void GUITextBox::checkKeyboardEvents(KeyEvent evt, int extraInfo) { if (!focused || !active) return; if ((evt.getKeyID() >= 32 && evt.getKeyID() <= 127) || (evt.getKeyID() == 8)); else extraInfo = 0; if (extraInfo == KEY_PRESSED) { int length = label.getString().getLength(); if (evt.displayable()) setupText(INSERT_CHAR, evt.getKeyChar()); if (length) { switch (evt.getKeyID()) { case 8: setupText(BACKSPACE_DELETE); break; case 127: setupText(SIMPLE_DELETE); break; } } } label.forceUpdate(true); update = true; }
PersonEditorPane::PersonEditorPane (ObjectEditorWindowBase::Mode mode, Cache &cache, QWidget *parent, PersonEditorPaneData *paneData): ObjectEditorPane<Person> (mode, cache, parent), paneData (paneData) { ui.setupUi (this); ui.medicalCheckDisabledLabel->setVisible (false); setupText (); loadData (); ui.clubInput->setEditText (""); ui.checkMedicalInput->setCurrentItemByItemData (false); ui.lastNameInput->setFocus (); if (paneData) { setMedicalValidityDisplayed (paneData->displayMedicalData); } else { // Set it to false because we don't want to open a loophole, but we can // accept that we have to click the button, or even not be able to view // the medical data if the window has been opened in a specific way. setMedicalValidityDisplayed (false); std::cerr << notr ("No pane data in person editor pane") << std::endl; } }
void Button::construct(const Rect &rect, const TextLabelInfo &ti, const Color &color, const Color &colorHovered, const Color &colorPressed, const Color &borderColor, const Color &borderColorHovered, const Color &borderColorPressed) { Rect realRect = setupText(rect, ti); m_pressedLook = new PlainRectItem(realRect, colorPressed, borderColorPressed); m_hoveredLook = new PlainRectItem(realRect, colorHovered, borderColorHovered); m_normalLook = new PlainRectItem(realRect, color, borderColor); }
bool TextObject::restoreState(SaveGame *state) { _fgColor = PoolColor::getPool().getObject(state->readLEUint32()); _x = state->readLESint32(); _y = state->readLESint32(); _width = state->readLESint32(); _height = state->readLESint32(); _justify = state->readLESint32(); _numberLines = state->readLESint32(); _duration = state->readLESint32(); _disabled = state->readLESint32(); _blastDraw = state->readLESint32(); _isSpeech = state->readLESint32(); _elapsedTime = state->readLESint32(); _font = Font::getPool().getObject(state->readLEUint32()); _textID = state->readString(); setupText(); _created = false; _userData = NULL; return true; }
void StatisticsWindow::languageChanged () { SkDialog<Ui::StatisticsWindowClass>::languageChanged (); setupText (); ui.table->resizeColumnsToContents (); ui.table->resizeRowsToContents (); }
void PersonEditorPane::changeEvent (QEvent *event) { if (event->type () == QEvent::LanguageChange) { ui.retranslateUi (this); setupText (); } else ObjectEditorPane<Person>::changeEvent (event); }
void InfoPluginSelectionDialog::setup () { ui.pluginList->clear (); for (int i=0, n=plugins.size (); i<n; ++i) new QTreeWidgetItem (ui.pluginList); setupText (); ui.buttonBox->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (!plugins.isEmpty ()); }
const Tuple4i &GUITextBox::getWindowBounds() { if (parent && update) { label.computeDimensions(); dimensions.y = label.getHeight() ? label.getHeight() + padding.y : dimensions.y; GUIRectangle::computeWindowBounds(); blinkerPosition = !blinkerPosition ? windowBounds.x + padding.x : blinkerPosition; setupText(PARSE_VISIBLE); } return windowBounds; }
LaunchMethodEditorPane::LaunchMethodEditorPane (ObjectEditorWindowBase::Mode mode, Cache &cache, QWidget *parent): ObjectEditorPane<LaunchMethod> (mode, cache, parent) { ui.setupUi(this); setupText (); loadData (); ui.typeInput->setCurrentItemByItemData (LaunchMethod::typeOther); ui.personRequiredInput->setCurrentItemByItemData (true); ui.towplaneRegistrationInput->setEnabled (ui.specificTowplaneInput->isChecked ()); ui.nameInput->setFocus (); }
Button::Button(const Rect &rect, const TextLabelInfo &ti, const std::string &texIdNormal, const std::string &texIdPressed, const std::string &texIdHovered) : m_pressed(false), m_hovered(false), m_switchable(false), m_switched(false), m_ti(ti), RectItem(rect) { Rect realRect = setupText(rect, ti); m_pressedLook = new Sprite(realRect, texIdPressed); m_normalLook = new Sprite(realRect, texIdNormal); m_hoveredLook = new Sprite(realRect, texIdHovered); }
StatisticsWindow::StatisticsWindow (QAbstractTableModel *model, bool modelOwned, const char *ntr_title, QWidget *parent): SkDialog<Ui::StatisticsWindowClass> (parent), model (model), modelOwned (modelOwned), ntr_title (ntr_title) { ui.setupUi(this); setupText (); ui.table->setModel (model); ui.table->resizeColumnsToContents (); ui.table->resizeRowsToContents (); }
void TextObject::reset() { destroy(); setupText(); }
void TextObject::setText(const Common::String &text) { destroy(); _textID = text; setupText(); }
void InfoPluginSelectionDialog::languageChanged () { SkDialog<Ui::InfoPluginSelectionDialogClass>::languageChanged (); setupText (); }