コード例 #1
ファイル: sip.c プロジェクト: rasmi/astrometry.net
// RA,Dec in degrees to Pixels.
anbool sip_radec2pixelxy_check(const sip_t* sip, double ra, double dec, double *px, double *py) {
	double u, v;
	double U, V;
	double U2, V2;
	if (!tan_radec2pixelxy(&(sip->wcstan), ra, dec, px, py))
		return FALSE;
	if (!has_distortions(sip))
		return TRUE;

	// Subtract crpix, invert SIP distortion, add crpix.
	// Sanity check:
	if (sip->a_order != 0 && sip->ap_order == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "suspicious inversion; no inversion SIP coeffs "
				"yet there are forward SIP coeffs\n");
	U = *px - sip->wcstan.crpix[0];
	V = *py - sip->wcstan.crpix[1];
	sip_calc_inv_distortion(sip, U, V, &u, &v);
    // Check that we're dealing with the right range of the polynomial by inverting it and
    // checking that we end up back in the right place.
    sip_calc_distortion(sip, u, v, &U2, &V2);
    if (fabs(U2 - U) + fabs(V2 - V) > 10.0)
        return FALSE;
	*px = u + sip->wcstan.crpix[0];
	*py = v + sip->wcstan.crpix[1];
	return TRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sip.c プロジェクト: rasmi/astrometry.net
void sip_pixel_undistortion(const sip_t* sip, double x, double y, double* X, double *Y) {
	if (!has_distortions(sip)) {
        *X = x;
        *Y = y;
	// Sanity check:
	if (sip->a_order != 0 && sip->ap_order == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "suspicious inversion; no inverse SIP coeffs "
				"yet there are forward SIP coeffs\n");

	// Get pixel coordinates relative to reference pixel
	double u = x - sip->wcstan.crpix[0];
	double v = y - sip->wcstan.crpix[1];
	sip_calc_inv_distortion(sip, u, v, X, Y);
	*X += sip->wcstan.crpix[0];
	*Y += sip->wcstan.crpix[1];
コード例 #3
ファイル: fit-wcs.c プロジェクト: barentsen/astrometry.net
int fit_sip_wcs(const double* starxyz,
                const double* fieldxy,
                const double* weights,
                int M,
                const tan_t* tanin1,
                int sip_order,
                int inv_order,
                sip_t* sipout) {
	int sip_coeffs;
	double xyzcrval[3];
	double cdinv[2][2];
	double sx, sy, sU, sV, su, sv;
	int N;
	int i, j, p, q, order;
	double totalweight;
	int rtn;
	gsl_matrix *mA;
	gsl_vector *b1, *b2, *x1, *x2;
	gsl_vector *r1=NULL, *r2=NULL;
    tan_t tanin2;
    int ngood;
    const tan_t* tanin = &tanin2;
	// We need at least the linear terms to compute CD.
	if (sip_order < 1)
		sip_order = 1;

    // convenience: allow the user to call like:
    //    fit_sip_wcs(... &(sipout.wcstan), ..., sipout);
    memcpy(&tanin2, tanin1, sizeof(tan_t));

    memset(sipout, 0, sizeof(sip_t));
    memcpy(&(sipout->wcstan), tanin, sizeof(tan_t));
    sipout->a_order  = sipout->b_order  = sip_order;
    sipout->ap_order = sipout->bp_order = inv_order;

	// The SIP coefficients form an (order x order) upper triangular
	// matrix missing the 0,0 element.
	sip_coeffs = (sip_order + 1) * (sip_order + 2) / 2;
	N = sip_coeffs;

    if (M < N) {
        ERROR("Too few correspondences for the SIP order specified (%i < %i)\n", M, N);
        return -1;

	mA = gsl_matrix_alloc(M, N);
	b1 = gsl_vector_alloc(M);
	b2 = gsl_vector_alloc(M);

     *  We use a clever trick to estimate CD, A, and B terms in two
     *  seperated least squares fits, then finding A and B by multiplying
     *  the found parameters by CD inverse.
     *  Rearranging the SIP equations (see sip.h) we get the following
     *  matrix operation to compute x and y in world intermediate
     *  coordinates, which is convienently written in a way which allows
     *  least squares estimation of CD and terms related to A and B.
     *  First use the x's to find the first set of parametetrs
     *     +--------------------- Intermediate world coordinates in DEGREES
     *     |          +--------- Pixel coordinates u and v in PIXELS
     *     |          |     +--- Polynomial u,v terms in powers of PIXELS
     *     v          v     v
     *   ( x1 )   ( 1 u1 v1 p1 )   (sx              )
     *   ( x2 ) = ( 1 u2 v2 p2 ) * (cd11            ) :
     *   ( x3 )   ( 1 u3 v3 p3 )   (cd12            ) :
     *   ( ...)   (   ...    )     (cd11*A + cd12*B ) :
     * cd11 is a scalar, degrees per pixel
     * cd12 is a scalar, degrees per pixel
     * cd11*A and cs12*B are mixture of SIP terms (A,B) and CD matrix
     *   (cd11,cd12)
     *  Then find cd21 and cd22 with the y's
     *   ( y1 )   ( 1 u1 v1 p1 )   (sy              )
     *   ( y2 ) = ( 1 u2 v2 p2 ) * (cd21            ) :
     *   ( y3 )   ( 1 u3 v3 p3 )   (cd22            ) :
     *   ( ...)   (   ...    )     (cd21*A + cd22*B ) : (Y4)
     *  y2: scalar, degrees per pixel
     *  y3: scalar, degrees per pixel
     *  Y4: mixture of SIP terms (A,B) and CD matrix (cd21,cd22)
     *  These are both standard least squares problems which we solve with
     *  QR decomposition, ie
     *      min_{cd,A,B} || x - [1,u,v,p]*[s;cd;cdA+cdB]||^2 with
     *  x reference, cd,A,B unrolled parameters.
     *  We get back (for x) a vector of optimal
     *    [sx;cd11;cd12; cd11*A + cd12*B]
     *  Now we can pull out sx, cd11 and cd12 from the beginning of this vector,
     *  and call the rest of the vector [cd11*A] + [cd12*B];
     *  similarly for the y fit, we get back a vector of optimal
     *    [sy;cd21;cd22; cd21*A + cd22*B]
     *  once we have all those we can figure out A and B as follows
     *                   -1
     *    A' = [cd11 cd12]    *  [cd11*A' + cd12*B']
     *    B'   [cd21 cd22]       [cd21*A' + cd22*B']
     *  which recovers the A and B's.

     *  Dustin's interpretation of the above:
     *  We want to solve:
     *     min || b[M-by-1] - A[M-by-N] x[N-by-1] ||_2
     *  M = the number of correspondences.
     *  N = the number of SIP terms.
     * And we want an overdetermined system, so M >= N.
     *           [ 1  u_1   v_1  u_1^2  u_1 v_1  v_1^2  ... ]
     *    mA  =  [ 1  u_2   v_2  u_2^2  u_2 v_2  v_2^2  ... ]
     *           [           ......                         ]
	 * Where (u_i, v_i) are *undistorted* pixel positions minus CRPIX.
     *  The answers we want are:
     *         [ sx                  ]
     *    x1 = [ cd11                ]
     *         [ cd12                ]
	 *         [      (A)        (B) ]
     *         [ cd11*(A) + cd12*(B) ]
	 *         [      (A)        (B) ]
     *         [ sy                  ]
     *    x2 = [ cd21                ]
     *         [ cd22                ]
	 *         [      (A)        (B) ]
     *         [ cd21*(A) + cd22*(B) ]
	 *         [      (A)        (B) ]
	 * And the target vectors are the intermediate world coords of the
	 * reference stars, in degrees.
     *         [ ix_1 ]
     *    b1 = [ ix_2 ]
     *         [ ...  ]
     *         [ iy_1 ]
     *    b2 = [ iy_2 ]
     *         [ ...  ]
     *  (where A and B are tall vectors of SIP coefficients of order 2
     *  and above)

	// Fill in matrix mA:
	radecdeg2xyzarr(tanin->crval[0], tanin->crval[1], xyzcrval);
	totalweight = 0.0;
    ngood = 0;
	for (i=0; i<M; i++) {
        double x=0, y=0;
        double weight = 1.0;
        double u;
        double v;
        Unused anbool ok;

        u = fieldxy[2*i + 0] - tanin->crpix[0];
        v = fieldxy[2*i + 1] - tanin->crpix[1];

        // B contains Intermediate World Coordinates (in degrees)
		// tangent-plane projection
        ok = star_coords(starxyz + 3*i, xyzcrval, TRUE, &x, &y);
        if (!ok) {
            logverb("Skipping star that cannot be projected to tangent plane\n");

        gsl_vector_set(b1, ngood, weight * rad2deg(x));
        gsl_vector_set(b2, ngood, weight * rad2deg(y));

        if (weights) {
            weight = weights[i];
            assert(weight >= 0.0);
            assert(weight <= 1.0);
            totalweight += weight;
            if (weight == 0.0)

        /* The coefficients are stored in this order:
         *   p q
         *  (0,0) = 1     <- order 0
         *  (1,0) = u     <- order 1
         *  (0,1) = v
         *  (2,0) = u^2   <- order 2
         *  (1,1) = uv
         *  (0,2) = v^2
         *  ...

        j = 0;
        for (order=0; order<=sip_order; order++) {
            for (q=0; q<=order; q++) {
                p = order - q;
                assert(j >= 0);
                assert(j < N);
                assert(p >= 0);
                assert(q >= 0);
                assert(p + q <= sip_order);
                gsl_matrix_set(mA, ngood, j,
                               weight * pow(u, (double)p) * pow(v, (double)q));
        assert(j == N);

        // The shift - aka (0,0) - SIP coefficient must be 1.
        assert(gsl_matrix_get(mA, i, 0) == 1.0 * weight);
        assert(fabs(gsl_matrix_get(mA, i, 1) - u * weight) < 1e-12);
        assert(fabs(gsl_matrix_get(mA, i, 2) - v * weight) < 1e-12);


    if (ngood == 0) {
        ERROR("No stars projected within the image\n");
        return -1;

	if (weights)
		logverb("Total weight: %g\n", totalweight);

    if (ngood < M) {
        _gsl_vector_view sub_b1 = gsl_vector_subvector(b1, 0, ngood);
        _gsl_vector_view sub_b2 = gsl_vector_subvector(b2, 0, ngood);
        _gsl_matrix_view sub_mA = gsl_matrix_submatrix(mA, 0, 0, ngood, N);

        rtn = gslutils_solve_leastsquares_v(&(sub_mA.matrix), 2,
                                            &(sub_b1.vector), &x1, NULL,
                                            &(sub_b2.vector), &x2, NULL);

    } else {
        // Solve the equation.
        rtn = gslutils_solve_leastsquares_v(mA, 2, b1, &x1, NULL, b2, &x2, NULL);
	if (rtn) {
        ERROR("Failed to solve SIP matrix equation!");
        return -1;

	// Row 0 of X are the shift (p=0, q=0) terms.
	// Row 1 of X are the terms that multiply "u".
	// Row 2 of X are the terms that multiply "v".

	// Grab CD.
	sipout->wcstan.cd[0][0] = gsl_vector_get(x1, 1);
	sipout->wcstan.cd[0][1] = gsl_vector_get(x1, 2);
	sipout->wcstan.cd[1][0] = gsl_vector_get(x2, 1);
	sipout->wcstan.cd[1][1] = gsl_vector_get(x2, 2);

	// Compute inv(CD)
	i = invert_2by2_arr((const double*)(sipout->wcstan.cd),
	assert(i == 0);

	// Grab the shift.
	sx = gsl_vector_get(x1, 0);
	sy = gsl_vector_get(x2, 0);

	// Extract the SIP coefficients.
	//  (this includes the 0 and 1 order terms, which we later overwrite)
	j = 0;
	for (order=0; order<=sip_order; order++) {
		for (q=0; q<=order; q++) {
			p = order - q;
			assert(j >= 0);
			assert(j < N);
			assert(p >= 0);
			assert(q >= 0);
			assert(p + q <= sip_order);

			sipout->a[p][q] =
				cdinv[0][0] * gsl_vector_get(x1, j) +
				cdinv[0][1] * gsl_vector_get(x2, j);

			sipout->b[p][q] =
				cdinv[1][0] * gsl_vector_get(x1, j) +
				cdinv[1][1] * gsl_vector_get(x2, j);
	assert(j == N);

	// We have already dealt with the shift and linear terms, so zero them out
	// in the SIP coefficient matrix.
	sipout->a[0][0] = 0.0;
	sipout->a[0][1] = 0.0;
	sipout->a[1][0] = 0.0;
	sipout->b[0][0] = 0.0;
	sipout->b[0][1] = 0.0;
	sipout->b[1][0] = 0.0;

	sip_compute_inverse_polynomials(sipout, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    sU =
        cdinv[0][0] * sx +
        cdinv[0][1] * sy;
    sV =
        cdinv[1][0] * sx +
        cdinv[1][1] * sy;
    logverb("Applying shift of sx,sy = %g,%g deg (%g,%g pix) to CRVAL and CD.\n",
            sx, sy, sU, sV);

    sip_calc_inv_distortion(sipout, sU, sV, &su, &sv);

    debug("sx = %g, sy = %g\n", sx, sy);
    debug("sU = %g, sV = %g\n", sU, sV);
    debug("su = %g, sv = %g\n", su, sv);

    wcs_shift(&(sipout->wcstan), -su, -sv);

	if (r1)
	if (r2)


    return 0;