コード例 #1
void DUChainControlFlowJob::start()
    emit showProgress(this, 0, 0, 0);
    emit showMessage(this, objectName());

    m_internalJob = new DUChainControlFlowInternalJob(m_duchainControlFlow, m_plugin);
    connect(m_internalJob, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::Job*)), SLOT(done(ThreadWeaver::Job*)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: replaygain.cpp プロジェクト: Civil/cantata
void ReplayGain::scannerProgress(int p)
    TrackScanner *s=qobject_cast<TrackScanner *>(sender());
    if (!s) {

コード例 #3
ファイル: QueryWidget.cpp プロジェクト: Linutux/robomongo
    void QueryWidget::execute()
        QString query = _scriptWidget->selectedText();

        if (query.isEmpty())
            query = _scriptWidget->text();

コード例 #4
ファイル: pm_brute2.cpp プロジェクト: tantantzp/datastructure
 * Text     :  0   1   2   .   .   .   i   i+1 .   .   .   i+j .   .   n-1
 *             ------------------------|-------------------|------------
 * Pattern  :                          0   1   .   .   .   j   .   .
 *                                     |-------------------|
int match(char* P, char* T) { //串匹配算法(Brute-force-2)
   size_t n = strlen(T), i = 0; //主串长度、与模式串首字符的对齐位置
   size_t m = strlen(P), j; //模式串长度、当前接受比对字符的位置
   for (i = 0; i < n - m + 1; i++) { //主串从第i个字符起,与
      for (j = 0; j < m; j++) //模式串中对应的字符逐个比对
      /*DSA*/{ showProgress(T, P, i, j); getchar();
         if (T[i + j] != P[j]) break; //若失配,模式串整体右移一个字符,再做一轮比对
      if (j >= m) break; //找到匹配子串
   return i; //如何通过返回值,判断匹配结果?
コード例 #5
 * Text     :  0   1   2   .   .   .   i-j .   .   .   .   i   .   .   n-1
 *             ------------------------|-------------------|------------
 * Pattern  :                          0   .   .   .   .   j   .   .
 *                                     |-------------------|
int match ( char* P, char* T ) { //串匹配算法(Brute-force-1)
   size_t n = strlen ( T ), i = 0; //文本串长度、当前接受比对字符的位置
   size_t m = strlen ( P ), j = 0; //模式串长度、当前接受比对字符的位置
   while ( j < m && i < n ) //自左向右逐个比对字符
      /*DSA*/showProgress ( T, P, i - j, j );   getchar();
      if ( T[i] == P[j] ) //若匹配
         { i ++;  j ++; } //则转到下一对字符
      else //否则
         { i -= j - 1; j = 0; } //文本串回退、模式串复位
   return i - j; //如何通过返回值,判断匹配结果?
コード例 #6
void ConfigurablePage::_configureTimeout()
	startTime = time(NULL)-1; /*no FPE*/
	isLoading = true;
	if(globalTimeout) {
		QTimer::singleShot(globalTimeout, this, SLOT(_triggerTimeout()));
	progress = 0;
	if(isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) {
		connect(&progressUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(showProgress()));
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.C プロジェクト: mmm/grover
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

    // some setup
    const int numSteps = 10000; 
    //double stepSize = .5 * 1/(double)numSteps;
    double stepSize = 0.000001;

    int opt;
    while ( (opt = getopt( argc, argv, "n:q:" )) != -1 ) {
        switch ( opt ) {
        case 'n':
            //const_cast<int>(numSteps) = optarg;
            cout << "numSteps = " << optarg << endl;
        case 'q':
            numQubits = atoi(optarg);
            cout << "numQubits = " << optarg << endl;

    const int numEquations = getNumOfEqns( numQubits );

    // initial conditions
    double x = 0.0;
    valarray<double> y( 0.0, numEquations );
    init( &x, &y );

    for ( int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++ ){

        // take a step
        y += stepRk4( x, y, stepSize );
        x += stepSize;

#ifdef TELL_ME
//        printVals( x, y );

//        char line[80];
//        cin.getline(line,80);
        if ( i == 0 || i == numSteps - 1 ) {
            printDensityMatrix( x, y );
#endif //TELL_ME


コード例 #8
 * runGame
 * sequence through each player taking turns, until there is a winner or 
 * players get "bored" (reach max turns)
void GameRunner::runGame()
	int currentPlayerNum = selectStartingPlayer();				// starting player

	int turnCount = 0;
	while (!game.hasWinner() && (++turnCount < maxTurns))
		turn(currentPlayerNum);									// sequence through next player's turn

		int numPlayers = game.getPlayers().size();				// current num players in game
		currentPlayerNum = bounded(++currentPlayerNum, numPlayers); // advance to next player
コード例 #9
ファイル: pm_kmp.cpp プロジェクト: HillBamboo/MOOCs
int match ( char* P, char* T ) {  //KMP算法
   int* next = buildNext ( P ); //构造next表
   int n = ( int ) strlen ( T ), i = 0; //文本串指针
   int m = ( int ) strlen ( P ), j = 0; //模式串指针
   while ( j < m  && i < n ) //自左向右逐个比对字符
      /*DSA*/showProgress ( T, P, i - j, j );
      /*DSA*/printNext ( next, i - j, strlen ( P ) );
      /*DSA*/getchar(); printf ( "\n" );
      if ( 0 > j || T[i] == P[j] ) //若匹配,或P已移出最左侧(两个判断的次序不可交换)
         { i ++;  j ++; } //则转到下一字符
      else //否则
         j = next[j]; //模式串右移(注意:文本串不用回退)
   delete [] next; //释放next表
   return i - j;
コード例 #10
ファイル: fluushoption.cpp プロジェクト: Shiroy/fluush
FluushOption::FluushOption(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::FluushOption)

    QMenu *contextMenu = new QMenu(this);
    QAction *takeFullScreen, *showMe, *quit;

    takeFullScreen = new QAction(tr("Take the full screen"), this);
    connect(takeFullScreen, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ui->full_screen, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
    connect(ui->full_screen, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), takeFullScreen, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));

    showMe = new QAction(tr("Show options"), this);
    connect(showMe, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(show()));

    quit = new QAction(tr("Quit"), this);
    connect(quit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(quit()));


    trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(QIcon(":/icons/fluush-icon"), this);
    trayIcon->setToolTip(tr("Fluush - Right click to configure"));
    connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(sysTrayActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)));

    net = new FluushNetwork(this);

    dia = new QProgressDialog(tr("Uploading to puush"), tr("Cancel"), 0, 100, this);

    connect(net, SIGNAL(showProgress()), dia, SLOT(show()));
    connect(net, SIGNAL(hideProgress()), dia, SLOT(hide()));
    connect(net, SIGNAL(uploadProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(uploadProgress(qint64,qint64)));

コード例 #11
ファイル: main.C プロジェクト: mmm/grover
int main() {

    // initial conditions
    double x = 0.0;
    valarray<double> y( 0.0, NUM_OF_EQNS );
    init( &x, &y );

//    cout << y.size()
//         << " "
//         << y[0]
//         << " "
//         << y[1]
//         << endl;

    // some setup
    const int numSteps = 1000000;
    //double stepSize = 1/(double)numSteps;
    double stepSize = 0.001;

    for ( int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++ ) {

        // take a step
        //stepEuler( &x, &y, stepSize );
        //stepAdaptRk4( &x, &y, &stepSize );
        //stepLsode( &x, &y, &stepSize );

        y += stepRk4( x, y, stepSize );
        x += stepSize;

#ifdef TELL_ME
        // we can solve this one, so...
        if ( 0 == i%(numSteps/10) ) {
            compareWithSoln( x, y );
//        printVals( x, y );

//        char line[80];
//        cin.getline(line,80);

        showProgress( i, numSteps );
#endif //TELL_ME


コード例 #12
ファイル: QueryWidget.cpp プロジェクト: strogo/robomongo
    QueryWidget::QueryWidget(MongoShell *shell, WorkAreaTabWidget *tabWidget, ViewMode viewMode, QWidget *parent) :
        _bus->subscribe(this, DocumentListLoadedEvent::Type, shell);
        _bus->subscribe(this, ScriptExecutedEvent::Type, shell);
        _bus->subscribe(this, AutocompleteResponse::Type, shell);
        qDebug() << "Subscribed to ScriptExecutedEvent";

        _scriptWidget = new ScriptWidget(_shell);

        _viewer = new OutputWidget(_viewMode, _shell);
        _outputLabel = new QLabel(this);
        _outputLabel->setContentsMargins(0, 5, 0, 0);

        QFrame *line = new QFrame(this);

        QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
        layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
        layout->addWidget(_scriptWidget, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
        layout->addWidget(_outputLabel, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
        layout->addWidget(_viewer, 1);

        if (shell->isExecutable()) {
コード例 #13
void QgsOfflineEditingPlugin::initGui()
  delete mActionConvertProject;

  // Create the action for tool
  mActionConvertProject = new QAction( QIcon( ":/offline_editing/offline_editing_copy.png" ), tr( "Convert to offline project" ), this );
  mActionConvertProject->setObjectName( "mActionConvertProject" );
  // Set the what's this text
  mActionConvertProject->setWhatsThis( tr( "Create offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project" ) );
  // Connect the action to the run
  connect( mActionConvertProject, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( convertProject() ) );
  // Add the icon to the toolbar
  mQGisIface->addDatabaseToolBarIcon( mActionConvertProject );
  mQGisIface->addPluginToDatabaseMenu( tr( "&Offline Editing" ), mActionConvertProject );
  mActionConvertProject->setEnabled( false );

  mActionSynchronize = new QAction( QIcon( ":/offline_editing/offline_editing_sync.png" ), tr( "Synchronize" ), this );
  mActionSynchronize->setObjectName( "mActionSynchronize" );
  mActionSynchronize->setWhatsThis( tr( "Synchronize offline project with remote layers" ) );
  connect( mActionSynchronize, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( synchronize() ) );
  mQGisIface->addDatabaseToolBarIcon( mActionSynchronize );
  mQGisIface->addPluginToDatabaseMenu( tr( "&Offline Editing" ), mActionSynchronize );
  mActionSynchronize->setEnabled( false );

  mOfflineEditing = new QgsOfflineEditing();
  mProgressDialog = new QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialog( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags );

  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressStarted() ), this, SLOT( showProgress() ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( layerProgressUpdated( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setLayerProgress( int, int ) ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressModeSet( QgsOfflineEditing::ProgressMode, int ) ), this, SLOT( setProgressMode( QgsOfflineEditing::ProgressMode, int ) ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressUpdated( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateProgress( int ) ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressStopped() ), this, SLOT( hideProgress() ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( warning( QString, QString ) ), mQGisIface->messageBar(), SLOT( pushWarning( QString, QString ) ) );

  connect( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), SIGNAL( projectRead() ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), SIGNAL( newProject() ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( writeProject( QDomDocument & ) ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layerWillBeRemoved( QString ) ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
コード例 #14
ファイル: classifier.cpp プロジェクト: rlcook0/Yttrium
bool Classifier::test(DataSet *data)
    cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "\t\tTesting" << endl;
    for (int img = 0; img < data->num_images; ++img) 
        showProgress(img, data->num_images);
        vector<int> cluster( data->count(img) );
        for (int i = 0; i < data->count(img); ++i)
            cluster[i] = best_cluster(centers, data->get(img, i) );
        CvMat *query = cvCreateMat(1, num_clusters, CV_32FC1);
        cvSet(query, cvScalar(0));
        for (int row = 0; row < data->count(img); ++row) {
            int cluster_idx = cluster[row];
            int oldVal = cvGetReal2D(query, 0, cluster_idx);
            cvSetReal2D(query, 0, cluster_idx, oldVal+1);//cvScalar(oldVal+1));
        int trueClass = data->get_class(img);
        svm.test(query, trueClass);
        rtrees.test(query, trueClass);
        btrees.test(query, trueClass);
        bayes.test(query, trueClass);

    svm.scores.out("SVM: ");
    rtrees.scores.out("RTrees: ");
    btrees.scores.out("BTrees: ");
    bayes.scores.out("Bayes: ");
    return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: replaygain.cpp プロジェクト: Civil/cantata
void ReplayGain::scannerDone()
    TrackScanner *s=qobject_cast<TrackScanner *>(sender());
    if (!s) {
    Track &track=tracks[s->index()];
    if (!track.finished) {

    if (toScan.isEmpty()) {
        if (totalScanned==files.count()) {
    } else {
        int index=toScan.takeAt(0);
コード例 #16
ファイル: progress_info.hpp プロジェクト: AliAlawieh/kalibr
 void showProgress(T1 done, T2 all)
     SM_ASSERT_GT(std::runtime_error, all, 0, "#DIV0");
     showProgress(static_cast<double>(done) / static_cast<double>(all));
コード例 #17
ファイル: classifier.cpp プロジェクト: rlcook0/Yttrium
bool Classifier::extract(TTrainingFileList& fileList)
    cout << "Classes:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)fileList.classes.size(); i++) {
        cout << fileList.classes[i] << " (";
        int count = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)fileList.files.size(); j++) {
            if (fileList.files[j].label == fileList.classes[i]) {
                count += 1;
        cout << count << " samples)" << endl;
    cout << endl;

    IplImage *image;
    int maxImages = INT_MAX;

    cout << "Processing images..." << endl;

    //vector<int> numIpoints(kNumObjectTypes);
    int minfiles = min(maxImages, (int)fileList.files.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < minfiles; i++) 
        // skip too many others...
        if (fileList.files[i].label == "other" && --max_others < 0) continue;

        // show progress
        if (i % 10 == 0) showProgress(i, minfiles);

        image = cvLoadImage(fileList.files[i].filename.c_str(), 0);
        if (image == NULL) {
            cerr << "ERROR: could not load image " << fileList.files[i].filename.c_str() << endl;
        string label = fileList.files[i].label;

        CvSeq *keypoints = 0, *descriptors = 0;
        CvSURFParams params = cvSURFParams(100, SURF_SIZE == 128);
        cvExtractSURF(image, 0, &keypoints, &descriptors, storage, params);
        if (descriptors->total == 0) continue;
        vector<float> desc;
        desc.resize(descriptors->total * descriptors->elem_size/sizeof(float));
        cvCvtSeqToArray(descriptors, &desc[0]);
        vector<float *> features;
        int where = 0;
        for (int pt = 0; pt < keypoints->total; ++pt) {
            float *f = new float[SURF_SIZE];
            for (int j = 0; j < SURF_SIZE; ++j) {
                f[j] = desc[where];
        if (i % test_to_train == 1 || !test_on) 
            set_train.push(stringToClassInt(label), features);
        else set_test.push(stringToClassInt(label), features);
    cout << endl << "Extracted surf features. " << endl;

    cout << "Train Set" << endl;
    cout << "Test Set" << endl;
    return true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: tex.c プロジェクト: Borf/CaveQuake
    int i;
    byte_t *rgb;
    int width, height, format, len, size;

    if (g->r_notextures)

    g->r_texture_data = (tex_data_t *) gc_malloc(g->r_numtextures * sizeof(tex_data_t));
    imgbuf = malloc(IMG_BUFSIZE);
    for (i=0; i < g->r_numtextures; ++i) {

        rgb = NULL;
        showProgress(i, g->r_numtextures-1);
	/* printf("loading...%s\n", g->r_texfiles[i].fname);  */

	len = strlen(g->r_texfiles[i].fname);
	if (!strcmp(&(g->r_texfiles[i].fname[len-4]), ".jpg"))
	    if (!jpg_readtex(g->r_texfiles[i].fname, &rgb, &width, &height,
		Error("Could not open file %s", g->r_texfiles[i].fname);
		/* continue; */
                i = i; /* nothing */
	else if (!strcmp(&(g->r_texfiles[i].fname[len-4]), ".tga"))
	    if (!tga_readtex(g->r_texfiles[i].fname, &rgb, &width, &height,
		/* Might still be a jpg file !!! (compatibility with old
		   shader scripts?) */
		strcpy(&(g->r_texfiles[i].fname[len-3]), "jpg");
		if (!jpg_readtex(g->r_texfiles[i].fname, &rgb, &width,
				 &height, &format))
		    /* FIXME: This should be an error, but still happens
		       in the demo levels ! */
		    strcpy(&(g->r_texfiles[i].fname[len-3]), "tga");
		    printf("Could not open file %s\n", g->r_texfiles[i].fname);
		    /* continue; */
	else {
	    Error("Unknown format for %s", g->r_texfiles[i].fname);
		/* continue;

        size = width*height* (format == GL_RGB ? 3 : 4);

        /* Not really a gamma: prelighten the texture to compensate for
           darkening after lightmap application. */
        if (rgb && (g->r_gamma != 1.0 || g->r_brightness != 0))
    	    int i, val;
	    for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
	        val = (rgb[i] + g->r_brightness) * g->r_gamma;
                /*val = gammaCorrect(rgb[i], g->r_gamma);*/
	        if (val > 255) val = 255;
	        rgb[i] = val;
	g->r_texture_data[i].rgb = rgb;
	g->r_texture_data[i].w = width;
	g->r_texture_data[i].h = height;
	g->r_texture_data[i].format = format;
コード例 #19
ファイル: checkerstatus.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/kdevplatform
void CheckerStatus::stop()
    emit clearMessage(this);
    emit showProgress(this, 0, d->m_maxItems, d->m_maxItems);
    emit hideProgress(this);
コード例 #20
ファイル: checkerstatus.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/kdevplatform
void CheckerStatus::start()
    d->m_checkedItems = 0;
    emit showProgress(this, 0, d->m_maxItems, d->m_checkedItems);
コード例 #21
bool SndFileAudioFileReader::run(AudioProcessor& processor)
    if (input_file_ == nullptr) {
        return false;

    const int BUFFER_SIZE = 16384;

    float float_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    short input_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

    const int sub_type = info_.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK;

    const bool is_floating_point = sub_type == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT ||
                                   sub_type == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE;

    sf_count_t frames_to_read = BUFFER_SIZE / info_.channels;
    sf_count_t frames_read    = frames_to_read;

    sf_count_t total_frames_read = 0;

    bool success = true;

    success = processor.init(info_.samplerate, info_.channels, BUFFER_SIZE);

    if (success) {
        showProgress(0, info_.frames);

        while (success && frames_read == frames_to_read) {
            if (is_floating_point) {
                frames_read = sf_readf_float(

                // Scale floating-point samples from [-1.0, 1.0] to 16-bit
                // integer range. Note: we don't use SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ
                // as this scales using the overall measured waveform peak
                // amplitude, resulting in an unwanted amplitude change.

                for (int i = 0; i < frames_read * info_.channels; ++i) {
                    input_buffer[i] = static_cast<short>(
                        float_buffer[i] * std::numeric_limits<short>::max()
            else {
                frames_read = sf_readf_short(

            success = processor.process(

            total_frames_read += frames_read;

            showProgress(total_frames_read, info_.frames);

        output_stream << "\nRead " << total_frames_read << " frames\n";



    return success;
コード例 #22
bool Mp3AudioFileReader::run(AudioProcessor& processor)
    if (file_ == nullptr) {
        return false;

    enum {
    } status = STATUS_OK;

    unsigned char input_buffer[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD];
    unsigned char* guard_ptr = nullptr;
    unsigned long frame_count = 0;

    short output_buffer[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    short* output_ptr = output_buffer;
    const short* const output_buffer_end = output_buffer + OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;

    int channels = 0;

    // Decoding options can here be set in the options field of the stream
    // structure.

    // {1} When decoding from a file we need to know when the end of the file is
    // reached at the same time as the last bytes are read (see also the comment
    // marked {3} below). Neither the standard C fread() function nor the POSIX
    // read() system call provides this feature. We thus need to perform our
    // reads through an interface having this feature, this is implemented here
    // by the bstdfile.c module.

    BStdFile bstd_file(file_);

    // Initialize the structures used by libmad.
    MadStream stream;
    MadFrame frame;
    MadSynth synth;

    mad_timer_t timer;

    // This is the decoding loop.

    for (;;) {
        // The input bucket must be filled if it becomes empty or if it's the
        // first execution of the loop.

        if (stream.buffer == nullptr || stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) {
            size_t read_size;
            size_t remaining;
            unsigned char* read_start;

            // {2} libmad may not consume all bytes of the input buffer. If the
            // last frame in the buffer is not wholly contained by it, then that
            // frame's start is pointed by the next_frame member of the stream
            // structure. This common situation occurs when mad_frame_decode()
            // fails, sets the stream error code to MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN, and sets
            // the next_frame pointer to a non-NULL value. (See also the comment
            // marked {4} below.)
            // When this occurs, the remaining unused bytes must be put back at
            // the beginning of the buffer and taken in account before refilling
            // the buffer. This means that the input buffer must be large enough
            // to hold a whole frame at the highest observable bit-rate
            // (currently 448 kb/s). XXX=XXX Is 2016 bytes the size of the
            // largest frame? (448000*(1152/32000))/8

            if (stream.next_frame != nullptr) {
                remaining = stream.bufend - stream.next_frame;
                memmove(input_buffer, stream.next_frame, remaining);
                read_start = input_buffer + remaining;
                read_size  = INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - remaining;
            else {
                read_size  = INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
                read_start = input_buffer;
                remaining = 0;

            // Fill-in the buffer. If an error occurs print a message and leave
            // the decoding loop. If the end of stream is reached we also leave
            // the loop but the return status is left untouched.

            read_size = bstd_file.read(read_start, 1, read_size);

            if (read_size <= 0) {
                if (ferror(file_)) {
                    error_stream << "\nRead error on bit-stream: "
                                 << strerror(errno) << '\n';
                    status = STATUS_READ_ERROR;


            // {3} When decoding the last frame of a file, it must be followed
            // by MAD_BUFFER_GUARD zero bytes if one wants to decode that last
            // frame. When the end of file is detected we append that quantity
            // of bytes at the end of the available data. Note that the buffer
            // can't overflow as the guard size was allocated but not used the
            // the buffer management code. (See also the comment marked {1}.)
            // In a message to the mad-dev mailing list on May 29th, 2001, Rob
            // Leslie explains the guard zone as follows:
            //    "The reason for MAD_BUFFER_GUARD has to do with the way
            //    decoding is performed. In Layer III, Huffman decoding may
            //    inadvertently read a few bytes beyond the end of the buffer in
            //    the case of certain invalid input. This is not detected until
            //    after the fact. To prevent this from causing problems, and
            //    also to ensure the next frame's main_data_begin pointer is
            //    always accessible, MAD requires MAD_BUFFER_GUARD (currently 8)
            //    bytes to be present in the buffer past the end of the current
            //    frame in order to decode the frame."

            if (bstd_file.eof()) {
                guard_ptr = read_start + read_size;
                memset(guard_ptr, 0, MAD_BUFFER_GUARD);
                read_size += MAD_BUFFER_GUARD;

            // Pipe the new buffer content to libmad's stream decoder facility.
            mad_stream_buffer(&stream, input_buffer, read_size + remaining);
            stream.error = MAD_ERROR_NONE;

        // Decode the next MPEG frame. The streams is read from the buffer, its
        // constituents are break down and stored the the frame structure, ready
        // for examination/alteration or PCM synthesis. Decoding options are
        // carried in the frame structure from the stream structure.
        // Error handling: mad_frame_decode() returns a non zero value when an
        // error occurs. The error condition can be checked in the error member
        // of the stream structure. A mad error is recoverable or fatal, the
        // error status is checked with the MAD_RECOVERABLE macro.
        // {4} When a fatal error is encountered all decoding activities shall
        // be stopped, except when a MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN is signaled. This
        // condition means that the mad_frame_decode() function needs more input
        // to complete its work. One shall refill the buffer and repeat the
        // mad_frame_decode() call. Some bytes may be left unused at the end of
        // the buffer if those bytes forms an incomplete frame. Before
        // refilling, the remaining bytes must be moved to the beginning of the
        // buffer and used for input for the next mad_frame_decode() invocation.
        // (See the comments marked {2} earlier for more details.)
        // Recoverable errors are caused by malformed bit-streams, in this case
        // one can call again mad_frame_decode() in order to skip the faulty
        // part and re-sync to the next frame.

        if (mad_frame_decode(&frame, &stream)) {
            if (MAD_RECOVERABLE(stream.error)) {
                // Do not print a message if the error is a loss of
                // synchronization and this loss is due to the end of stream
                // guard bytes. (See the comment marked {3} above for more
                // information about guard bytes.)

                if (stream.error != MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC ||
                    stream.this_frame != guard_ptr) {

                    // For any MP3 file we typically see two errors in the
                    // first frame processed:
                    // - lost synchronization
                    // - reserved header layer value
                    // This seems to be OK, so don't print these

                    if (frame_count != 0) {
                        error_stream << "\nRecoverable frame level error: "
                                     << mad_stream_errorstr(&stream) << '\n';

            else {
                if (stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) {
                else {
                    error_stream << "\nUnrecoverable frame level error: "
                                 << mad_stream_errorstr(&stream) << '\n';
                    status = STATUS_READ_ERROR;

        // Display the characteristics of the stream's first frame. The first
        // frame is representative of the entire stream.

        if (frame_count == 0) {
            const int sample_rate = frame.header.samplerate;
            channels = MAD_NCHANNELS(&frame.header);

            dumpInfo(output_stream, frame.header);

            if (!processor.init(sample_rate, channels, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
                status = STATUS_PROCESS_ERROR;

            showProgress(0, file_size_);

        // Accounting. The computed frame duration is in the frame header
        // structure. It is expressed as a fixed point number whole data type is
        // mad_timer_t. It is different from the samples fixed point format and
        // unlike it, it can't directly be added or subtracted. The timer module
        // provides several functions to operate on such numbers. Be careful
        // there, as some functions of libmad's timer module receive some of
        // their mad_timer_t arguments by value!

        mad_timer_add(&timer, frame.header.duration);

        // Once decoded the frame is synthesized to PCM samples. No errors are
        // reported by mad_synth_frame();

        mad_synth_frame(&synth, &frame);

        // Synthesized samples must be converted from libmad's fixed point
        // number to the consumer format. Here we use signed 16 bit integers on
        // two channels. Integer samples are temporarily stored in a buffer that
        // is flushed when full.

        for (int i = 0; i < synth.pcm.length; i++) {
            // Left channel
            short sample = MadFixedToSshort(synth.pcm.samples[0][i]);

            *output_ptr++ = sample;

            // Right channel. If the decoded stream is monophonic then the right
            // output channel is the same as the left one.

            if (MAD_NCHANNELS(&frame.header) == 2) {
                sample = MadFixedToSshort(synth.pcm.samples[1][i]);
                *output_ptr++ = sample;

            // Flush the output buffer if it is full

            if (output_ptr == output_buffer_end) {
                long pos = ftell(file_);

                showProgress(pos, file_size_);

                bool success = processor.process(
                    OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE / channels

                if (!success) {
                    status = STATUS_PROCESS_ERROR;

                output_ptr = output_buffer;

    // If the output buffer is not empty and no error occurred during the last
    // write, then flush it.

    if (output_ptr != output_buffer && status != STATUS_PROCESS_ERROR) {
        int buffer_size = static_cast<int>(output_ptr - output_buffer);

        bool success = processor.process(output_buffer, buffer_size / channels);

        if (!success) {
            status = STATUS_PROCESS_ERROR;

    // Accounting report if no error occurred.

    if (status == STATUS_OK) {
        // Report 100% done.
        showProgress(file_size_, file_size_);

        char buffer[80];

        // The duration timer is converted to a human readable string with the
        // versatile, but still constrained mad_timer_string() function, in a
        // fashion not unlike strftime(). The main difference is that the timer
        // is broken into several values according some of its arguments. The
        // units and fracunits arguments specify the intended conversion to be
        // executed.
        // The conversion unit (MAD_UNIT_MINUTES in our example) also specify
        // the order and kind of conversion specifications that can be used in
        // the format string.
        // It is best to examine libmad's timer.c source-code for details of the
        // available units, fraction of units, their meanings, the format
        // arguments, etc.

        mad_timer_string(timer, buffer, "%lu:%02lu.%03u",

        output_stream << "\nFrames decoded: " << frame_count
                      << " (" << buffer << ")\n";



    return status == STATUS_OK;
コード例 #23
 * This is the main() method which is called from the command-line.
 * Return code 0 means success. Any other values means some sort of error occurred.
int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
    // Assume no extra digits (unless overridden later.
    int extraDigits = 0;

    // If XYZ is added to -b, -r or -g, print x, y, z coordinates
    int useXYZ = 0;

    // Provide usage message if no arguments specified.
    const char *appName = argv[0];
    selfCheckEnabled = (strstr(appName, "debug") != 0);
    if (selfCheckEnabled) {
        fprintf(stderr, "(debug mode: self checking enabled)\n");
    if (argc < 2) {
        return NORMAL_ERROR;

    // First argument: command.
    const char *cmd = argv[1];
    if ((strcmp(cmd, "-d") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--decode") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Decode: [-d | --decode] <default-territory> <mapcode> [<mapcode> ...]
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (argc < 4) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;

        const char *defaultTerritory = argv[2];
        double lat;
        double lon;

        // Get the territory context.
        enum Territory context = getTerritoryCode(defaultTerritory, TERRITORY_NONE);

        // Decode every Mapcode.
        for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i) {

            // Decode the Mapcode to a lat/lon.
            const char *mapcode = argv[i];
            int err = decodeMapcodeToLatLonUtf8(&lat, &lon, mapcode, context, NULL);
            if (err != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot decode '%s %s'\n", defaultTerritory, mapcode);
                return NORMAL_ERROR;

            // Output the decoded lat/lon.
            printf("%.20g %.20g\n", lat, lon);

            // Self-checking code to see if encoder produces this Mapcode for the lat/lon.
            if (selfCheckEnabled) {
                const char *suffix = strstr(mapcode, "-");
                extraDigits = 0;
                if (suffix != 0) {
                    extraDigits = (int) (strlen(suffix) - 1);
                selfCheckLatLonToMapcode(lat, lon, mapcode, extraDigits);
    } else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-e") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e0") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "-e1") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e2") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "-e3") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e4") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "-e5") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e6") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "-e7") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e8") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--encode") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode0") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--encode1") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode2") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--encode3") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode4") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--encode5") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode5") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--encode7") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode8") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Encode: [-e[0-8] | --encode[0-8]] <lat:-90..90> <lon:-180..180> [territory]>
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        if ((!isdigit(*argv[2]) && (*argv[2] != '-')) || (!isdigit(*argv[3]) && (*argv[3] != '-'))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: latitude and longitude must be numeric\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        const double lat = atof(argv[2]);
        const double lon = atof(argv[3]);

        if (strstr(cmd, "-e1") || strstr(cmd, "--encode1")) {
            extraDigits = 1;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e2") || strstr(cmd, "--encode2")) {
            extraDigits = 2;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e3") || strstr(cmd, "--encode3")) {
            extraDigits = 3;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e4") || strstr(cmd, "--encode4")) {
            extraDigits = 4;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e5") || strstr(cmd, "--encode5")) {
            extraDigits = 5;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e6") || strstr(cmd, "--encode6")) {
            extraDigits = 6;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e7") || strstr(cmd, "--encode7")) {
            extraDigits = 7;
        } else if (strstr(cmd, "-e8") || strstr(cmd, "--encode8")) {
            extraDigits = 8;
        } else {
            extraDigits = 0;

        // Get territory context.
        enum Territory context = TERRITORY_NONE;
        const char *defaultTerritory = "AAA";
        if (argc == 5) {
            context = getTerritoryCode(argv[4], TERRITORY_NONE);
            defaultTerritory = argv[4];

        // Encode the lat/lon to a set of Mapcodes.
        Mapcodes mapcodes;
        const int nrResults = encodeLatLonToMapcodes(&mapcodes, lat, lon, context, extraDigits);
        if (nrResults <= 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot encode lat=%.20g, lon=%.20g (default territory=%s)\n",
                    lat, lon, defaultTerritory);
            return NORMAL_ERROR;

        // Output the Mapcode.
        for (int i = 0; i < nrResults; ++i) {
            const char *foundMapcode = mapcodes.mapcode[i];
            printf("%s\n", foundMapcode);

            // Self-checking code to see if decoder produces the lat/lon for all of these Mapcodes.
            if (selfCheckEnabled) {
                selfCheckMapcodeToLatLon(foundMapcode, lat, lon);
    } else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-t") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--territories") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Generate a test set based on the Mapcode territories
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 2)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        for (int i = _TERRITORY_MIN + 1; i < _TERRITORY_MAX; ++i) {
            const enum Territory ccode = (enum Territory) i;
            char territoryName[MAX_MAPCODE_RESULT_LEN];
            printf("%d,", INDEX_OF_TERRITORY(i));

            // Use internal knowledge of ALPHA_SEARCH to show aliases of territoryName.
            printf("%s", getTerritoryIsoName(territoryName, ccode, 0));
            for (int a = 0; a < NR_TERRITORY_RECS; a++) {
                if (ALPHA_SEARCH[a].territory == ccode) {
                    char fullcode[16];
                    strcpy(fullcode, ALPHA_SEARCH[a].alphaCode);
                    if (fullcode[0] >= '0' && fullcode[0] <= '9') {
                        static const char *parents2 = "US,IN,CA,AU,MX,BR,RU,CN,";
                        int p = (fullcode[0] - '0');
                        memcpy(fullcode, &parents2[p * 3 - 3], 2);
                        fullcode[2] = '-';
                        strcpy(fullcode + 3, ALPHA_SEARCH[a].alphaCode + 1);
                    if (strcmp(fullcode, territoryName) != 0) {
                        printf("|%s", fullcode);

            // Print alphabets.
            const TerritoryAlphabets *territoryAlphabets = getAlphabetsForTerritory(ccode);
            for (int j = 0; j < territoryAlphabets->count; j++) {
                if (j > 0) {
                printf("%d", territoryAlphabets->alphabet[j]);

            // Use internal knowledge of TERRITORY_FULL_NAME to show aliases of full territory name.
            char *names = strdup(TERRITORY_FULL_NAME[INDEX_OF_TERRITORY(ccode)]);
            char *s = names;
            while (s) {
                if (s != names) {
                char *e = strstr(s, " (");
                if (e) {
                    *e = 0;
                    if (e[-1] == ')') {
                        e[-1] = 0;
                    printf("%s", s);
                    s = e + 2;
                } else {
                    e = s + strlen(s);
                    if (e[-1] == ')') {
                        e[-1] = 0;
                    printf("%s", s);
                    s = NULL;
    } else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-a") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--alphabets") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Generate a test set based on the Mapcode territories
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        static const char *mapcodeForCSV[] = {
                // all characters
                // all forms
                // all adjad forms
                // non-mapcode
                // special case for digit-like characters
        if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 2)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;

        for (enum Alphabet alphabet = ALPHABET_ROMAN;
             alphabet < _ALPHABET_MAX; alphabet = (enum Alphabet) (alphabet + 1)) {
            int variant;
            for (variant = 0; variant <= 2; variant++) {
                int m;
                for (m = 0; mapcodeForCSV[m] != NULL; m++) {
                    int i;
                    char asciiString[128];
                    // build a mapcode variant
                    char mapcode[128];
                    strcpy(mapcode, mapcodeForCSV[m]);
                    strcat(mapcode, (variant == 1) ? "-bc" : (variant == 2) ? "-DFGHJKLM" : "");
                    for (i = 0; mapcode[i]; ++i) {
                        mapcode[i] = (char) toupper((int) mapcode[i]);
                    // convert to alphabet, and back to roman
                    convertMapcodeToAlphabetUtf8(asciiString, mapcode, alphabet);
                    // output a line of csv (in utf8 format)
                    printf("%d,%s,%s\n", alphabet, mapcode, asciiString);
    } else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-b") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-bXYZ") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--boundaries") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--boundariesXYZ") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Generate a test set based on the Mapcode boundaries.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        if (argc == 3) {
            extraDigits = atoi(argv[2]);
            if ((extraDigits < 0) || (extraDigits > 8)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter extraDigits must be in [0..8]\n\n");
                return NORMAL_ERROR;
        useXYZ = (strstr(cmd, "XYZ") != 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < totalNrOfPoints; ++i) {
            double minLon;
            double maxLon;
            double minLat;
            double maxLat;
            double lat;
            double lon;

            const TerritoryBoundary *mm = TERRITORY_BOUNDARY(i);
            minLon = ((double) mm->minx) / 1.0E6;
            maxLon = ((double) mm->maxx) / 1.0E6;
            minLat = ((double) mm->miny) / 1.0E6;
            maxLat = ((double) mm->maxy) / 1.0E6;

            // Try center.
            lat = (maxLat - minLat) / 2.0;
            lon = (maxLon - minLon) / 2.0;
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(lat, lon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            // Try corners.
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat, minLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat, maxLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat, minLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat, maxLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            // Try JUST inside.
            const double d = 0.000001;
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat + d, minLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat + d, maxLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat - d, minLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat - d, maxLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            // Try JUST outside.
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat - d, minLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat - d, maxLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat + d, minLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat + d, maxLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            if ((i % SHOW_PROGRESS) == 0) {
    } else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-g") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-gXYZ") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--grid") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--gridXYZ") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-rXYZ") == 0) ||
               (strcmp(cmd, "--random") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--randomXYZ") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Generate grid test set:    [-g | --grid]   <nrOfPoints> [<extradigits>]
        // Generate uniform test set: [-r | --random] <nrOfPoints> [<seed>]
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 5)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        int nrOfPoints = atoi(argv[2]);
        if (nrOfPoints < 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: total number of points to generate must be >= 1\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        if (argc >= 4) {
            extraDigits = atoi(argv[3]);
            if ((extraDigits < 0) || (extraDigits > 8)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter extraDigits must be in [0..8]\n\n");
                return NORMAL_ERROR;
        int random = (strcmp(cmd, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--random") == 0);
        if (random) {
            if (argc == 5) {
                const int seed = atoi(argv[4]);
                srand((unsigned int) seed);
            } else {
                srand((unsigned int) time(0));
        useXYZ = (strstr(cmd, "XYZ") != 0);

        // Statistics.

        int gridX = 0;
        int gridY = 0;
        int line = my_round(sqrt((double) totalNrOfPoints));
        for (int i = 0; i < totalNrOfPoints; ++i) {
            double lat;
            double lon;
            double unit1;
            double unit2;

            if (random) {
                unit1 = ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;
                unit2 = ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;
            } else {
                unit1 = ((double) gridX) / line;
                unit2 = ((double) gridY) / line;

                if (gridX < line) {
                } else {
                    gridX = 0;

            unitToLatLonDeg(unit1, unit2, &lat, &lon);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(lat, lon, 1, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            if ((i % SHOW_PROGRESS) == 0) {
    } else {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Usage.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        return NORMAL_ERROR;
    return 0;
コード例 #24
ファイル: FullRun.cpp プロジェクト: olli0601/3SEQ
void FullRun::progress(void) {
    if (cloAllBpCalculated) {
                << "                                                Recombinant      Longest Recombinant\n"
                << "Progress    Time Elapsed    Minimum P-Value    Triplets Found          Segment\n";
    } else {
                << "                                                Recombinant\n"
                << "Progress    Time Elapsed    Minimum P-Value    Triplets Found\n";

    recombinationSensitivity = 0;

    for (unsigned long randLoopCounter = 0; randLoopCounter < randomLoopNum; randLoopCounter++) {
        if (isRandomMode) {

        numRecombinantTriplets = 0.0;
        numComputedExactly = 0.0;
        numApproximated = 0.0;
        numSkipped = getNumTotalTriplets();

        minPVal = 1.0;
        longestRecombinantSegment = 0;

        /* Initialise progress counter */
        unsigned long activeChildNum = childDataset->getNumActiveSeq();
        unsigned long activeParentNum = parentDataset->getNumActiveSeq();

        double totalLoop = static_cast<double> (activeChildNum)
                * static_cast<double> (activeParentNum);
        Interface::instance().initCounter("", 0, totalLoop);

        /* This flag indicates if the progressing should be stopped */
        bool isStoped = false;

        /* Progressing begins */
        unsigned long activeChildCounter = 0;
        unsigned long activeDadCounter = 0;

        Genome* child = NULL;
        Genome* dad = NULL;
        Genome* mum = NULL;
        Triplet* triplet = NULL;

        for (unsigned long childIndex = 0; !isStoped && childIndex < childDataset->getSize(); childIndex++) {
            child = childDataset->getGenome(childIndex);
            if (child->isActive()) {
            } else {

            activeDadCounter = 0;
            for (unsigned long dadIndex = 0; !isStoped && dadIndex < parentDataset->getSize(); dadIndex++) {
                dad = parentDataset->getGenome(dadIndex);
                if (dad->isActive()) {
                if (!dad->isActive() || dad == child) {

                /* Show progress counter */
                double currentLoop = static_cast<double> (activeChildCounter - 1)
                        * static_cast<double> (activeParentNum)
                        + static_cast<double> (activeDadCounter - 1);
                showProgress(currentLoop, false);

                for (unsigned long mumIndex = 0; !isStoped && mumIndex < parentDataset->getSize(); mumIndex++) {
                    mum = parentDataset->getGenome(mumIndex);
                    if (!mum->isActive() || mum == child || mum == dad) continue;

                    triplet = new Triplet(dad, mum, child);

                    /* Let's see if we can calculate the exact P-value */
                    bool hasPValue = triplet->calculatePVal(cloUseSiegmundApprox);
                    if (!hasPValue) {
                        if (fileSkippedTriplets) {
                            /* No need to open file, writeLine() will do that automatically */
                        delete triplet;
                    numSkipped -= 1.0;

                    if (triplet->isPValApproximated()) {
                        numApproximated += 1.0;
                    } else {
                        numComputedExactly += 1.0;

                    double pValue = triplet->getPVal();

                    if (pValue < minPVal)
                        minPVal = pValue;

                    /* Let's see if the P-value is significant */
                    if (stats::correction::dunnSidak(pValue, getNumTripletsForCorrection()) < cloRejectThreshold) {
                        numRecombinantTriplets += 1.0;
                        if (child->getRecombinantType() == Genome::Na_REC) {

                        /* Go into this loop either if we're doing ALL breakpoint or
                         * NO breakpoint if we are doing no breakpoint, then the 
                         * breakpoint calculations is skipped. */
                        if (cloAllBpCalculated || cloNoBpCalculated) {

                        /* Now check if this is the *best* recombinant (meaning lowest p-value)
                         * and if it is, record it */
                        if (child->getBestRecombinantTriplet() == NULL
                                || pValue < child->getBestRecombinantTriplet()->getPVal()) {
                        } else {
                            delete triplet;

                        if (cloStopAtFirstRecombinant) {
                            /* Finish progressing early */
                            isStoped = true;

                    } else {
                        delete triplet;

        /* Progressing finished */
        showProgress(0.0, true);

        if (numRecombinantTriplets > 0) {
コード例 #25
ファイル: mapcode.cpp プロジェクト: joycepg/mapcode-cpp
 * This is the main() method which is called from the command-line.
 * Return code 0 means success. Any other values means some sort of error occurred.
int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
    // Assume no extra digits (unless overridden later.
    int extraDigits = 0;

    // If XYZ is added to -b, -r or -g, print x, y, z coordinates
    int useXYZ = 0;

    // Provide usage message if no arguments specified.
    const char *appName = argv[0];
    selfCheckEnabled = (strstr(appName, "debug") != 0);
    if (selfCheckEnabled) {
        fprintf(stderr, "(debug mode: self checking enabled)\n");
    if (argc < 2) {
        return NORMAL_ERROR;

    // First argument: command.
    const char *cmd = argv[1];
    if ((strcmp(cmd, "-d") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--decode") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Decode: [-d | --decode] <default-territory> <mapcode> [<mapcode> ...]
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (argc < 4) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;

        const char *defaultTerritory = argv[2];
        double lat;
        double lon;

        // Get the territory context.
        int context = convertTerritoryIsoNameToCode(defaultTerritory, 0);

        // Decode every Mapcode.
        for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i) {

            // Decode the Mapcode to a lat/lon.
            const char *mapcode = argv[i];
            int err = decodeMapcodeToLatLon(&lat, &lon, mapcode, context);
            if (err != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot decode '%s %s'\n", defaultTerritory, mapcode);
                return NORMAL_ERROR;

            // Output the decoded lat/lon.
            printf("%.12g %.12g\n", lat, lon);

            // Self-checking code to see if encoder produces this Mapcode for the lat/lon.
            if (selfCheckEnabled) {
                const char *suffix = strstr(mapcode, "-");
                extraDigits = 0;
                if (suffix != 0) {
                    extraDigits = (int) (strlen(suffix) - 1);
                selfCheckLatLonToMapcode(lat, lon, defaultTerritory, mapcode, extraDigits);
    else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-e") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e0") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "-e1") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e2") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "-e3") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e4") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "-e5") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e6") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "-e7") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-e8") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--encode") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode0") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--encode1") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode2") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--encode3") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode4") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--encode5") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode5") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--encode7") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--encode8") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Encode: [-e[0-8] | --encode[0-8]] <lat:-90..90> <lon:-180..180> [territory]>
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        if ((!isdigit(*argv[2]) && (*argv[2] != '-')) || (!isdigit(*argv[3]) && (*argv[3] != '-'))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: latitude and longitude must be numeric\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        const double lat = atof(argv[2]);
        const double lon = atof(argv[3]);

        if (strstr(cmd, "-e1") || strstr(cmd, "--encode1")) {
            extraDigits = 1;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e2") || strstr(cmd, "--encode2")) {
            extraDigits = 2;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e3") || strstr(cmd, "--encode3")) {
            extraDigits = 3;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e4") || strstr(cmd, "--encode4")) {
            extraDigits = 4;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e5") || strstr(cmd, "--encode5")) {
            extraDigits = 5;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e6") || strstr(cmd, "--encode6")) {
            extraDigits = 6;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e7") || strstr(cmd, "--encode7")) {
            extraDigits = 7;
        else if (strstr(cmd, "-e8") || strstr(cmd, "--encode8")) {
            extraDigits = 8;
        else {
            extraDigits = 0;

        // Get territory context.
        int context = 0;
        const char *defaultTerritory = "AAA";
        if (argc == 5) {
            context = convertTerritoryIsoNameToCode(argv[4], 0);
            defaultTerritory = argv[4];

        // Encode the lat/lon to a set of Mapcodes.
        char *results[2 * MAX_NR_OF_MAPCODE_RESULTS];
        const int nrResults = encodeLatLonToMapcodes_Deprecated(results, lat, lon, context, extraDigits);
        if (nrResults <= 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot encode lat=%.12g, lon=%.12g (default territory=%s)\n",
                    lat, lon, defaultTerritory);
            return NORMAL_ERROR;

        // Output the Mapcode.
        for (int i = 0; i < nrResults; ++i) {
            const char *foundMapcode = results[(i * 2)];
            const char *foundTerritory = results[(i * 2) + 1];
            printf("%s %s\n", foundTerritory, foundMapcode);

            // Self-checking code to see if decoder produces the lat/lon for all of these Mapcodes.
            if (selfCheckEnabled) {
                selfCheckMapcodeToLatLon(foundTerritory, foundMapcode, lat, lon);
    else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-b") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-bXYZ") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--boundaries") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--boundariesXYZ") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Generate a test set based on the Mapcode boundaries.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        if (argc == 3) {
            extraDigits = atoi(argv[2]);
            if ((extraDigits < 0) || (extraDigits > 8)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter extraDigits must be in [0..8]\n\n");
                return NORMAL_ERROR;
        useXYZ = (strstr(cmd, "XYZ") != 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < totalNrOfPoints; ++i) {
            double minLon;
            double maxLon;
            double minLat;
            double maxLat;
            double lat;
            double lon;

            const mminforec *mm = boundaries(i);
            minLon = ((double) mm->minx) / 1.0E6;
            maxLon = ((double) mm->maxx) / 1.0E6;
            minLat = ((double) mm->miny) / 1.0E6;
            maxLat = ((double) mm->maxy) / 1.0E6;

            // Try center.
            lat = (maxLat - minLat) / 2.0;
            lon = (maxLon - minLon) / 2.0;
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(lat, lon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            // Try corners.
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat, minLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat, maxLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat, minLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat, maxLon, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            // Try JUST inside.
            const double d = 0.000001;
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat + d, minLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat + d, maxLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat - d, minLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat - d, maxLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            // Try JUST outside.
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat - d, minLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(minLat - d, maxLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat + d, minLon - d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(maxLat + d, maxLon + d, 0, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            if ((i % SHOW_PROGRESS) == 0) {
    else if ((strcmp(cmd, "-g") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-gXYZ") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--grid") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--gridXYZ") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "-rXYZ") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(cmd, "--random") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--randomXYZ") == 0)) {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Generate grid test set:    [-g | --grid]   <nrOfPoints> [<extradigits>]
        // Generate uniform test set: [-r | --random] <nrOfPoints> [<seed>]
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 5)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: incorrect number of arguments\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        int nrOfPoints = atoi(argv[2]);
        if (nrOfPoints < 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: total number of points to generate must be >= 1\n\n");
            return NORMAL_ERROR;
        if (argc >= 4) {
            extraDigits = atoi(argv[3]);
            if ((extraDigits < 0) || (extraDigits > 8)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter extraDigits must be in [0..8]\n\n");
                return NORMAL_ERROR;
        int random = (strcmp(cmd, "-r") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd, "--random") == 0);
        if (random) {
            if (argc == 5) {
                const int seed = atoi(argv[4]);
                srand((unsigned int) seed);
            else {
                srand((unsigned int) time(0));
        useXYZ = (strstr(cmd, "XYZ") != 0);

        // Statistics.

        int gridX = 0;
        int gridY = 0;
        int line = my_round(sqrt((double) totalNrOfPoints));
        for (int i = 0; i < totalNrOfPoints; ++i) {
            double lat;
            double lon;
            double unit1;
            double unit2;

            if (random) {
                unit1 = ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;
                unit2 = ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;
            else {
                unit1 = ((double) gridX) / line;
                unit2 = ((double) gridY) / line;

                if (gridX < line) {
                else {
                    gridX = 0;

            unitToLatLonDeg(unit1, unit2, &lat, &lon);
            generateAndOutputMapcodes(lat, lon, 1, extraDigits, useXYZ);

            if ((i % SHOW_PROGRESS) == 0) {
    else {

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Usage.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        return NORMAL_ERROR;
    return 0;
コード例 #26
ファイル: StartStageBase.cpp プロジェクト: korman/Temp
    m_pkUIPercentLabel = NULL;
    m_pkUILayer = 0;

    m_pkUnzipProgress = 0;
    m_pkBackgroundImage = 0;
    m_pkProgressBgImage = 0;
    m_pkUnzipTextImage = 0;

    m_pkUILayer = new NDUIDialog;

    if (m_pkUILayer)
        m_pkUILayer->AddChild( m_pkUIPercentLabel, 1 );

    m_pkBackgroundImage = new NDUIImage;

    m_pkUnzipTextImage = new NDUIImage;

    m_pkProgressBgImage = new NDUIImage;

    m_pkUnzipProgress = new NDUIExp;

    unsigned long uiBgDataSize = 0;
    unsigned long uiBgProgressDataSize = 0;
    unsigned long uiFgProgressDataSize = 0;
    unsigned long uiProgressEffectSize = 0;
    unsigned long uiUnzipTextSize = 0;

    unsigned char* pszBgImageFileData = 0;
    unsigned char* pszBgProgressImageData = 0;
    unsigned char* pszFgProgressImageData = 0;
    unsigned char* pszProgressEffectData = 0;
    unsigned char* pszUnzipTextData = 0;

    string strPath = "";
    float fWinScale = 2.0f;
    CCSize kWinSize = ccz(0,0);
    CCSize kRealWinSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();

    strPath = "assets/install_res/";
    fWinScale = 1.0f;
    strPath = "../install_res/";
    fWinScale = 2.0f;

    CCRect kRect = m_pkUILayer->GetFrameRect();
    float fHeight = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().height;
    float fWidth = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().width;

    float fWindowScale = fHeight / fWidth;
    float fRealScreenHeight = 960.0f / fWinScale;
    float fRealScreenWidth = 640.0f / fWinScale;

    float fCtrlScale = fWidth / fRealScreenWidth;
    float fCurHeight = (fHeight - fRealScreenHeight * fCtrlScale) / 2.0f * fWinScale;
    kWinSize = ccz(fRealScreenWidth * fCtrlScale * fWinScale,fRealScreenHeight * fCtrlScale * fWinScale);

    //m_nOffsetHeight = fCurHeight;

    m_strBgImageFile = strPath + string("bg_image.png");
    m_strBgProgressImage = strPath + string("bg_progress.png");
    m_strFgProgressImage = strPath + string("fg_progress.png");
    m_strProgressEffect = strPath + string("progress_effect.png");
    m_strUnzipTextFile = strPath + string("load_text.png");

    pszBgImageFileData =
    pszBgProgressImageData =
    pszFgProgressImageData =
    pszProgressEffectData =
    pszUnzipTextData =

    if (0 == pszBgImageFileData || 0 == pszBgProgressImageData ||
            0 == pszFgProgressImageData || 0 == pszProgressEffectData || 0 == pszUnzipTextData)
        WriteConErr("Data Error!!\n");

    float fProgressWidth = kWinSize.width * 0.9f;

    CCRect kProgressRect = CCRectMake((kWinSize.width - fProgressWidth) / 2.0f,
                                      kWinSize.height * 0.8f + fCurHeight, fProgressWidth,
                                      fProgressWidth * 0.086207);

    // 	kProgressRect.origin.x *= fWinScale;
    // 	kProgressRect.origin.y *= fWinScale;
    // 	kProgressRect.size.width *= fWinScale;
    // 	kProgressRect.size.height *= fWinScale;

    CCRect kTextRect = kProgressRect;
    kTextRect.origin.y -= kTextRect.size.height;




    NDPicture* pkUnzipTextPicture = new NDPicture;
    pkUnzipTextPicture->Initialization(pszUnzipTextData, uiUnzipTextSize);

    NDPicture* pkBgPicture = new NDPicture;
    pkBgPicture->Initialization(pszBgImageFileData, uiBgDataSize);

    NDPicture* pkEffectPicture = new NDPicture;

    NDPicture* pkBgProgressPic = new NDPicture;

    NDPicture* pkFgProgressPic = new NDPicture;

    m_pkUnzipProgress->SetPicture(pkBgProgressPic, pkFgProgressPic);

    m_pkUILayer->AddChild(m_pkBackgroundImage, 0);
    m_pkUILayer->AddChild(m_pkProgressBgImage, 2);
    m_pkUILayer->AddChild(m_pkUnzipProgress, 1);