コード例 #1
ファイル: Phong.cpp プロジェクト: vmichele/raytracer
RGBColor Phong::shade(ShadeRec& sr) {
  Vector3D 	wo 			= -sr.ray.d;
  RGBColor 	L 			= ambient_brdf->rho(sr, wo) * sr.w.ambient_ptr->L(sr);
  int num_lights    = sr.w.lights.size();

  for (int j = 0; j < num_lights; j++) {
    Vector3D wi = sr.w.lights[j]->get_direction(sr);
    float ndotwi = sr.normal * wi;

    if (ndotwi > 0.0) {
      bool in_shadow = false;

      if (shadows && sr.w.lights[j]->casts_shadows()) {
        Ray shadowsRay(sr.hit_point, wi);
        in_shadow = sr.w.lights[j]->in_shadow(shadowsRay, sr);

      if (!in_shadow)
        L += (diffuse_brdf->f(sr, wo, wi) + specular_brdf->f(sr, wo, wi))
           * sr.w.lights[j]->L(sr) * ndotwi;

  return L;
コード例 #2
gml::vec3_t Scene::shadeRay(const RayTracing::Ray_t &ray, RayTracing::HitInfo_t &hitinfo, const int remainingRecursionDepth) const
	// TODO!

	// Calculate the shade/radiance/color of the given ray. Return the calculated color
	//  - Information about the ray's point of nearest intersection is located
	// in 'hitinfo'
	//  - If remainingRecursionDepth is 0, then _no_ recursive rays (mirror or indirect lighting) should be cast

	// Note: You will have to set up the values for a RayTracing::ShaderValues object, and then
	// pass the object to a shader object to do the appropriate shading.
	//   Use m_shaderManager.getShader() to get an appropriate Shader object for shading
	//  the point based on material properties of the object intersected.

	// When implementing shadows, then the direct lighting component of the
	// calculated ray color will be black if the point is in shadow.

	//ml::vec3_t shade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
	//RayTracing::ShaderValues sv(hitinfo.objHit->getMaterial());

	// Note: For debugging your rayIntersection() function, this function
	// returns some non-black constant color at first. When you actually implement
	// this function, then initialize shade to black (0,0,0).

	gml::vec3_t shade(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	gml::vec2_t texCoord;
	gml::vec3_t normal;

	hitinfo.objHit->hitProperties(hitinfo, normal, texCoord);

	RayTracing::ShaderValues shaderVal(hitinfo.objHit->getMaterial());
	shaderVal.n = normal;
	shaderVal.p = gml::add(ray.o, gml::scale(hitinfo.hitDist, ray.d));
	shaderVal.e = gml::normalize(gml::scale(-1.0f, ray.d));
	shaderVal.tex = texCoord;
	shaderVal.lightDir = gml::normalize(gml::sub(gml::extract3(m_lightPos), shaderVal.p));
	shaderVal.lightRad = m_lightRad;

	float distToLight = gml::length(gml::sub(gml::extract3(m_lightPos), shaderVal.p));

	// test if in shadow
	RayTracing::Ray_t shadowRay;
	shadowRay.o = shaderVal.p;
	shadowRay.d = shaderVal.lightDir;
	if (!shadowsRay(shadowRay, 0.001, distToLight))
			// direct lighting
			shade = m_shaderManager.getShader(hitinfo.objHit->getMaterial())->shade(shaderVal);
			shade = gml::vec3_t(0,0,0);


	// Only proceed if the recursion depth limit has not been met.
	if (remainingRecursionDepth > 0)
			// Mirror checks, and shading.
			if (hitinfo.objHit->getMaterial().isMirror())
					// Ray for mirrors.
					RayTracing::Ray_t mirrorRay;
					mirrorRay.o = shaderVal.p;
					mirrorRay.d = gml::normalize(gml::scale(-1, gml::reflect(ray.d, normal)));

					RayTracing::HitInfo_t mirrorHitInfo;

					// If intersection, get the mirror shading color and apply it.
					if (this->rayIntersects(mirrorRay, 0.001f, FLT_MAX, mirrorHitInfo))
							gml::vec3_t mirrorShade = shadeRay(mirrorRay, mirrorHitInfo, remainingRecursionDepth - 1);
							shade = gml::add(shade, gml::mul(hitinfo.objHit->getMaterial().getMirrorRefl(), mirrorShade));

			// Setup indirect lighting.
			RayTracing::Ray_t indirectRay;
			indirectRay.o = shaderVal.p;

			RayTracing::HitInfo_t indirectHitInfo;

			// If intersection, apply indirect ray for indirect lighting.
			if (this->rayIntersects(indirectRay, 0.001f, FLT_MAX, indirectHitInfo))

					shaderVal.lightDir = indirectRay.d;
					shaderVal.lightRad = shadeRay(indirectRay, indirectHitInfo, remainingRecursionDepth - 1);

					gml::vec3_t indirectShade = m_shaderManager.getShader(hitinfo.objHit->getMaterial())->shade(shaderVal);

					// Add together to the cumulative color.
					shade = gml::add(shade, indirectShade);

	// Note: For debugging your rayIntersection() function, this function
	// returns some non-black constant color at first. When you actually implement
	// this function, then initialize shade to black (0,0,0).

	// Return the cumulative color for the point.
	return shade;
