コード例 #1
void shoes_plot_draw_scatter_pts(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot)
  // first series (x) controls graphical settings. 
  if (plot->seriescnt !=  2)
    return; // we don't have just two series 
  int i;
  int top,left,bottom,right;
  left = plot->graph_x; top = plot->graph_y;
  right = plot->graph_w; bottom = plot->graph_h; 
  int height = bottom - top;
  int width = right - left; 
  VALUE rbxser, rbyser;
  shoes_chart_series *serx, *sery;
  rbxser = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, 0);
  Data_Get_Struct(rbxser, shoes_chart_series, serx);
  rbyser = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, 1);
  Data_Get_Struct(rbyser, shoes_chart_series, sery);
  double xmax = NUM2DBL(serx->maxv);
  double ymax = NUM2DBL(sery->maxv);
  double xmin = NUM2DBL(serx->minv);
  double ymin = NUM2DBL(sery->minv);
  int nubs = NUM2INT(serx->point_type);
  VALUE shcolor = serx->color;
  VALUE rbstroke = serx->strokes;
  int strokew = NUM2INT(rbstroke);
  if (strokew < 1) strokew = 1;
  shoes_color *color;
  Data_Get_Struct(shcolor, shoes_color, color);

  int obvs = RARRAY_LEN(serx->values);
  for (i = 0; i < obvs; i++) {
    double xval, yval;
    xval = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(serx->values, i));
    yval = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(sery->values, i));
    //printf("scatter x: %f, y: %f\n", xval, yval);
  double yScale = height / (ymax - ymin);
  double xScale = width / (xmax - xmin);
  cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color->r / 255.0, color->g / 255.0,
      color->b / 255.0, color->a / 255.0); 
  for (i = 0; i < obvs; i++) {
    VALUE rbx = rb_ary_entry(serx->values, i);
    double xval = NUM2DBL(rbx);
    VALUE rby = rb_ary_entry(sery->values, i);
    double yval = NUM2DBL(rby);
    long x = roundl((xval - xmin) * xScale);
    long y = height - roundl((yval - ymin) * yScale);
    x += left;
    y += top;
    //printf("x: %f, y: %f --> x: %i px, y: %i, px\n", xval, yval, x, y);
    // lets draw a nub at x, y
    cairo_move_to(cr, x, y);
    shoes_plot_draw_nub(cr, plot, x, y, nubs, strokew + 2);
  shoes_plot_set_cairo_default(cr, plot);
コード例 #2
void shoes_plot_draw_boundbox(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot) {
  // draw box around data area (plot->graph_?)
  shoes_plot_set_cairo_default(cr, plot);
  int t,l,b,r;
  l = plot->graph_x; t = plot->graph_y;
  r = plot->graph_w; b = plot->graph_h;
  cairo_move_to(cr, l, t);
  cairo_line_to(cr, r, t);  // across top
  cairo_line_to(cr, r, b);  // down right side
  cairo_line_to(cr, l, b);  // across bottom
  cairo_line_to(cr, l, t);  // up left
コード例 #3
// fill graph area with background color
void shoes_plot_draw_fill(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot)
  if (NIL_P(plot->background)) {
    cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99);
  } else {
    shoes_color *color;
    Data_Get_Struct(plot->background, shoes_color, color);
        color->r / 255.0 ,
        color->g / 255.0 ,
        color->b / 255.0 ,
        color->a / 255.0
  cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1);
  cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, plot->place.w, plot->place.h);
  shoes_plot_set_cairo_default(cr, plot);
コード例 #4
// called at draw time. Calls many other functions. 
//      Whole lotta drawing going on
// Note: we expand the margins a bit shoe we can draw the label vertically
void shoes_plot_scatter_draw(cairo_t *cr, shoes_place *place, shoes_plot *self_t) {
  shoes_plot_set_cairo_default(cr, self_t);
  shoes_plot_draw_fill(cr, self_t);
  shoes_plot_draw_title(cr, self_t);
  shoes_plot_draw_caption(cr, self_t);
  if (self_t->boundbox) 
    shoes_plot_draw_boundbox(cr, self_t);
  self_t->graph_h = self_t->place.h - (self_t->title_h + self_t->caption_h);
  self_t->graph_y = self_t->title_h + 3;
  self_t->yaxis_offset = 70; // TODO:  run TOTO! run!
  self_t->graph_w = self_t->place.w - self_t->yaxis_offset;
  self_t->graph_x = self_t->yaxis_offset;
  if (self_t->seriescnt) {
    // draw  box, ticks and x,y labels.
    shoes_plot_scatter_ticks_and_labels(cr, self_t);
    shoes_plot_scatter_legend(cr, self_t); 
    shoes_plot_draw_scatter_pts(cr, self_t);
コード例 #5
void shoes_plot_draw_columns(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot)
  int i, num_series;
  int top,left,bottom,right;
  left = plot->graph_x; top = plot->graph_y;
  right = plot->graph_w; bottom = plot->graph_h;
  int width = right - left;  
  int height = bottom - top;
  // need to compute x advance based on number of series and stroke width
  int colsw = 0;       // combined stroke width for one set of bars
  num_series = plot->seriescnt;
  int strokesw[num_series];
  double maximums[num_series];
  double minimums[num_series];
  double vScales[num_series];
  shoes_color *colors[num_series];
  int nubs[num_series];
  VALUE values[num_series];
  VALUE labels[num_series];
  int range = plot->end_idx - plot->beg_idx; // zooming adj
  // load local var arrays 
  for (i = 0; i < plot->seriescnt; i++) {
    VALUE rbser = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, i);
    shoes_chart_series *cs;
    Data_Get_Struct(rbser, shoes_chart_series, cs);
    values[i] = cs->values;
    labels[i] = cs->labels;
    maximums[i] = NUM2DBL(cs->maxv);
    minimums[i] = NUM2DBL(cs->minv);
    nubs[i] = (width / range > 10) ? RTEST(cs->point_type) : 0;
    Data_Get_Struct(cs->color, shoes_color, colors[i]);
    int sw = NUM2INT(cs->strokes);
    if (sw < 4) sw = 4;
    strokesw[i] = sw;
    colsw += sw;
    vScales[i] = (height / (maximums[i] - minimums[i]));
    //values[i] = rb_ary_entry(plot->values, i);
    //VALUE rbmaxv = rb_ary_entry(plot->maxvs, i);
    //VALUE rbminv = rb_ary_entry(plot->minvs, i);
    //maximums[i] = NUM2DBL(rbmaxv);
    //minimums[i] = NUM2DBL(rbminv);
    //VALUE rbnubs = rb_ary_entry(plot->nubs, i);
    //nubs[i] = (width / range > 10) ? RTEST(rbnubs) : 0; 
    //VALUE rbcolor = rb_ary_entry(plot->color, i);
    //VALUE rbstroke = rb_ary_entry(plot->strokes, i);
    //int sw = NUM2INT(rbstroke);
    //if (sw < 4) sw = 4;
    //strokesw[i] = sw;
    //colsw += sw;
    //vScales[i] = (height / (maximums[i] - minimums[i]));
    //Data_Get_Struct(rbcolor, shoes_color, colors[i]);
  int ncolsw = width / (range) ; // 
  int xinset = left + (ncolsw / 2); // start inside the box, half a width
  int xpos = xinset; 
  //printf("ncolsw: w: %i, advw: %i, start inset %i\n", width, ncolsw, xpos);
  for (i = plot->beg_idx; i < plot->end_idx; i++) {
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < plot->seriescnt; j++) {
      VALUE rbdp  = rb_ary_entry(values[j], i + plot->beg_idx);
      if (NIL_P(rbdp)) {
          printf("skipping nil at %i\n", i + plot->beg_idx);
      double v = NUM2DBL(rbdp);
      cairo_set_line_width(cr, strokesw[j]);
      cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, colors[j]->r / 255.0, colors[j]->g / 255.0,
        colors[j]->b / 255.0, colors[j]->a / 255.0); 
      long y = height - roundl((v - minimums[j]) * vScales[j]);
      //printf("move i: %i, j: %i, x: %i, v: %f -> y: %i,%i \n", i, j, xpos, v, y, y+top);
      y += top;
      cairo_move_to(cr, xpos, bottom);
      cairo_line_to(cr, xpos, y);
      xpos += strokesw[j];
    // draw xaxis labels.
    shoes_plot_set_cairo_default(cr, plot); // reset to default
    VALUE obs = rb_ary_entry(labels[0], i + plot->beg_idx);
    //VALUE obs = rb_ary_entry(rbobs, i + plot->beg_idx);
    shoes_plot_column_xaxis(cr, plot, xpos-(colsw / 2), obs);
    xpos = (ncolsw * (i + 1)) + xinset;
  // tell cairo to draw all lines (and points) not already drawn.
  // set color back to dark gray and stroke to 1
  //cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
  //cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0);  
  shoes_plot_set_cairo_default(cr, plot);