static int show_stat(const char *path) { int ret; struct stat s; if (access(path, F_OK) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "path not exists\n"); return -1; } ret = stat(path, &s); if (ret < 0) { perror("stat"); return -1; } show_inode(&s); show_mode(&s); show_user(&s); show_size(&s); show_time(&s); printf(" %s\n", path); return 0; }
bool GUI_manager::remove_IMG() { char buffer[MAX_PATH+1]; char internal_name[20]; int item = ListView_GetSelectionMark(IMG_list); int count = ListView_GetItemCount(IMG_list); bool removed = false; if( item > -1 ) { ListView_GetItemText(IMG_list,item,2,buffer,MAX_PATH); ListView_GetItemText(IMG_list,item,3,internal_name,sizeof internal_name); if( strlen(buffer) && strlen(internal_name) ) { if( uploader->remove_img_file(buffer,internal_name) && !removed ) removed = true; } if( ListView_DeleteItem(IMG_list,item) ) { removed = true; if( (item+1) >= count ) item--; } SetSelection(IMG_list,item); show_size(); } uploader->remove_all(); return removed; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int size; size = show_size("1M"); printf("%d\n", size); return 0; }
void display_l(const char * filename,int flag) { int ans[4],i; struct stat buf; struct passwd* pwd; struct group* grp; if(stat(filename,&buf) == -1) { perror("stat"); return ; } get_st_mode(buf.st_mode,ans); switch(ans[3]) { case(1): printf("l"); break; case(2): printf("-"); break; case(3): printf("d"); break; case(4): printf("c"); break; case(5): printf("b"); break; case(6): printf("f"); break; case(7): printf("s"); break; default: break; } for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if(ans[i]%2==0) printf("r"); else printf("-"); if(ans[i]%3==0) printf("w"); else printf("-"); if(ans[i]%5==0) printf("x"); else printf("-"); } printf(" "); printf(" %3ld ",buf.st_nlink); if((pwd=getpwuid(buf.st_uid))==NULL) printf(" %-3d ",buf.st_uid); else printf(" %5s ",pwd->pw_name); if((grp=getgrgid(buf.st_gid))==NULL) printf(" %5d ",buf.st_gid); else printf(" %5s ",grp->gr_name); show_size(buf.st_size); char time[100]; if(flag==true) strcpy(time,ctime(&buf.st_mtime)); else strcpy(time,ctime(&buf.st_atime)); for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%c",time[i]); }
void GUI_manager::add_IMG(const char* full_path_file_name) { int item = ListView_GetItemCount(IMG_list); vector<internal_file> TRE_file_list; char tmp[1024]; char local_file_name[1024]; char t_file_type[255]; char drive[5]; char dir[1024]; GetWindowText(region_name,tmp,1000); _splitpath(full_path_file_name,drive,dir,local_file_name,t_file_type); if( !strcmp(strupr( t_file_type ),".TXT" ) ) { FILE* list = fopen(full_path_file_name,"r"); char file_name[1025]; strcpy(tmp,"map"); if( list ) { while( fgets(file_name,1024,list) != NULL ) { //remove 'non asci' chars! while( file_name[strlen(file_name)-1] < 32 && strlen(file_name)) file_name[strlen(file_name)-1] = 0; if( strlen(file_name) ) { if( file_name[0] == ':' ) { strcpy(tmp,&file_name[1]); } else { uploader->add_img_file(file_name,&TRE_file_list,"",0,0,tmp,uploader->get_product_id(tmp)); } } } fclose(list); } } else { uploader->add_img_file(full_path_file_name,&TRE_file_list,"",0,0,tmp,uploader->get_product_id(tmp)); } for( vector<internal_file>::iterator f = TRE_file_list.begin(); f < TRE_file_list.end(); f++ ) { InsertItem(IMG_list, item , LPARAM("%s"),(*f).region_name.c_str()); SetSubItemText (IMG_list, item, 1, "%s", (*f).TRE_map_name.c_str()); SetSubItemText (IMG_list, item, 2, "%s", (*f).file_name.c_str()); SetSubItemText (IMG_list, item, 3, "%s", (*f).get_internal_short_name()); } AutoSizeColumns(IMG_list); show_size(); }
void GUI_manager::enter_sync_mode(bool verbose) { char b_title1[500]; char b_title2[500]; int item = ListView_GetItemCount(IMG_list); vector<internal_file> TRE_file_list; sync_mode = false; if( connect(true) == false ) return; SetSelection(IMG_list,0); while( remove_IMG() ) ; loadString(IDS_SYNC_START,b_title1,sizeof(b_title1)); loadString(IDS_SYNC_TITLE,b_title2,sizeof(b_title2)); if( verbose ) { if( MessageBox(NULL,b_title1,b_title2,MB_ICONERROR | MB_YESNO) == IDYES ) { sync_mode = true; } } else sync_mode = true; if( sync_mode ) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem (gui_hwndDlg, IDC_IMG_FILE),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem (gui_hwndDlg, IDC_EXE_FILE),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem (gui_hwndDlg, IDC_STORE_FILES),FALSE); SetCursor (g_hWaitCursor); if( uploader->download_directory(&TRE_file_list) == true ) { item = ListView_GetItemCount(IMG_list); for( vector<internal_file>::iterator f = TRE_file_list.begin(); f < TRE_file_list.end(); f++ ) { InsertItem(IMG_list, item , LPARAM("%s"),(*f).region_name.c_str()); SetSubItemText (IMG_list, item, 1, "%s", (*f).TRE_map_name.c_str()); SetSubItemText (IMG_list, item, 2, "%s", (*f).file_name.c_str()); SetSubItemText (IMG_list, item, 3, "%s", (*f).get_internal_short_name()); } AutoSizeColumns(IMG_list); show_size(); } SetCursor (g_hArrowCursor); } }
int main() { typedef long double ld; show_size(char(), short(), int(), long(), float(), double(), ld()); }
void show_size(T t, Args...args) { show_size(t); show_size(args...); }
int main(void) { printf("Size/offsets of data structures:\n"); show_size(attr_t); show_size(chtype); #if NCURSES_WIDECHAR show_size(cchar_t); #endif show_size(mmask_t); show_size(MEVENT); show_size(NCURSES_BOOL); printf("\n"); show_size(SCREEN); show_offset(SCREEN, _panelHook); #if USE_REENTRANT show_offset(SCREEN, _ttytype); #endif #ifdef TRACE show_offset(SCREEN, tracechr_buf); #endif #ifdef USE_SP_WINDOWLIST show_offset(SCREEN, _windowlist); #endif show_offset(SCREEN, rsp); #if NCURSES_EXT_FUNCS #if USE_NEW_PAIR show_offset(SCREEN, _ordered_pairs); #endif #if NCURSES_SP_FUNCS show_offset(SCREEN, use_tioctl); #endif #endif #if USE_WIDEC_SUPPORT show_offset(SCREEN, _screen_acs_fix); #endif printf("\n"); show_size(TERMINAL); show_offset(TERMINAL, type); show_offset(TERMINAL, Filedes); #if defined(TERMIOS) show_offset(TERMINAL, Ottyb); show_offset(TERMINAL, Nttyb); #endif show_offset(TERMINAL, _baudrate); show_offset(TERMINAL, _termname); #if NCURSES_EXT_COLORS && HAVE_INIT_EXTENDED_COLOR show_offset(TERMINAL, type2); #endif printf("\n"); show_size(TERMTYPE); #if NCURSES_XNAMES show_offset(TERMTYPE, ext_str_table); show_offset(TERMTYPE, ext_Strings); #endif printf("\n"); show_size(WINDOW); #if NCURSES_WIDECHAR show_offset(WINDOW, _bkgrnd); #if NCURSES_EXT_COLORS show_offset(WINDOW, _color); #endif #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void timer_cb(void *data) { char buff[1024]; double val = -1.0, val2 = -1.0; unsigned char invalid; unsigned long in_bytes, out_bytes; static unsigned long in_delta = -1, out_delta = -1; invalid = net_get_bytes_inout(device_string, &val, &val2); if (invalid) { D(("Failed to open %s -- %s\n", device_string, strerror(errno))); Esync(); Epplet_timer(timer_cb, NULL, 10.0, "TIMER"); return; } if ((last_in == 0) && (last_out == 0)) { last_in = (unsigned long)val; last_out = (unsigned long)val2; Esync(); Epplet_timer(timer_cb, NULL, 1.0, "TIMER"); return; } in_bytes = (unsigned long)val - last_in; out_bytes = (unsigned long)val2 - last_out; D(("In %lu, out %lu\n", in_bytes, out_bytes)); if (in_bytes > max_in) { max_in = in_bytes; Esnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%lu", max_in); Epplet_modify_config("max_in", buff); D(("Set max_in to %lu\n", max_in)); } if (in_bytes != in_delta) { in_val = (int)((((float)in_bytes) / max_in) * 100.0); Epplet_gadget_data_changed(in_bar); sprintf(buff, "I: "); show_size(in_bytes, buff + 3); strcat(buff, "/s"); Epplet_change_label(in_label, buff); in_delta = in_bytes; } last_in += in_bytes; if (out_bytes > max_out) { max_out = out_bytes; Esnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%lu", max_out); Epplet_modify_config("max_out", buff); D(("Set max_out to %lu\n", max_out)); } if (out_bytes != out_delta) { out_val = (int)((((float)out_bytes) / max_out) * 100.0); Epplet_gadget_data_changed(out_bar); sprintf(buff, "O: "); show_size(out_bytes, buff + 3); strcat(buff, "/s"); Epplet_change_label(out_label, buff); out_delta = out_bytes; } last_out += out_bytes; Esync(); Epplet_timer(timer_cb, NULL, 1.0, "TIMER"); return; data = NULL; }
static void timer_cb(void *data) { FILE *fp; char buff[1024]; unsigned long a, b, c, d, e; unsigned long in_blks = 0, out_blks = 0; static unsigned long last_in = 0, last_out = 0, in_delta = 0, out_delta = 0; if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/diskstats", "r"))) { if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r"))) { D(("Failed to open /proc/stat -- %s\n", strerror(errno))); return; } } for (; fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp);) { if (BEGMATCH(buff, "disk_rblk")) { sscanf(buff, "%*s %lu %lu %lu %lu", &a, &b, &c, &d); in_blks = a + b + c + d; fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp); sscanf(buff, "%*s %lu %lu %lu %lu", &a, &b, &c, &d); out_blks = a + b + c + d; } else if (BEGMATCH(buff, "disk_io")) { char *pbuff = buff + 9; for (in_blks = out_blks = 0; *pbuff == '('; pbuff = strchr(pbuff, ' ') + 1) { pbuff = strchr(++pbuff, '('); sscanf(++pbuff, "%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e); in_blks += c; out_blks += e; } } else { char tmp[64]; /* Hopefully no one can exploit /proc/diskstats without root. :-) */ sscanf(buff, "%lu %lu %s %*u %*u %lu %*u %*u %*u %lu", &a, &b, tmp, &c, &d); /* Check for hdX or sdX, or md#, or...??? */ if ((((*tmp == 'h') || (*tmp == 's')) && (tmp[1] == 'd') && (isalpha(tmp[2])) && (tmp[3] == 0)) || ((*tmp == 'm') && (tmp[1] == 'd') && (isdigit(tmp[2])))) { in_blks += c; out_blks += d; } } } in_blks -= last_in; out_blks -= last_out; fclose(fp); if (last_in) { /* We must have some history data to do anything. */ if (in_blks > max_in) { max_in = in_blks; Esnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%lu", max_in); Epplet_modify_config("max_in", buff); } if (in_blks != in_delta) { in_val = (int)((((float)in_blks) / max_in) * 100.0); Epplet_gadget_data_changed(in_bar); sprintf(buff, "I: "); show_size(in_blks * 512, buff + 3); strcat(buff, "/s"); Epplet_change_label(in_label, buff); } in_delta = in_blks; } last_in += in_blks; if (last_out) { /* We must have some history data to do anything. */ if (out_blks > max_out) { max_out = out_blks; Esnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%lu", max_out); Epplet_modify_config("max_out", buff); } if (out_blks != out_delta) { out_val = (int)((((float)out_blks) / max_out) * 100.0); Epplet_gadget_data_changed(out_bar); sprintf(buff, "O: "); show_size(out_blks * 512, buff + 3); strcat(buff, "/s"); Epplet_change_label(out_label, buff); } out_delta = out_blks; } last_out += out_blks; Esync(); Epplet_timer(timer_cb, NULL, 1.0, "TIMER"); return; data = NULL; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { UIOMux * uiomux; uiomux_resource_t uiores; char * infilename[2] = {NULL, NULL}, * outfilename = NULL; FILE * infile[2], * outfile = NULL; size_t nread; size_t input_size[2], output_size; SHVIO *vio; struct ren_vid_surface src[2]; const struct ren_vid_surface *srclist[2] = { &src[0], &src[1] }; struct ren_vid_surface dst; void *inbuf[2], *outbuf; int ret; int frameno=0; int show_version = 0; int show_help = 0; int show_list_vio = 0; char * progname; char * viodev = NULL; int error = 0; int c; char * optstring = "hvo:O:c:s:C:S:f:u:l"; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"output", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"overlay", required_argument, 0, 'O'}, {"input-colorspace", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"input-size", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"output-colorspace", required_argument, 0, 'C'}, {"output-size", required_argument, 0, 'S'}, {"filter", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"vio", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"list", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {NULL,0,0,0} }; #endif #if defined(USE_MERAM_RA) || defined(USE_MERAM_WB) #define ALIGN16(_x) (((_x) + 15) / 16 * 16) #define ADJUST_PITCH(_p, _w) \ { \ (_p) = ((_w) - 1) | 1023; \ (_p) = (_p) | ((_p) >> 1); \ (_p) = (_p) | ((_p) >> 2); \ (_p) += 1; \ } unsigned long val; MERAM *meram = meram_open(); MERAM_REG *regs = meram_lock_reg(meram); size_t sz; unsigned long mblock; ICB *icbr, *icbw; #endif /* defined(USE_MERAM_RA) || defined(USE_MERAM_WB) */ memset(src, 0, sizeof (src[0]) * 2); src[0].w = -1; src[0].h = -1; dst.w = -1; dst.h = -1; src[0].format = REN_UNKNOWN; dst.format = REN_UNKNOWN; src[0].bpitchy = src[0].bpitchc = src[0].bpitcha = 0; dst.bpitchy = dst.bpitchc = dst.bpitcha = 0; memcpy((void *)&src[1], (void *)&src[0], sizeof(src[0])); src[1].blend_out.x = 0; src[1].blend_out.y = 0; src[1].blend_out.w = 220; src[1].blend_out.h = 440; progname = argv[0]; if (argc < 2) { usage (progname); return (1); } while (1) { #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG c = getopt_long (argc, argv, optstring, long_options, NULL); #else c = getopt (argc, argv, optstring); #endif if (c == -1) break; if (c == ':') { usage (progname); goto exit_err; } switch (c) { case 'h': /* help */ show_help = 1; break; case 'v': /* version */ show_version = 1; break; case 'o': /* output */ outfilename = optarg; break; case 'O': /* ovalery */ infilename[1] = optarg; break; case 'c': /* input colorspace */ set_colorspace (optarg, &src[0].format); break; case 's': /* input size */ set_size (optarg, &src[0].w, &src[0].h); break; case 'C': /* output colorspace */ set_colorspace (optarg, &dst.format); break; case 'S': /* output size */ set_size (optarg, &dst.w, &dst.h); break; case 'f': /* filter mode */ rotation = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'l': show_list_vio = 1; break; case 'u': viodev = optarg; break; default: break; } } if (show_version) { printf ("%s version " VERSION "\n", progname); } if (show_help) { usage (progname); } #if 0 if (show_list_vio) { char **vio; int i, n; if (shvio_list_vio(&vio, &n) < 0) { printf ("Can't get a list of VIO available...\n"); } else { for(i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%s", vio[i]); printf("Total: %d VIOs available.\n", n); } } #endif if (show_version || show_help || show_list_vio) { goto exit_ok; } if (optind >= argc) { usage (progname); goto exit_err; } infilename[0] = argv[optind++]; if (optind < argc) { outfilename = argv[optind++]; } printf ("Input file: %s\n", infilename[0]); if (infilename[1] != NULL) printf ("Overlay file: %s\n", infilename[1]); printf ("Output file: %s\n", outfilename); guess_colorspace (infilename[0], &src[0].format); if (infilename[1]) guess_colorspace (infilename[1], &src[1].format); guess_colorspace (outfilename, &dst.format); /* If the output colorspace isn't given and can't be guessed, then default to * the input colorspace (ie. no colorspace conversion) */ if (dst.format == REN_UNKNOWN) dst.format = src[0].format; guess_size (infilename[0], src[0].format, &src[0].w, &src[0].h); if (rotation & 0xF) { /* Swap width/height for rotation */ dst.w = src[0].h; dst.h = src[0].w; } else if (dst.w == -1 && dst.h == -1) { /* If the output size isn't given and can't be guessed, then default to * the input size (ie. no rescaling) */ dst.w = src[0].w; dst.h = src[0].h; } if (infilename[1]) guess_size (infilename[1], src[1].format, &src[1].w, &src[1].h); /* Setup memory pitch */ src[0].pitch = src[0].w; src[1].pitch = src[1].w; dst.pitch = dst.w; /* Check that all parameters are set */ if (src[0].format == REN_UNKNOWN) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Input colorspace unspecified\n"); error = 1; } if (src[0].w == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Input width unspecified\n"); error = 1; } if (src[0].h == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Input height unspecified\n"); error = 1; } if (dst.format == REN_UNKNOWN) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Output colorspace unspecified\n"); error = 1; } if (dst.w == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Output width unspecified\n"); error = 1; } if (dst.h == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Output height unspecified\n"); error = 1; } if (error) goto exit_err; printf ("Input colorspace:\t%s\n", show_colorspace (src[0].format)); printf ("Input size:\t\t%dx%d %s\n", src[0].w, src[0].h, show_size (src[0].w, src[0].h)); printf ("Output colorspace:\t%s\n", show_colorspace (dst.format)); printf ("Output size:\t\t%dx%d %s\n", dst.w, dst.h, show_size (dst.w, dst.h)); printf ("Rotation:\t\t%s\n", show_rotation (rotation)); input_size[0] = imgsize (src[0].format, src[0].w, src[0].h); if (infilename[1] != NULL) input_size[1] = imgsize (src[1].format, src[1].w, src[1].h); output_size = imgsize (dst.format, dst.w, dst.h); if (/*viodev*/ 1) { const char *blocks[2] = { "VPU5", NULL }; uiomux = uiomux_open_named(blocks); uiores = 1 << 0; } else { uiomux = uiomux_open (); uiores = UIOMUX_SH_VEU; } /* Set up memory buffers */ src[0].py = inbuf[0] = uiomux_malloc (uiomux, uiores, input_size[0], 32); if (src[0].format == REN_RGB565) { src[0].pc = 0; } else if (src[0].format == REN_YV12) { src[0].pc2 = src[0].py + (src[0].w * src[0].h); /* Cr(V) */ src[0].pc = src[0].pc2 + (src[0].w * src[0].h) / 4; /* Cb(U) */ } else if (src[0].format == REN_YV16) { src[0].pc2 = src[0].py + (src[0].w * src[0].h); /* Cr(V) */ src[0].pc = src[0].pc2 + (src[0].w * src[0].h) / 2; /* Cb(U) */ } else { src[0].pc = src[0].py + (src[0].w * src[0].h); /* CbCr(UV) */ } if (infilename[1] != NULL) { src[1].py = inbuf[1] = uiomux_malloc (uiomux, uiores, input_size[1], 32); if (src[1].format == REN_RGB565) { src[1].pc = 0; } else if (src[1].format == REN_YV12) { src[1].pc2 = src[1].py + (src[1].w * src[1].h); /* Cr(V) */ src[1].pc = src[1].pc2 + (src[1].w * src[1].h) / 4; /* Cb(U) */ } else if (src[1].format == REN_YV16) { src[1].pc2 = src[1].py + (src[1].w * src[1].h); /* Cr(V) */ src[1].pc = src[1].pc2 + (src[1].w * src[1].h) / 2; /* Cb(U) */ } else { src[1].pc = src[1].py + (src[1].w * src[1].h); /* CbCr(UV) */ } } = outbuf = uiomux_malloc (uiomux, uiores, output_size, 32); if (dst.format == REN_RGB565) { dst.pc = 0; } else if (dst.format == REN_YV12) { dst.pc2 = + (dst.w * dst.h); /* Cr(V) */ dst.pc = dst.pc2 + (dst.w * dst.h) / 4; /* Cb(U) */ } else if (dst.format == REN_YV16) { dst.pc2 = + (dst.w * dst.h); /* Cr(V) */ dst.pc = dst.pc2 + (dst.w * dst.h) / 2; /* Cb(U) */ } else { dst.pc = + (dst.w * dst.h); /* CbCr(UV) */ } #if defined(USE_MERAM_RA) || defined(USE_MERAM_WB) #error aaaa meram_read_reg(meram, regs, MEVCR1, &val); val |= 1 << 29; /* use 0xc0000000-0xdfffffff */ meram_write_reg(meram, regs, MEVCR1, val); meram_unlock_reg(meram, regs); #endif /* defined(USE_MERAM_RA) || defined(USE_MERAM_WB) */ #if defined(USE_MERAM_RA) #error bbbb /* calcurate byte-pitch */ src[0].bpitchy = size_y(src[0].format, src[0].pitch, 0); /* set up read-ahead cache for input */ icbr = meram_lock_icb(meram, 0); val = (3 << 24) | /* KRBNM: ((3+1) << 1) = 8 lines */ ((16 - 1) << 16); /* BNM: 16 = KRBNM * 2 lines */ ADJUST_PITCH(sz, src[0].bpitchy); sz *= 16; /* 16 lines */ if (src[0].format == REN_NV12) { val |= 2 << 12; /* CPL: YCbCr420 */ sz = sz * 3 / 2; } else if (src[0].format == REN_NV16) { val |= 3 << 12; /* CPL: YCbCr422 */ sz = sz * 2; } meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxMCNF, val); sz = (sz + 1023) / 1024; mblock = meram_alloc_icb_memory(meram, icbr, (sz == 0) ? 1 : sz); val = (1 << 28) | /* BSZ: 2^1 line/block */ (mblock << 16) | /* MSAR */ (3 << 9) | /* WD: (constant) */ (1 << 8) | /* WS: (constant) */ (1 << 3) | /* CM: address mode 1 */ 1; /* MD: read buffer mode */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxCTRL, val); val = ((src[0].h - 1) << 16) | /* YSZM1 */ (src[0].bpitchy - 1); /* XSZM1 */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxBSIZE, val); val = ALIGN16(src[0].bpitchy); /* SBSIZE: 16 bytes aligned */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxSBSIZE, val); ADJUST_PITCH(src[0].bpitchy, src[0].bpitchy); src[0].bpitchc = src[0].bpitcha = src[0].bpitchy; val = uiomux_all_virt_to_phys(src[0].py); meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxSSARA, val); src[0].py = (void *)meram_get_icb_address(meram, icbr, 0); uiomux_register(src[0].py, (unsigned long)src[0].py, 8 << 20); if (is_ycbcr(src[0].format)) { val = uiomux_all_virt_to_phys(src[0].pc); meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxSSARB, val); src[0].pc = (void *)meram_get_icb_address(meram, icbr, 1); uiomux_register(src[0].pc, (unsigned long)src[0].pc, 8 << 20); } else { meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxSSARB, 0); } #endif /* defined(USE_MERAM_RA) */ #if defined(USE_MERAM_WB) /* calcurate byte-pitch */ dst.bpitchy = size_y(dst.format, dst.pitch, 0); /* set up write-back cache for input */ icbw = meram_lock_icb(meram, 1); val = (3 << 28) | /* KWBNM: ((3+1) << 1) = 8 lines */ ((16 - 1) << 16); /* BNM: 16 = KWBNM * 2 lines */ ADJUST_PITCH(sz, dst.bpitchy); sz *= 16; /* 16 lines */ if (dst.format == REN_NV12) { val |= 2 << 12; /* CPL: YCbCr420 */ sz = sz * 3 / 2; } else if (dst.format == REN_NV16) { val |= 3 << 12; /* CPL: YCbCr422 */ sz = sz * 2; } meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxMCNF, val); sz = (sz + 1023) / 1024; mblock = meram_alloc_icb_memory(meram, icbw, (sz == 0) ? 1 : sz); val = (1 << 28) | /* BSZ: 2^1 line/block */ (mblock << 16) | /* MSAR */ (3 << 9) | /* WD: (constant) */ (1 << 8) | /* WS: (constant) */ (1 << 3) | /* CM: address mode 1 */ 2; /* MD: write buffer mode */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxCTRL, val); val = ((dst.h - 1) << 16) | /* YSZM1 */ (dst.bpitchy - 1); /* XSZM1 */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxBSIZE, val); val = ALIGN16(dst.bpitchy); /* SBSIZE: 16 bytes aligned */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxSBSIZE, val); ADJUST_PITCH(dst.bpitchy, dst.bpitchy); dst.bpitchc = dst.bpitcha = dst.bpitchy; val = uiomux_all_virt_to_phys(; meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxSSARA, val); = (void *)meram_get_icb_address(meram, icbw, 0); uiomux_register(, (unsigned long), 8 << 20); if (is_ycbcr(dst.format)) { val = uiomux_all_virt_to_phys(dst.pc); meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxSSARB, val); dst.pc = (void *)meram_get_icb_address(meram, icbw, 1); uiomux_register(dst.pc, (unsigned long)dst.pc, 8 << 20); } else { meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxSSARB, 0); } #endif /* defined(USE_MERAM_WB) */ if (strcmp (infilename[0], "-") == 0) { infile[0] = stdin; } else { infile[0] = fopen (infilename[0], "rb"); if (infile[0] == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to open input file %s\n", progname, infilename[0]); goto exit_err; } } if (infilename[1] != NULL) { infile[1] = fopen (infilename[1], "rb"); if (infile[1] == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to open input file %s\n", progname, infilename[1]); goto exit_err; } } if (outfilename != NULL) { if (strcmp (outfilename, "-") == 0) { outfile = stdout; } else { outfile = fopen (outfilename, "wb"); if (outfile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to open output file %s\n", progname, outfilename); goto exit_err; } } } if (!viodev) vio = shvio_open(); else vio = shvio_open_named(viodev); if (vio == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error opening VIO\n"); goto exit_err; } while (1) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "%s: Converting frame %d\n", progname, frameno); #endif /* Read input */ if ((nread = fread (inbuf[0], 1, input_size[0], infile[0])) != input_size[0]) { if (nread == 0 && feof (infile[0])) { break; } else { fprintf (stderr, "%p, %s: errors reading input file %s %d %d %d\n", inbuf[0], progname, infilename[0], nread, input_size[0], ferror(infile[0])); } } #if 1 if (infilename[1] != NULL) { if ((nread = fread (inbuf[1], 1, input_size[1], infile[1])) != input_size[1]) { if (nread == 0 && feof (infile[1])) { break; } else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error reading input file %s\n", progname, infilename[1]); } } printf("invoke shvio_setup_blend()...\n"); ret = shvio_setup_blend(vio, NULL, srclist, 2, &dst); shvio_start(vio); printf("shvio_start_blend() = %d\n", ret); ret = shvio_wait(vio); } else { #endif if (rotation) { ret = shvio_rotate(vio, &src[0], &dst, rotation); } else { ret = shvio_resize(vio, &src[0], &dst); } } #if defined(USE_MERAM_WB) meram_read_icb(meram, icbw, MExxCTRL, &val); val |= 1 << 5; /* WF: flush data */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbw, MExxCTRL, val); #endif #if defined(USE_MERAM_RA) meram_read_icb(meram, icbr, MExxCTRL, &val); val |= 1 << 4; /* RF: flush data */ meram_write_icb(meram, icbr, MExxCTRL, val); #endif /* Write output */ if (outfile && fwrite (outbuf, 1, output_size, outfile) != output_size) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error writing input file %s\n", progname, outfilename); } frameno++; } shvio_close (vio); #if defined(USE_MERAM_RA) /* finialize the read-ahead cache */ uiomux_unregister(src[0].py); if (is_ycbcr(src[0].format)) uiomux_unregister(src[0].pc); meram_free_icb_memory(meram, icbr); meram_unlock_icb(meram, icbr); #endif #if defined(USE_MERAM_WB) /* finialize the write-back cache */ uiomux_unregister(; if (is_ycbcr(dst.format)) uiomux_unregister(dst.pc); meram_free_icb_memory(meram, icbw); meram_unlock_icb(meram, icbw); #endif #if defined(USE_MERAM_RA) || defined(USE_MERAM_WB) meram_close(meram); #endif uiomux_free (uiomux, uiores, src[0].py, input_size[0]); if (infilename[1] != NULL) uiomux_free (uiomux, uiores, src[1].py, input_size[1]); uiomux_free (uiomux, uiores,, output_size); uiomux_close (uiomux); if (infile[0] != stdin) fclose (infile[0]); if (infilename[1] != NULL) fclose (infile[1]); if (outfile == stdout) { fflush (stdout); } else if (outfile) { fclose (outfile); } printf ("Frames:\t\t%d\n", frameno); exit_ok: exit (0); exit_err: exit (1); }
/* return TRUE if a command match, FALSE if not */ static TBOOLEAN show_two() { if (almost_equals(c_token, "p$lot")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_plot(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "par$ametric")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_parametric(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "poi$ntsize")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_pointsize(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "enc$oding")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_encoding(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "pol$ar")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_polar(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "an$gles")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_angles(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "ti$cs")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_tics(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "tim$estamp")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_xyzlabel("time", &timelabel); fprintf(stderr, "\twritten in %s corner\n", (timelabel_bottom ? "bottom" : "top")); if (timelabel_rotate) fputs("\trotated if the terminal allows it\n\t", stderr); else fputs("\tnot rotated\n\t", stderr); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "su$rface")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_surface(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "hi$dden3d")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_hidden3d(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "cla$bel")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_label_contours(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "xti$cs")) { show_tics(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "yti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "zti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "x2ti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "y2ti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "xdti$cs")) { show_tics(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "ydti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "zdti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "x2dti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "y2dti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "xmti$cs")) { show_tics(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "ymti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "zmti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "x2mti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "y2mti$cs")) { show_tics(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "sa$mples")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_samples(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "isosa$mples")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_isosamples(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "si$ze")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_size(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "orig$in")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_origin(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "t$erminal")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_term(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "rr$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(R_AXIS, rmin, rmax, autoscale_r, "r"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "tr$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(T_AXIS, tmin, tmax, autoscale_t, "t"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "ur$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(U_AXIS, umin, umax, autoscale_u, "u"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "vi$ew")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_view(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "vr$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(V_AXIS, vmin, vmax, autoscale_v, "v"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "v$ariables")) { show_variables(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "ve$rsion")) { show_version(stderr); } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "xr$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(FIRST_X_AXIS, xmin, xmax, autoscale_x, "x"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "yr$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(FIRST_Y_AXIS, ymin, ymax, autoscale_y, "y"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "x2r$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(SECOND_X_AXIS, x2min, x2max, autoscale_x2, "x2"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "y2r$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(SECOND_Y_AXIS, y2min, y2max, autoscale_y2, "y2"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "zr$ange")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_range(FIRST_Z_AXIS, zmin, zmax, autoscale_z, "z"); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "z$ero")) { (void) putc('\n', stderr); show_zero(); c_token++; } else if (almost_equals(c_token, "a$ll")) { c_token++; show_version(stderr); show_autoscale(); show_bars(); show_border(); show_boxwidth(); show_clip(); show_contour(); show_dgrid3d(); show_mapping(); (void) fprintf(stderr, "\tdummy variables are \"%s\" and \"%s\"\n", dummy_var[0], dummy_var[1]); show_format(); show_style("data", data_style); show_style("functions", func_style); show_grid(); show_xzeroaxis(); show_yzeroaxis(); show_label(0); show_arrow(0); show_linestyle(0); show_keytitle(); show_key(); show_logscale(); show_offsets(); show_margin(); show_output(); show_parametric(); show_pointsize(); show_encoding(); show_polar(); show_angles(); show_samples(); show_isosamples(); show_view(); show_surface(); #ifndef LITE show_hidden3d(); #endif show_size(); show_origin(); show_term(); show_tics(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); show_mtics(mxtics, mxtfreq, "x"); show_mtics(mytics, mytfreq, "y"); show_mtics(mztics, mztfreq, "z"); show_mtics(mx2tics, mx2tfreq, "x2"); show_mtics(my2tics, my2tfreq, "y2"); show_xyzlabel("time", &timelabel); if (parametric || polar) { if (!is_3d_plot) show_range(T_AXIS, tmin, tmax, autoscale_t, "t"); else { show_range(U_AXIS, umin, umax, autoscale_u, "u"); show_range(V_AXIS, vmin, vmax, autoscale_v, "v"); } } show_range(FIRST_X_AXIS, xmin, xmax, autoscale_x, "x"); show_range(FIRST_Y_AXIS, ymin, ymax, autoscale_y, "y"); show_range(SECOND_X_AXIS, x2min, x2max, autoscale_x2, "x2"); show_range(SECOND_Y_AXIS, y2min, y2max, autoscale_y2, "y2"); show_range(FIRST_Z_AXIS, zmin, zmax, autoscale_z, "z"); show_xyzlabel("title", &title); show_xyzlabel("xlabel", &xlabel); show_xyzlabel("ylabel", &ylabel); show_xyzlabel("zlabel", &zlabel); show_xyzlabel("x2label", &x2label); show_xyzlabel("y2label", &y2label); show_datatype("xdata", FIRST_X_AXIS); show_datatype("ydata", FIRST_Y_AXIS); show_datatype("x2data", SECOND_X_AXIS); show_datatype("y2data", SECOND_Y_AXIS); show_datatype("zdata", FIRST_Z_AXIS); show_timefmt(); show_locale(); show_zero(); show_missing(); show_plot(); show_variables(); show_functions(); c_token++; } else return (FALSE); return (TRUE); }
void setup_ncurses( void ) { main_win = initscr(); keypad(main_win, TRUE); // enable keyboard mapping nonl(); // tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output cbreak(); // input chars one at a time, no wait for \n noecho(); // don't echo input nodelay(main_win, TRUE); // do non-blocking input curs_set( 0 ); // don't show the cursor size_win = create_window( main_win, 6, COLS/2, 0, 0 ); pack_win = create_window( main_win, 6, COLS/2, 0, COLS/2 ); mini_win = create_window( main_win, 5, COLS/4, 6, 0*(COLS/4) ); maxi_win = create_window( main_win, 5, COLS/4, 6, 1*(COLS/4) ); mean_win = create_window( main_win, 5, COLS/4, 6, 2*(COLS/4) ); stdd_win = create_window( main_win, 5, COLS/4, 6, 3*(COLS/4) ); data_win = create_window( main_win, LINES - 16, COLS, 11, 0 ); oper_win = create_window( main_win, 5, COLS, LINES-5, 0 ); // Use colors if the terminal has them if( has_colors() ) { start_color(); /* * Simple color assignment, often all we need. */ init_pair(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); } show_size( size_win, 0, 0 ); show_packet( pack_win, NULL, 0 ); show_mini( mini_win, 0 ); show_maxi( maxi_win, 0 ); show_mean( mean_win, 0 ); show_stdd( stdd_win, 0 ); show_data( data_win, NULL, 0 ); show_operation( oper_win, "Waiting for Data..." ); box( size_win, 0, 0 ); box( pack_win, 0, 0 ); box( mini_win, 0, 0 ); box( maxi_win, 0, 0 ); box( mean_win, 0, 0 ); box( stdd_win, 0, 0 ); box( data_win, 0, 0 ); box( oper_win, 0, 0 ); wrefresh( size_win ); wrefresh( pack_win ); wrefresh( mini_win ); wrefresh( maxi_win ); wrefresh( mean_win ); wrefresh( stdd_win ); wrefresh( data_win ); wrefresh( oper_win ); }
void dump_packet( Huint size, Huint *data, FILE *fl) { Huint i; Huint val; float temp; float sum; fwrite( data, sizeof(Huint), size, fl ); fflush( fl ); num_bytes += size * sizeof(Huint); num_packets += 1; for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { val = ntohl( data[i] ); res_total += val; res_number += 1; if( val > res_max || res_number == 1 ) res_max = val; if( val < res_min || res_number == 1 ) res_min = val; } if( res_number > 0 ) res_mean = (float)res_total / (float)res_number; else res_mean = 0.0f; sum = 0; for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { val = ntohl( data[i] ); temp = val - res_mean; sum += (temp * temp); } sum /= (size - 1); res_std = sqrt( sum ); show_size( size_win, num_bytes, num_packets ); show_packet( pack_win, (Hubyte*)data, size*sizeof(Huint) ); show_mini( mini_win, res_min ); show_maxi( maxi_win, res_max ); show_mean( mean_win, res_mean ); show_stdd( stdd_win, res_std ); show_data( data_win, (Hubyte*)data, size*sizeof(Huint) ); show_operation( oper_win, "Showing Data..." ); box( size_win, 0, 0 ); box( pack_win, 0, 0 ); box( mini_win, 0, 0 ); box( maxi_win, 0, 0 ); box( mean_win, 0, 0 ); box( stdd_win, 0, 0 ); box( data_win, 0, 0 ); box( oper_win, 0, 0 ); wrefresh( size_win ); wrefresh( pack_win ); wrefresh( mini_win ); wrefresh( maxi_win ); wrefresh( mean_win ); wrefresh( stdd_win ); wrefresh( data_win ); wrefresh( oper_win ); }