コード例 #1
TEST(TSFOutputTest, ShiftVector) {
	SIPL::int3 shiftVector(3, 10, 2);
	TSFOutput output(oul::DeviceCriteria(), new SIPL::int3);
	EXPECT_EQ(3, output.getShiftVector().x);
	EXPECT_EQ(10, output.getShiftVector().y);
	EXPECT_EQ(2, output.getShiftVector().z);
コード例 #2
//proj:each row represent which dimensions should projection in this hash,different row represent different bucket
void meanshiftCluster(const Mat& feature, Mat& convexPoints)
	printf("start to meanshift point...\n");
	time_t startTime = time(0);

	printf("start to compute the convex point for every point ...\n");
	int nl  =  feature.rows;
	int nc  =  feature.cols;
	printf("nl: %d, nc: %d.\n", nl, nc);
	convexPoints.create(nl, nc, CV_32FC1);
	//set params;
	MeanShiftParam mp;
		HashParam hp;
		setHashParam(hp, nl, nc);
		Mat proj;

			const char* hashFile = "./output/hashInfo.dat";
			readHashInfo(hashFile, proj, hp.bucketInfo);
			for(int i = 0; i < hp.bucketNumber; i ++)
				for(int j = 0; j < hp.projectionSize; j ++)
					int t = proj.at<int>(i, j);
					if(t < 0 || t >= nc)
						printf("i: %d, j: %d, t: %d\n", i, j, t);
			proj.create(hp.bucketNumber, hp.projectionSize, CV_32SC1);
			boostSample(hp.bucketNumber, hp.projectionSize, proj, nc);
			HashAllItems(feature, proj, hp);
			const char* hashFile = "./output/hashInfo.dat";
			saveHashInfo(hashFile, proj, hp.bucketInfo);
		printf("bucketNumber: %d, projectionSize: %d.\n", hp.bucketNumber, hp.projectionSize);
		printf("bucket length: %d\n", hp.bucketLength);
		//mp.windowRadius = setWindow(hp, feature, proj);
		mp.windowRadius = 50.001144;
		mp.tinyNearestD = mp.windowRadius * 0.1;
		hp.votes = 2;
		boostSample(hp.bucketNumber, hp.projectionSize, proj, nc);
	//end of set params;
	/********** set window **************/

	int initialPoint;
	float demoninator;
	vector<float> molecular(nc, 0);
	vector<float> shiftVector(nc, 0);
	int inNeighbor;

	int iterations;
	float oldChange;
	float newChange;
	bool advanceConvexed;
	int advancedConvexedPoint;
	vector<int> candidates;
	vector<int> frequency;
	vector<int> hashLocation(hp.bucketNumber, -1);
	vector<int> cursors(hp.bucketNumber, 0);
	vector<int> itemNumber(hp.bucketNumber, 0);
	vector<float> closeness;
	printf("start to enter circles for every point ...\n");
	for(int counts = 0; counts < nl; counts ++)
		printf("the %d-th iterations ...\n", counts);
		initialPoint = counts;
		iterations = mp.maxIterations;
		advanceConvexed = false;
		for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
			shiftVector[j] =  feature.at<float>(initialPoint, j);
		while(iterations > 0)
			iterations --;
			inNeighbor = 0;
			demoninator = 0;
			for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
				molecular[j] =  0;
			#ifdef LSH_NEIGHBOR
			//hash the shift vector and get candidates
			for(int bucket = 0; bucket < hp.bucketNumber; bucket ++)
				hashLocation[bucket] = hashFunction(hp, shiftVector, proj.row(bucket));
			for(int bucket = 0; bucket < hp.bucketNumber; bucket ++)
				cursors[bucket] = 0;
				itemNumber[bucket] =  hp.bucketInfo[bucket][hashLocation[bucket]].size();
			int candidateSize = 0;
			int lastElement = -1;
				bool changeFlag = false;
				int min;
				int minBucket;
				for(int i = 0; i < hp.bucketNumber; i ++)
					if(cursors[i] < itemNumber[i])
						changeFlag = true;
						min = hp.bucketInfo[i][hashLocation[i]][cursors[i]];
						minBucket = i;
				for(int i = minBucket + 1; i < hp.bucketNumber; i ++)
					if(cursors[i] < itemNumber[i] && hp.bucketInfo[i][hashLocation[i]][cursors[i]] < min)
						min = hp.bucketInfo[i][hashLocation[i]][cursors[i]];
						minBucket = i;
				if(min == lastElement)
					frequency[candidateSize-1] ++;
					candidateSize ++;
					lastElement = min;
				cursors[minBucket] ++;
			//filter the candidates;
			int statisticalFilted = 0;
			int size = candidateSize;
			closeness.resize(size, 0.0);
			for(int cc = 0; cc < size; cc ++)
				int near = candidates[cc];
				for(int bucket = 0; bucket < hp.bucketNumber; bucket ++)
					closeness[cc] += weight[bucket] * (hashLocation[bucket] - hp.hashInfo[near][bucket]) ** 2;
				if(closeness[cc] > mp.windowRadius)
				if(counts > cc && closeness[cc] < mp.tinyNearestD)
					advancedConvexedPoint = cc;
					advanceConvexed = true;	
					float* curent_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(counts);
					const float* convex_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(cc);
					for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
						curent_data[j] = convex_data[j];
				double temp = exp(0 - closeness[cc]);
				demoninator +=  temp;
				for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
					molecular[j] +=  temp * feature.at<float>(candidates[cc], j);
				inNeighbor ++;
			for(int cc = 0; cc < size; cc ++)
				if(frequency[cc] >= hp.votes)  
				 	statisticalFilted ++;
					float t = l2norm(shiftVector, feature.row(candidates[cc]));
					//indicate the cc point have convexed and the hash value vevy same
					//and their distance is very near, it's convex
					if(counts > cc && t < mp.tinyNearestD)
						advancedConvexedPoint = cc;
						advanceConvexed = true;	
						float* curent_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(counts);
						const float* convex_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(cc);
						for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
							curent_data[j] = convex_data[j];
					if(t < mp.windowRadius)
						double temp = exp(0 - t);
						demoninator +=  temp;
						for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
							molecular[j] +=  temp * feature.at<float>(candidates[cc], j);
						inNeighbor ++;
			printf("candidateSize: %d, statisticalFilted: %d, inNeighbor: %d\n", candidateSize, statisticalFilted, inNeighbor);
			for(int i = 0; i < nl; i ++)
				float t = l2norm(shiftVector, feature.row(i));
				if(t < mp.tinyNearestD && counts > i)
					advancedConvexedPoint = i;
					advanceConvexed = true;	
					float* curent_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(counts);
					const float* convex_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(i);
					for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
						curent_data[j] = convex_data[j];
				if(t < windowRadius)
					double temp = exp(0 - t);
					demoninator +=  temp;
					for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
						molecular[j] +=  temp * feature.at<float>(i, j);
					inNeighbor ++;

			if(inNeighbor == 0)
				printf("neighbor: 0\n");
				advanceConvexed = true;
				advancedConvexedPoint = counts;
				float* curent_data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(counts);
				const float* convex_data = feature.ptr<float>(advancedConvexedPoint);
				for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
					curent_data[j] = convex_data[j];
			demoninator = 1.0/demoninator;
			for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
				molecular[j] = 	demoninator * molecular[j];
			//printf("tag3\n ");
			newChange = l2norm(shiftVector, molecular);
			if(newChange / oldChange < mp.epsilon)
			oldChange = newChange;
			shiftVector = molecular;
			//printf("tag4\n ");
		convexTrend.push_back(-1);//seprate by -1
		iters.push_back(mp.maxIterations - iterations);
			float* data = convexPoints.ptr<float>(counts);
			for(int j = 0; j < nc; j ++)
				data[j] = shiftVector[j];

	string writer = "./output/convex.dat";
	MatrixDataIo mdi(writer.c_str(), true, convexPoints);
	printf("destroy the bucket info ...\n");
	//compute used time
		time_t endTime = time(0);
		int totalUsed = endTime - startTime;
		//comparedTime[1] = totalUsed;
		shiftTime = totalUsed;
		printf("meanshift LSH: %d\n", totalUsed);
	printf("exit meanshift clustering...\n");