discard those. if (text.getTextType() == Text::Annotation || text.getTextType() == Text::LilyPondDirective) { setType(InvalidMappedEvent); } else { setType(MappedEvent::Text); MidiByte midiTextType = (text.getTextType() == Text::Lyric) ? MIDI_LYRIC : MIDI_TEXT_EVENT; setData1(midiTextType); std::string metaMessage = text.getText(); addDataString(metaMessage); } } else { m_type = InvalidMappedEvent; } } catch (MIDIValueOutOfRange r) { #ifdef DEBUG_MAPPEDEVENT std::cerr << "MIDI value out of range in MappedEvent ctor" << std::endl; #else ; #endif } catch (Event::NoData d) { #ifdef DEBUG_MAPPEDEVENT std::cerr << "Caught Event::NoData in MappedEvent ctor, message is:" << std::endl << d.getMessage() << std::endl; #else ; #endif } catch (Event::BadType b) { #ifdef DEBUG_MAPPEDEVENT std::cerr << "Caught Event::BadType in MappedEvent ctor, message is:" << std::endl << b.getMessage() << std::endl; #else ; #endif } catch (SystemExclusive::BadEncoding e) { #ifdef DEBUG_MAPPEDEVENT std::cerr << "Caught bad SysEx encoding in MappedEvent ctor" << std::endl; #else ; #endif } }
Customer::Customer() { setType(Location::CUSTOMER); }
QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget( QWidget* parent, const QString& format, QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::Type type, const QString& provider ) : QWidget( parent ) , mFormat( format ) , mProvider( provider ) , mRasterLayer( nullptr ) , mRasterFileName( QString() ) , mPyramids( false ) , mPyramidsFormat( QgsRaster::PyramidsGTiff ) { setupUi( this ); setType( type ); if ( mBuiltinProfiles.isEmpty() ) { // key=profileKey values=format,profileName,options mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z_adefault" )] = ( QStringList() << QLatin1String( "" ) << tr( "Default" ) << QLatin1String( "" ) ); // these GTiff profiles are based on Tim's benchmarks at // http://linfiniti.com/2011/05/gdal-efficiency-of-various-compression-algorithms/ // big: no compression | medium: reasonable size/speed tradeoff | small: smallest size mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z_gtiff_1big" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "GTiff" ) << tr( "No compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS=NONE BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED" ) ); mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z_gtiff_2medium" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "GTiff" ) << tr( "Low compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS=PACKBITS" ) ); mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z_gtiff_3small" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "GTiff" ) << tr( "High compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS=DEFLATE PREDICTOR=2 ZLEVEL=9" ) ); mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z_gtiff_4jpeg" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "GTiff" ) << tr( "JPEG compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS=JPEG JPEG_QUALITY=75" ) ); // overview compression schemes for GTiff format, see // http://www.gdal.org/gdaladdo.html and http://www.gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html // TODO - should we offer GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE option here or in QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget ? mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z__pyramids_gtiff_1big" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "_pyramids" ) << tr( "No compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=NONE BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW=IF_NEEDED" ) ); mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z__pyramids_gtiff_2medium" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "_pyramids" ) << tr( "Low compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=PACKBITS" ) ); mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z__pyramids_gtiff_3small" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "_pyramids" ) << tr( "High compression" ) << QStringLiteral( "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=DEFLATE PREDICTOR_OVERVIEW=2 ZLEVEL=9" ) ); // how to set zlevel? mBuiltinProfiles[ QStringLiteral( "z__pyramids_gtiff_4jpeg" )] = ( QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "_pyramids" ) << tr( "JPEG compression" ) << PYRAMID_JPEG_YCBCR_COMPRESSION ); } connect( mProfileComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateOptions() ) ); connect( mOptionsTable, SIGNAL( cellChanged( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( optionsTableChanged() ) ); connect( mOptionsHelpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( helpOptions() ) ); connect( mOptionsValidateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateOptions() ) ); // create eventFilter to map right click to swapOptionsUI() // mOptionsLabel->installEventFilter( this ); mOptionsLineEdit->installEventFilter( this ); mOptionsStackedWidget->installEventFilter( this ); updateControls(); updateProfiles(); QgsDebugMsg( "done" ); }
bool CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel::detect() { setType(); setPort(); if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; // always check dll existence & try to load! std::string sstrDLL; // setup DLL path, if returns false then DLL doesn't exist at the path where it should if (!qcn_util::setDLLPath(sstrDLL, m_cstrDLL)) { closePort(); return false; } #ifdef __USE_DLOPEN__ if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; m_WinDLLHandle = dlopen(sstrDLL.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); // default if (!m_WinDLLHandle) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: dynamic library %s dlopen error %s\n", sstrDLL.c_str(), dlerror()); return false; } if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; m_SymHandle = (PtrMotionNodeAccelFactory) dlsym(m_WinDLLHandle, "MotionNodeAccel_Factory"); if (!m_SymHandle) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Could not get dlsym MotionNode Accel dylib file %s - error %s\n", sstrDLL.c_str(), dlerror()); return false; } m_node = (*m_SymHandle)(MOTIONNODE_ACCEL_API_VERSION); #else // for Windows or not using dlopen just use the direct motionnode factory if ( ! ( m_WinDLLHandle = ::LoadLibrary(sstrDLL.c_str()) ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Cannot load DLL %s\n", sstrDLL.c_str()); return false; } m_node = MotionNodeAccel::Factory(); #endif if (!m_node) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Could not make MotionNode Factory\n"); return false; // not found } if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; // Detect the number of available devices. unsigned int count = 0; m_node->get_num_device(count); if (!count) { // fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: no MN detected via DLL %s\n", sstrDLL.c_str()); closePort(); return false; } if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; // Set the G range. Default is 2. if (!m_node->set_gselect(2.0)) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Could not set range on MotionNode Accel\n"); closePort(); return false; } // set the sample rate to 100Hz to get at least 1 & possibly 2 samples at 50Hz /* from Luke Tokheim: Use the "set_delay" method before you connect, just like choosing the G range. The delay ranges from 0 to 1. The available sample rates are from 50 to 100 Hz by 10 Hz increments. Compute the delay value with the following formula: delay = 1 - (target_rate - minimum_rate) * 0.0125; So, to sample at 100 Hz set the delay to: 1 - (100 - 50) * 0.0125 = 0.375 To sample at 50 Hz, set the delay to: 1 - (50 - 50) * 0.0125 = 1 */ if (!m_node->set_delay(0.0f)) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Could not set delay time on MotionNode Accel\n"); closePort(); return false; } if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; if (!m_node->connect()) { // connect to the sensor fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Could not connect to MotionNode Accel\n"); closePort(); return false; } if (qcn_main::g_iStop) return false; if (!m_node->start()) { fprintf(stderr, "CSensorUSBMotionNodeAccel: Could not start MotionNode Accel\n"); closePort(); return false; } // OK, at this point we should be connected, so from here on out can just read_xyz until closePort() // set as a single sample per point setSingleSampleDT(true); // mn samples itself // NB: closePort resets the type & port, so have to set again setType(SENSOR_USB_MOTIONNODEACCEL); setPort(getTypeEnum()); return true; }
NumToken::NumToken(ANTLRTokenType tokenTypeNew) { init(); setType(tokenTypeNew); setLine(0); }
RectMulticastStrategy::RectMulticastStrategy(CkArrayID aid) : Strategy(), CharmStrategy() { ainfo.setDestinationArray(aid); setType(ARRAY_STRATEGY); }
// // Establishes the type of the resultant operation, as well as // makes the operator the correct one for the operands. // // For lots of operations it should already be established that the operand // combination is valid, but returns false if operator can't work on operands. // bool TIntermBinary::promote(TInfoSink &infoSink) { ASSERT(mLeft->isArray() == mRight->isArray()); // // Base assumption: just make the type the same as the left // operand. Then only deviations from this need be coded. // setType(mLeft->getType()); // The result gets promoted to the highest precision. TPrecision higherPrecision = GetHigherPrecision( mLeft->getPrecision(), mRight->getPrecision()); getTypePointer()->setPrecision(higherPrecision); // Binary operations results in temporary variables unless both // operands are const. if (mLeft->getQualifier() != EvqConst || mRight->getQualifier() != EvqConst) { getTypePointer()->setQualifier(EvqTemporary); } const int nominalSize = std::max(mLeft->getNominalSize(), mRight->getNominalSize()); // // All scalars or structs. Code after this test assumes this case is removed! // if (nominalSize == 1) { switch (mOp) { // // Promote to conditional // case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; // // And and Or operate on conditionals // case EOpLogicalAnd: case EOpLogicalXor: case EOpLogicalOr: ASSERT(mLeft->getBasicType() == EbtBool && mRight->getBasicType() == EbtBool); setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; default: break; } return true; } // If we reach here, at least one of the operands is vector or matrix. // The other operand could be a scalar, vector, or matrix. // Can these two operands be combined? // TBasicType basicType = mLeft->getBasicType(); switch (mOp) { case EOpMul: if (!mLeft->isMatrix() && mRight->isMatrix()) { if (mLeft->isVector()) { mOp = EOpVectorTimesMatrix; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, mRight->getCols(), 1)); } else { mOp = EOpMatrixTimesScalar; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, mRight->getCols(), mRight->getRows())); } } else if (mLeft->isMatrix() && !mRight->isMatrix()) { if (mRight->isVector()) { mOp = EOpMatrixTimesVector; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, mLeft->getRows(), 1)); } else { mOp = EOpMatrixTimesScalar; } } else if (mLeft->isMatrix() && mRight->isMatrix()) { mOp = EOpMatrixTimesMatrix; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, mRight->getCols(), mLeft->getRows())); } else if (!mLeft->isMatrix() && !mRight->isMatrix()) { if (mLeft->isVector() && mRight->isVector()) { // leave as component product } else if (mLeft->isVector() || mRight->isVector()) { mOp = EOpVectorTimesScalar; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, nominalSize, 1)); } } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Missing elses"); return false; } if (!ValidateMultiplication(mOp, mLeft->getType(), mRight->getType())) { return false; } break; case EOpMulAssign: if (!mLeft->isMatrix() && mRight->isMatrix()) { if (mLeft->isVector()) { mOp = EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign; } else { return false; } } else if (mLeft->isMatrix() && !mRight->isMatrix()) { if (mRight->isVector()) { return false; } else { mOp = EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign; } } else if (mLeft->isMatrix() && mRight->isMatrix()) { mOp = EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, mRight->getCols(), mLeft->getRows())); } else if (!mLeft->isMatrix() && !mRight->isMatrix()) { if (mLeft->isVector() && mRight->isVector()) { // leave as component product } else if (mLeft->isVector() || mRight->isVector()) { if (!mLeft->isVector()) return false; mOp = EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign; setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, mLeft->getNominalSize(), 1)); } } else { infoSink.info.message(EPrefixInternalError, getLine(), "Missing elses"); return false; } if (!ValidateMultiplication(mOp, mLeft->getType(), mRight->getType())) { return false; } break; case EOpAssign: case EOpInitialize: // No more additional checks are needed. ASSERT((mLeft->getNominalSize() == mRight->getNominalSize()) && (mLeft->getSecondarySize() == mRight->getSecondarySize())); break; case EOpAdd: case EOpSub: case EOpDiv: case EOpIMod: case EOpBitShiftLeft: case EOpBitShiftRight: case EOpBitwiseAnd: case EOpBitwiseXor: case EOpBitwiseOr: case EOpAddAssign: case EOpSubAssign: case EOpDivAssign: case EOpIModAssign: case EOpBitShiftLeftAssign: case EOpBitShiftRightAssign: case EOpBitwiseAndAssign: case EOpBitwiseXorAssign: case EOpBitwiseOrAssign: if ((mLeft->isMatrix() && mRight->isVector()) || (mLeft->isVector() && mRight->isMatrix())) { return false; } // Are the sizes compatible? if (mLeft->getNominalSize() != mRight->getNominalSize() || mLeft->getSecondarySize() != mRight->getSecondarySize()) { // If the nominal sizes of operands do not match: // One of them must be a scalar. if (!mLeft->isScalar() && !mRight->isScalar()) return false; // In the case of compound assignment other than multiply-assign, // the right side needs to be a scalar. Otherwise a vector/matrix // would be assigned to a scalar. A scalar can't be shifted by a // vector either. if (!mRight->isScalar() && (isAssignment() || mOp == EOpBitShiftLeft || mOp == EOpBitShiftRight)) return false; } { const int secondarySize = std::max( mLeft->getSecondarySize(), mRight->getSecondarySize()); setType(TType(basicType, higherPrecision, EvqTemporary, nominalSize, secondarySize)); if (mLeft->isArray()) { ASSERT(mLeft->getArraySize() == mRight->getArraySize()); mType.setArraySize(mLeft->getArraySize()); } } break; case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: ASSERT((mLeft->getNominalSize() == mRight->getNominalSize()) && (mLeft->getSecondarySize() == mRight->getSecondarySize())); setType(TType(EbtBool, EbpUndefined)); break; default: return false; } return true; }
/** * Sets message type to @a type. * * @overload * @sa Type */ void Message::setType(Type type) { setType( typeToString(type) ); }
// Public set type method SubsystemType SubsystemInfo::setType( SubsystemType _type ) { return setType( _type, NULL ); }
PC::PC() { setType(0); }
static oop _newBits(int type, size_t size) { oop obj= GC_malloc_atomic(size); setType(obj, type); return obj; }
Mouse::Mouse() { // Hide cursor SDL_ShowCursor(0); setType(BIG_ARROW); }
CntDetailModelItem::CntDetailModelItem( QContactDetail aDetail ) : HbDataFormModelItem(), mDetail( aDetail ) { setType( CustomItemBase ); }
Company::Company(const char* username, const char* password) : Customer(username, password) { setType(2); }
//Default constructor Fruit::Fruit() : Food() { setType(FRUIT); }
void LDZGameLayer::initLevel(int level){ Size vs = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); Vec2 vo = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin(); _mode = MODE_BEGAIN; TMXTiledMap *map = TMXTiledMap::create("back.tmx"); _map = map; _mapSize = Size(map->getMapSize().width * map->getTileSize().width , map->getMapSize().height * map->getTileSize().height); map->setPosition(Vec2(0, 0)); this->addChild(map); //main char _mainC = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("1.png"); _mainC->setPosition(_mapSize.width/2, _mainC->getContentSize().height/2 + 10); this->addChild(_mainC,1); //progress auto progress = ProgressTimer::create(Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("tempb.png")); float progx = _mapSize.width/2 - _mainC->getContentSize().width/2 - progress->getContentSize().width/2 - 5; float progy = _mainC->getContentSize().height/2 + 10; progress->setPosition( progx, progy); progress->setType(cocos2d::ProgressTimer::Type::BAR); progress->setBarChangeRate(Vec2(0, 1)); progress->setMidpoint(Vec2(0, 0)); auto progback = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("temp.png"); progback->setPosition(progx, progy); this->addChild(progback); this->addChild(progress,1); progress->setVisible(false); progback->setVisible(false); _powerProg = progress; _powerProgBack = progback; //limit float height = 50 + arc4random()%100; float uy = _mapSize.height/3 + _mapSize.height/3*2*CCRANDOM_0_1() - 5; float dy = uy - height; _upLimit = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("limit.png"); _upLimit->setPosition(_mapSize.width/2, uy); this->addChild(_upLimit); _downLimit = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("limit.png"); _downLimit->setPosition(_mapSize.width/2, dy); this->addChild(_downLimit); //guide auto gt = ui::Text::create(LHLocalizedCString("guidetext"), Common_Font, 25); gt->setColor(Color3B::RED); gt->setPosition(Vec2(_mainC->getPosition().x , _mainC->getBoundingBox().getMaxY() + gt->getContentSize().height/2)); this->addChild(gt); auto bl = Blink::create(1, 1); auto rp = RepeatForever::create(bl); gt->runAction(rp); auto da = Sprite::create("da.png"); da->setScaleY(height/da->getContentSize().height); da->setPosition(Vec2(_mainC->getPosition().x,_downLimit->getPositionY()+height/2)); this->addChild(da); auto lis = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create(); lis->onTouchBegan = [this,gt,progress,progback,da](Touch* tmpTouch, Event*){ if (_mode == MODE_VIEW) { Vec2 loca = tmpTouch->getLocation(); loca = this->convertToNodeSpace(loca); if (_mainC->getBoundingBox().containsPoint(loca)) { CallFunc *call = CallFunc::create([this](){ _mode = MODE_POWER; this->scheduleUpdate(); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("wiso.wav"); }); float focusMargin = 20; this->focusOn(_mainC->getPosition(), _mainC->getContentSize().height + focusMargin, true , call); _mode = MODE_BEGAIN; gt->removeFromParent(); da->removeFromParent(); progress->setVisible(true); progback->setVisible(true); progress->setPercentage(0); } }else if (_mode == MODE_POWER_END){ _mode = MODE_POWER; } return true; }; lis->onTouchMoved = [this](Touch* tmpTouch, Event*){ Vec2 cu = tmpTouch->getLocation(); Vec2 last = tmpTouch->getPreviousLocation(); if (_mode == MODE_VIEW) { float toy = _focusCenter.y + (last.y - cu.y); if (toy+_focusLen/2 > _upLimit->getPositionY() + 20) { toy = _upLimit->getPositionY()+20 - _focusLen/2; } this->focusOn(Vec2(_focusCenter.x , toy),_focusLen, false); }else if (_mode == MODE_POWER){ float dy = fabsf(cu.y - last.y); _powerProg->setPercentage(_powerProg->getPercentage()+dy/(_powerProg->getPercentage()+1)/MOVE_FACTOR); } }; lis->onTouchEnded = [this](Touch*, Event*){ if (_mode == MODE_POWER) { _mode = MODE_POWER_END; _powerCount = 0.1f; } }; this->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(lis, this); focusOn(Vec2(_mapSize.width/2,(uy - height/2)), vs.width, false); auto dl2 = DelayTime::create(1); CallFunc *call = CallFunc::create([this](){ auto tmpcall = CallFunc::create([this](){ _mode = MODE_VIEW; }); this->focusOn(_mainC->getPosition(), _focusLen, true , tmpcall); }); auto sq = Sequence::create(dl2,call, NULL); this->runAction(sq); }
XHtmlElements::Img::Img() : XHtmlElement() { setType( "IMG" ); }
ConstantExpression::ConstantExpression(Constant constant) : constant { constant } { auto type = constant.getType(); setType(*type); }
/*! Constructs an easing curve of the given \a type. */ QEasingCurve::QEasingCurve(Type type) : d_ptr(new QEasingCurvePrivate) { setType(type); }
void WatchItem::parseHelper(const GdbMi &input) { setChildrenUnneeded(); GdbMi mi = input["type"]; if (mi.isValid()) setType(mi.data()); editvalue = input["editvalue"].data(); editformat = DebuggerDisplay(input["editformat"].toInt()); editencoding = DebuggerEncoding(input["editencoding"].data()); mi = input["valueelided"]; if (mi.isValid()) elided = mi.toInt(); mi = input["bitpos"]; if (mi.isValid()) bitpos = mi.toInt(); mi = input["bitsize"]; if (mi.isValid()) bitsize = mi.toInt(); mi = input["origaddr"]; if (mi.isValid()) origaddr = mi.toAddress(); mi = input["address"]; if (mi.isValid()) { address = mi.toAddress(); if (exp.isEmpty()) { if (iname.startsWith("local.") && iname.count('.') == 1) // Solve one common case of adding 'class' in // *(class X*)0xdeadbeef for gdb. exp = name.toLatin1(); else exp = "*(" + gdbQuoteTypes(type) + "*)" + hexAddress(); } } mi = input["value"]; QByteArray enc = input["valueencoded"].data(); if (mi.isValid() || !enc.isEmpty()) { setValue(decodeData(mi.data(), enc)); } else { setValueNeeded(); } mi = input["size"]; if (mi.isValid()) size = mi.toInt(); mi = input["exp"]; if (mi.isValid()) exp = mi.data(); mi = input["valueenabled"]; if (mi.data() == "true") valueEnabled = true; else if (mi.data() == "false") valueEnabled = false; mi = input["valueeditable"]; if (mi.data() == "true") valueEditable = true; else if (mi.data() == "false") valueEditable = false; mi = input["numchild"]; // GDB/MI if (mi.isValid()) setHasChildren(mi.toInt() > 0); mi = input["haschild"]; // native-mixed if (mi.isValid()) setHasChildren(mi.toInt() > 0); mi = input["arraydata"]; if (mi.isValid()) { DebuggerEncoding encoding(input["arrayencoding"].data()); QByteArray childType = input["childtype"].data(); decodeArrayData(this, mi.data(), encoding, childType); } else { const GdbMi children = input["children"]; if (children.isValid()) { bool ok = false; // Try not to repeat data too often. const GdbMi childType = input["childtype"]; const GdbMi childNumChild = input["childnumchild"]; qulonglong addressBase = input["addrbase"].data().toULongLong(&ok, 0); qulonglong addressStep = input["addrstep"].data().toULongLong(&ok, 0); for (int i = 0, n = int(children.children().size()); i != n; ++i) { const GdbMi &subinput = children.children().at(i); WatchItem *child = new WatchItem; if (childType.isValid()) child->setType(childType.data()); if (childNumChild.isValid()) child->setHasChildren(childNumChild.toInt() > 0); GdbMi name = subinput["name"]; QByteArray nn; if (name.isValid()) { nn = name.data(); child->name = QString::fromLatin1(nn); } else { nn.setNum(i); child->name = QString::fromLatin1("[%1]").arg(i); } GdbMi iname = subinput["iname"]; if (iname.isValid()) child->iname = iname.data(); else child->iname = this->iname + '.' + nn; if (addressStep) { child->address = addressBase + i * addressStep; child->exp = "*(" + gdbQuoteTypes(child->type) + "*)" + child->hexAddress(); } QByteArray key = subinput["key"].data(); if (!key.isEmpty()) child->name = decodeData(key, subinput["keyencoded"].data()); child->parseHelper(subinput); appendChild(child); } } } }