コード例 #1
ファイル: bwexpander_32.c プロジェクト: oneman/opus-oneman
/* Chirp (bandwidth expand) LP AR filter */
void silk_bwexpander_32(
    opus_int32                  *ar,                /* I/O  AR filter to be expanded (without leading 1)                */
    const opus_int              d,                  /* I    Length of ar                                                */
    opus_int32                  chirp_Q16           /* I    Chirp factor in Q16                                         */
    opus_int   i;
    opus_int32 chirp_minus_one_Q16 = chirp_Q16 - 65536;

    for( i = 0; i < d - 1; i++ ) {
        ar[ i ]    = silk_SMULWW( chirp_Q16, ar[ i ] );
        chirp_Q16 += silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_MUL( chirp_Q16, chirp_minus_one_Q16 ), 16 );
    ar[ d - 1 ] = silk_SMULWW( chirp_Q16, ar[ d - 1 ] );
コード例 #2
/* Processing of gains */
void silk_process_gains_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  Encoder state                                                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  Encoder control                                                             */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding to use                                       */
    silk_shape_state_FIX *psShapeSt = &psEnc->sShape;
    opus_int     k;
    opus_int32   s_Q16, InvMaxSqrVal_Q16, gain, gain_squared, ResNrg, ResNrgPart, quant_offset_Q10;

    /* Gain reduction when LTP coding gain is high */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        /*s = -0.5f * silk_sigmoid( 0.25f * ( psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain - 12.0f ) ); */
        s_Q16 = -silk_sigm_Q15( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 - SILK_FIX_CONST( 12.0, 7 ), 4 ) );
        for( k = 0; k < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; k++ ) {
            psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ] = silk_SMLAWB( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ], psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ], s_Q16 );

    /* Limit the quantized signal */
    /* InvMaxSqrVal = pow( 2.0f, 0.33f * ( 21.0f - SNR_dB ) ) / subfr_length; */
    InvMaxSqrVal_Q16 = silk_DIV32_16( silk_log2lin(
        silk_SMULWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 21 + 16 / 0.33, 7 ) - psEnc->sCmn.SNR_dB_Q7, SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.33, 16 ) ) ), psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length );

    for( k = 0; k < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* Soft limit on ratio residual energy and squared gains */
        ResNrg     = psEncCtrl->ResNrg[ k ];
        ResNrgPart = silk_SMULWW( ResNrg, InvMaxSqrVal_Q16 );
        if( psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] > 0 ) {
            ResNrgPart = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( ResNrgPart, psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] );
        } else {
            if( ResNrgPart >= silk_RSHIFT( silk_int32_MAX, -psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] ) ) {
                ResNrgPart = silk_int32_MAX;
            } else {
                ResNrgPart = silk_LSHIFT( ResNrgPart, -psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ[ k ] );
        gain = psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ];
        gain_squared = silk_ADD_SAT32( ResNrgPart, silk_SMMUL( gain, gain ) );
        if( gain_squared < silk_int16_MAX ) {
            /* recalculate with higher precision */
            gain_squared = silk_SMLAWW( silk_LSHIFT( ResNrgPart, 16 ), gain, gain );
            silk_assert( gain_squared > 0 );
            gain = silk_SQRT_APPROX( gain_squared );                    /* Q8   */
            gain = silk_min( gain, silk_int32_MAX >> 8 );
            psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ k ] = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( gain, 8 );   /* Q16  */
        } else {
コード例 #3
static OPUS_INLINE void silk_LS_divide_Q16_FIX(
    opus_int32          T[],        /* I/O  Numenator vector                                            */
    inv_D_t             *inv_D,     /* I    1 / D vector                                                */
    opus_int            M           /* I    dimension                                                   */
    opus_int   i;
    opus_int32 tmp_32;
    opus_int32 one_div_diag_Q36, one_div_diag_Q48;

    for( i = 0; i < M; i++ ) {
        one_div_diag_Q36 = inv_D[ i ].Q36_part;
        one_div_diag_Q48 = inv_D[ i ].Q48_part;

        tmp_32 = T[ i ];
        T[ i ] = silk_ADD32( silk_SMMUL( tmp_32, one_div_diag_Q48 ), silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULWW( tmp_32, one_div_diag_Q36 ), 4 ) );
コード例 #4
ファイル: PLC.c プロジェクト: KuehnhammerTobias/ioqw
static OPUS_INLINE void silk_PLC_energy(opus_int32 *energy1, opus_int *shift1, opus_int32 *energy2, opus_int *shift2,
      const opus_int32 *exc_Q14, const opus_int32 *prevGain_Q10, int subfr_length, int nb_subfr)
    int i, k;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, exc_buf );
    opus_int16 *exc_buf_ptr;
    ALLOC( exc_buf, 2*subfr_length, opus_int16 );
    /* Find random noise component */
    /* Scale previous excitation signal */
    exc_buf_ptr = exc_buf;
    for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < subfr_length; i++ ) {
            exc_buf_ptr[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT(
                silk_SMULWW( exc_Q14[ i + ( k + nb_subfr - 2 ) * subfr_length ], prevGain_Q10[ k ] ), 8 ) );
        exc_buf_ptr += subfr_length;
    /* Find the subframe with lowest energy of the last two and use that as random noise generator */
    silk_sum_sqr_shift( energy1, shift1, exc_buf,                  subfr_length );
    silk_sum_sqr_shift( energy2, shift2, &exc_buf[ subfr_length ], subfr_length );
コード例 #5
ファイル: PLC.c プロジェクト: KuehnhammerTobias/ioqw
static OPUS_INLINE void silk_PLC_conceal(
    silk_decoder_state                  *psDec,             /* I/O Decoder state        */
    silk_decoder_control                *psDecCtrl,         /* I/O Decoder control      */
    opus_int16                          frame[],            /* O LPC residual signal    */
    int                                 arch                /* I Run-time architecture  */
    opus_int   i, j, k;
    opus_int   lag, idx, sLTP_buf_idx, shift1, shift2;
    opus_int32 rand_seed, harm_Gain_Q15, rand_Gain_Q15, inv_gain_Q30;
    opus_int32 energy1, energy2, *rand_ptr, *pred_lag_ptr;
    opus_int32 LPC_pred_Q10, LTP_pred_Q12;
    opus_int16 rand_scale_Q14;
    opus_int16 *B_Q14;
    opus_int32 *sLPC_Q14_ptr;
    opus_int16 A_Q12[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16 *sLTP;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, sLTP );
    VARDECL( opus_int32, sLTP_Q14 );
    silk_PLC_struct *psPLC = &psDec->sPLC;
    opus_int32 prevGain_Q10[2];

    ALLOC( sLTP_Q14, psDec->ltp_mem_length + psDec->frame_length, opus_int32 );
    /* Ugly hack that breaks aliasing rules to save stack: put sLTP at the very end of sLTP_Q14. */
    sLTP = ((opus_int16*)&sLTP_Q14[psDec->ltp_mem_length + psDec->frame_length])-psDec->ltp_mem_length;
    ALLOC( sLTP, psDec->ltp_mem_length, opus_int16 );

    prevGain_Q10[0] = silk_RSHIFT( psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ 0 ], 6);
    prevGain_Q10[1] = silk_RSHIFT( psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ 1 ], 6);

    if( psDec->first_frame_after_reset ) {
       silk_memset( psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, 0, sizeof( psPLC->prevLPC_Q12 ) );

    silk_PLC_energy(&energy1, &shift1, &energy2, &shift2, psDec->exc_Q14, prevGain_Q10, psDec->subfr_length, psDec->nb_subfr);

    if( silk_RSHIFT( energy1, shift2 ) < silk_RSHIFT( energy2, shift1 ) ) {
        /* First sub-frame has lowest energy */
        rand_ptr = &psDec->exc_Q14[ silk_max_int( 0, ( psPLC->nb_subfr - 1 ) * psPLC->subfr_length - RAND_BUF_SIZE ) ];
    } else {
        /* Second sub-frame has lowest energy */
        rand_ptr = &psDec->exc_Q14[ silk_max_int( 0, psPLC->nb_subfr * psPLC->subfr_length - RAND_BUF_SIZE ) ];

    /* Set up Gain to random noise component */
    B_Q14          = psPLC->LTPCoef_Q14;
    rand_scale_Q14 = psPLC->randScale_Q14;

    /* Set up attenuation gains */
    harm_Gain_Q15 = HARM_ATT_Q15[ silk_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];
    if( psDec->prevSignalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        rand_Gain_Q15 = PLC_RAND_ATTENUATE_V_Q15[  silk_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];
    } else {
        rand_Gain_Q15 = PLC_RAND_ATTENUATE_UV_Q15[ silk_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];

    /* LPC concealment. Apply BWE to previous LPC */
    silk_bwexpander( psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order, SILK_FIX_CONST( BWE_COEF, 16 ) );

    /* Preload LPC coeficients to array on stack. Gives small performance gain */
    silk_memcpy( A_Q12, psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );

    /* First Lost frame */
    if( psDec->lossCnt == 0 ) {
        rand_scale_Q14 = 1 << 14;

        /* Reduce random noise Gain for voiced frames */
        if( psDec->prevSignalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
            for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
                rand_scale_Q14 -= B_Q14[ i ];
            rand_scale_Q14 = silk_max_16( 3277, rand_scale_Q14 ); /* 0.2 */
            rand_scale_Q14 = (opus_int16)silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( rand_scale_Q14, psPLC->prevLTP_scale_Q14 ), 14 );
        } else {
            /* Reduce random noise for unvoiced frames with high LPC gain */
            opus_int32 invGain_Q30, down_scale_Q30;

            invGain_Q30 = silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain( psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order, arch );

            down_scale_Q30 = silk_min_32( silk_RSHIFT( (opus_int32)1 << 30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_HIGH_THRES ), invGain_Q30 );
            down_scale_Q30 = silk_max_32( silk_RSHIFT( (opus_int32)1 << 30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_LOW_THRES ), down_scale_Q30 );
            down_scale_Q30 = silk_LSHIFT( down_scale_Q30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_HIGH_THRES );

            rand_Gain_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULWB( down_scale_Q30, rand_Gain_Q15 ), 14 );

    rand_seed    = psPLC->rand_seed;
    lag          = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, 8 );
    sLTP_buf_idx = psDec->ltp_mem_length;

    /* Rewhiten LTP state */
    idx = psDec->ltp_mem_length - lag - psDec->LPC_order - LTP_ORDER / 2;
    silk_assert( idx > 0 );
    silk_LPC_analysis_filter( &sLTP[ idx ], &psDec->outBuf[ idx ], A_Q12, psDec->ltp_mem_length - idx, psDec->LPC_order, arch );
    /* Scale LTP state */
    inv_gain_Q30 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ 1 ], 46 );
    inv_gain_Q30 = silk_min( inv_gain_Q30, silk_int32_MAX >> 1 );
    for( i = idx + psDec->LPC_order; i < psDec->ltp_mem_length; i++ ) {
        sLTP_Q14[ i ] = silk_SMULWB( inv_gain_Q30, sLTP[ i ] );

    /* LTP synthesis filtering */
    for( k = 0; k < psDec->nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* Set up pointer */
        pred_lag_ptr = &sLTP_Q14[ sLTP_buf_idx - lag + LTP_ORDER / 2 ];
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->subfr_length; i++ ) {
            /* Unrolled loop */
            /* Avoids introducing a bias because silk_SMLAWB() always rounds to -inf */
            LTP_pred_Q12 = 2;
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[  0 ], B_Q14[ 0 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -1 ], B_Q14[ 1 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -2 ], B_Q14[ 2 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -3 ], B_Q14[ 3 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -4 ], B_Q14[ 4 ] );

            /* Generate LPC excitation */
            rand_seed = silk_RAND( rand_seed );
            idx = silk_RSHIFT( rand_seed, 25 ) & RAND_BUF_MASK;
            sLTP_Q14[ sLTP_buf_idx ] = silk_LSHIFT32( silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, rand_ptr[ idx ], rand_scale_Q14 ), 2 );

        /* Gradually reduce LTP gain */
        for( j = 0; j < LTP_ORDER; j++ ) {
            B_Q14[ j ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( harm_Gain_Q15, B_Q14[ j ] ), 15 );
        if ( psDec->indices.signalType != TYPE_NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY ) {
            /* Gradually reduce excitation gain */
            rand_scale_Q14 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( rand_scale_Q14, rand_Gain_Q15 ), 15 );

        /* Slowly increase pitch lag */
        psPLC->pitchL_Q8 = silk_SMLAWB( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, psPLC->pitchL_Q8, PITCH_DRIFT_FAC_Q16 );
        psPLC->pitchL_Q8 = silk_min_32( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( MAX_PITCH_LAG_MS, psDec->fs_kHz ), 8 ) );
        lag = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, 8 );

    /* LPC synthesis filtering */
    sLPC_Q14_ptr = &sLTP_Q14[ psDec->ltp_mem_length - MAX_LPC_ORDER ];

    /* Copy LPC state */
    silk_memcpy( sLPC_Q14_ptr, psDec->sLPC_Q14_buf, MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );

    silk_assert( psDec->LPC_order >= 10 ); /* check that unrolling works */
    for( i = 0; i < psDec->frame_length; i++ ) {
        /* partly unrolled */
        /* Avoids introducing a bias because silk_SMLAWB() always rounds to -inf */
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_RSHIFT( psDec->LPC_order, 1 );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  1 ], A_Q12[ 0 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  2 ], A_Q12[ 1 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  3 ], A_Q12[ 2 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  4 ], A_Q12[ 3 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  5 ], A_Q12[ 4 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  6 ], A_Q12[ 5 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  7 ], A_Q12[ 6 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  8 ], A_Q12[ 7 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  9 ], A_Q12[ 8 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i - 10 ], A_Q12[ 9 ] );
        for( j = 10; j < psDec->LPC_order; j++ ) {
            LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i - j - 1 ], A_Q12[ j ] );

        /* Add prediction to LPC excitation */
        sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ] = silk_ADD_SAT32( sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ],
                                            silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( LPC_pred_Q10, 4 ));

        /* Scale with Gain */
        frame[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_SMULWW( sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ], prevGain_Q10[ 1 ] ), 8 ) ) );

    /* Save LPC state */
    silk_memcpy( psDec->sLPC_Q14_buf, &sLPC_Q14_ptr[ psDec->frame_length ], MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );

    /* Update states                      */
    psPLC->rand_seed     = rand_seed;
    psPLC->randScale_Q14 = rand_scale_Q14;
    for( i = 0; i < MAX_NB_SUBFR; i++ ) {
        psDecCtrl->pitchL[ i ] = lag;
コード例 #6
/* amplitude of monic warped coefficients by using bandwidth expansion on the true coefficients */
static inline void limit_warped_coefs(
    opus_int32           *coefs_syn_Q24,
    opus_int32           *coefs_ana_Q24,
    opus_int             lambda_Q16,
    opus_int32           limit_Q24,
    opus_int             order
) {
    opus_int   i, iter, ind = 0;
    opus_int32 tmp, maxabs_Q24, chirp_Q16, gain_syn_Q16, gain_ana_Q16;
    opus_int32 nom_Q16, den_Q24;

    /* Convert to monic coefficients */
    lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16;
    for( i = order - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
        coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_syn_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 );
        coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_ana_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 );
    lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16;
    nom_Q16  = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 16 ), -lambda_Q16,        lambda_Q16 );
    den_Q24  = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_syn_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 );
    gain_syn_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 );
    den_Q24  = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_ana_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 );
    gain_ana_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 );
    for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) {
        coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_syn_Q16, coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] );
        coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_ana_Q16, coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] );

    for( iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++ ) {
        /* Find maximum absolute value */
        maxabs_Q24 = -1;
        for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) {
            tmp = silk_max( silk_abs_int32( coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] ), silk_abs_int32( coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] ) );
            if( tmp > maxabs_Q24 ) {
                maxabs_Q24 = tmp;
                ind = i;
        if( maxabs_Q24 <= limit_Q24 ) {
            /* Coefficients are within range - done */

        /* Convert back to true warped coefficients */
        for( i = 1; i < order; i++ ) {
            coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_syn_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 );
            coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_ana_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 );
        gain_syn_Q16 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( gain_syn_Q16, 32 );
        gain_ana_Q16 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( gain_ana_Q16, 32 );
        for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) {
            coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_syn_Q16, coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] );
            coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_ana_Q16, coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] );

        /* Apply bandwidth expansion */
        chirp_Q16 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.99, 16 ) - silk_DIV32_varQ(
            silk_SMULWB( maxabs_Q24 - limit_Q24, silk_SMLABB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.8, 10 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.1, 10 ), iter ) ),
            silk_MUL( maxabs_Q24, ind + 1 ), 22 );
        silk_bwexpander_32( coefs_syn_Q24, order, chirp_Q16 );
        silk_bwexpander_32( coefs_ana_Q24, order, chirp_Q16 );

        /* Convert to monic warped coefficients */
        lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16;
        for( i = order - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
            coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_syn_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_syn_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 );
            coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ] = silk_SMLAWB( coefs_ana_Q24[ i - 1 ], coefs_ana_Q24[ i ], lambda_Q16 );
        lambda_Q16 = -lambda_Q16;
        nom_Q16  = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 16 ), -lambda_Q16,        lambda_Q16 );
        den_Q24  = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_syn_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 );
        gain_syn_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 );
        den_Q24  = silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 24 ), coefs_ana_Q24[ 0 ], lambda_Q16 );
        gain_ana_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( nom_Q16, den_Q24, 24 );
        for( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) {
            coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_syn_Q16, coefs_syn_Q24[ i ] );
            coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] = silk_SMULWW( gain_ana_Q16, coefs_ana_Q24[ i ] );
    silk_assert( 0 );
コード例 #7
static OPUS_INLINE void silk_LDL_factorize_FIX(
    opus_int32          *A,         /* I/O Pointer to Symetric Square Matrix                            */
    opus_int            M,          /* I   Size of Matrix                                               */
    opus_int32          *L_Q16,     /* I/O Pointer to Square Upper triangular Matrix                    */
    inv_D_t             *inv_D      /* I/O Pointer to vector holding inverted diagonal elements of D    */
    opus_int   i, j, k, status, loop_count;
    const opus_int32 *ptr1, *ptr2;
    opus_int32 diag_min_value, tmp_32, err;
    opus_int32 v_Q0[ MAX_MATRIX_SIZE ], D_Q0[ MAX_MATRIX_SIZE ];
    opus_int32 one_div_diag_Q36, one_div_diag_Q40, one_div_diag_Q48;

    silk_assert( M <= MAX_MATRIX_SIZE );

    status = 1;
    diag_min_value = silk_max_32( silk_SMMUL( silk_ADD_SAT32( A[ 0 ], A[ silk_SMULBB( M, M ) - 1 ] ), SILK_FIX_CONST( FIND_LTP_COND_FAC, 31 ) ), 1 << 9 );
    for( loop_count = 0; loop_count < M && status == 1; loop_count++ ) {
        status = 0;
        for( j = 0; j < M; j++ ) {
            ptr1 = matrix_adr( L_Q16, j, 0, M );
            tmp_32 = 0;
            for( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
                v_Q0[ i ] = silk_SMULWW(         D_Q0[ i ], ptr1[ i ] ); /* Q0 */
                tmp_32    = silk_SMLAWW( tmp_32, v_Q0[ i ], ptr1[ i ] ); /* Q0 */
            tmp_32 = silk_SUB32( matrix_ptr( A, j, j, M ), tmp_32 );

            if( tmp_32 < diag_min_value ) {
                tmp_32 = silk_SUB32( silk_SMULBB( loop_count + 1, diag_min_value ), tmp_32 );
                /* Matrix not positive semi-definite, or ill conditioned */
                for( i = 0; i < M; i++ ) {
                    matrix_ptr( A, i, i, M ) = silk_ADD32( matrix_ptr( A, i, i, M ), tmp_32 );
                status = 1;
            D_Q0[ j ] = tmp_32;                         /* always < max(Correlation) */

            /* two-step division */
            one_div_diag_Q36 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( tmp_32, 36 );                    /* Q36 */
            one_div_diag_Q40 = silk_LSHIFT( one_div_diag_Q36, 4 );                   /* Q40 */
            err = silk_SUB32( (opus_int32)1 << 24, silk_SMULWW( tmp_32, one_div_diag_Q40 ) );     /* Q24 */
            one_div_diag_Q48 = silk_SMULWW( err, one_div_diag_Q40 );                 /* Q48 */

            /* Save 1/Ds */
            inv_D[ j ].Q36_part = one_div_diag_Q36;
            inv_D[ j ].Q48_part = one_div_diag_Q48;

            matrix_ptr( L_Q16, j, j, M ) = 65536; /* 1.0 in Q16 */
            ptr1 = matrix_adr( A, j, 0, M );
            ptr2 = matrix_adr( L_Q16, j + 1, 0, M );
            for( i = j + 1; i < M; i++ ) {
                tmp_32 = 0;
                for( k = 0; k < j; k++ ) {
                    tmp_32 = silk_SMLAWW( tmp_32, v_Q0[ k ], ptr2[ k ] ); /* Q0 */
                tmp_32 = silk_SUB32( ptr1[ i ], tmp_32 ); /* always < max(Correlation) */

                /* tmp_32 / D_Q0[j] : Divide to Q16 */
                matrix_ptr( L_Q16, i, j, M ) = silk_ADD32( silk_SMMUL( tmp_32, one_div_diag_Q48 ),
                    silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULWW( tmp_32, one_div_diag_Q36 ), 4 ) );

                /* go to next column */
                ptr2 += M;

    silk_assert( status == 0 );
コード例 #8
ファイル: PLC.c プロジェクト: oneman/opus-oneman
static inline void silk_PLC_conceal(
    silk_decoder_state                  *psDec,             /* I/O Decoder state        */
    silk_decoder_control                *psDecCtrl,         /* I/O Decoder control      */
    opus_int16                          frame[]             /* O LPC residual signal    */
    opus_int   i, j, k;
    opus_int   lag, idx, sLTP_buf_idx, shift1, shift2;
    opus_int32 rand_seed, harm_Gain_Q15, rand_Gain_Q15, inv_gain_Q16, inv_gain_Q30;
    opus_int32 energy1, energy2, *rand_ptr, *pred_lag_ptr;
    opus_int32 LPC_exc_Q14, LPC_pred_Q10, LTP_pred_Q12;
    opus_int16 rand_scale_Q14;
    opus_int16 *B_Q14, *exc_buf_ptr;
    opus_int32 *sLPC_Q14_ptr;
    opus_int16 exc_buf[ 2 * MAX_SUB_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    opus_int16 A_Q12[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16 sLTP[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    opus_int32 sLTP_Q14[ 2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    silk_PLC_struct *psPLC = &psDec->sPLC;

    if (psDec->first_frame_after_reset)
       silk_memset(psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, 0, MAX_LPC_ORDER*sizeof(psPLC->prevLPC_Q12[ 0 ]));

    /* Find random noise component */
    /* Scale previous excitation signal */
    exc_buf_ptr = exc_buf;
    for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < psPLC->subfr_length; i++ ) {
            exc_buf_ptr[ i ] = ( opus_int16 )silk_RSHIFT(
                silk_SMULWW( psDec->exc_Q10[ i + ( k + psPLC->nb_subfr - 2 ) * psPLC->subfr_length ], psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ k ] ), 10 );
        exc_buf_ptr += psPLC->subfr_length;
    /* Find the subframe with lowest energy of the last two and use that as random noise generator */
    silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy1, &shift1, exc_buf,                         psPLC->subfr_length );
    silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy2, &shift2, &exc_buf[ psPLC->subfr_length ], psPLC->subfr_length );

    if( silk_RSHIFT( energy1, shift2 ) < silk_RSHIFT( energy2, shift1 ) ) {
        /* First sub-frame has lowest energy */
        rand_ptr = &psDec->exc_Q10[ silk_max_int( 0, ( psPLC->nb_subfr - 1 ) * psPLC->subfr_length - RAND_BUF_SIZE ) ];
    } else {
        /* Second sub-frame has lowest energy */
        rand_ptr = &psDec->exc_Q10[ silk_max_int( 0, psPLC->nb_subfr * psPLC->subfr_length - RAND_BUF_SIZE ) ];

    /* Setup Gain to random noise component */
    B_Q14          = psPLC->LTPCoef_Q14;
    rand_scale_Q14 = psPLC->randScale_Q14;

    /* Setup attenuation gains */
    harm_Gain_Q15 = HARM_ATT_Q15[ silk_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];
    if( psDec->prevSignalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        rand_Gain_Q15 = PLC_RAND_ATTENUATE_V_Q15[  silk_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];
    } else {
        rand_Gain_Q15 = PLC_RAND_ATTENUATE_UV_Q15[ silk_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];

    /* LPC concealment. Apply BWE to previous LPC */
    silk_bwexpander( psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order, SILK_FIX_CONST( BWE_COEF, 16 ) );

    /* Preload LPC coeficients to array on stack. Gives small performance gain */
    silk_memcpy( A_Q12, psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );

    /* First Lost frame */
    if( psDec->lossCnt == 0 ) {
        rand_scale_Q14 = 1 << 14;

        /* Reduce random noise Gain for voiced frames */
        if( psDec->prevSignalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
            for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
                rand_scale_Q14 -= B_Q14[ i ];
            rand_scale_Q14 = silk_max_16( 3277, rand_scale_Q14 ); /* 0.2 */
            rand_scale_Q14 = ( opus_int16 )silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( rand_scale_Q14, psPLC->prevLTP_scale_Q14 ), 14 );
        } else {
            /* Reduce random noise for unvoiced frames with high LPC gain */
            opus_int32 invGain_Q30, down_scale_Q30;

            silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain( &invGain_Q30, psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order );

            down_scale_Q30 = silk_min_32( silk_RSHIFT( 1 << 30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_HIGH_THRES ), invGain_Q30 );
            down_scale_Q30 = silk_max_32( silk_RSHIFT( 1 << 30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_LOW_THRES ), down_scale_Q30 );
            down_scale_Q30 = silk_LSHIFT( down_scale_Q30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_HIGH_THRES );

            rand_Gain_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULWB( down_scale_Q30, rand_Gain_Q15 ), 14 );

    rand_seed    = psPLC->rand_seed;
    lag          = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, 8 );
    sLTP_buf_idx = psDec->ltp_mem_length;

    /* Rewhiten LTP state */
    idx = psDec->ltp_mem_length - lag - psDec->LPC_order - LTP_ORDER / 2;
    silk_assert( idx > 0 );
    silk_LPC_analysis_filter( &sLTP[ idx ], &psDec->outBuf[ idx ], A_Q12, psDec->ltp_mem_length - idx, psDec->LPC_order );
    /* Scale LTP state */
    inv_gain_Q16 = silk_INVERSE32_varQ( psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ 1 ], 32 );
    inv_gain_Q16 = silk_min( inv_gain_Q16, silk_int16_MAX );
    inv_gain_Q30 = silk_LSHIFT( inv_gain_Q16, 14 );
    for( i = idx + psDec->LPC_order; i < psDec->ltp_mem_length; i++ ) {
        sLTP_Q14[ i ] = silk_SMULWB( inv_gain_Q30, sLTP[ i ] );

    /* LTP synthesis filtering */
    for( k = 0; k < psDec->nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* Setup pointer */
        pred_lag_ptr = &sLTP_Q14[ sLTP_buf_idx - lag + LTP_ORDER / 2 ];
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->subfr_length; i++ ) {
            /* Unrolled loop */
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMULWB(               pred_lag_ptr[  0 ], B_Q14[ 0 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -1 ], B_Q14[ 1 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -2 ], B_Q14[ 2 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -3 ], B_Q14[ 3 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q12 = silk_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q12, pred_lag_ptr[ -4 ], B_Q14[ 4 ] );

            /* Generate LPC excitation */
            rand_seed = silk_RAND( rand_seed );
            idx = silk_RSHIFT( rand_seed, 25 ) & RAND_BUF_MASK;
            LPC_exc_Q14 = silk_LSHIFT32( silk_SMULWB( rand_ptr[ idx ], rand_scale_Q14 ), 6 ); /* Random noise part */
            LPC_exc_Q14 = silk_ADD32( LPC_exc_Q14, silk_LSHIFT32( LTP_pred_Q12, 2 ) );        /* Harmonic part */
            sLTP_Q14[ sLTP_buf_idx ] = LPC_exc_Q14;

        /* Gradually reduce LTP gain */
        for( j = 0; j < LTP_ORDER; j++ ) {
            B_Q14[ j ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( harm_Gain_Q15, B_Q14[ j ] ), 15 );
        /* Gradually reduce excitation gain */
        rand_scale_Q14 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( rand_scale_Q14, rand_Gain_Q15 ), 15 );

        /* Slowly increase pitch lag */
        psPLC->pitchL_Q8 = silk_SMLAWB( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, psPLC->pitchL_Q8, PITCH_DRIFT_FAC_Q16 );
        psPLC->pitchL_Q8 = silk_min_32( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( MAX_PITCH_LAG_MS, psDec->fs_kHz ), 8 ) );
        lag = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, 8 );

    /* LPC synthesis filtering */
    sLPC_Q14_ptr = &sLTP_Q14[ psDec->ltp_mem_length - MAX_LPC_ORDER ];

    /* Copy LPC state */
    silk_memcpy( sLPC_Q14_ptr, psDec->sLPC_Q14_buf, MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );

    silk_assert( psDec->LPC_order >= 10 ); /* check that unrolling works */
    for( i = 0; i < psDec->frame_length; i++ ) {
        /* partly unrolled */
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMULWB(               sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  1 ], A_Q12[ 0 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  2 ], A_Q12[ 1 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  3 ], A_Q12[ 2 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  4 ], A_Q12[ 3 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  5 ], A_Q12[ 4 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  6 ], A_Q12[ 5 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  7 ], A_Q12[ 6 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  8 ], A_Q12[ 7 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  9 ], A_Q12[ 8 ] );
        LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i - 10 ], A_Q12[ 9 ] );
        for( j = 10; j < psDec->LPC_order; j++ ) {
            LPC_pred_Q10 = silk_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i - j - 1 ], A_Q12[ j ] );

        /* Add prediction to LPC excitation */
        sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ] = silk_ADD_LSHIFT32( sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ], LPC_pred_Q10, 4 );

        /* Scale with Gain */
        frame[ i ] = ( opus_int16 )silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_SMULWW( sLPC_Q14_ptr[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ], psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ 1 ] ), 14 ) );

    /* Save LPC state */
    silk_memcpy( psDec->sLPC_Q14_buf, &sLPC_Q14_ptr[ psDec->frame_length ], MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );

    /* Update states                      */
    psPLC->rand_seed     = rand_seed;
    psPLC->randScale_Q14 = rand_scale_Q14;
    for( i = 0; i < MAX_NB_SUBFR; i++ ) {
        psDecCtrl->pitchL[ i ] = lag;
コード例 #9
void silk_find_LTP_FIX(
    opus_int16                      b_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ],      /* O    LTP coefs                                                                   */
    opus_int32                      WLTP[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER ], /* O    Weight for LTP quantization                                           */
    opus_int                        *LTPredCodGain_Q7,                      /* O    LTP coding gain                                                             */
    const opus_int16                r_lpc[],                                /* I    residual signal after LPC signal + state for first 10 ms                    */
    const opus_int                  lag[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],                    /* I    LTP lags                                                                    */
    const opus_int32                Wght_Q15[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],               /* I    weights                                                                     */
    const opus_int                  subfr_length,                           /* I    subframe length                                                             */
    const opus_int                  nb_subfr,                               /* I    number of subframes                                                         */
    const opus_int                  mem_offset,                             /* I    number of samples in LTP memory                                             */
    opus_int                        corr_rshifts[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ]            /* O    right shifts applied to correlations                                        */
    opus_int   i, k, lshift;
    const opus_int16 *r_ptr, *lag_ptr;
    opus_int16 *b_Q14_ptr;

    opus_int32 regu;
    opus_int32 *WLTP_ptr;
    opus_int32 b_Q16[ LTP_ORDER ], delta_b_Q14[ LTP_ORDER ], d_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], nrg[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], g_Q26;
    opus_int32 w[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], WLTP_max, max_abs_d_Q14, max_w_bits;

    opus_int32 temp32, denom32;
    opus_int   extra_shifts;
    opus_int   rr_shifts, maxRshifts, maxRshifts_wxtra, LZs;
    opus_int32 LPC_res_nrg, LPC_LTP_res_nrg, div_Q16;
    opus_int32 Rr[ LTP_ORDER ], rr[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    opus_int32 wd, m_Q12;

    b_Q14_ptr = b_Q14;
    WLTP_ptr  = WLTP;
    r_ptr     = &r_lpc[ mem_offset ];
    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        lag_ptr = r_ptr - ( lag[ k ] + LTP_ORDER / 2 );

        silk_sum_sqr_shift( &rr[ k ], &rr_shifts, r_ptr, subfr_length ); /* rr[ k ] in Q( -rr_shifts ) */

        /* Assure headroom */
        LZs = silk_CLZ32( rr[k] );
        if( LZs < LTP_CORRS_HEAD_ROOM ) {
            rr[ k ] = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( rr[ k ], LTP_CORRS_HEAD_ROOM - LZs );
            rr_shifts += ( LTP_CORRS_HEAD_ROOM - LZs );
        corr_rshifts[ k ] = rr_shifts;
        silk_corrMatrix_FIX( lag_ptr, subfr_length, LTP_ORDER, LTP_CORRS_HEAD_ROOM, WLTP_ptr, &corr_rshifts[ k ] );  /* WLTP_fix_ptr in Q( -corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */

        /* The correlation vector always has lower max abs value than rr and/or RR so head room is assured */
        silk_corrVector_FIX( lag_ptr, r_ptr, subfr_length, LTP_ORDER, Rr, corr_rshifts[ k ] );  /* Rr_fix_ptr   in Q( -corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */
        if( corr_rshifts[ k ] > rr_shifts ) {
            rr[ k ] = silk_RSHIFT( rr[ k ], corr_rshifts[ k ] - rr_shifts ); /* rr[ k ] in Q( -corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */
        silk_assert( rr[ k ] >= 0 );

        regu = 1;
        regu = silk_SMLAWB( regu, rr[ k ], SILK_FIX_CONST( LTP_DAMPING/3, 16 ) );
        regu = silk_SMLAWB( regu, matrix_ptr( WLTP_ptr, 0, 0, LTP_ORDER ), SILK_FIX_CONST( LTP_DAMPING/3, 16 ) );
        regu = silk_SMLAWB( regu, matrix_ptr( WLTP_ptr, LTP_ORDER-1, LTP_ORDER-1, LTP_ORDER ), SILK_FIX_CONST( LTP_DAMPING/3, 16 ) );
        silk_regularize_correlations_FIX( WLTP_ptr, &rr[k], regu, LTP_ORDER );

        silk_solve_LDL_FIX( WLTP_ptr, LTP_ORDER, Rr, b_Q16 ); /* WLTP_fix_ptr and Rr_fix_ptr both in Q(-corr_rshifts[k]) */

        /* Limit and store in Q14 */
        silk_fit_LTP( b_Q16, b_Q14_ptr );

        /* Calculate residual energy */
        nrg[ k ] = silk_residual_energy16_covar_FIX( b_Q14_ptr, WLTP_ptr, Rr, rr[ k ], LTP_ORDER, 14 ); /* nrg_fix in Q( -corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */

        /* temp = Wght[ k ] / ( nrg[ k ] * Wght[ k ] + 0.01f * subfr_length ); */
        extra_shifts = silk_min_int( corr_rshifts[ k ], LTP_CORRS_HEAD_ROOM );
        denom32 = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( silk_SMULWB( nrg[ k ], Wght_Q15[ k ] ), 1 + extra_shifts ) + /* Q( -corr_rshifts[ k ] + extra_shifts ) */
            silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULWB( subfr_length, 655 ), corr_rshifts[ k ] - extra_shifts );    /* Q( -corr_rshifts[ k ] + extra_shifts ) */
        denom32 = silk_max( denom32, 1 );
        silk_assert( ((opus_int64)Wght_Q15[ k ] << 16 ) < silk_int32_MAX );                       /* Wght always < 0.5 in Q0 */
        temp32 = silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)Wght_Q15[ k ], 16 ), denom32 );             /* Q( 15 + 16 + corr_rshifts[k] - extra_shifts ) */
        temp32 = silk_RSHIFT( temp32, 31 + corr_rshifts[ k ] - extra_shifts - 26 );               /* Q26 */

        /* Limit temp such that the below scaling never wraps around */
        WLTP_max = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
            WLTP_max = silk_max( WLTP_ptr[ i ], WLTP_max );
        lshift = silk_CLZ32( WLTP_max ) - 1 - 3; /* keep 3 bits free for vq_nearest_neighbor_fix */
        silk_assert( 26 - 18 + lshift >= 0 );
        if( 26 - 18 + lshift < 31 ) {
            temp32 = silk_min_32( temp32, silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)1, 26 - 18 + lshift ) );

        silk_scale_vector32_Q26_lshift_18( WLTP_ptr, temp32, LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER ); /* WLTP_ptr in Q( 18 - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */

        w[ k ] = matrix_ptr( WLTP_ptr, LTP_ORDER/2, LTP_ORDER/2, LTP_ORDER ); /* w in Q( 18 - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */
        silk_assert( w[k] >= 0 );

        r_ptr     += subfr_length;
        b_Q14_ptr += LTP_ORDER;
        WLTP_ptr  += LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER;

    maxRshifts = 0;
    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        maxRshifts = silk_max_int( corr_rshifts[ k ], maxRshifts );

    /* Compute LTP coding gain */
    if( LTPredCodGain_Q7 != NULL ) {
        LPC_LTP_res_nrg = 0;
        LPC_res_nrg     = 0;
        silk_assert( LTP_CORRS_HEAD_ROOM >= 2 ); /* Check that no overflow will happen when adding */
        for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
            LPC_res_nrg     = silk_ADD32( LPC_res_nrg,     silk_RSHIFT( silk_ADD32( silk_SMULWB(  rr[ k ], Wght_Q15[ k ] ), 1 ), 1 + ( maxRshifts - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) ) ); /* Q( -maxRshifts ) */
            LPC_LTP_res_nrg = silk_ADD32( LPC_LTP_res_nrg, silk_RSHIFT( silk_ADD32( silk_SMULWB( nrg[ k ], Wght_Q15[ k ] ), 1 ), 1 + ( maxRshifts - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) ) ); /* Q( -maxRshifts ) */
        LPC_LTP_res_nrg = silk_max( LPC_LTP_res_nrg, 1 ); /* avoid division by zero */

        div_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( LPC_res_nrg, LPC_LTP_res_nrg, 16 );
        *LTPredCodGain_Q7 = ( opus_int )silk_SMULBB( 3, silk_lin2log( div_Q16 ) - ( 16 << 7 ) );

        silk_assert( *LTPredCodGain_Q7 == ( opus_int )silk_SAT16( silk_MUL( 3, silk_lin2log( div_Q16 ) - ( 16 << 7 ) ) ) );

    /* smoothing */
    /* d = sum( B, 1 ); */
    b_Q14_ptr = b_Q14;
    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        d_Q14[ k ] = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
            d_Q14[ k ] += b_Q14_ptr[ i ];
        b_Q14_ptr += LTP_ORDER;

    /* m = ( w * d' ) / ( sum( w ) + 1e-3 ); */

    /* Find maximum absolute value of d_Q14 and the bits used by w in Q0 */
    max_abs_d_Q14 = 0;
    max_w_bits    = 0;
    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        max_abs_d_Q14 = silk_max_32( max_abs_d_Q14, silk_abs( d_Q14[ k ] ) );
        /* w[ k ] is in Q( 18 - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) */
        /* Find bits needed in Q( 18 - maxRshifts ) */
        max_w_bits = silk_max_32( max_w_bits, 32 - silk_CLZ32( w[ k ] ) + corr_rshifts[ k ] - maxRshifts );

    /* max_abs_d_Q14 = (5 << 15); worst case, i.e. LTP_ORDER * -silk_int16_MIN */
    silk_assert( max_abs_d_Q14 <= ( 5 << 15 ) );

    /* How many bits is needed for w*d' in Q( 18 - maxRshifts ) in the worst case, of all d_Q14's being equal to max_abs_d_Q14 */
    extra_shifts = max_w_bits + 32 - silk_CLZ32( max_abs_d_Q14 ) - 14;

    /* Subtract what we got available; bits in output var plus maxRshifts */
    extra_shifts -= ( 32 - 1 - 2 + maxRshifts ); /* Keep sign bit free as well as 2 bits for accumulation */
    extra_shifts = silk_max_int( extra_shifts, 0 );

    maxRshifts_wxtra = maxRshifts + extra_shifts;

    temp32 = silk_RSHIFT( 262, maxRshifts + extra_shifts ) + 1; /* 1e-3f in Q( 18 - (maxRshifts + extra_shifts) ) */
    wd = 0;
    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* w has at least 2 bits of headroom so no overflow should happen */
        temp32 = silk_ADD32( temp32,                     silk_RSHIFT( w[ k ], maxRshifts_wxtra - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) );                      /* Q( 18 - maxRshifts_wxtra ) */
        wd     = silk_ADD32( wd, silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMULWW( silk_RSHIFT( w[ k ], maxRshifts_wxtra - corr_rshifts[ k ] ), d_Q14[ k ] ), 2 ) ); /* Q( 18 - maxRshifts_wxtra ) */
    m_Q12 = silk_DIV32_varQ( wd, temp32, 12 );

    b_Q14_ptr = b_Q14;
    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* w_fix[ k ] from Q( 18 - corr_rshifts[ k ] ) to Q( 16 ) */
        if( 2 - corr_rshifts[k] > 0 ) {
            temp32 = silk_RSHIFT( w[ k ], 2 - corr_rshifts[ k ] );
        } else {
            temp32 = silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( w[ k ], corr_rshifts[ k ] - 2 );

        g_Q26 = silk_MUL(
                SILK_FIX_CONST( LTP_SMOOTHING, 26 ),
                silk_RSHIFT( SILK_FIX_CONST( LTP_SMOOTHING, 26 ), 10 ) + temp32 ),                          /* Q10 */
            silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( silk_SUB_SAT32( (opus_int32)m_Q12, silk_RSHIFT( d_Q14[ k ], 2 ) ), 4 ) );    /* Q16 */

        temp32 = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
            delta_b_Q14[ i ] = silk_max_16( b_Q14_ptr[ i ], 1638 );     /* 1638_Q14 = 0.1_Q0 */
            temp32 += delta_b_Q14[ i ];                                 /* Q14 */
        temp32 = silk_DIV32( g_Q26, temp32 );                           /* Q14 -> Q12 */
        for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
            b_Q14_ptr[ i ] = silk_LIMIT_32( (opus_int32)b_Q14_ptr[ i ] + silk_SMULWB( silk_LSHIFT_SAT32( temp32, 4 ), delta_b_Q14[ i ] ), -16000, 28000 );
        b_Q14_ptr += LTP_ORDER;
コード例 #10
/* Initialize/reset the resampler state for a given pair of input/output sampling rates */
opus_int silk_resampler_init(
    silk_resampler_state_struct *S,                 /* I/O  Resampler state                                             */
    opus_int32                  Fs_Hz_in,           /* I    Input sampling rate (Hz)                                    */
    opus_int32                  Fs_Hz_out,          /* I    Output sampling rate (Hz)                                   */
    opus_int                    forEnc              /* I    If 1: encoder; if 0: decoder                                */
    opus_int up2x;

    /* Clear state */
    silk_memset( S, 0, sizeof( silk_resampler_state_struct ) );

    /* Input checking */
    if( forEnc ) {
        if( ( Fs_Hz_in  != 8000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 12000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 16000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 24000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 48000 ) ||
            ( Fs_Hz_out != 8000 && Fs_Hz_out != 12000 && Fs_Hz_out != 16000 ) ) {
            silk_assert( 0 );
            return -1;
        S->inputDelay = delay_matrix_enc[ rateID( Fs_Hz_in ) ][ rateID( Fs_Hz_out ) ];
    } else {
        if( ( Fs_Hz_in  != 8000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 12000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 16000 ) ||
            ( Fs_Hz_out != 8000 && Fs_Hz_out != 12000 && Fs_Hz_out != 16000 && Fs_Hz_out != 24000 && Fs_Hz_out != 48000 ) ) {
            silk_assert( 0 );
            return -1;
        S->inputDelay = delay_matrix_dec[ rateID( Fs_Hz_in ) ][ rateID( Fs_Hz_out ) ];

    S->Fs_in_kHz  = silk_DIV32_16( Fs_Hz_in,  1000 );
    S->Fs_out_kHz = silk_DIV32_16( Fs_Hz_out, 1000 );

    /* Number of samples processed per batch */
    S->batchSize = S->Fs_in_kHz * RESAMPLER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE_MS;

    /* Find resampler with the right sampling ratio */
    up2x = 0;
    if( Fs_Hz_out > Fs_Hz_in ) {
        /* Upsample */
        if( Fs_Hz_out == silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_in, 2 ) ) {                            /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 2 : 1 */
            /* Special case: directly use 2x upsampler */
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ_wrapper;
        } else {
            /* Default resampler */
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR;
            up2x = 1;
    } else if ( Fs_Hz_out < Fs_Hz_in ) {
        /* Downsample */
         S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 4 ) == silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_in, 3 ) ) {             /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 3 : 4 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 3;
            S->FIR_Order = RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR0;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_3_4_COEFS;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 3 ) == silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_in, 2 ) ) {      /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 2 : 3 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 2;
            S->FIR_Order = RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR0;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_2_3_COEFS;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 2 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 2 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            S->FIR_Order = RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR1;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_2_COEFS;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 3 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 3 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            S->FIR_Order = RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR2;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_3_COEFS;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 4 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 4 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            S->FIR_Order = RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR2;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_4_COEFS;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 6 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 6 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            S->FIR_Order = RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR2;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_6_COEFS;
        } else {
            /* None available */
            silk_assert( 0 );
            return -1;
    } else {
        /* Input and output sampling rates are equal: copy */
        S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_copy;

    /* Ratio of input/output samples */
    S->invRatio_Q16 = silk_LSHIFT32( silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT32( Fs_Hz_in, 14 + up2x ), Fs_Hz_out ), 2 );
    /* Make sure the ratio is rounded up */
    while( silk_SMULWW( S->invRatio_Q16, Fs_Hz_out ) < silk_LSHIFT32( Fs_Hz_in, up2x ) ) {

    return 0;
コード例 #11
void silk_find_pred_coefs_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  encoder state                                                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  encoder control                                                             */
    const opus_int16                res_pitch[],                            /* I    Residual from pitch analysis                                                */
    const opus_int16                x[],                                    /* I    Speech signal                                                               */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding to use                                       */
    opus_int         i;
    opus_int32       invGains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], local_gains[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], Wght_Q15[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    opus_int16       NLSF_Q15[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    const opus_int16 *x_ptr;
    opus_int16       *x_pre_ptr;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, LPC_in_pre );
    opus_int32       tmp, min_gain_Q16, minInvGain_Q30;
    opus_int         LTP_corrs_rshift[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];

    /* weighting for weighted least squares */
    min_gain_Q16 = silk_int32_MAX >> 6;
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
        min_gain_Q16 = silk_min( min_gain_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] );
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
        /* Divide to Q16 */
        silk_assert( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] > 0 );
        /* Invert and normalize gains, and ensure that maximum invGains_Q16 is within range of a 16 bit int */
        invGains_Q16[ i ] = silk_DIV32_varQ( min_gain_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ], 16 - 2 );

        /* Ensure Wght_Q15 a minimum value 1 */
        invGains_Q16[ i ] = silk_max( invGains_Q16[ i ], 363 );

        /* Square the inverted gains */
        silk_assert( invGains_Q16[ i ] == silk_SAT16( invGains_Q16[ i ] ) );
        tmp = silk_SMULWB( invGains_Q16[ i ], invGains_Q16[ i ] );
        Wght_Q15[ i ] = silk_RSHIFT( tmp, 1 );

        /* Invert the inverted and normalized gains */
        local_gains[ i ] = silk_DIV32( ( (opus_int32)1 << 16 ), invGains_Q16[ i ] );

    ALLOC( LPC_in_pre,
           psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder
               + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length, opus_int16 );
    if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        VARDECL( opus_int32, WLTP );

        /* VOICED */
        silk_assert( psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder >= psEncCtrl->pitchL[ 0 ] + LTP_ORDER / 2 );

        ALLOC( WLTP, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER, opus_int32 );

        /* LTP analysis */
        silk_find_LTP_FIX( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, WLTP, &psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7,
            res_pitch, psEncCtrl->pitchL, Wght_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length,
            psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length, LTP_corrs_rshift );

        /* Quantize LTP gain parameters */
        silk_quant_LTP_gains( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, psEnc->sCmn.indices.LTPIndex, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.PERIndex,
            &psEnc->sCmn.sum_log_gain_Q7, WLTP, psEnc->sCmn.mu_LTP_Q9, psEnc->sCmn.LTPQuantLowComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr);

        /* Control LTP scaling */
        silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FIX( psEnc, psEncCtrl, condCoding );

        /* Create LTP residual */
        silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FIX( LPC_in_pre, x - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder, psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14,
            psEncCtrl->pitchL, invGains_Q16, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );

    } else {
        /* UNVOICED */
        /* Create signal with prepended subframes, scaled by inverse gains */
        x_ptr     = x - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder;
        x_pre_ptr = LPC_in_pre;
        for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
            silk_scale_copy_vector16( x_pre_ptr, x_ptr, invGains_Q16[ i ],
                psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );
            x_pre_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder;
            x_ptr     += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length;

        silk_memset( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, 0, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
        psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 = 0;
		psEnc->sCmn.sum_log_gain_Q7 = 0;

    /* Limit on total predictive coding gain */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset ) {
    } else {        
        minInvGain_Q30 = silk_log2lin( silk_SMLAWB( 16 << 7, (opus_int32)psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7, SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0 / 3, 16 ) ) );      /* Q16 */
        minInvGain_Q30 = silk_DIV32_varQ( minInvGain_Q30, 
                silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.25, 18 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.75, 18 ), psEncCtrl->coding_quality_Q14 ) ), 14 );

    /* LPC_in_pre contains the LTP-filtered input for voiced, and the unfiltered input for unvoiced */
    silk_find_LPC_FIX( &psEnc->sCmn, NLSF_Q15, LPC_in_pre, minInvGain_Q30 );

    /* Quantize LSFs */
    silk_process_NLSFs( &psEnc->sCmn, psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12, NLSF_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 );

    /* Calculate residual energy using quantized LPC coefficients */
    silk_residual_energy_FIX( psEncCtrl->ResNrg, psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ, LPC_in_pre, psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12, local_gains,
        psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );

    /* Copy to prediction struct for use in next frame for interpolation */
    silk_memcpy( psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15, NLSF_Q15, sizeof( psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 ) );
コード例 #12
ファイル: resampler.c プロジェクト: oneman/opus-oneman
/* Initialize/reset the resampler state for a given pair of input/output sampling rates */
opus_int silk_resampler_init(
    silk_resampler_state_struct *S,                 /* I/O   Resampler state                                            */
    opus_int32                  Fs_Hz_in,           /* I     Input sampling rate (Hz)                                   */
    opus_int32                  Fs_Hz_out           /* I     Output sampling rate (Hz)                                  */
    opus_int32 up2 = 0, down2 = 0;

    /* Clear state */
    silk_memset( S, 0, sizeof( silk_resampler_state_struct ) );

    /* Input checking */
    if( ( Fs_Hz_in  != 8000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 12000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 16000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 24000 && Fs_Hz_in  != 48000 ) ||
            ( Fs_Hz_out != 8000 && Fs_Hz_out != 12000 && Fs_Hz_out != 16000 && Fs_Hz_out != 24000 && Fs_Hz_out != 48000 ) ) {
        silk_assert( 0 );
        return -1;

    /* Number of samples processed per batch */
    S->batchSize = silk_DIV32_16( Fs_Hz_in, 100 );

    /* Find resampler with the right sampling ratio */
    if( Fs_Hz_out > Fs_Hz_in ) {
        /* Upsample */
        if( Fs_Hz_out == silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_in, 2 ) ) {                            /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 2 : 1 */
            /* Special case: directly use 2x upsampler */
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_up2_HQ_wrapper;
        } else {
            /* Default resampler */
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_IIR_FIR;
            up2 = 1;
    } else if ( Fs_Hz_out < Fs_Hz_in ) {
        /* Downsample */
        if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 4 ) == silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_in, 3 ) ) {             /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 3 : 4 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 3;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_3_4_COEFS;
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 3 ) == silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_in, 2 ) ) {      /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 2 : 3 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 2;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_2_3_COEFS;
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 2 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 2 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_2_COEFS;
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 3 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 3 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_3_COEFS;
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 4 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 4 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            down2 = 1;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_2_COEFS;
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        } else if( silk_MUL( Fs_Hz_out, 6 ) == Fs_Hz_in ) {                     /* Fs_out : Fs_in = 1 : 6 */
            S->FIR_Fracs = 1;
            down2 = 1;
            S->Coefs = silk_Resampler_1_3_COEFS;
            S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_private_down_FIR;
        } else {
            /* None available */
            silk_assert( 0 );
            return -1;
    } else {
        /* Input and output sampling rates are equal: copy */
        S->resampler_function = USE_silk_resampler_copy;

    S->input2x = up2 | down2;

    /* Ratio of input/output samples */
    S->invRatio_Q16 = silk_LSHIFT32( silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT32( Fs_Hz_in, 14 + up2 - down2 ), Fs_Hz_out ), 2 );
    /* Make sure the ratio is rounded up */
    while( silk_SMULWW( S->invRatio_Q16, silk_LSHIFT32( Fs_Hz_out, down2 ) ) < silk_LSHIFT32( Fs_Hz_in, up2 ) ) {

    return 0;