bool gun_actor::call( monster &z ) const { Creature *target; if( z.friendly != 0 ) { // Attacking monsters, not the player! int boo_hoo; target = z.auto_find_hostile_target( range, boo_hoo ); if( target == nullptr ) { // Couldn't find any targets! if( boo_hoo > 0 && g->u.sees( z ) ) { // because that stupid oaf was in the way! add_msg( m_warning, ngettext( "Pointed in your direction, the %s emits an IFF warning beep.", "Pointed in your direction, the %s emits %d annoyed sounding beeps.", boo_hoo ),, boo_hoo ); } return false; } shoot( z, *target ); return true; } // Not friendly; hence, firing at the player too target = z.attack_target(); if( target == nullptr || rl_dist( z.pos(), target->pos() ) > range || !z.sees( *target ) ) { return false; } shoot( z, *target ); return true; }
void EnemyScout::doLogic(double delta) { EnemyEntity::doLogic(delta); //shoot if(shotTicks > lastShot){ lastShot = shotTicks; if(shotTicks % 50 == 45){ shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); } if(shotTicks % 50 == 46){ shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); } if(shotTicks % 50 == 47){ shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); } if(shotTicks % 50 == 48){ shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); } if(shotTicks % 50 == 49){ shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); shoot(200, targetPlayer,game->rand(-10,10)/10.0f); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int x = MAX_X; int y = MAX_Y; int mines = MAX_MINES; // printf("%d %d %d\n\n", x, y, mines); if(argc==1) { struct Board *board = init_board(x, y, mines); init_AI(x, y, mines); int game=0; struct Point target; while (game >= 0) { print_board(board); printf("\n"); print_AI_grid(); printf("Target?"); target = AI_get_target(); printf("\nTargetting: %d %d\n", target.x, target.y); game = shoot(board, target.x, target.y); printf("Result: %d \n\n",game); AI_send_result(target.x, target.y, game); } printf("\n"); if(game==-1) printf("LOST\n"); else if(game==-2) printf("WON\n"); free_board(board); free_AI(); } else { int total=atoi(argv[1]); int i; int won=0; int last_percent=0, percent=0; for(i=0;i<total;i++) { struct Board *board = init_board(x, y, mines); init_AI(x, y, mines); int game=0; struct Point target; while (game >= 0) { target = AI_get_target(); game = shoot(board, target.x, target.y); AI_send_result(target.x, target.y, game); } if(game==-2) won++; free_board(board); free_AI(); percent = (int)((float)i/total*100); if(last_percent < percent) { printf("%d percent done, ratio: %f \n", percent, (float)won/(i+1)); last_percent = percent; } } printf("Won %d out of %d\nRatio: %f \n", won, total, (float)won/total); } return 0; }
VOID D1PlayerFighter::update(AEHashedTable<AEPlatform>* platformTable) { if (!(isKeyPressed(D1Key::KEY_LEFT) && isKeyPressed(D1Key::KEY_RIGHT))) { FLOAT xSpeed = 0.0f; if (isKeyPressed(D1Key::KEY_LEFT)) { xSpeed = -1.0f; } else if (isKeyPressed(D1Key::KEY_RIGHT)) { xSpeed = 1.0f; } else { xSpeed = 0.0f; } setVx(xSpeed); } FLOAT ySpeed = (isKeyPressed(D1Key::KEY_UP) ? -1.0f : 0.0f) + (isKeyPressed(D1Key::KEY_DOWN) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); setVy(ySpeed); attackTimer--; if (attackTimer == 25 || attackTimer == 15 || attackTimer == 5) { shoot(8.0f); shoot(-8.0f); } if (hpValue <= 0 && action < D1PlayerFighter::ACTION_KILLED) { changeAction(D1PlayerFighter::ACTION_KILLED); AESpriteAttachment* attachedShadow = attachmentTable->getItem(0); if (attachedShadow) attachedShadow->getSprite()->remove(); } D1Sprite::update(platformTable); }
void fire(int n) { printf("fire\n\r\n\r"); shoot(MAX_SPEED); delay(2000); load(CONVEYER_SPEED); delay(2000*n); load(0); shoot(0); }
task autonomous() { //Old Auton, Keep Until new one is Proven /* drive(127); wait1Msec(7000);//Test this motor[shooterL] = motor[shooterR] = 127; drive(0); wait1Msec(3000); motor[shooterL] = motor[shooterR] = 0; drive(0); */ //Adujust Times Below int speeder = 73; //Ball One shoot(speeder); wait1Msec(2000); intake(127); wait1Msec(400); intake(0); wait1Msec(750); //Ball Two shoot(speeder); wait1Msec(1000); intake(127); wait1Msec(650); intake(0); wait1Msec(750); //Ball Three shoot(speeder); wait1Msec(1000); intake(127); wait1Msec(650); intake(0); wait1Msec(750); //Ball Four shoot(speeder); wait1Msec(1000); intake(127); wait1Msec(650); intake(0); wait1Msec(750); //All Stop stopAll(); }
void forward(void) { char b; // 600 IF F(1)>0 AND F(1)<7 THEN GOTO 660 if (f[0]==1) { // 660 B=INT(RND(1)*3+1) // 670 SHOOT:PRINT SPC(5) TX$(B) :WAIT8*TI:SHOOT:CLS // 672 IF B=2 THEN ZAP:SHOOT:ZAP shoot(); printf(" "); b = rand()%3; printf(message[b]); wait(360); shoot(); cls(); if (b==1) { zap();shoot();zap(); } } else if(f[0]>1 && f[0]<7) { shoot(); printf("Prenez la porte, mais pas comme ca !"); wait(360); cls(); } else { s_old = s; x_old = x; y_old = y; switch(s) { case 0: if(y>0) y--; break; case 1: if(x<XMAX) x++; break; case 2: if(y<XMAX) y++; break; case 3: if(x>0) x--; break; default: printf("erreur forward\n"); } } // 330 CASE=C(X,Y) ca = c[x+y*XMAX]; prep(); drawLaby(); manageCell(); }
void TurretAIComponent::search() // Currently Only Shoots at the Player { bool foundTarget = false; Position pos = curPosition_; Position tPos(0,0); // Target Position; pos = curPosition_; searchLine(pos, DIRECTION_UP, visionRange_, tPos, foundTarget); if (foundTarget == true) { targetPosition_ = tPos; shoot(DIRECTION_UP); targetFound_ = true; return; } pos = curPosition_; searchLine(pos, DIRECTION_DOWN, visionRange_, tPos, foundTarget); if (foundTarget == true) { targetPosition_ = tPos; shoot(DIRECTION_DOWN); targetFound_ = true; return; } pos = curPosition_; searchLine(pos, DIRECTION_LEFT, visionRange_, tPos, foundTarget); if (foundTarget == true) { targetPosition_ = tPos; shoot(DIRECTION_LEFT); targetFound_ = true; return; } pos = curPosition_; searchLine(pos, DIRECTION_RIGHT, visionRange_, tPos, foundTarget); if (foundTarget == true) { targetPosition_ = tPos; shoot(DIRECTION_RIGHT); targetFound_ = true; return; } }
void Player::processKeyPressed(cocos2d::EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_LEFT_ARROW: case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_A: move(Vec2(-Player::MAX_SPEED, 0), MOVE_LEFT_ACTION_TAG); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_RIGHT_ARROW: case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_D: move(Vec2(Player::MAX_SPEED, 0), MOVE_RIGHT_ACTION_TAG); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_UP_ARROW: case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_W: move(Vec2(0, Player::MAX_SPEED), MOVE_UP_ACTION_TAG); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_DOWN_ARROW: case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_S: move(Vec2(0, -Player::MAX_SPEED), MOVE_DOWN_ACTION_TAG); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_SPACE: _isFiring = true; shoot(); CCDirector::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule(schedule_selector(Player::shoot), this, FIRING_RATE, false); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_P: if (_isFiring) { _isFiring = false; CCDirector::getInstance()->getScheduler()->unschedule(schedule_selector(Player::shoot), this); } this->stopAllActions(); break; } }
bool MainApplication::keyReleased( const OIS::KeyEvent& arg ) { switch (arg.key) { case OIS::KC_UP: case OIS::KC_W: mDirection.y = 0; break; case OIS::KC_DOWN: case OIS::KC_S: mDirection.y = 0; break; case OIS::KC_LEFT: case OIS::KC_A: mDirection.x = 0; break; case OIS::KC_RIGHT: case OIS::KC_D: mDirection.x = 0; break; case OIS::KC_SPACE: shoot(); break; default: break; } return true; }
bool CannonField::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o ) { switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) { case 0: setAngle((int)static_QUType_int.get(_o+1)); break; case 1: setForce((int)static_QUType_int.get(_o+1)); break; case 2: shoot(); break; case 3: newTarget(); break; case 4: setGameOver(); break; case 5: restartGame(); break; case 6: moveShot(); break; default: return QWidget::qt_invoke( _id, _o ); } return TRUE; }
void Tower::attack(Object *obj) { if(dynamic_cast<Card *>(obj) != NULL) dynamic_cast<Card *>(obj)->damaged(this->damage); shoot(obj->pos().x(), obj->pos().y()); }
void BossGun::update(float frametime, int orientation, float x, float y, Input * input, LevelController * lc, float destX, float destY, bool shouldShoot) { playerX = x; playerY = y; adjacent = destX - x; opposite = destY - y; angle = atan((opposite / adjacent)); spriteData.angle = angle; if (adjacent < 0) { // Facing back setX(x); setY(y + 80); flipHorizontal(true); } else { setX(x + 50); setY(y + 80); flipHorizontal(false); } angle = atan((destY - getY()) / (destX - getX())); // Fire bullet if (shouldShoot) { // Cause AI calls this Projectile* p = shoot(lc, frametime); if (p != nullptr) p->setOwner(Projectile::NPC); } else { cooldownCurrent -= frametime; } Entity::update(frametime); }
int take_action(void) { /* * Do the action specified by the player, either 'm'ove, 's'hoot * or something exceptionally bizarre and strange! Returns 1 * iff the player died during this turn, otherwise returns 0. */ switch (*answer) { case 'M': case 'm': /* move */ return(move_to(answer + 1)); case 'S': case 's': /* shoot */ return(shoot(answer + 1)); case 'Q': case 'q': case 'x': exit(0); case '\n': return(0); } if (random() % 15 == 1) (void)printf("Que pasa?\n"); else (void)printf("I don't understand!\n"); return(0); }
int updateEntities() { typename std::list<Type>::iterator it; typename std::list<Type>::iterator tmp; int id; it = _list.begin(); spawningEnemies(); while (it != _list.end()) { tmp = it; if (move(*it) == false) tmp = _list.erase(it); else { shoot(*it); collision(*it); if ((*it)->checkDeath() == true) { id = (*it)->getId(); tmp = _list.erase(it); if ((*it)->getType() == SHIP) return (id); } } if (tmp != it) it = tmp; else ++it; } return (-1); }
void Enemy::step() { player_visible = !player->dead && world()->level->visible(shared_from_this(), std::static_pointer_cast<Entity>(player)); player_distance = Game::distance(shared_from_this(), std::static_pointer_cast<Entity>(player)); if(!attack) { scope(); if(alert) hunt(); else wander(); } walking(); worldCollision(); dy += gravity; if(alert && frame==0) frame = 5; if(attack) shoot(); processEntities(); light->setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x,y)); sprite.setPosition(round(x),round(y)); sprite.setScale(facing_right?1.0:-1.0,1.0); sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(frame*24,0,24,24)); }
void Player::newInput(int const input) { switch (input) { case 97: case 100: case 115: case 119: { if (input == _direction) { _speed += calcSpeed(input, (15.0f - _speed) / 8.0f); } else if (_speed <= 0.5f) { switch (input) { case 119: _y -= 1.0f; break; // W (up) case 115: _y += 1.0f; break; // S (down) case 100: _x += 1.0f; break; // D (left) case 97: _x -= 1.0f; break; // A } _speed = 0.0f; } else if ((input == 119 && _direction == 115) || (input == 115 && _direction == 119) || (input == 100 && _direction == 97) || (input == 97 && _direction == 100)) { _speed = 0.0f; } else if (_speed > 1.0f) { _speed -= calcSpeed(input, _speed - 1.0f) / 2.0f; } _direction = input; break; } default: shoot(); break; } }
void attack(bprotocol *aProtocol, batstat *attackingSide, group *attackingGroup, int attackingShip, batstat *targetSide, group *targetGroup, int targetShip) { if (shoot(attackingGroup, targetGroup)) { targetGroup->left--; (targetGroup->alive)[targetShip] = FALSE; if (targetGroup->type->weapons) { if ((targetGroup->canshoot)[targetShip]) { (targetGroup->canshoot)[targetShip] = FALSE; targetGroup->numberOfAttackersLeft--; targetSide->numberOfAttackersLeft--; } } addShot(aProtocol, attackingSide->who, attackingGroup->type, targetSide->who, targetGroup->type, 1); targetSide->numberOfTargets--; targetSide->who->masslost += typemass(targetGroup->type); } else { addShot(aProtocol, attackingSide->who, attackingGroup->type, targetSide->who, targetGroup->type, 0); } }
void CharacterUpdaterPlayer::shoot(CCObjectCollideable *enemy) { if( enemy != NULL ) { shoot( enemy->getPosition(), enemy ); } }
Player::Player(World& world) : Entity(Configuration::Textures::Player,world) ,ActionTarget(Configuration::player_inputs) ,_is_moving(false) ,_rotation(0) { bind(Configuration::PlayerInputs::Up,[this](const sf::Event&){ _is_moving = true; }); bind(Configuration::PlayerInputs::Left,[this](const sf::Event&){ _rotation-= 1; }); bind(Configuration::PlayerInputs::Right,[this](const sf::Event&){ _rotation+= 1; }); bind(Configuration::PlayerInputs::Shoot,[this](const sf::Event&){ shoot(); }); bind(Configuration::PlayerInputs::Hyperspace,[this](const sf::Event&){ goToHyperspace(); }); }
OBCTurret(Entity& mE, OBCPhys& mCPhys, OBCDraw& mCDraw, OBCKillable& mCKillable, Dir8 mDir, const OBWpnType& mWpn, float mShootDelay, float mPJDelay, int mShootCount) noexcept : OBCActor{mE, mCPhys, mCDraw}, cKillable(mCKillable), direction{mDir}, wpn{game, OBGroup::GFriendlyKillable, mWpn}, shootDelay{mShootDelay}, pjDelay{mPJDelay}, shootCount{mShootCount} { cDraw.setRotation(getDegFromDir8(direction)); getEntity().addGroups(OBGroup::GEnemy, OBGroup::GEnemyKillable); body.setResolve(false); body.addGroups(OBGroup::GSolidGround, OBGroup::GSolidAir, OBGroup::GEnemy, OBGroup::GKillable, OBGroup::GEnemyKillable); tckShoot.restart(shootDelay); repeat(tlShoot, [this] { shoot(); }, shootCount, pjDelay); cKillable.onDeath += [this] { game.createEShard(5, cPhys.getPosI()); }; }
int main() { init(); clearscreen(); isShoot = 0; pthread_t plane; pthread_create(&plane,NULL,threadHandler,NULL); degree = 0; int c; while(1){ key = kbhit(); if (!key){ } else { c = getchar(); if(c == 'd') { if (degree <= 87) degree +=1; target(degree); } else if(c == 'a') { if (degree >= 1) degree -=1; target(degree); } else if(c == '\n'){ isShoot = shoot(); } key = 0; } } munmap(fbp, screensize); close(fbfd); return 0; }
int main() { printf("%s\n","BattleShip!"); player_score=0; computer_score=0; srand(time(0)); inut_hitmap(); inut_map(); inut_buffer(); place_ships(); while(1) { show_map(); shoot();//defult shooting algerithm just shoots at random coordnets; really sucks as a player gethit(); if(win()>1 || ships_left()<=0) break; } if(computer_score>player_score) printf("%s\n","computer wins"); else if(computer_score<player_score) printf("%s\n","player wins"); else if(computer_score==player_score) printf("%s\n","tie, howd that happen"); }
void AIController::run(int frameRate) { Controller::run(frameRate); coord[pos][0] = shipCoord().getX(); coord[pos][1] = shipCoord().getY(); pos++; it++; pos %= LOG_SIZE; if (it >= 5) { if (coord[pos][0] < coord[(pos + 1) % LOG_SIZE][0] && shipCoord().getX() < 0 && shipCoord().getZ() < 0 && !rotated) { // std::cout << "*"; if (getYaw() <= MAX_ROTATE_POWER) { plusYaw(); } } else { rotateX(); moveX(); rotateY(); moveY(); moveForward(); shoot(); } } // std::cout << "coord: " << shipCoord().getX() << " " << shipCoord().getY() << " " << shipCoord().getZ() << " "; // std::cout << "speed: " << radar->targetSpeed().getX() << " " << radar->targetSpeed().getY() << " " << // radar->targetSpeed().getZ() << " "; // std::cout << "angular: " << m_object->angularVelocity().getX() << " " << m_object->angularVelocity().getY() << " "; // std::cout << "thrust: " << thrust << " " << thrustY << " "; // std::cout << "power: " << power << " "; // std::cout << "premtion: " << preemption().getX() << " " << preemption().getY() << " " << preemption().getZ() << " "; // std::cout << "\n"; m_object->run(frameRate); }
void BaseMageTower::shoot(float dt) { auto instance = GameManager::getInstance(); checkNearestMonster(); if(nearestMonster!=NULL && nearestMonster->getCurrHp() > 0) { auto currBullet = MageTowerBullet(); SoundManager::playMageTowerShot(); Point shootVector = nearestMonster->baseSprite->getPosition() - this->getParent()->getPosition(); auto position=currBullet->getPosition()-shootVector; auto rotation=atan2(position.y,position.x); float angleDegrees = CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(rotation); currBullet->setRotation(180.0f-angleDegrees); towerBase->runAction(Animate::create(AnimationCache::getInstance()->getAnimation(String::createWithFormat("level%d_mage_shine",level)->getCString()))); if(shootVector.y>0){ shooter->runAction(Animate::create(AnimationCache::getInstance()->getAnimation("mage_shoot_up"))); }else{ shooter->runAction(Animate::create(AnimationCache::getInstance()->getAnimation("mage_shoot_down"))); } auto actionMove=MoveTo::create(0.25f,shootVector); auto action=Spawn::create(actionMove,NULL); currBullet->setBulletAction(action); currBullet->shoot(); currBullet = NULL; } }
void Timer::run() { running = true; increaseInterval(); shoot(); status_changed(); }
void repat () { shoot (70); wait1Msec(2000); intaked(65); wait1Msec(ballWait); }
void StrongEnemy::combatStageC(irr::f32 deltaTime) { if(shotsFired != MAX_SHOT_COUNT) { if(shoot(irr::core::vector3df(0, 0, moveDir), TYPE_SHIP_PLAYER, cannonPositions)) { shotsFired++; } } else { if(currentLoop < COMBAT_LOOP_COUNT) { //Moves to the bottom of the screen if(getPosition().Y > -45) { moveVertical(turnSpeed, -1, deltaTime); } else { if(currentLoop != COMBAT_LOOP_COUNT) { //Reset shout count, increment loop count and reset stage shotsFired = 0; currentLoop++; currentStage = stageA; } } } else { //If the loop count is reached then leave the area if(timeElapsed > 1) { moveSpeed /= 2; currentStage = stageEnd; } else { timeElapsed += deltaTime; } } } }
void playerAttack(App *app, Player *player){ int i; Body *body = &player->body; Body *head_body = &app->game.head.body; if(body->action == ACTION_DEATH) return; if(player->grabbing){ head_body->action = ACTION_MOVE; player->grabbing = 0; return; } if(player->special_attack >= 100) { player->power_body.action = ACTION_ATTACK; player->power_body.damage = PLAYER_DAMAGE; playSpecialAttack(); }else{ playAttack(); } body->action = ACTION_ATTACK; body->frame = 0; for(i=0; i< 360; i+=10) { float range = (i > 180 ? i-180 : 180-i) / 180. * tileSize*1.2; shoot(app, &player->body, 20, i, range); } player->special_attack = 0; }
void Scene::fireAction( ActionTrigger& trigger ) { if ( !trigger.haveUpdateFrame() ) return; float const angle = DEG2RAD(3); float const mouseAngle = - 0.01f; int offset = 0; if ( trigger.detect( ACT_BB_SHOOT ) ) shoot(); if ( trigger.detect( ACT_BB_ROTATE_LEFT ) ) { roteRight( angle ); } else if ( trigger.detect( ACT_BB_ROTATE_RIGHT ) ) { roteRight( -angle ); } else if ( trigger.detect( ACT_BB_MOUSE_ROTATE , &offset ) ) { roteRight( mouseAngle * offset ); } }