int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // test out THE_AGE accessors log_info("My name: %s, age: %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("My age is now: %d", get_age()); // test out THE_SIZE extern log_info("THE_SIZE is: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE_SIZE is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); //test the ratio function static log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); // test the scope demo int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { log_info("My name is %s, age is %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("My age is now %d", get_age()); log_info("THE SIZE is %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE SIZE is now %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope demo %d", count); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { log_info("My name: %s, age: %d",MY_NAME,get_age()); set_age(24); log_info("My age is now: %d",get_age()); log_info("The Size is: %d",THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE=9; log_info("The Size is now: %d",THE_SIZE); print_size(); log_info("Ratio at first: %f",update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f",update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f",update_ratio(300.0)); int count=4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count*20); log_info("Count after calling scope_demo: %d",count); return 0; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { log_info("My name: %s, age: %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("My age is now: %d", get_age()); log_info("THE_SIZE is; %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE SIZE is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); log_info("The value of ratio is : %f", *RATIO_PTR); test_func(); log_info("The value of x outside test_func is : %d", *xptr); scope_demo(14); log_info("The value of x outside test_func is : %d", *xptr); return 0; }
/** * Main routine for filling funnels from weather effects. */ void fill_funnels( int rain_depth_mm_per_hour, bool acid, const trap &tr ) { const double turns_per_charge = tr.funnel_turns_per_charge( rain_depth_mm_per_hour ); // Give each funnel on the map a chance to collect the rain. const auto &funnel_locs = g->m.trap_locations( tr.loadid ); for( auto loc : funnel_locs ) { units::volume maxcontains = 0_ml; if( one_in( turns_per_charge ) ) { // FIXME: //add_msg("%d mm/h %d tps %.4f: fill",int(calendar::turn),rain_depth_mm_per_hour,turns_per_charge); // This funnel has collected some rain! Put the rain in the largest // container here which is either empty or contains some mixture of // impure water and acid. auto items = g->m.i_at( loc ); auto container = items.end(); for( auto candidate_container = items.begin(); candidate_container != items.end(); ++candidate_container ) { if( candidate_container->is_funnel_container( maxcontains ) ) { container = candidate_container; } } if( container != items.end() ) { container->add_rain_to_container( acid, 1 ); container->set_age( 0_turns ); } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const double value = 2.0; NL; log_info("name in ex22-main.c = %s, static int THE_AGE in ex22.c is = %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); log_info("nset static int THE_AGE in ex22.c to 30:"); set_age(30); log_info("static int THE_AGE in ex22.c in main() is now: %d", get_age()); NL; log_info("can't directly access static int THE_AGE in ex22.c in main:"); log_info("-> log_info(\"THE_AGE = %%d\", THE_AGE);"); NL; log_info("can't directly access int THE_SIZE in ex22.c in main:"); log_info("-> log_info(\"THE_SIZE = %%d\", THE_SIZE);"); NL; log_info("can directly access int THE_EXTERN_SIZE in ex22.c in main:"); log_info("THE_EXTERN_SIZE = %d", THE_EXTERN_SIZE); NL; log_info("update value to (double) THE_EXTERN_SIZE from %.1f", update_static((double) THE_EXTERN_SIZE)); log_info("update value to const double value from %.1f", update_static(value)); log_info("update value to 10.0 from %.1f", update_static(10.0)); NL; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { log_info("my name: %s, age: %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("my age is now: %d", get_age()); // test ou thte SIZE_EXTERN log_info("THE_SIZE is: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); log_info("Ratio at first: %f", *update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", *update_ratio(10)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", *update_ratio(300.0)); int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); double *static_ratio = update_ratio(0.5); log_info("reaching in to the static ratio: %f", *static_ratio); *static_ratio = .001; log_info("changed the static ration in to the static ratio: %f", *static_ratio); return 0; }
int main() { log_info("My name : %s, age: %d",MY_NAME,get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("My name now is : %d",get_age()); log_info("THE_SIZE is: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE SIZE is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); // test the scope demo int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { log_info("my name %s, age %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("my age is now %d", get_age()); log_info("THE_SIZE is %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE_SIZE is now %d ", THE_SIZE); print_size(); log_info("ratio at first : %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("ratio now : %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("ratio finally : %f", update_ratio(300.0)); int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("Count after calling scope_demo : %d", count); return 0; }
/** \brief Compute vital state (satiation, energy, age) for the next cycle. - Mark creature as aged, if age is greater as max age. - Mark creature as starved, if satiation falls under half of the maximum satiation. - Mark creature as underfed, if energy level falls under half of the maximum energy. */ void Creature::next_vital_state() { if (living_state == LivingState::alive()) { set_age(get_age() + 1); if (get_age() == get_max_age()) { living_state = LivingState::aged(); } else { set_satiation(get_raw_satiation() - get_satiation_consumption()); if (get_satiation() == 0) { living_state = LivingState::starved(); } else { // TODO (joobog#2#): code verbessern double value = 2 * get_energy_consumption() * ((double) get_satiation() / (double) get_max_satiation() - (double) 0.5); if ( value < 0) { set_energy(get_raw_energy() - (unsigned int) (-value)); } if ( value > 0) { set_energy(get_raw_energy() + (unsigned int) value); } if (get_energy() == 0) { living_state = LivingState::underfed(); } } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // test out THE_AGE accessors log_info("My name: %s, age: %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("My age is now: %d", get_age()); int new_age = 44; log_info("Setting age directly to %d", new_age); int *age = get_age_pointer(); *age = new_age; log_info("My age is now: %d", get_age()); // test out THE_SIZE extern log_info("THE_SIZE is: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE_SIZE is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); // test the ratio function static log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); // accessing a function static double *func_static_value = get_function_static(4.0); log_info("get_function_static(4.0) = %.1f", *func_static_value); double new_func_static_value = 8.0; log_info("Setting the function static var directly to %.1f", new_func_static_value); *func_static_value = new_func_static_value; log_info("get_function_static(4.0) = %.1f", *get_function_static(4.0)); // test the scope demo int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); return 0; }
void Human::set_human() { cout << "--------------------------------------------------\n" << "Enter name: "; string name; cin >> name; set_name(name); cout << "Last name: "; string last_name; cin >> last_name; set_last_name(last_name); cout << "Sex [1]male, [2]female: "; int sc; cin >> sc; if (sc == 1) set_sex(male); else if (sc == 2) set_sex(female); cout << "Age: "; int age; cin >> age; set_age(age); cout << "Number of favorite books: "; int nfavorite_books; cin >> nfavorite_books; set_nfavorite_books(nfavorite_books); if (nfavorite_books != 0) { string *favorite_books = new string[nfavorite_books]; cout << "Type " << nfavorite_books << " favorite books:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < nfavorite_books; i++) { cout << i + 1 << ". "; cin >> favorite_books[i]; } cout << "\n"; set_favorite_books(favorite_books); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // test out THE_AGE accessors log_info("My names: %s, age: %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("My age is now: %d", get_age()); // test out THE_SIZE extern log_info("THE_SIZE is: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("THE_SIZE is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); // test the ration function static log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); double *res = update_ratio_ptr(2.0); log_info("Ratio by pointer: %f\n", *res); *res = 100.0; res = update_ratio_ptr(15.0); log_info("Ratio by pointer: %f\n", *res); // test the scope demo int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); log_info("Recursive result: %llu\n", recursive(100000, 0)); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { log_info("My name is %s and I am %d years old.", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(100); log_info("Now I'm older! I'm %d.", get_age()); log_info("The size is: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("The size is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); // test the ratio function static log_info("Ratio: %f", *update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio: %f", *update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio: %f", *update_ratio(300.0)); double* evil = update_ratio(1.0); // H4X. I grabbed a static function variable and am changing its // contents here. log_info("%f", *evil); *evil = 123.0; log_info("%f", *evil); update_ratio(9); // test the scope demo int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); return 0; }
void ObjectHeader::initialize_copy(Object* other, unsigned int new_age) { /* Even though we dup it, we have to be careful to maintain * the zone. */ // DO NOT, EVER, CHANGE obj_type_. // obj_type_ indicates the shape of the object in memory. There are // f****d up cases where this is called where other is another type // (that, btw, is likely a bug in itself), but we should never, // MUST never change obj_type_ to make them match. This causes the GC // to get confused about the memory shape of the object! assert(type_id() == other->type_id()); set_age(new_age); klass_ = other->klass_; ivars_ = other->ivars_; #ifdef RBX_OBJECT_ID_IN_HEADER set_object_id(other->object_id()); #endif clear_forwarded(); if(other->is_tainted_p()) set_tainted(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // test out THE_AGE accessors log_info("My name: %s, age: %d", MY_NAME, get_age()); set_age(200); log_info("My age is now: %d", get_age()); // test out THE_SIZE extern log_info("THE_SIZE is: %d", THE_SIZE); log_info("The address of THE_SIZE is: %p", &THE_SIZE); print_size(); THE_SIZE = 9; log_info("The SIZE is now: %d", THE_SIZE); print_size(); // test the ratio function static log_info("Ratio at first: %f", update_ratio(2.0)); log_info("Ratio again: %f", update_ratio(10.0)); log_info("Ratio once more: %f", update_ratio(300.0)); // test the scope demo int count = 4; scope_demo(count); scope_demo(count * 20); /* log_info("count after calling scope_demo: %d", count); log_info("The ratio is: %f", ratio); log_info("The address of THE_AGE: %p", &get_age()); log_info("The current value of THE_AGE: %d", get_age()); *get_age() = 0; log_info("After setting THE_AGE pointer to 0 THE_AGE value is: %d", THE_AGE); */ return 0; }