static void sf_c6_adcs_v15_integral_Power_no_charge_in_detumb(void) { int32_T c6_previousEvent; real_T c6_a; real_T c6_b; real_T c6_nargout = 1.0; real_T c6_nargin = 2.0; real_T c6_c; real_T c6_y; real_T *c6_b_a; real_T *c6_b_y; real_T *c6_b_b; c6_b_y = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c6_b_a = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); c6_b_b = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance.S); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_SFUNCTION_TAG,4); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c6_b_a, 0U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c6_b_y, 1U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c6_b_b, 2U); c6_previousEvent = _sfEvent_; _sfEvent_ = CALL_EVENT; _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,4); c6_a = *c6_b_a; c6_b = *c6_b_b; sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(6U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c6_nargout, c6_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c6_nargin, c6_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("c", &c6_c, c6_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("y", &c6_y, c6_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("b", &c6_b, c6_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("a", &c6_a, c6_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); _SFD_EML_CALL(0,4); c6_c = 1.0 - c6_a; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,6); c6_y = c6_c + c6_b; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); if (CV_EML_IF(0, 0, c6_y > 1.0)) { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,8); c6_y = 1.0; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-8); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); *c6_b_y = c6_y; _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,4); _sfEvent_ = c6_previousEvent; sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency (_adcs_v15_integral_Power_no_charge_in_detumbMachineNumber_, chartInstance.chartNumber, chartInstance.instanceNumber); }
static void sf_c19_adcs_v15_integral_Power_nom(void) { int32_T c19_previousEvent; real_T c19_Latitude; real_T c19_Longitude; real_T c19_nargout = 4.0; real_T c19_nargin = 2.0; real_T c19_phi; real_T c19_flag_india; real_T c19_flag_france; real_T c19_flag_downlink; real_T c19_Downlink_power; real_T c19_a; real_T c19_A; real_T c19_x; real_T c19_b_x; real_T c19_c_x; real_T c19_d_x; real_T c19_b_a; real_T c19_e_x; real_T c19_b; real_T c19_y; real_T c19_c_a; real_T c19_b_A; real_T c19_f_x; real_T c19_g_x; real_T c19_h_x; real_T c19_i_x; real_T c19_d_a; real_T c19_j_x; real_T c19_b_b; real_T c19_b_y; real_T c19_e_a; real_T *c19_b_flag_india; real_T *c19_b_flag_france; real_T *c19_b_flag_downlink; real_T *c19_b_Downlink_power; real_T *c19_b_Longitude; real_T *c19_b_Latitude; c19_b_flag_france = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 3); c19_b_Downlink_power = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c19_b_Latitude = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); c19_b_Longitude = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c19_b_flag_india = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 4); c19_b_flag_downlink = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 2); _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance.S); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_SFUNCTION_TAG,13); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c19_b_Latitude, 0U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c19_b_Longitude, 1U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c19_b_Downlink_power, 2U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c19_b_flag_downlink, 3U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c19_b_flag_france, 4U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c19_b_flag_india, 5U); c19_previousEvent = _sfEvent_; _sfEvent_ = CALL_EVENT; _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,13); c19_Latitude = *c19_b_Latitude; c19_Longitude = *c19_b_Longitude; sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(9U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c19_nargout, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c19_nargin, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("phi", &c19_phi, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("flag_india", &c19_flag_india, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("flag_france", &c19_flag_france, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("flag_downlink", &c19_flag_downlink, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("Downlink_power", &c19_Downlink_power, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("Longitude", &c19_Longitude, c19_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("Latitude", &c19_Latitude, c19_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); _SFD_EML_CALL(0,3); c19_phi = 10.0; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,4); c19_flag_france = 0.0; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,5); c19_flag_india = 0.0; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,6); c19_a = c19_Latitude; c19_A = c19_a * 3.1415926535897931E+000; c19_x = c19_A; c19_b_x = c19_x; c19_c_x = c19_b_x; c19_d_x = c19_c_x / 180.0; c19_b_a = c19_d_x; c19_e_x = c19_b_a; c19_b_a = c19_e_x; c19_b_a = muDoubleScalarCos(c19_b_a); c19_b = c19_mpower(c19_Longitude - 82.7666); c19_y = c19_b_a * c19_b; if (CV_EML_IF(0, 0, c19_mpower(c19_Latitude - 22.5833) + c19_y < c19_mpower (25.0))) { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); c19_flag_downlink = 1.0; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,8); c19_flag_india = 1.0; } else { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,9); c19_c_a = c19_Latitude; c19_b_A = c19_c_a * 3.1415926535897931E+000; c19_f_x = c19_b_A; c19_g_x = c19_f_x; c19_h_x = c19_g_x; c19_i_x = c19_h_x / 180.0; c19_d_a = c19_i_x; c19_j_x = c19_d_a; c19_d_a = c19_j_x; c19_d_a = muDoubleScalarCos(c19_d_a); c19_b_b = c19_mpower(c19_Longitude - 2.33); c19_b_y = c19_d_a * c19_b_b; if (CV_EML_IF(0, 1, c19_mpower(c19_Latitude - 48.8) + c19_b_y < c19_mpower (10.0))) { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,10); c19_flag_downlink = 1.0; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,11); c19_flag_france = 1.0; } else { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,13); c19_flag_downlink = 0.0; } } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,16); c19_e_a = c19_flag_downlink; c19_Downlink_power = c19_e_a * 2.6; /* W */ /* */ /* y = u; */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-16); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); *c19_b_Downlink_power = c19_Downlink_power; *c19_b_flag_downlink = c19_flag_downlink; *c19_b_flag_france = c19_flag_france; *c19_b_flag_india = c19_flag_india; _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,13); _sfEvent_ = c19_previousEvent; sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency (_adcs_v15_integral_Power_nomMachineNumber_, chartInstance.chartNumber, chartInstance. instanceNumber); }
static void sf_c7_adcs_v15_integral_Power(void) { int32_T c7_i3; int32_T c7_i4; int32_T c7_previousEvent; int32_T c7_i5; real_T c7_x[7]; real_T c7_nargout = 1.0; real_T c7_nargin = 1.0; real_T c7_q[4]; real_T c7_xN[7]; int32_T c7_i6; int32_T c7_i7; real_T c7_A[4]; int32_T c7_i8; real_T c7_a[4]; int32_T c7_i9; real_T c7_b[4]; int32_T c7_i10; real_T c7_b_a[4]; int32_T c7_i11; real_T c7_b_b[4]; int32_T c7_i12; real_T c7_b_x[4]; int32_T c7_i13; real_T c7_y[4]; int32_T c7_i14; real_T c7_c_x[4]; int32_T c7_i15; real_T c7_b_y[4]; int32_T c7_i16; real_T c7_d_x[4]; int32_T c7_i17; real_T c7_c_y[4]; int32_T c7_i18; real_T c7_e_x[4]; int32_T c7_i19; real_T c7_d_y[4]; real_T c7_f_x; real_T c7_B; real_T c7_g_x; int32_T c7_i20; real_T c7_h_x[4]; real_T c7_e_y; int32_T c7_i21; real_T c7_i_x[4]; real_T c7_f_y; int32_T c7_i22; real_T c7_j_x[4]; real_T c7_g_y; int32_T c7_i23; int32_T c7_i24; int32_T c7_i25; int32_T c7_i26; real_T (*c7_b_xN)[7]; real_T (*c7_k_x)[7]; c7_b_xN = (real_T (*)[7])ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c7_k_x = (real_T (*)[7])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance.S); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_SFUNCTION_TAG,5); for (c7_i3 = 0; c7_i3 < 7; c7_i3 = c7_i3 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c7_k_x)[c7_i3], 0U); } for (c7_i4 = 0; c7_i4 < 7; c7_i4 = c7_i4 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c7_b_xN)[c7_i4], 1U); } c7_previousEvent = _sfEvent_; _sfEvent_ = CALL_EVENT; _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,5); for (c7_i5 = 0; c7_i5 < 7; c7_i5 = c7_i5 + 1) { c7_x[c7_i5] = (*c7_k_x)[c7_i5]; } sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(5U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c7_nargout, c7_c_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c7_nargin, c7_c_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("q", &c7_q, c7_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("xN", &c7_xN, c7_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("x", &c7_x, c7_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); /* This block gives DCM for converting from ECI to ORBIT frames */ /* inputs: state vector in ECI */ /* output: DCM */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,6); for (c7_i6 = 0; c7_i6 < 4; c7_i6 = c7_i6 + 1) { c7_q[c7_i6] = c7_x[c7_i6]; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); for (c7_i7 = 0; c7_i7 < 4; c7_i7 = c7_i7 + 1) { c7_A[c7_i7] = c7_q[c7_i7]; } for (c7_i8 = 0; c7_i8 < 4; c7_i8 = c7_i8 + 1) { c7_a[c7_i8] = c7_q[c7_i8]; } for (c7_i9 = 0; c7_i9 < 4; c7_i9 = c7_i9 + 1) { c7_b[c7_i9] = c7_q[c7_i9]; } c7_eml_scalar_eg(); for (c7_i10 = 0; c7_i10 < 4; c7_i10 = c7_i10 + 1) { c7_b_a[c7_i10] = c7_a[c7_i10]; } for (c7_i11 = 0; c7_i11 < 4; c7_i11 = c7_i11 + 1) { c7_b_b[c7_i11] = c7_b[c7_i11]; } for (c7_i12 = 0; c7_i12 < 4; c7_i12 = c7_i12 + 1) { c7_b_x[c7_i12] = c7_b_a[c7_i12]; } for (c7_i13 = 0; c7_i13 < 4; c7_i13 = c7_i13 + 1) { c7_y[c7_i13] = c7_b_b[c7_i13]; } for (c7_i14 = 0; c7_i14 < 4; c7_i14 = c7_i14 + 1) { c7_c_x[c7_i14] = c7_b_x[c7_i14]; } for (c7_i15 = 0; c7_i15 < 4; c7_i15 = c7_i15 + 1) { c7_b_y[c7_i15] = c7_y[c7_i15]; } for (c7_i16 = 0; c7_i16 < 4; c7_i16 = c7_i16 + 1) { c7_d_x[c7_i16] = c7_c_x[c7_i16]; } for (c7_i17 = 0; c7_i17 < 4; c7_i17 = c7_i17 + 1) { c7_c_y[c7_i17] = c7_b_y[c7_i17]; } for (c7_i18 = 0; c7_i18 < 4; c7_i18 = c7_i18 + 1) { c7_e_x[c7_i18] = c7_d_x[c7_i18]; } for (c7_i19 = 0; c7_i19 < 4; c7_i19 = c7_i19 + 1) { c7_d_y[c7_i19] = c7_c_y[c7_i19]; } c7_f_x = c7_ceval_xdot(4, c7_e_x, 1, 1, c7_d_y, 1, 1); c7_B = c7_f_x; if (c7_B < 0.0) { c7_eml_error(); } c7_g_x = c7_B; c7_B = c7_g_x; c7_B = muDoubleScalarSqrt(c7_B); for (c7_i20 = 0; c7_i20 < 4; c7_i20 = c7_i20 + 1) { c7_h_x[c7_i20] = c7_A[c7_i20]; } c7_e_y = c7_B; if (c7_e_y == 0.0) { c7_eml_warning(); } for (c7_i21 = 0; c7_i21 < 4; c7_i21 = c7_i21 + 1) { c7_i_x[c7_i21] = c7_h_x[c7_i21]; } c7_f_y = c7_e_y; for (c7_i22 = 0; c7_i22 < 4; c7_i22 = c7_i22 + 1) { c7_j_x[c7_i22] = c7_i_x[c7_i22]; } c7_g_y = c7_f_y; for (c7_i23 = 0; c7_i23 < 4; c7_i23 = c7_i23 + 1) { c7_q[c7_i23] = c7_j_x[c7_i23] / c7_g_y; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,8); for (c7_i24 = 0; c7_i24 < 4; c7_i24 = c7_i24 + 1) { c7_xN[c7_i24] = c7_q[c7_i24]; } for (c7_i25 = 0; c7_i25 < 3; c7_i25 = c7_i25 + 1) { c7_xN[c7_i25 + 4] = c7_x[c7_i25 + 4]; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-8); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); for (c7_i26 = 0; c7_i26 < 7; c7_i26 = c7_i26 + 1) { (*c7_b_xN)[c7_i26] = c7_xN[c7_i26]; } _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,5); _sfEvent_ = c7_previousEvent; sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency(_adcs_v15_integral_PowerMachineNumber_, chartInstance.chartNumber, chartInstance. instanceNumber); }
static void sf_c10_adcs_v15_integral_Power_nom(void) { int32_T c10_i6; int32_T c10_i7; int32_T c10_i8; int32_T c10_i9; int32_T c10_previousEvent; int32_T c10_i10; real_T c10_B_l[3]; int32_T c10_i11; real_T c10_B_k[3]; real_T c10_nargout = 2.0; real_T c10_nargin = 3.0; real_T c10_c_s_FRAME_SIZE = c10_b_s_FRAME_SIZE; real_T c10_dB[3]; real_T c10_B[3]; int32_T c10_i12; real_T c10_A[3]; int32_T c10_i13; real_T c10_x[3]; int32_T c10_i14; real_T c10_b_x[3]; int32_T c10_i15; real_T c10_c_x[3]; int32_T c10_i16; int32_T c10_i17; real_T c10_b_A[3]; int32_T c10_i18; real_T c10_d_x[3]; int32_T c10_i19; real_T c10_e_x[3]; int32_T c10_i20; real_T c10_f_x[3]; int32_T c10_i21; int32_T c10_i22; int32_T c10_i23; real_T (*c10_b_B)[3]; real_T (*c10_b_dB)[3]; real_T (*c10_b_B_k)[3]; real_T (*c10_b_B_l)[3]; c10_b_B_k = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c10_b_B = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c10_b_B_l = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); c10_b_dB = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 2); _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance.S); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_SFUNCTION_TAG,8); for (c10_i6 = 0; c10_i6 < 3; c10_i6 = c10_i6 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c10_b_B)[c10_i6], 0U); } for (c10_i7 = 0; c10_i7 < 3; c10_i7 = c10_i7 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c10_b_B_l)[c10_i7], 1U); } for (c10_i8 = 0; c10_i8 < 3; c10_i8 = c10_i8 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c10_b_B_k)[c10_i8], 2U); } for (c10_i9 = 0; c10_i9 < 3; c10_i9 = c10_i9 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c10_b_dB)[c10_i9], 3U); } _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(chartInstance.c10_s_FRAME_SIZE, 4U); c10_previousEvent = _sfEvent_; _sfEvent_ = CALL_EVENT; _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,8); for (c10_i10 = 0; c10_i10 < 3; c10_i10 = c10_i10 + 1) { c10_B_l[c10_i10] = (*c10_b_B_l)[c10_i10]; } for (c10_i11 = 0; c10_i11 < 3; c10_i11 = c10_i11 + 1) { c10_B_k[c10_i11] = (*c10_b_B_k)[c10_i11]; } sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(7U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c10_nargout, c10_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c10_nargin, c10_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("s_FRAME_SIZE", &c10_c_s_FRAME_SIZE, c10_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("dB", &c10_dB, c10_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("B", &c10_B, c10_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("B_k", &c10_B_k, c10_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("B_l", &c10_B_l, c10_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); /* This block supports the Embedded MATLAB subset. */ /* See the help menu for details. */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,5); for (c10_i12 = 0; c10_i12 < 3; c10_i12 = c10_i12 + 1) { c10_A[c10_i12] = c10_B_l[c10_i12] - c10_B_k[c10_i12]; } for (c10_i13 = 0; c10_i13 < 3; c10_i13 = c10_i13 + 1) { c10_x[c10_i13] = c10_A[c10_i13]; } for (c10_i14 = 0; c10_i14 < 3; c10_i14 = c10_i14 + 1) { c10_b_x[c10_i14] = c10_x[c10_i14]; } for (c10_i15 = 0; c10_i15 < 3; c10_i15 = c10_i15 + 1) { c10_c_x[c10_i15] = c10_b_x[c10_i15]; } for (c10_i16 = 0; c10_i16 < 3; c10_i16 = c10_i16 + 1) { c10_dB[c10_i16] = c10_c_x[c10_i16] / c10_b_s_FRAME_SIZE; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,6); for (c10_i17 = 0; c10_i17 < 3; c10_i17 = c10_i17 + 1) { c10_b_A[c10_i17] = c10_B_l[c10_i17] + c10_B_k[c10_i17]; } for (c10_i18 = 0; c10_i18 < 3; c10_i18 = c10_i18 + 1) { c10_d_x[c10_i18] = c10_b_A[c10_i18]; } for (c10_i19 = 0; c10_i19 < 3; c10_i19 = c10_i19 + 1) { c10_e_x[c10_i19] = c10_d_x[c10_i19]; } for (c10_i20 = 0; c10_i20 < 3; c10_i20 = c10_i20 + 1) { c10_f_x[c10_i20] = c10_e_x[c10_i20]; } for (c10_i21 = 0; c10_i21 < 3; c10_i21 = c10_i21 + 1) { c10_B[c10_i21] = c10_f_x[c10_i21] / 2.0; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-6); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); for (c10_i22 = 0; c10_i22 < 3; c10_i22 = c10_i22 + 1) { (*c10_b_B)[c10_i22] = c10_B[c10_i22]; } for (c10_i23 = 0; c10_i23 < 3; c10_i23 = c10_i23 + 1) { (*c10_b_dB)[c10_i23] = c10_dB[c10_i23]; } _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,8); _sfEvent_ = c10_previousEvent; sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency (_adcs_v15_integral_Power_nomMachineNumber_, chartInstance.chartNumber, chartInstance. instanceNumber); }
static void sf_c31_adcs_v15_integral_Power_no_charge_in_detumb(void) { int32_T c31_previousEvent; real_T c31_Vbat; real_T c31_pow; real_T c31_nargout = 1.0; real_T c31_nargin = 2.0; real_T c31_battery; real_T c31_pow_drawn; real_T *c31_b_Vbat; real_T *c31_b_pow; real_T *c31_b_pow_drawn; c31_b_pow_drawn = (real_T *)ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c31_b_pow = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c31_b_Vbat = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance.S); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_SFUNCTION_TAG,24); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c31_b_Vbat, 0U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c31_b_pow, 1U); _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK(*c31_b_pow_drawn, 2U); c31_previousEvent = _sfEvent_; _sfEvent_ = CALL_EVENT; _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,24); c31_Vbat = *c31_b_Vbat; c31_pow = *c31_b_pow; sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(6U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c31_nargout, c31_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c31_nargin, c31_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("battery", &c31_battery, c31_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("pow_drawn", &c31_pow_drawn, c31_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("pow", &c31_pow, c31_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("Vbat", &c31_Vbat, c31_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); /* This block supports the Embedded MATLAB subset. */ /* See the help menu for details. */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,5); c31_battery = 0.0; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); if (CV_EML_IF(0, 0, c31_Vbat > 3.0)) { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,8); c31_battery = 1.0; } else { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,10); c31_battery = 0.0; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,13); if (CV_EML_IF(0, 1, c31_battery == 1.0)) { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,14); c31_pow_drawn = c31_pow; } else { _SFD_EML_CALL(0,16); c31_pow_drawn = 0.0; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-16); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); *c31_b_pow_drawn = c31_pow_drawn; _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,24); _sfEvent_ = c31_previousEvent; sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency (_adcs_v15_integral_Power_no_charge_in_detumbMachineNumber_, chartInstance.chartNumber, chartInstance.instanceNumber); }
static void sf_c3_Puncture_Through_Wall(void) { int32_T c3_i0; int32_T c3_i1; uint8_T c3_previousEvent; int32_T c3_i2; real_T c3_u[3]; real_T c3_total; real_T c3_MAX_CURRENT; real_T c3_y[3]; int32_T c3_i3; int32_T c3_i4; real_T c3_x[3]; int32_T c3_i5; real_T c3_b_x[3]; real_T c3_d0; real_T c3_k; real_T c3_b_k; int32_T c3_i6; real_T c3_c_x[3]; real_T c3_d_x; int32_T c3_i7; int32_T c3_c_k; int32_T c3_d_k; real_T c3_e_x; real_T c3_r; real_T c3_A; real_T c3_B; real_T c3_f_x; real_T c3_b_y; real_T c3_c_y; int32_T c3_i8; int32_T c3_i9; int32_T c3_i10; real_T (*c3_d_y)[3]; real_T (*c3_b_u)[3]; c3_d_y = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c3_b_u = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance.S); for(c3_i0 = 0; c3_i0 < 3; c3_i0 = c3_i0 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c3_b_u)[c3_i0], 1U); } for(c3_i1 = 0; c3_i1 < 3; c3_i1 = c3_i1 + 1) { _SFD_DATA_RANGE_CHECK((*c3_d_y)[c3_i1], 0U); } c3_previousEvent = _sfEvent_; _sfEvent_ = CALL_EVENT; _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,1); for(c3_i2 = 0; c3_i2 < 3; c3_i2 = c3_i2 + 1) { c3_u[c3_i2] = (*c3_b_u)[c3_i2]; } sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(4U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("total", &c3_total, c3_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("MAX_CURRENT", &c3_MAX_CURRENT, c3_c_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("y", &c3_y, c3_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("u", &c3_u, c3_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); /* Smart Saturation: allows channels to go up to 1.6A */ /* unless the total exceeds 2.2A in which case all channels */ /* are scaled so that the cumulative current is equal to 2.2A. */ _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,6); for(c3_i3 = 0; c3_i3 < 3; c3_i3 = c3_i3 + 1) { c3_y[c3_i3] = 0.0; } _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,7); c3_MAX_CURRENT = 2.2; /* Define the maximum cumulative current here */ _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,9); for(c3_i4 = 0; c3_i4 < 3; c3_i4 = c3_i4 + 1) { c3_x[c3_i4] = c3_u[c3_i4]; } for(c3_i5 = 0; c3_i5 < 3; c3_i5 = c3_i5 + 1) { c3_b_x[c3_i5] = 0.0; } c3_d0 = 1.0; for(c3_k = c3_d0; c3_k <= 3.0; c3_k = c3_k + 1.0) { c3_b_k = c3_k; c3_b_x[(int32_T)_SFD_EML_ARRAY_BOUNDS_CHECK("y", (int32_T)_SFD_INTEGER_CHECK("k", c3_b_k), 1, 3, 1, 0) - 1] = fabs(c3_x[(int32_T) _SFD_EML_ARRAY_BOUNDS_CHECK("x", (int32_T)_SFD_INTEGER_CHECK("k", c3_b_k), 1, 3, 1, 0) - 1]); } for(c3_i6 = 0; c3_i6 < 3; c3_i6 = c3_i6 + 1) { c3_c_x[c3_i6] = c3_b_x[c3_i6]; } c3_d_x = c3_c_x[0]; c3_total = c3_d_x; c3_i7 = 2; for(c3_c_k = c3_i7; c3_c_k < 4; c3_c_k = c3_c_k + 1) { c3_d_k = c3_c_k; c3_e_x = c3_c_x[(int32_T)_SFD_EML_ARRAY_BOUNDS_CHECK("x", _SFD_INTEGER_CHECK("k", (real_T)c3_d_k), 1, 3, 1, 0) - 1]; c3_r = c3_e_x; c3_total = c3_total + c3_r; } _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,10); if(CV_EML_IF(0, 0, c3_total > c3_MAX_CURRENT)) { _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,11); c3_A = 2.2; c3_B = c3_total; c3_f_x = c3_A; c3_b_y = c3_B; c3_c_y = c3_f_x / c3_b_y; for(c3_i8 = 0; c3_i8 < 3; c3_i8 = c3_i8 + 1) { c3_y[c3_i8] = c3_c_y * c3_u[c3_i8]; } } else { _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,13); for(c3_i9 = 0; c3_i9 < 3; c3_i9 = c3_i9 + 1) { c3_y[c3_i9] = c3_u[c3_i9]; } } _SFD_EML_CALL(STATE_DURING_DURING_ACTION_TAG,0,-13); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); for(c3_i10 = 0; c3_i10 < 3; c3_i10 = c3_i10 + 1) { (*c3_d_y)[c3_i10] = c3_y[c3_i10]; } _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,1); _sfEvent_ = c3_previousEvent; sf_debug_check_for_state_inconsistency(_Puncture_Through_WallMachineNumber_, chartInstance.chartNumber, chartInstance.instanceNumber ); }
static void c20_c20_adcs_v15_integral_Power_nom(void) { int32_T c20_i6; real_T c20_v_I[3]; int32_T c20_i7; real_T c20_x[7]; real_T c20_nargout = 1.0; real_T c20_nargin = 2.0; real_T c20_TBI[9]; real_T c20_q3; real_T c20_q2; real_T c20_q1; real_T c20_q0; real_T c20_q[4]; real_T c20_v_B[3]; int32_T c20_i8; real_T c20_b; real_T c20_a; real_T c20_b_b; real_T c20_y; real_T c20_c_b; real_T c20_b_a; real_T c20_d_b; real_T c20_b_y; real_T c20_e_b; real_T c20_c_a; real_T c20_f_b; real_T c20_c_y; real_T c20_g_b; real_T c20_d_a; real_T c20_h_b; real_T c20_d_y; real_T c20_i_b; real_T c20_e_a; real_T c20_j_b; real_T c20_e_y; real_T c20_k_b; real_T c20_f_a; real_T c20_l_b; real_T c20_f_y; real_T c20_m_b; real_T c20_g_a; real_T c20_n_b; real_T c20_g_y; real_T c20_o_b; real_T c20_h_a; real_T c20_p_b; real_T c20_h_y; real_T c20_q_b; real_T c20_i_a; real_T c20_r_b; real_T c20_i_y; real_T c20_s_b; real_T c20_j_a; real_T c20_t_b; real_T c20_j_y; real_T c20_u_b; real_T c20_k_a; real_T c20_v_b; real_T c20_k_y; real_T c20_w_b; real_T c20_l_a; real_T c20_x_b; real_T c20_l_y; real_T c20_d0; real_T c20_d1; real_T c20_d2; int32_T c20_i9; real_T c20_m_a[9]; int32_T c20_i10; real_T c20_y_b[3]; int32_T c20_i11; real_T c20_A[9]; int32_T c20_i12; real_T c20_B[3]; int32_T c20_i13; int32_T c20_i14; real_T c20_b_A[9]; int32_T c20_i15; real_T c20_b_B[3]; int32_T c20_i16; real_T c20_c_A[9]; int32_T c20_i17; real_T c20_c_B[3]; int32_T c20_i18; int32_T c20_i19; int32_T c20_i20; int32_T c20_i21; real_T (*c20_b_v_B)[3]; real_T (*c20_b_x)[7]; real_T (*c20_b_v_I)[3]; c20_b_v_I = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); c20_b_v_B = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c20_b_x = (real_T (*)[7])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,14); for (c20_i6 = 0; c20_i6 < 3; c20_i6 = c20_i6 + 1) { c20_v_I[c20_i6] = (*c20_b_v_I)[c20_i6]; } for (c20_i7 = 0; c20_i7 < 7; c20_i7 = c20_i7 + 1) { c20_x[c20_i7] = (*c20_b_x)[c20_i7]; } sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(11U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c20_nargout, c20_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c20_nargin, c20_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("TBI", &c20_TBI, c20_e_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("q3", &c20_q3, c20_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("q2", &c20_q2, c20_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("q1", &c20_q1, c20_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("q0", &c20_q0, c20_d_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("q", &c20_q, c20_c_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("v_B", &c20_v_B, c20_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("x", &c20_x, c20_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("v_I", &c20_v_I, c20_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); /* This block supports the Embedded MATLAB subset. */ /* See the help menu for details. */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,5); for (c20_i8 = 0; c20_i8 < 4; c20_i8 = c20_i8 + 1) { c20_q[c20_i8] = c20_x[c20_i8]; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); c20_q0 = c20_q[3]; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); c20_q1 = c20_q[0]; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); c20_q2 = c20_q[1]; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,7); c20_q3 = c20_q[2]; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,9); c20_b = c20_q0; c20_a = 2.0 * c20_b; c20_b_b = c20_q1; c20_y = c20_a * c20_b_b; c20_c_b = c20_q2; c20_b_a = 2.0 * c20_c_b; c20_d_b = c20_q3; c20_b_y = c20_b_a * c20_d_b; c20_e_b = c20_q1; c20_c_a = 2.0 * c20_e_b; c20_f_b = c20_q3; c20_c_y = c20_c_a * c20_f_b; c20_g_b = c20_q0; c20_d_a = 2.0 * c20_g_b; c20_h_b = c20_q2; c20_d_y = c20_d_a * c20_h_b; c20_i_b = c20_q2; c20_e_a = 2.0 * c20_i_b; c20_j_b = c20_q3; c20_e_y = c20_e_a * c20_j_b; c20_k_b = c20_q0; c20_f_a = 2.0 * c20_k_b; c20_l_b = c20_q1; c20_f_y = c20_f_a * c20_l_b; c20_m_b = c20_q0; c20_g_a = 2.0 * c20_m_b; c20_n_b = c20_q3; c20_g_y = c20_g_a * c20_n_b; c20_o_b = c20_q1; c20_h_a = 2.0 * c20_o_b; c20_p_b = c20_q2; c20_h_y = c20_h_a * c20_p_b; c20_q_b = c20_q0; c20_i_a = 2.0 * c20_q_b; c20_r_b = c20_q2; c20_i_y = c20_i_a * c20_r_b; c20_s_b = c20_q1; c20_j_a = 2.0 * c20_s_b; c20_t_b = c20_q3; c20_j_y = c20_j_a * c20_t_b; c20_u_b = c20_q1; c20_k_a = 2.0 * c20_u_b; c20_v_b = c20_q2; c20_k_y = c20_k_a * c20_v_b; c20_w_b = c20_q0; c20_l_a = 2.0 * c20_w_b; c20_x_b = c20_q3; c20_l_y = c20_l_a * c20_x_b; c20_d0 = ((c20_mpower(c20_q0) + c20_mpower(c20_q1)) - c20_mpower(c20_q2)) - c20_mpower(c20_q3); c20_d1 = ((c20_mpower(c20_q0) - c20_mpower(c20_q1)) + c20_mpower(c20_q2)) - c20_mpower(c20_q3); c20_d2 = ((c20_mpower(c20_q0) - c20_mpower(c20_q1)) - c20_mpower(c20_q2)) + c20_mpower(c20_q3); c20_TBI[0] = c20_d0; c20_TBI[3] = c20_l_y + c20_k_y; c20_TBI[6] = c20_j_y - c20_i_y; c20_TBI[1] = c20_h_y - c20_g_y; c20_TBI[4] = c20_d1; c20_TBI[7] = c20_f_y + c20_e_y; c20_TBI[2] = c20_d_y + c20_c_y; c20_TBI[5] = c20_b_y - c20_y; c20_TBI[8] = c20_d2; _SFD_EML_CALL(0,13); for (c20_i9 = 0; c20_i9 < 9; c20_i9 = c20_i9 + 1) { c20_m_a[c20_i9] = c20_TBI[c20_i9]; } for (c20_i10 = 0; c20_i10 < 3; c20_i10 = c20_i10 + 1) { c20_y_b[c20_i10] = c20_v_I[c20_i10]; } c20_b_eml_scalar_eg(); c20_b_eml_scalar_eg(); for (c20_i11 = 0; c20_i11 < 9; c20_i11 = c20_i11 + 1) { c20_A[c20_i11] = c20_m_a[c20_i11]; } for (c20_i12 = 0; c20_i12 < 3; c20_i12 = c20_i12 + 1) { c20_B[c20_i12] = c20_y_b[c20_i12]; } for (c20_i13 = 0; c20_i13 < 3; c20_i13 = c20_i13 + 1) { c20_v_B[c20_i13] = 0.0; } for (c20_i14 = 0; c20_i14 < 9; c20_i14 = c20_i14 + 1) { c20_b_A[c20_i14] = c20_A[c20_i14]; } for (c20_i15 = 0; c20_i15 < 3; c20_i15 = c20_i15 + 1) { c20_b_B[c20_i15] = c20_B[c20_i15]; } for (c20_i16 = 0; c20_i16 < 9; c20_i16 = c20_i16 + 1) { c20_c_A[c20_i16] = c20_b_A[c20_i16]; } for (c20_i17 = 0; c20_i17 < 3; c20_i17 = c20_i17 + 1) { c20_c_B[c20_i17] = c20_b_B[c20_i17]; } for (c20_i18 = 0; c20_i18 < 3; c20_i18 = c20_i18 + 1) { c20_v_B[c20_i18] = 0.0; c20_i19 = 0; for (c20_i20 = 0; c20_i20 < 3; c20_i20 = c20_i20 + 1) { c20_v_B[c20_i18] = c20_v_B[c20_i18] + c20_c_A[c20_i19 + c20_i18] * c20_c_B[c20_i20]; c20_i19 = c20_i19 + 3; } } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-13); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); for (c20_i21 = 0; c20_i21 < 3; c20_i21 = c20_i21 + 1) { (*c20_b_v_B)[c20_i21] = c20_v_B[c20_i21]; } _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,14); }
static void c30_c30_adcs_v15_integral_Power(void) { int32_T c30_i5; real_T c30_r_I[3]; real_T c30_t; real_T c30_nargout = 1.0; real_T c30_nargin = 4.0; real_T c30_c_equinox = c30_b_equinox; real_T c30_c_today = c30_b_today; real_T c30_TEI[9]; real_T c30_phi; real_T c30_st_sec; real_T c30_ut_sec; real_T c30_W_EARTH_ROT; real_T c30_stperut; real_T c30_r_ECEF[3]; real_T c30_b; real_T c30_a; real_T c30_x; real_T c30_b_x; real_T c30_c_x; real_T c30_d_x; real_T c30_e_x; real_T c30_f_x; real_T c30_g_x; real_T c30_h_x; real_T c30_i_x; real_T c30_j_x; real_T c30_k_x; real_T c30_l_x; int32_T c30_i6; int32_T c30_i7; static real_T c30_dv1[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; int32_T c30_i8; real_T c30_b_a[9]; int32_T c30_i9; real_T c30_b_b[3]; int32_T c30_i10; real_T c30_A[9]; int32_T c30_i11; real_T c30_B[3]; int32_T c30_i12; int32_T c30_i13; real_T c30_b_A[9]; int32_T c30_i14; real_T c30_b_B[3]; int32_T c30_i15; real_T c30_c_A[9]; int32_T c30_i16; real_T c30_c_B[3]; int32_T c30_i17; int32_T c30_i18; int32_T c30_i19; int32_T c30_i20; real_T *c30_b_t; real_T (*c30_b_r_ECEF)[3]; real_T (*c30_b_r_I)[3]; c30_b_r_ECEF = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetOutputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c30_b_t = (real_T *)ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 1); c30_b_r_I = (real_T (*)[3])ssGetInputPortSignal(chartInstance.S, 0); _SFD_CC_CALL(CHART_ENTER_DURING_FUNCTION_TAG,23); for (c30_i5 = 0; c30_i5 < 3; c30_i5 = c30_i5 + 1) { c30_r_I[c30_i5] = (*c30_b_r_I)[c30_i5]; } c30_t = *c30_b_t; sf_debug_symbol_scope_push(13U, 0U); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargout", &c30_nargout, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("nargin", &c30_nargin, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("equinox", &c30_c_equinox, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("today", &c30_c_today, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("TEI", &c30_TEI, c30_c_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("phi", &c30_phi, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("st_sec", &c30_st_sec, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("ut_sec", &c30_ut_sec, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("W_EARTH_ROT", &c30_W_EARTH_ROT, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("stperut", &c30_stperut, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("r_ECEF", &c30_r_ECEF, c30_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("t", &c30_t, c30_b_sf_marshall); sf_debug_symbol_scope_add("r_I", &c30_r_I, c30_sf_marshall); CV_EML_FCN(0, 0); /* u: position vector in ECI (in m) */ /* y: position vector in ECEF (in m) */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,5); c30_stperut = 1.0027379093500000E+000; /* siderial time = stperut * universal time */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,6); c30_W_EARTH_ROT = 7.2940705438520400E-005; /* sidereal rotation angular velocity of earth, SI */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,8); c30_ut_sec = 1.8225E+007 + c30_t; /* universal time vector in sec */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,9); c30_b = c30_ut_sec; c30_st_sec = 1.0027379093500000E+000 * c30_b; /* sidereal time vector in sec */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,11); c30_a = c30_st_sec; c30_phi = c30_a * 7.2940705438520400E-005; /* sidereal time vector in rad */ _SFD_EML_CALL(0,13); c30_x = c30_phi; c30_b_x = c30_x; c30_c_x = c30_b_x; c30_b_x = c30_c_x; c30_b_x = muDoubleScalarCos(c30_b_x); c30_d_x = c30_phi; c30_e_x = c30_d_x; c30_f_x = c30_e_x; c30_e_x = c30_f_x; c30_e_x = muDoubleScalarSin(c30_e_x); c30_g_x = c30_phi; c30_h_x = c30_g_x; c30_i_x = c30_h_x; c30_h_x = c30_i_x; c30_h_x = muDoubleScalarSin(c30_h_x); c30_j_x = c30_phi; c30_k_x = c30_j_x; c30_l_x = c30_k_x; c30_k_x = c30_l_x; c30_k_x = muDoubleScalarCos(c30_k_x); c30_TEI[0] = c30_k_x; c30_TEI[3] = c30_h_x; c30_TEI[6] = 0.0; c30_TEI[1] = -c30_e_x; c30_TEI[4] = c30_b_x; c30_TEI[7] = 0.0; c30_i6 = 0; for (c30_i7 = 0; c30_i7 < 3; c30_i7 = c30_i7 + 1) { c30_TEI[c30_i6 + 2] = c30_dv1[c30_i7]; c30_i6 = c30_i6 + 3; } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,17); for (c30_i8 = 0; c30_i8 < 9; c30_i8 = c30_i8 + 1) { c30_b_a[c30_i8] = c30_TEI[c30_i8]; } for (c30_i9 = 0; c30_i9 < 3; c30_i9 = c30_i9 + 1) { c30_b_b[c30_i9] = c30_r_I[c30_i9]; } c30_eml_scalar_eg(); c30_eml_scalar_eg(); for (c30_i10 = 0; c30_i10 < 9; c30_i10 = c30_i10 + 1) { c30_A[c30_i10] = c30_b_a[c30_i10]; } for (c30_i11 = 0; c30_i11 < 3; c30_i11 = c30_i11 + 1) { c30_B[c30_i11] = c30_b_b[c30_i11]; } for (c30_i12 = 0; c30_i12 < 3; c30_i12 = c30_i12 + 1) { c30_r_ECEF[c30_i12] = 0.0; } for (c30_i13 = 0; c30_i13 < 9; c30_i13 = c30_i13 + 1) { c30_b_A[c30_i13] = c30_A[c30_i13]; } for (c30_i14 = 0; c30_i14 < 3; c30_i14 = c30_i14 + 1) { c30_b_B[c30_i14] = c30_B[c30_i14]; } for (c30_i15 = 0; c30_i15 < 9; c30_i15 = c30_i15 + 1) { c30_c_A[c30_i15] = c30_b_A[c30_i15]; } for (c30_i16 = 0; c30_i16 < 3; c30_i16 = c30_i16 + 1) { c30_c_B[c30_i16] = c30_b_B[c30_i16]; } for (c30_i17 = 0; c30_i17 < 3; c30_i17 = c30_i17 + 1) { c30_r_ECEF[c30_i17] = 0.0; c30_i18 = 0; for (c30_i19 = 0; c30_i19 < 3; c30_i19 = c30_i19 + 1) { c30_r_ECEF[c30_i17] = c30_r_ECEF[c30_i17] + c30_c_A[c30_i18 + c30_i17] * c30_c_B[c30_i19]; c30_i18 = c30_i18 + 3; } } _SFD_EML_CALL(0,-17); sf_debug_symbol_scope_pop(); for (c30_i20 = 0; c30_i20 < 3; c30_i20 = c30_i20 + 1) { (*c30_b_r_ECEF)[c30_i20] = c30_r_ECEF[c30_i20]; } _SFD_CC_CALL(EXIT_OUT_OF_FUNCTION_TAG,23); }