コード例 #1
bool SCH_PRINTOUT::OnPrintPage( int page )
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    wxCHECK_MSG( page >= 1 && page <= (int)sheetList.size(), false,
                 wxT( "Cannot print invalid page number." ) );

    wxCHECK_MSG( sheetList[ page - 1].LastScreen() != NULL, false,
                 wxT( "Cannot print page with NULL screen." ) );

    wxString msg;
    msg.Printf( _( "Print page %d" ), page );
    m_parent->AppendMsgPanel( msg, wxEmptyString, CYAN );

    SCH_SCREEN*     screen       = m_parent->GetScreen();
    SCH_SHEET_PATH  oldsheetpath = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet();
    m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( sheetList[ page - 1 ] );
    screen = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen();
    DrawPage( screen );
    m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( oldsheetpath );

    return true;
コード例 #2
void DIALOG_ERC::DisplayERC_MarkersList()
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet);

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < sheetList.size(); i++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = sheetList[i].LastDrawList();

        for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            SCH_MARKER* marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( marker->GetMarkerType() != MARKER_BASE::MARKER_ERC )

            m_MarkersList->AppendToList( marker );

コード例 #3
void DIALOG_ERC::OnLeftClickMarkersList( wxHtmlLinkEvent& event )
    wxString link = event.GetLinkInfo().GetHref();

    m_lastMarkerFound = NULL;

    long index;

    if( !link.ToLong( &index ) )

    const SCH_MARKER* marker = m_MarkersList->GetItem( index );

    if( marker == NULL )

    // Search for the selected marker
    unsigned i;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST  sheetList( g_RootSheet );
    bool notFound = true;

    for( i = 0;  i < sheetList.size(); i++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) sheetList[i].LastDrawList();

        for( ; item; item = item->Next() )
            if( item == marker )
                notFound = false;

        if( notFound == false )

    if( notFound ) // Error
        wxMessageBox( _( "Marker not found" ) );

        // The marker was deleted, so rebuild marker list

    if( sheetList[i] != m_parent->GetCurrentSheet() )
        sheetList[i].LastScreen()->SetZoom( m_parent->GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
        m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( sheetList[i] );

    m_lastMarkerFound = marker;
    m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( marker->m_Pos );
    m_parent->RedrawScreen( marker->m_Pos, false);
コード例 #4
bool WriteDiagnosticERC( const wxString& aFullFileName )
    wxString    msg;

    wxFFile file( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) );

    if( !file.IsOpened() )
        return false;

    msg = _( "ERC report" );
    msg << wxT(" (") << DateAndTime() << wxT( ", " )
        << _( "Encoding UTF8" ) << wxT( " )\n" );

    int err_count = 0;
    int warn_count = 0;
    int total_count = 0;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < sheetList.size(); i++ )
        msg << wxString::Format( _( "\n***** Sheet %s\n" ),
                                 GetChars( sheetList[i].PathHumanReadable() ) );

        for( SCH_ITEM* item = sheetList[i].LastDrawList(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            SCH_MARKER* marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( marker->GetMarkerType() != MARKER_BASE::MARKER_ERC )


            if( marker->GetErrorLevel() == MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY_ERROR )

            if( marker->GetErrorLevel() == MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY_WARNING )

            msg << marker->GetReporter().ShowReport();

    msg << wxString::Format( _( "\n ** ERC messages: %d  Errors %d  Warnings %d\n" ),
                             total_count, err_count, warn_count );

    // Currently: write report using UTF8 (as usual in Kicad).
    // TODO: see if we can use the current encoding page (mainly for Windows users),
    // Or other format (HTML?)
    file.Write( msg );

    // wxFFile dtor will close the file.

    return true;
コード例 #5
int SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CheckAnnotate( REPORTER& aReporter, bool aOneSheetOnly )
    // build the screen list
    SCH_SHEET_LIST      sheetList( g_RootSheet );
    SCH_REFERENCE_LIST  componentsList;

    // Build the list of components
    if( !aOneSheetOnly )
        sheetList.GetComponents( componentsList );
        m_CurrentSheet->GetComponents( componentsList );

    return componentsList.CheckAnnotation( aReporter );
コード例 #6
    XNODE*      xcomps = node( wxT( "components" ) );

    wxString    timeStamp;

    // some strings we need many times, but don't want to construct more
    // than once for performance.  These are used within loops so the
    // enclosing wxString constructor would fire on each loop iteration if
    // they were in a nested scope.

    // these are actually constructor invocations, not assignments as it appears:
    wxString    sFields     = wxT( "fields" );
    wxString    sField      = wxT( "field" );
    wxString    sComponent  = wxT( "comp" );          // use "part" ?
    wxString    sName       = wxT( "name" );
    wxString    sRef        = wxT( "ref" );
    wxString    sPins       = wxT( "pins" );
    wxString    sPin        = wxT( "pin" );
    wxString    sValue      = wxT( "value" );
    wxString    sSheetPath  = wxT( "sheetpath" );
    wxString    sFootprint  = wxT( "footprint" );
    wxString    sDatasheet  = wxT( "datasheet" );
    wxString    sTStamp     = wxT( "tstamp" );
    wxString    sTStamps    = wxT( "tstamps" );
    wxString    sTSFmt      = wxT( "%8.8lX" );        // comp->m_TimeStamp
    wxString    sLibSource  = wxT( "libsource" );
    wxString    sLibPart    = wxT( "libpart" );
    wxString    sLib        = wxT( "lib" );
    wxString    sPart       = wxT( "part" );
    wxString    sNames      = wxT( "names" );


    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    // Output is xml, so there is no reason to remove spaces from the field values.
    // And XML element names need not be translated to various languages.

    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < sheetList.size();  i++ )
        for( EDA_ITEM* schItem = sheetList[i].LastDrawList();  schItem;  schItem = schItem->Next() )
            SCH_COMPONENT*  comp = findNextComponentAndCreatePinList( schItem, &sheetList[i] );
            if( !comp )
                break;  // No component left

            schItem = comp;

            XNODE* xcomp;  // current component being constructed

            // Output the component's elements in order of expected access frequency.
            // This may not always look best, but it will allow faster execution
            // under XSL processing systems which do sequential searching within
            // an element.

            xcomps->AddChild( xcomp = node( sComponent ) );
            xcomp->AddAttribute( sRef, comp->GetRef( &sheetList[i] ) );

            xcomp->AddChild( node( sValue, comp->GetField( VALUE )->GetText() ) );

            if( !comp->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->IsVoid() )
                xcomp->AddChild( node( sFootprint, comp->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->GetText() ) );

            if( !comp->GetField( DATASHEET )->IsVoid() )
                xcomp->AddChild( node( sDatasheet, comp->GetField( DATASHEET )->GetText() ) );

            // Export all user defined fields within the component,
            // which start at field index MANDATORY_FIELDS.  Only output the <fields>
            // container element if there are any <field>s.
            if( comp->GetFieldCount() > MANDATORY_FIELDS )
                XNODE* xfields;
                xcomp->AddChild( xfields = node( sFields ) );

                for( int fldNdx = MANDATORY_FIELDS; fldNdx < comp->GetFieldCount(); ++fldNdx )
                    SCH_FIELD*  f = comp->GetField( fldNdx );

                    // only output a field if non empty and not just "~"
                    if( !f->IsVoid() )
                        XNODE*  xfield;
                        xfields->AddChild( xfield = node( sField, f->GetText() ) );
                        xfield->AddAttribute( sName, f->GetName() );

            XNODE*  xlibsource;
            xcomp->AddChild( xlibsource = node( sLibSource ) );

            // "logical" library name, which is in anticipation of a better search
            // algorithm for parts based on "logical_lib.part" and where logical_lib
            // is merely the library name minus path and extension.
            LIB_PART* part = m_libs->FindLibPart( comp->GetLibId() );
            if( part )
                xlibsource->AddAttribute( sLib, part->GetLib()->GetLogicalName() );

            // We only want the symbol name, not the full LIB_ID.
            xlibsource->AddAttribute( sPart, comp->GetLibId().GetLibItemName() );

            XNODE* xsheetpath;

            xcomp->AddChild( xsheetpath = node( sSheetPath ) );
            xsheetpath->AddAttribute( sNames, sheetList[i].PathHumanReadable() );
            xsheetpath->AddAttribute( sTStamps, sheetList[i].Path() );

            timeStamp.Printf( sTSFmt, (unsigned long)comp->GetTimeStamp() );
            xcomp->AddChild( node( sTStamp, timeStamp ) );

    return xcomps;
コード例 #7
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    XNODE*     xdesign = node( wxT( "design" ) );
    XNODE*     xtitleBlock;
    XNODE*     xsheet;
    XNODE*     xcomment;
    wxString   sheetTxt;
    wxFileName sourceFileName;

    // the root sheet is a special sheet, call it source
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );

    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), DateAndTime() ) );

    // which Eeschema tool
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "tool" ), wxT( "Eeschema " ) + GetBuildVersion() ) );

        Export the sheets information
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < sheetList.size();  i++ )
        screen = sheetList[i].LastScreen();

        xdesign->AddChild( xsheet = node( wxT( "sheet" ) ) );

        // get the string representation of the sheet index number.
        // Note that sheet->GetIndex() is zero index base and we need to increment the
        // number by one to make it human readable
        sheetTxt.Printf( wxT( "%u" ), i + 1 );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "number" ), sheetTxt );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "name" ), sheetList[i].PathHumanReadable() );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "tstamps" ), sheetList[i].Path() );

        TITLE_BLOCK tb = screen->GetTitleBlock();

        xsheet->AddChild( xtitleBlock = node( wxT( "title_block" ) ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "title" ), tb.GetTitle() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "company" ), tb.GetCompany() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "rev" ), tb.GetRevision() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), tb.GetDate() ) );

        // We are going to remove the fileName directories.
        sourceFileName = wxFileName( screen->GetFileName() );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), sourceFileName.GetFullName() ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("1") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment1() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("2") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment2() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("3") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment3() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("4") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment4() );

    return xdesign;
コード例 #8
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ProcessCmpToFootprintLinkFile( const wxString& aFullFilename,
                                                    bool aForceVisibilityState,
                                                    bool aVisibilityState )
    // Build a flat list of components in schematic:
    SCH_REFERENCE_LIST  referencesList;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST      sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    sheetList.GetComponents( Prj().SchLibs(), referencesList, false );

    FILE* cmpFile = wxFopen( aFullFilename, wxT( "rt" ) );

    if( cmpFile == NULL )
        return false;

    // cmpFileReader dtor will close cmpFile
    FILE_LINE_READER cmpFileReader( cmpFile, aFullFilename );

    // Now, for each component found in file,
    // replace footprint field value by the new value:
    wxString reference;
    wxString footprint;
    wxString buffer;
    wxString value;

    while( cmpFileReader.ReadLine() )
        buffer = FROM_UTF8( cmpFileReader.Line() );

        if( !buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "BeginCmp" ) ) )

        // Begin component description.

        while( cmpFileReader.ReadLine() )
            buffer = FROM_UTF8( cmpFileReader.Line() );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "EndCmp" ) ) )

            // store string value, stored between '=' and ';' delimiters.
            value = buffer.AfterFirst( '=' );
            value = value.BeforeLast( ';' );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "Reference" ) ) )
                reference = value;
            else if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "IdModule" ) ) )
                footprint = value;

        // A block is read: initialize the footprint field of the corresponding component
        // if the footprint name is not empty
        if( reference.IsEmpty() )

        // Search the component in the flat list
        for( unsigned ii = 0;  ii < referencesList.GetCount();  ii++ )
            if( reference == referencesList[ii].GetRef() )
                // We have found a candidate.
                // Note: it can be not unique (multiple units per part)
                // So we *do not* stop the search here
                SCH_COMPONENT*  component = referencesList[ii].GetComp();
                SCH_FIELD*      fpfield = component->GetField( FOOTPRINT );

                fpfield->SetText( footprint );

                if( aForceVisibilityState )
                    component->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->SetVisible( aVisibilityState );

    return true;
コード例 #9
bool NETLIST_EXPORTER_PSPICE::ProcessNetlist( unsigned aCtl )
    const wxString      delimiters( "{:,; }" );
    SCH_SHEET_LIST      sheetList( g_RootSheet );
    // Set of reference names, to check for duplications
    std::set<wxString>  refNames;

    // Prepare list of nets generation (not used here, but...
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_masterList->size(); ii++ )
        m_masterList->GetItem( ii )->m_Flag = 0;

    m_netMap["GND"] = 0;        // 0 is reserved for "GND"
    int netIdx = 1;


    UpdateDirectives( aCtl );

    for( unsigned sheet_idx = 0; sheet_idx < sheetList.size(); sheet_idx++ )
        // Process component attributes to find Spice directives
        for( EDA_ITEM* item = sheetList[sheet_idx].LastDrawList(); item; item = item->Next() )
            SCH_COMPONENT* comp = findNextComponentAndCreatePinList( item, &sheetList[sheet_idx] );

            if( !comp )

            item = comp;

            SPICE_ITEM spiceItem;
            spiceItem.m_parent = comp;

            // Obtain Spice fields
            SCH_FIELD* fieldLibFile = comp->FindField( GetSpiceFieldName( SF_LIB_FILE ) );
            SCH_FIELD* fieldSeq = comp->FindField( GetSpiceFieldName( SF_NODE_SEQUENCE ) );

            spiceItem.m_primitive = GetSpiceField( SF_PRIMITIVE, comp, aCtl )[0];
            spiceItem.m_model = GetSpiceField( SF_MODEL, comp, aCtl );
            spiceItem.m_refName = comp->GetRef( &sheetList[sheet_idx] );

            // Duplicate references will result in simulation errors
            if( refNames.count( spiceItem.m_refName ) )
                DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "There are duplicate components. "
                            "You need to annotate schematics first." ) );
                return false;

            refNames.insert( spiceItem.m_refName );

            // Check to see if component should be removed from Spice netlist
            spiceItem.m_enabled = StringToBool( GetSpiceField( SF_ENABLED, comp, aCtl ) );

            if( fieldLibFile && !fieldLibFile->GetText().IsEmpty() )
                m_libraries.insert( fieldLibFile->GetText() );

            wxArrayString pinNames;

            // Store pin information
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_SortedComponentPinList.size(); ii++ )
                NETLIST_OBJECT* pin = m_SortedComponentPinList[ii];

                // NETLIST_EXPORTER marks removed pins by setting them to NULL
                if( !pin )

                spiceItem.m_pins.push_back( pin );
                pinNames.Add( pin->GetPinNumText() );

                // Create net mapping
                const wxString& netName = pin->GetNetName();
                if( m_netMap.count( netName ) == 0 )
                    m_netMap[netName] = netIdx++;

            // Check if an alternative pin sequence is available:
            if( fieldSeq )
                // Get the string containing the sequence of nodes:
                wxString nodeSeqIndexLineStr = fieldSeq->GetText();

                // Verify field exists and is not empty:
                if( !nodeSeqIndexLineStr.IsEmpty() )
                    // Get Alt Pin Name Array From User:
                    wxStringTokenizer tkz( nodeSeqIndexLineStr, delimiters );

                    while( tkz.HasMoreTokens() )
                        wxString    pinIndex = tkz.GetNextToken();
                        int         seq;

                        // Find PinName In Standard List assign Standard List Index to Name:
                        seq = pinNames.Index( pinIndex );

                        if( seq != wxNOT_FOUND )
                            spiceItem.m_pinSequence.push_back( seq );

            m_spiceItems.push_back( spiceItem );

    return true;
コード例 #10
SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::FindComponentAndItem( const wxString& aReference,
                                                bool            aSearchHierarchy,
                                                SCH_SEARCH_T    aSearchType,
                                                const wxString& aSearchText,
                                                bool            aWarpMouse )
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = NULL;
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheetWithComponentFound = NULL;
    SCH_ITEM*       item = NULL;
    SCH_COMPONENT*  Component = NULL;
    wxPoint         pos;
    bool            centerAndRedraw = false;
    bool            notFound = true;
    LIB_PIN*        pin;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST  sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    if( !aSearchHierarchy )
        sheetList.push_back( *m_CurrentSheet );
        sheetList.BuildSheetList( g_RootSheet );

    for( SCH_SHEET_PATHS_ITER it = sheetList.begin(); it != sheetList.end(); ++it )
        sheet = &(*it);
        item = (*it).LastDrawList();

        for( ; ( item != NULL ) && ( notFound == true ); item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            SCH_COMPONENT* pSch = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

            if( aReference.CmpNoCase( pSch->GetRef( sheet ) ) == 0 )
                Component = pSch;
                sheetWithComponentFound = sheet;

                switch( aSearchType )
                case FIND_COMPONENT_ONLY:    // Find component only
                    notFound = false;
                    pos = pSch->GetPosition();

                case FIND_PIN:               // find a pin
                    pos = pSch->GetPosition();  // temporary: will be changed if the pin is found.
                    pin = pSch->GetPin( aSearchText );

                    if( pin == NULL )

                    notFound = false;
                    pos += pin->GetPosition();

                case FIND_REFERENCE:         // find reference
                    notFound = false;
                    pos = pSch->GetField( REFERENCE )->GetPosition();

                case FIND_VALUE:             // find value
                    pos = pSch->GetPosition();

                    if( aSearchText.CmpNoCase( pSch->GetField( VALUE )->GetShownText() ) != 0 )

                    notFound = false;
                    pos = pSch->GetField( VALUE )->GetPosition();

        if( notFound == false )

    if( Component )
        sheet = sheetWithComponentFound;

        if( *sheet != *m_CurrentSheet )
            sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
            *m_CurrentSheet = *sheet;
            centerAndRedraw = true;

        wxPoint delta;
        pos  -= Component->GetPosition();
        delta = Component->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( pos );
        pos   = delta + Component->GetPosition();

        /* There may be need to reframe the drawing */
        if( ! m_canvas->IsPointOnDisplay( pos ) )
            centerAndRedraw = true;

        if( centerAndRedraw )
            SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
            RedrawScreen( pos, aWarpMouse );

            INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, m_canvas );

            m_canvas->CrossHairOff( &dc );

            if( aWarpMouse )
                m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );

            SetCrossHairPosition( pos );

            m_canvas->CrossHairOn( &dc );

    /* Print diag */
    wxString msg_item;
    wxString msg;

    switch( aSearchType )
    case FIND_COMPONENT_ONLY:      // Find component only
        msg_item = _( "component" );

    case FIND_PIN:                 // find a pin
        msg_item.Printf( _( "pin %s" ), GetChars( aSearchText ) );

    case FIND_REFERENCE:           // find reference
        msg_item.Printf( _( "reference %s" ), GetChars( aSearchText ) );

    case FIND_VALUE:               // find value
        msg_item.Printf( _( "value %s" ), GetChars( aSearchText ) );

    case FIND_FIELD:               // find field. todo
        msg_item.Printf( _( "field %s" ), GetChars( aSearchText ) );

    if( Component )
        if( !notFound )
            msg.Printf( _( "%s %s found" ),
                        GetChars( aReference ), GetChars( msg_item ) );
            msg.Printf( _( "%s found but %s not found" ),
                        GetChars( aReference ), GetChars( msg_item ) );
        msg.Printf( _( "Component %s not found" ),
                    GetChars( aReference ) );

    SetStatusText( msg );

    return item;
コード例 #11
ファイル: menubar.cpp プロジェクト: KiCad/kicad-source-mirror
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
    EE_SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolManager->GetTool<EE_SELECTION_TOOL>();
    // wxWidgets handles the Mac Application menu behind the scenes, but that means
    // we always have to start from scratch with a new wxMenuBar.
    wxMenuBar* oldMenuBar = GetMenuBar();
    wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar();

    auto modifiedDocumentCondition = [] ( const SELECTION& sel ) {
        SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );
        return sheetList.IsModified();

    //-- File menu -----------------------------------------------------------
    CONDITIONAL_MENU*   fileMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool );
    static ACTION_MENU* openRecentMenu;

    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )   // not when under a project mgr
        // Add this menu to list menu managed by m_fileHistory
        // (the file history will be updated when adding/removing files in history)
        if( openRecentMenu )
            Kiface().GetFileHistory().RemoveMenu( openRecentMenu );

        openRecentMenu = new ACTION_MENU();
        openRecentMenu->SetTool( selTool );
        openRecentMenu->SetTitle( _( "Open Recent" ) );
        openRecentMenu->SetIcon( recent_xpm );

        Kiface().GetFileHistory().UseMenu( openRecentMenu );
        Kiface().GetFileHistory().AddFilesToMenu( openRecentMenu );

        fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::doNew,         EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
        fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::open,          EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
        fileMenu->AddMenu( openRecentMenu,         EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::save,              modifiedDocumentCondition );
    fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::saveAs,            EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::saveAll,           modifiedDocumentCondition );


    fileMenu->AddItem( ID_APPEND_PROJECT, _( "Append Schematic Sheet Content..." ),
                       _( "Append schematic sheet content from another project to the current sheet" ),
                       add_document_xpm,           EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    fileMenu->AddItem( ID_IMPORT_NON_KICAD_SCH, _( "Import Non KiCad Schematic..." ),
                       _( "Replace current schematic sheet with one imported from another application" ),
                       import_document_xpm,        EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );


    // Import submenu
    ACTION_MENU* submenuImport = new ACTION_MENU();
    submenuImport->SetTool( selTool );
    submenuImport->SetTitle( _( "Import" ) );
    submenuImport->SetIcon( import_xpm );

    submenuImport->Add( _( "Footprint Association File..." ), HELP_IMPORT_FOOTPRINTS,
                        ID_BACKANNO_ITEMS, import_footprint_names_xpm );

    fileMenu->AddMenu( submenuImport,              EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    // Export submenu
    ACTION_MENU* submenuExport = new ACTION_MENU();
    submenuExport->SetTool( selTool );
    submenuExport->SetTitle( _( "Export" ) );
    submenuExport->SetIcon( export_xpm );

    submenuExport->Add( _( "Drawing to Clipboard" ), _( "Export drawings to clipboard" ),
                        ID_GEN_COPY_SHEET_TO_CLIPBOARD, copy_xpm );

    submenuExport->Add( _( "Netlist..." ),  _( "Export netlist file" ),
                        ID_GET_NETLIST, netlist_xpm );

    fileMenu->AddMenu( submenuExport,              EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::pageSettings,      EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::print,             EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    fileMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::plot,              EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    // Don't use ACTIONS::quit; wxWidgets moves this on OSX and expects to find it via wxID_EXIT
    fileMenu->AddItem( wxID_EXIT, _( "Quit" ), "", exit_xpm, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    //-- Edit menu -----------------------------------------------------------
    CONDITIONAL_MENU* editMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool );

    auto enableUndoCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& sel ) {
        return GetScreen() && GetScreen()->GetUndoCommandCount() > 0;
    auto enableRedoCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& sel ) {
        return GetScreen() && GetScreen()->GetRedoCommandCount() > 0;

    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::undo,                enableUndoCondition );
    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::redo,                enableRedoCondition );

    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::cut,                 EE_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty );
    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::copy,                EE_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty );
    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::paste,               EE_CONDITIONS::Idle );
    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::duplicate,           EE_CONDITIONS::NotEmpty );

    editMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::deleteItemCursor, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    // Find
    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::find,                EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    editMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::findAndReplace,      EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    // Update field values
    editMenu->AddItem( ID_UPDATE_FIELDS, _( "Update Fields from Library..." ),
                       _( "Sets symbol fields to original library values" ),
                       update_fields_xpm,            EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    //-- View menu -----------------------------------------------------------
    CONDITIONAL_MENU* viewMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool );

    auto belowRootSheetCondition = [] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return g_CurrentSheet->Last() != g_RootSheet;
    auto gridShownCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return IsGridVisible();
    auto imperialUnitsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return GetUserUnits() == INCHES;
    auto metricUnitsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return GetUserUnits() == MILLIMETRES;
    auto fullCrosshairCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return GetGalDisplayOptions().m_fullscreenCursor;
    auto hiddenPinsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return GetShowAllPins();

    viewMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::showLibraryBrowser,    EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    viewMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::navigateHierarchy,     EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    viewMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::leaveSheet,            belowRootSheetCondition );

    viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomInCenter,             EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomOutCenter,            EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen,            EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomTool,                 EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::zoomRedraw,               EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    viewMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::toggleGrid,          gridShownCondition );
    viewMenu->AddItem( ACTIONS::gridProperties,           EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    // Units submenu
    CONDITIONAL_MENU* unitsSubMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool );
    unitsSubMenu->SetTitle( _( "&Units" ) );
    unitsSubMenu->SetIcon( unit_mm_xpm );
    unitsSubMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::imperialUnits,   imperialUnitsCondition );
    unitsSubMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::metricUnits,     metricUnitsCondition );
    viewMenu->AddMenu( unitsSubMenu );

    viewMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::toggleCursorStyle,   fullCrosshairCondition );

    viewMenu->AddCheckItem( EE_ACTIONS::toggleHiddenPins, hiddenPinsCondition );

#ifdef __APPLE__

    //-- Place menu -----------------------------------------------------------
    CONDITIONAL_MENU* placeMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool );

    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeSymbol,            EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placePower,             EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawWire,               EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawBus,                EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeBusWireEntry,      EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeBusBusEntry,       EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeNoConnect,         EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeJunction,          EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeLabel,             EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeGlobalLabel,       EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeHierarchicalLabel, EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawSheet,              EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::importSheetPin,         EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeSheetPin,          EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::drawLines,              EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeSchematicText,     EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );
    placeMenu->AddItem( EE_ACTIONS::placeImage,             EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    //-- Inspect menu -----------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* inspectMenu = new wxMenu;
    AddMenuItem( inspectMenu, ID_GET_ERC, _( "Electrical Rules &Checker" ),
                 _( "Perform electrical rules check" ), KiBitmap( erc_xpm ) );

    //-- Tools menu -----------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* toolsMenu = new wxMenu;
    prepareToolsMenu( toolsMenu );

    //-- Preferences menu -----------------------------------------------
    CONDITIONAL_MENU* prefsMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, selTool );

    auto acceleratedGraphicsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return GetGalCanvas()->GetBackend() == EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::GAL_TYPE_OPENGL;
    auto standardGraphicsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) {
        return GetGalCanvas()->GetBackend() == EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::GAL_TYPE_CAIRO;

    prefsMenu->AddItem( ID_PREFERENCES_CONFIGURE_PATHS, _( "Configure Pa&ths..." ),
                        _( "Edit path configuration environment variables" ),
                        path_xpm,                          EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    prefsMenu->AddItem( ID_EDIT_SYM_LIB_TABLE, _( "Manage Symbol Libraries..." ),
                        _( "Edit the global and project symbol library lists" ),
                        library_table_xpm,                 EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    prefsMenu->AddItem( wxID_PREFERENCES,
                        AddHotkeyName( _( "&Preferences..." ), g_Eeschema_Hotkeys_Descr, HK_PREFERENCES ),
                        _( "Show preferences for all open tools" ),
                        preference_xpm,                    EE_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );

    Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( prefsMenu );

    prefsMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::acceleratedGraphics, acceleratedGraphicsCondition );
    prefsMenu->AddCheckItem( ACTIONS::standardGraphics,    standardGraphicsCondition );

    //-- Menubar -----------------------------------------------
    menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) );
    menuBar->Append( editMenu, _( "&Edit" ) );
    menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) );
    menuBar->Append( placeMenu, _( "&Place" ) );
    menuBar->Append( inspectMenu, _( "&Inspect" ) );
    menuBar->Append( toolsMenu, _( "&Tools" ) );
    menuBar->Append( prefsMenu, _( "P&references" ) );
    AddStandardHelpMenu( menuBar );

    SetMenuBar( menuBar );
    delete oldMenuBar;