int sharelog_list(shpeer_t *peer, time_t stime, time_t etime) { shbuf_t *buff; fd_set read_fd; shjson_t *json; char tbuf[256]; char *data; time_t now; char *str; int err; int fd; fd = shconnect_host("", PROCESS_PORT, SHNET_ASYNC); if (fd < 0) return (fd); json = shjson_init(NULL); shjson_num_add(json, "id", 1); shjson_str_add(json, "method", "log.list"); shjson_str_add(json, "key", (char *)shkey_print(shpeer_kpub(peer))); shjson_null_add(json, "params"); str = shjson_print(json); shjson_free(&json); err = shnet_write(fd, str, strlen(str)); free(str); if (err < 0) { shclose(fd); return (err); } err = shnet_write(fd, "\n", 1); if (err < 0) { shclose(fd); return (err); } while (1) { FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_SET(fd, &read_fd); err = shnet_verify(&read_fd, NULL, NULL); if (err < 0) { continue; } buff = shnet_read_buf(fd); if (!buff) break; data = shbuf_data(buff); if (!strchr(data, '\n')) continue; json = shjson_init(data); if (json) { char *text = shjson_astr(json, "result", NULL); if (text) { printf("%s", text); } shjson_free(&json); } break; } shclose(fd); return (0); }
void sharelog_server(int parent_pid) { unsigned int port = (unsigned int)process_socket_port; char buff[TEST_BUFFER_SIZE]; ssize_t b_read, b_write; int cli_fd; int err; int fd; err = shfs_proc_lock(process_path, ""); if (err) { printf ("Terminating.. '%s' server '%s' is already running.\n", "shlogd", process_path); return; } fd = shnet_sk(); if (fd == -1) { perror("shsk"); return; } err = shnet_bindsk(fd, NULL, port); if (err) { perror("shbindport"); shclose(fd); return; } process_socket_fd = fd; daemon_server(parent_pid); #if 0 cli_fd = shnet_accept(fd); if (cli_fd == -1) { perror("shnet_accept"); shclose(fd); return; } printf ("Received new connection on port %d.\n", port); memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); memset(buff, 'a', sizeof(buff) - 1); b_write = shnet_write(cli_fd, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (b_write <= 0) { shclose(cli_fd); shnet_close(fd); perror("shnet_write"); return; } printf ("%d of %d bytes written to port %d on fd %d..\n", b_write, sizeof(buff), port, cli_fd); memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); b_read = shnet_read(cli_fd, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (b_read <= 0) { perror("shread"); shnet_close(cli_fd); shnet_close(fd); return; } printf ("MESSAGE: %-*.*s\n", b_read, b_read, buff); printf ("%d of %d bytes read from port %d on fd %d..\n", b_read, sizeof(buff), port, cli_fd); err = shnet_close(fd); if (err) { perror("shnet_close"); shnet_close(cli_fd); shnet_close(fd); return; } shnet_close(cli_fd); #endif shclose(fd); }
int sharelog_tail(shpeer_t *peer) { shbuf_t *buff; fd_set read_fd; shjson_t *json; char tbuf[256]; time_t stime, etime; time_t now; char *str; int err; int fd; fd = shconnect_host("", PROCESS_PORT, SHNET_ASYNC); if (fd < 0) return (fd); json = shjson_init(NULL); shjson_num_add(json, "id", 1); shjson_str_add(json, "method", "log.subscribe"); shjson_str_add(json, "key", (char *)shkey_print(shpeer_kpub(peer))); shjson_null_add(json, "params"); str = shjson_print(json); shjson_free(&json); err = shnet_write(fd, str, strlen(str)); free(str); if (err < 0) { shclose(fd); return (err); } err = shnet_write(fd, "\n", 1); if (err < 0) { shclose(fd); return (err); } while (proc_mode == RUN_TAIL) { FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_SET(fd, &read_fd); err = shnet_verify(&read_fd, NULL, NULL); if (err < 0) { continue; } buff = shnet_read_buf(fd); if (!buff || shbuf_size(buff) == 0) continue; json = shjson_init(shbuf_data(buff)); if (json) { char *text = shjson_astr(json, "result", NULL); if (text) { now = time(NULL); strftime(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf) - 1, "%D %T", localtime(&now)); printf("[%s] %s", tbuf, text); } } shbuf_clear(buff); } shclose(fd); return (0); }