void range_request_warn_type(range_request* rr, const char* type, const char* node) { range* nodes; if (!rr->warn_enabled) return; if (!rr->warn_type) rr->warn_type = set_new(rr->pool, 0); /* nodes that generated a particular warning type */ nodes = set_get_data(rr->warn_type, type); if (!nodes) { nodes = range_new(rr); set_add(rr->warn_type, type, nodes); } range_add(nodes, node); }
int set_set_colors(Quark *pset, unsigned int color) { set *p = set_get_data(pset); GraceApp *gapp = gapp_from_quark(pset); if (!p || !gapp) { return RETURN_FAILURE; } if (color < number_of_colors(grace_get_canvas(gapp->grace))) { p->line.line.pen.color = color; p->sym.line.pen.color = color; p->sym.fillpen.color = color; p->errbar.pen.color = color; quark_dirtystate_set(pset, TRUE); return RETURN_SUCCESS; } else { return RETURN_FAILURE; } }
range* rangefunc_get_admin(range_request* rr, range** r) { range* ret = range_new(rr); if (!validate_range_args(rr, r, 1)) { return ret; } range* n = r[0]; apr_pool_t* pool = range_request_pool(rr); const char** in_nodes = range_get_hostnames(pool, n); set* node_admin = set_new(pool, 40000); range* admins_r = _expand_cluster(rr, "HOSTS", "KEYS"); const char** admins = range_get_hostnames(pool, admins_r); const char** p_admin = admins; while (*p_admin) { range* nodes_r = _expand_cluster(rr, "HOSTS", *p_admin); const char** nodes = range_get_hostnames(pool, nodes_r); const char** p_nodes = nodes; while (*p_nodes) { set_add(node_admin, *p_nodes, (void*)*p_admin); ++p_nodes; } ++p_admin; } while (*in_nodes) { const char* admin = set_get_data(node_admin, *in_nodes); if (!admin) { range_request_warn_type(rr, "NO_ADMIN", *in_nodes); } else { range_add(ret, admin); } in_nodes++; } return ret; }
double set_get_ybase(Quark *pset) { double ybase = 0.0; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; Quark *gr; set *p; world w; if (!pset) { return 0.0; } gr = get_parent_graph(pset); p = set_get_data(pset); graph_get_world(gr, &w); set_get_minmax(pset, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax); switch (p->line.baseline_type) { case BASELINE_TYPE_0: ybase = 0.0; break; case BASELINE_TYPE_SMIN: ybase = ymin; break; case BASELINE_TYPE_SMAX: ybase = ymax; break; case BASELINE_TYPE_GMIN: ybase = w.yg1; break; case BASELINE_TYPE_GMAX: ybase = w.yg2; break; default: errmsg("Wrong type of baseline"); } return ybase; }
range* rangefunc_get_cluster(range_request* rr, range** r) { range* ret = range_new(rr); apr_pool_t* pool = range_request_lr_pool(rr); const char** nodes = range_get_hostnames(pool, r[0]); const char** p_nodes = nodes; set* node_cluster = _get_clusters(rr); while (*p_nodes) { apr_array_header_t* clusters = set_get_data(node_cluster, *p_nodes); if (!clusters) range_request_warn_type(rr, "NO_CLUSTER", *p_nodes); else { /* just get one */ const char* cluster = ((const char**)clusters->elts)[0]; assert(cluster); range_add(ret, cluster); } ++p_nodes; } return ret; }
static set* _cluster_keys(range_request* rr, apr_pool_t* pool, const char* cluster, const char* cluster_file) { char line[32768]; char* p; int ovector[30]; apr_array_header_t* working_range; set* sections; char* section; char* cur_section; apr_pool_t* req_pool = range_request_pool(rr); int line_no; FILE* fp = fopen(cluster_file, "r"); if (!fp) { range_request_warn(rr, "%s: %s not readable", cluster, cluster_file); return set_new(pool, 0); } if (!include_re) { const char* error; include_re = pcre_compile(INCLUDE_RE, 0, &error, ovector, NULL); assert(include_re); exclude_re = pcre_compile(EXCLUDE_RE, 0, &error, ovector, NULL); assert(exclude_re); } sections = set_new(pool, 0); section = cur_section = NULL; working_range = apr_array_make(req_pool, 1, sizeof(char*)); line_no = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp)) { int len; int count; line_no++; line[sizeof line - 1] = '\0'; len = strlen(line); if (len+1 >= sizeof(line) && line[len - 1] != '\n') { /* incomplete line */ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d lines > 32767 chars not supported\n", cluster_file, line_no); exit(-1); } line[--len] = '\0'; /* get rid of the \n */ for (p = line; *p; ++p) if (*p == '#') { *p = '\0'; break; } len = strlen(line); if (len == 0) continue; for (p = &line[len - 1]; isspace(*p); --p) { *p = '\0'; --len; } if (!*line) continue; if (!(isspace(*line))) { cur_section = apr_pstrdup(pool, line); continue; } if (section && strcmp(cur_section, section) != 0) { set_add(sections, section, apr_array_pstrcat(pool, working_range, ',')); working_range = apr_array_make(req_pool, 1, sizeof(char*)); } section = cur_section; count = pcre_exec(include_re, NULL, line, len, 0, 0, ovector, 30); if (count > 0) { line[ovector[3]] = '\0'; *(char**)apr_array_push(working_range) = apr_psprintf(pool, "(%s)", _substitute_dollars(pool, cluster, &line[ovector[2]])); continue; } count = pcre_exec(exclude_re, NULL, line, len, 0, 0, ovector, 30); if (count > 0) { line[ovector[3]] = '\0'; *(char**)apr_array_push(working_range) = apr_psprintf(pool, "-(%s)", _substitute_dollars(pool, cluster, &line[ovector[2]])); } } fclose(fp); if (cur_section) set_add(sections, cur_section, apr_array_pstrcat(pool, working_range, ',')); set_add(sections, "KEYS", _join_elements(pool, ',', sections)); set_add(sections, "UP", set_get_data(sections, "CLUSTER")); if (set_get(sections, "ALL") && set_get(sections, "CLUSTER")) set_add(sections, "DOWN", apr_psprintf(pool, "(%s)-(%s)", (char*)set_get_data(sections, "ALL"), (char*)set_get_data(sections, "CLUSTER"))); return sections; }
static vips* _parse_cluster_vips(range_request* rr, const char* cluster) { struct stat st; int ovector[30]; char line[32768]; int line_no; FILE* fp; apr_pool_t* req_pool = range_request_pool(rr); apr_pool_t* lr_pool = range_request_lr_pool(rr); libcrange* lr = range_request_lr(rr); set* cache = libcrange_get_cache(lr, "nodescf:cluster_vips"); const char* vips_path = apr_psprintf(req_pool, "%s/%s/vips.cf", nodescf_path, cluster); vips* v; if (!cache) { cache = set_new(lr_pool, 0); libcrange_set_cache(lr, "nodescf:cluster_vips", cache); } if (stat(vips_path, &st) == -1) { range_request_warn_type(rr, "NOVIPS", cluster); return _empty_vips(rr); } v = set_get_data(cache, vips_path); if (!v) { v = apr_palloc(lr_pool, sizeof(struct vips)); apr_pool_create(&v->pool, lr_pool); v->vips = set_new(v->pool, 0); v->viphosts = set_new(v->pool, 0); v->mtime = st.st_mtime; set_add(cache, vips_path, v); } else { time_t cached_mtime = v->mtime; if (cached_mtime != st.st_mtime) { apr_pool_clear(v->pool); v->vips = set_new(v->pool, 0); v->viphosts = set_new(v->pool, 0); v->mtime = st.st_mtime; } else /* current cached copy is good */ return v; } /* create / update the current cached copy */ fp = fopen(vips_path, "r"); if (!fp) { range_request_warn_type(rr, "NOVIPS", cluster); return _empty_vips(rr); } if (!vips_re) { const char* error; vips_re = pcre_compile("^(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s*$", 0, &error, ovector, NULL); assert(vips_re); } line_no = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp)) { int len; int count; char* p; line_no++; line[sizeof line - 1] = '\0'; len = strlen(line); if (len+1 >= sizeof(line) && line[len - 1] != '\n') { /* incomplete line */ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d lines > 32767 chars not supported\n", vips_path, line_no); exit(-1); } line[--len] = '\0'; /* get rid of the \n */ for (p = line; *p; ++p) if (*p == '#') { *p = '\0'; break; } len = strlen(line); if (len == 0) continue; for (p = &line[len - 1]; isspace(*p); --p) { *p = '\0'; --len; } if (!*line) continue; /* as301000 eth0:1 */ count = pcre_exec(vips_re, NULL, line, len, 0, 0, ovector, 30); if (count == 4) { line[ovector[3]] = '\0'; line[ovector[5]] = '\0'; line[ovector[7]] = '\0'; set_add(v->vips, &line[ovector[2]], 0); set_add(v->viphosts, &line[ovector[4]], 0); } } fclose(fp); return v; }
const char* libcrange_getcfg(libcrange* lr, const char* what) { if (lr == NULL) lr = get_static_lr(); return set_get_data(lr->vars, what); }