コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: contrechoc/avr_scripts
void doLoopThing(int j){

		// This FOR Loop picks the starting point for looking up the data in the "output" array
		// It starts at i=j and goes to i=8. This excludes any values for i that are less than j.
		int i;

		for (i=j; i<8; i++)  
		REGISTER_BIT(PORTB,0) = output[i];   // Send data from the "output" array out to the Serial Input Pin on the 595 via PB0
		// Whatever state (hi or low) the Data Pin (PB0) is in when the shift clock is hit, is the state that is stored in the Shift Register
		shift_in();  // toggle Shift Clock Pin on 595 to shift current bit into SR
		}  // end for

		// This FOR Loops picks up where the other FOR loop left off, but addressing the data that was less than j.
		// This loop effectively "wraps" around the array, so when i=8 and there is still room in the SR, the Loop fills in
		// the remaining spots starting back at i=0. This is useful for making a "ring counter" to 
		// "scan" the columns of a Scrolling Dot Matrix LED display.

		for (i=0; i<j; i++)  // this for loop actually picks the addresses  in the "output" array to put out.
		REGISTER_BIT(PORTB,0) = output[i];   // Send data from the "output" array out to the Serial Input Pin on the 595 via PB0
		// Whatever state (hi or low) the Data Pin (PB0) is in when the shift clock is hit, is the state that is stored in the Shift Register
		shift_in();  // toggle Shift Clock Pin on 595 to shift current bit into SR

		}  // end for

	latch_in(); // After 8 new bits have been clocked into the SR, Toggle the Latch Clock Pin on the 595 to present the 8 bits in the SR to th 595 Ouput Pins

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Xeranor/avr_librarys
int main(void){
		uint8_t data = shift_in();
	return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AVR_SPI.c プロジェクト: Gr3yR0n1n/DefCon23
// The cog.
void avrISP_Run(){
  unsigned int value[12];
  // Chip Select is asserted when it is low, so we make sure to put it high to start with
  // Set the Clock pin low
    low(pins.CS);  // Assert the CS
    // Set the LCD backlight level
    shift_out(pins.MOSI, pins.CLK, MSBFIRST, 8, 0x57);  // 'W'
    shift_out(pins.MOSI, pins.CLK, MSBFIRST, 8, LCD_Backlight);
    // Ask the AVR for data 
    shift_out(pins.MOSI, pins.CLK, MSBFIRST, 8, 0x52);  // 'R'
    // Save the returned data into an array
    for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
      value[i] = shift_in(pins.MISO, pins.CLK, MSBPRE, 8);
    high(pins.CS); // De-assert the CS    
    // Get the data and stick it into the data struct
    // Buttons are 'corrected' so a high means the button is down
    inputs.buttonA = !((value[0] >> 4) & 0x01);
    inputs.buttonB = !((value[0] >> 5) & 0x01);
    inputs.leftStick.button = !((value[0] >> 6) & 0x01);
    inputs.rightStick.button = !((value[0] >> 7) & 0x01);
    inputs.battStat2 = !((value[0] >> 1) & 0x01);
    inputs.battStat1 = !(value[0] & 0x01);
    inputs.battVolts = (value[10] << 8) | value[11];
    inputs.rotary = value[1];
    inputs.leftStick.X = (value[2] << 8) | value[3];
    inputs.leftStick.Y = (value[4] << 8) | value[5];
    inputs.rightStick.X = (value[6] << 8) | value[7];
    inputs.rightStick.Y = (value[8] << 8) | value[9];

    // Pause for a bit
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Mingyu-Kim/avr_demo
int main(void) {    
    stdout = &uart_output;
    stdin  = &uart_input;
    uint8_t register_value;

    while (1) {
        /* Read in parallel input by setting SH/LD low. */
        //digital_write(LATCH, LOW); 
        /* Freeze data by setting SH/LD high. When SH/LD is high data enters */
        /* to reqisters from SER input and shifts one place to the right     */
        /* (Q0 -> Q1 -> Q2, etc.) with each positive-going clock transition. */
        //digital_write(LATCH, HIGH);        

        /* Read in first 74HC165 data. */
        register_value = shift_in();        
        printf("%d \n", register_value);
        /* Read in second 74HC165 data. */
        register_value = shift_in();
        printf("%d \n", register_value);
    return 0;
コード例 #5
void imu_SPIreadBytes(unsigned char csPin, unsigned char subAddress, unsigned char *dest, unsigned char count)
  // To indicate a read, set bit 0 (msb) of first byte to 1
  unsigned char rAddress = 0x80 | (subAddress & 0x3F);

  // Mag SPI port is different. If we're reading multiple bytes, 
  // set bit 1 to 1. The remaining six bytes are the address to be read
  if ((csPin == __pinM) && count > 1) rAddress |= 0x40;
  shift_out(__pinSDIO, __pinSCL, MSBFIRST, 8, rAddress); 
  for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
    dest[i] = shift_in(__pinSDIO, __pinSCL, MSBPRE, 8);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lgp_cpu.c プロジェクト: BillHeaton/simh
t_stat cpu_one_inst (uint32 opc, uint32 ir)
uint32 ea, op, dat, res, dev, sh4, ch;
t_bool ovf_this_cycle = FALSE;
t_stat reason = 0;

op = I_GETOP (ir);                                      /* opcode */
ea = I_GETEA (ir);                                      /* address */
switch (op) {                                           /* case on opcode */

/* Loads, stores, transfers instructions */

    case OP_B:                                          /* bring */
        A = Read (ea);                                  /* A <- M[ea] */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_H:                                          /* hold */
        Write (ea, A);                                  /* M[ea] <- A */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_C:                                          /* clear */
        Write (ea, A);                                  /* M[ea] <- A */
        A = 0;                                          /* A <- 0 */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_Y:                                          /* store address */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        dat = (dat & ~I_EA) | (A & I_EA);               /* merge address */
        Write (ea, dat);
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_R:                                          /* return address */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        dat = (dat & ~I_EA) | (((PC + 1) & AMASK) << I_V_EA);
        Write (ea, dat);
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_U:                                          /* uncond transfer */
        PC = ea;                                        /* transfer */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_T:                                          /* conditional transfer */
        if ((A & SIGN) ||                               /* A < 0 or */
            ((ir & SIGN) && t_switch)) {                /* -T and Tswitch set? */
            PC = ea;                                    /* transfer */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

/* Arithmetic and logical instructions */

    case OP_A:                                          /* add */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        res = (A + dat) & DMASK;                        /* add */
        if ((~A ^ dat) & (dat ^ res) & SIGN)            /* calc overflow */
            ovf_this_cycle = TRUE;
        A = res;                                        /* save result */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_S:                                          /* sub */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        res = (A - dat) & DMASK;                        /* subtract */
        if ((A ^ dat) & (~dat ^ res) & SIGN)            /* calc overflow */
            ovf_this_cycle = TRUE;
        A = res;
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_M:                                          /* multiply high */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        A = (Mul64 (A, dat, NULL) << 1) & DMASK;        /* multiply */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_N:                                          /* multiply low */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        Mul64 (A, dat, &res);                           /* multiply */
        A = res;                                        /* keep low result */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);                  /* total delay */

    case OP_D:                                          /* divide */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        if (Div32 (A, dat, &A))                         /* divide; overflow? */
            ovf_this_cycle = TRUE;
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

    case OP_E:                                          /* extract */
        dat = Read (ea);                                /* get operand */
        A = A & dat;                                    /* and */
        delay = I_delay (opc, ea, op);

/* IO instructions */

    case OP_P:                                          /* output */
        if (Q_LGP21) {                                  /* LGP-21 */
            ch = A >> 26;                               /* char, 6b */
            if (ir & SIGN)                              /* 4b? convert */
                ch = (ch & 0x3C) | 2;
            dev = I_GETTK (ir);                         /* device select */
        else {                                          /* LGP-30 */
            ch = I_GETTK (ir);                          /* char, always 6b */
            dev = Q_OUTPT? DEV_PT: DEV_TT;              /* device select */
        reason = op_p (dev & DEV_MASK, ch);             /* output */
        delay = I_delay (sim_grtime (), ea, op);        /* next instruction */

    case OP_I:                                          /* input */
        if (Q_LGP21) {                                  /* LGP-21 */
            ch = 0;                                     /* initial shift */
            sh4 = ir & SIGN;                            /* 4b/6b select */
            dev = I_GETTK (ir);                         /* device select */
        else {                                          /* LGP-30 */
            ch = I_GETTK (ir);                          /* initial shift */
            sh4 = Q_IN4B;                               /* 4b/6b select */
            dev = Q_INPT? DEV_PT: DEV_TT;               /* device select */
        if (dev == DEV_SHIFT)                           /* shift? */
            A = shift_in (A, 0, sh4);                   /* shift 4/6b */
        else reason = op_i (dev & DEV_MASK, ch, sh4);   /* input */
        delay = I_delay (sim_grtime (), ea, op);        /* next instruction */

    case OP_Z:
        if (Q_LGP21) {                                  /* LGP-21 */
            if (ea & 0xF80) {                           /* no stop? */
                if (((ea & 0x800) && !bp32) ||          /* skip if any */
                    ((ea & 0x400) && !bp16) ||          /* selected switch */
                    ((ea & 0x200) && !bp8) ||           /* is off */
                    ((ea & 0x100) && !bp4) ||           /* or if */
                    ((ir & SIGN) && !OVF))              /* ovf sel and off */
                    PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
                if (ir & SIGN)                          /* -Z? clr overflow */
                    OVF = 0;
            else {                                      /* stop */
                lgp21_sov = (ir & SIGN)? 1: 0;          /* pending sense? */
                reason = STOP_STOP;                     /* stop */
        else {                                          /* LGP-30 */
            if (out_done)                               /* P complete? */
                out_done = 0;
            else if (((ea & 0x800) && bp32) ||          /* bpt switch set? */
                ((ea & 0x400) && bp16) ||
                ((ea & 0x200) && bp8) ||
                ((ea & 0x100) && bp4)) ;                /* don't stop or stall */
            else if (out_strt)                          /* P pending? stall */
                reason = STOP_STALL;
            else reason = STOP_STOP;                    /* no, stop */
        delay = I_delay (sim_grtime (), ea, op);        /* next instruction */
        break;                                          /* end switch */
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: wbphelps/vfd-raspi
void processSPI(void)
    uint8_t b, c;

    b = spi_xfer(0);

    switch (b) {
    case 0x80: // set brightness
        c = spi_xfer(0);
        eeprom_write_byte(&b_brightness, c);
    case 0x82: // clear
        counter = 0;
        dots = 0;
    case 0x83: // set scroll mode
        c = spi_xfer(0);

        if (c == 0)
            scroll_mode = ROTATE;
            scroll_mode = SCROLL;
    case 0x84: // receive segment data
        c = spi_xfer(0);

        if (scroll_mode == ROTATE) {
        	set_segments_at(c, counter++);
        	if (counter >= 4) counter = 0;
        else {

    case 0x85: // set dots (the four bits of the second byte controls dots individually)
        dots = spi_xfer(0);
    case 0x88: // display integer
        uint8_t i1 = spi_xfer(0);
        uint8_t i2 = spi_xfer(0);

        uint16_t i = (i2 << 8) + i1;
    case 0x89: // set position (only valid for ROTATE mode)
        counter = spi_xfer(0);
    case 0x8a: // get firmware revision
    case 0x8b: // get number of digits

        if (b >= 0x80) break; // anything above 0x80 is considered a reserved command and is ignored

        if (scroll_mode == ROTATE) {
            set_char_at(b, counter++);
            if (counter >= 8) counter = 0;
        else {